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6 Best ways to get her like you

6 Best Ways To Get Her Like You

1.Exhibit an interest in her personal life.

For example, it may be something as simple as asking her how her day was. Alternatively, you may write her an email on something she is interested in.
It’s the small things that make a difference. The more you pay attention to the little things of her life, the more she will value your efforts.



The difference between saying something and really doing something is significant. Keep in mind that actions speak louder than words in most situations.





2. Say goodnight and good luck to her in the future.

Sending her a quick text message wishing her a good night’s sleep will earn you an extra point. Do not make it the subject of a lengthy discussion. Just a quick note to let her know you’re thinking of her would enough.



 When a woman receives such a compliment from a man, it is quite nice. It instills a feeling of safety and pleasure in the recipient. This type of gentleness in a guy is attractive to women. With only a few text messages, it’s almost like you’re tucking her into bed.





3. Providing assistance without the expectation of receiving anything in return

Offer to assist in whatever manner you are able, but do not attach any restrictions to your offer. Males make a serious error when they believe that, after doing something for another female friend, they may then demand anything in return. 


A common belief among some men is that if they do anything kind for their girlfriend, they will be appropriately acknowledged later on that evening, if you get what I mean.




If you are a serious guy who is interested in dating a lady you like, you should never do anything along these lines. If your girlfriend approaches you for assistance or guidance, do not set any restrictions on your assistance or counsel. This will not only cause embarrassment, but it will also damage your reputation, not to mention bring negative karma onto yourself by not actually assisting those in need. This is hardly the behavior of a giving person.




You should always perform a favor for a lady you like without expecting anything in return. If a woman you admire asks you for a favor, you should gladly oblige without expecting anything in return. As a result, she’ll like you a lot more than she would if she felt coerced into reciprocating the favor in whatever manner you specified. Many women will never contact you again if you continue to behave in this manner.

How To Make Her Fall In Love With You
Confidently Handling Difficult Conversations

4.Emotions .


Some guys, particularly when they are feeling defensive in an argument, may use the “don’t be so emotional” defense to try to diffuse the situation. This is a savage strike to the gut! Men should never say anything like that, no matter what the situation is.



The reality of the issue is that women – and men, for that matter – are highly emotional beings. Emotions are a natural element of being a human being. Love, sorrow, and rage are all emotions that may be felt. One of the most important aspects of dealing with bad emotions is to avoid dismissing or disparaging them.



A male telling a woman she’s too emotional is the same as verbal or physical assault. Men and women both have sentiments, and those feelings must be recognized and respected. When a male says anything like this, he instantly lays the responsibility on the woman and makes her feel guilty for who she is and what she is experiencing. You wouldn’t want a lady to make you feel bad about yourself or your feelings, would you? As a result, guys should never, ever say stuff like this to women. Instead, focus on being productive, honest, and sympathetic throughout your talk..





5. Allow Her to Enjoy Her Hobby

What do you think the female you’re dating enjoys doing in her spare time? What do you think her interests are? Are there any activities she enjoys doing such as hiking, tennis, art, or gardening?
Always pay close attention to her preferences and indulge her with a little gift or surprise excursion related to her favorite pastime on occasion. This will go a long way toward resolving the situation. 



The fact that it’s not difficult will convey her a message that you are concerned, that you are engaged, and that you are truly paying attention to what she is saying. It also demonstrates that it is not all about you. That is very significant for the majority of women, if not all of them.
Take her to a local museum if she enjoys painting landscapes and there is an exhibit of her work on display there.



If tennis is her sport, make it a point to attend her matches or to provide a hand with her training.
If she enjoys gardening, express your appreciation for her efforts by complimenting her garden or her a new plant. The list might go on forever. All it takes is a little bit of effort on the part of the reader.





6.Transportation to and from the airport

I’m not proposing that you should become a doormat and take care of everything all of the time, but ladies like assistance and appreciate someone who is attentive to their requirements. If she’s going on a trip, inquire as to if she needs transportation. 





It’s not a huge thing, but it will spare her the trouble of having to call a taxi or a shuttle to go to her destination. Women like being with a guy who is willing to assist them and look after them. That is the most important message. All that is required is that you pay attention. This suggests that you should come out of your shell and consider how you may be of assistance.





7. Assist her in drafting her resume or work paper

It all boils down to being of assistance. Whether she is seeking employment or has a significant work assignment ahead of her, it would behoove you to inquire as to whether you might evaluate or assist her with the project. Not only will this be tremendously appreciated, but you’ll also have the opportunity to spend quality time together working on a serious project, which is a terrific way to get to know one another.





8. Make Use of Romantic Phrases


Women are fascinated by romance. It may be shown in a variety of ways. One of the ways to do this is to use romantic words every now and then. Be cautious, though, and avoid using it in the early stages of a relationship or going overboard with it.



To be safe, wait until you’ve been dating for one to three months before calling her honey or sweetie. Better yet, offer her a unique and adorable nickname after you’ve been dating for one to three months, depending on how comfortable you are. If you’re separated, you may express your longing for her.



When using romantic language, it is important to keep it brief. It’s not necessary to mention it every three seconds. It should be used with caution. It will have a more significant impact. If you overdo it, you may end up scaring her away from your presence. It must be suitable and authentic, and not merely a filler to fill in the blanks.



9. Prepare Her Evening Meal


Not every man knows how to cook, much alone how to cook properly. If you are a good chef, though, you should share your skills with your date. Propose to her that you will cook for her. Her appreciation for your efforts will be profound. It will be enjoyable and personal.


Because cooking is traditionally seen as a female-dominated activity, when a guy prepares a meal, ladies are very appreciative. It’s a refreshing change, and it’s entertaining. Furthermore, it broadens the perspectives of both spouses. Hopefully, you’ll be able to whip up something delicious and nutritious!

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