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5 Steps of a Thai Traditional Wedding

5 Steps Of A Thai Traditional Wedding

Among Asian countries, Thailand is the only one that has never been conquered by Europeans. Similar to other Asian countries, Thailand is one of the most fascinating places on the planet, with a diverse range of cultures. When the traditional wedding went place, we were able to see one of Thailand’s distinctive cultures.





Traditionally, the traditional wedding is the only option for a couple that is proud of their culture and want to include it into their wedding ceremony. The couple is not prohibited from having a contemporary wedding celebration, but having a traditional wedding in their wedding has a positive value in terms of societal acceptance. The traditional wedding contains symbolic implications that represent the philosophical beliefs that are represented by the wedding.





The religious norms of the prospective bride’s family are followed in Thailand, just as they are in Indonesia. Buddhistism is the most popular religion in Thailand, and there are two branches of Buddhism that Thai people adhere to: the Theravada branch and the Thai branch of Buddhism. Beyond Buddha, there are also Thai Muslims and Christians who perform wedding ceremonies according to their religious beliefs. 



Buddhism is Thailand’s second most popular religion, followed by Islam (Muslim). We shall discuss the traditional Thai wedding in both Buddha and Islamic traditions in this article because of these reasons.

Getting Married in Thailand the Traditional Way

Every phase of the wedding rites in Thailand is distinct from those in other Asian nations. In addition to the prayers for the couple’s marriage, all of the wedding rites represented the profound meaning and value philosophies of the pair.

5 Steps Of A Thai Traditional Wedding
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The Pre-Wedding Period

Before deciding on the engagement ceremony, the groom’s parents meet with the bride’s parents to discuss their plans. They talk about the agreements made by the bride’s parents and inquire about the dowry of a bride and groom. The ceremony takes place after the parties have reached an agreement on how much or how many dowries the groom is willing to provide. Thong mun is the term used to refer to dowry in Thai. The thong mun time, or the day on which dowry is to be paid, is established by a Buddhist monk.





The optimum date for thong mun (dowry) is determined by the date of the couple’s birth, which is determined by the Buddhist monk. According to popular belief, the Buddhist monk is the most learned individual on the planet. In Thailand, it is customary for the groom and the bride to not register their marriage in civil records. For us, the importance of a wedding in the Buddist tradition is growing as more and more people choose to have their wedding in a civil ceremony.






The golds are traditionally given as thong mun (dowry) to the bridegroom. It is based on the meaning of the term thong mun; the thong represents riches, and the mun represents engagement. The quantity of the thong mun (dowry) reflects the amount of money possessed by the groom, as well as the social standing of the bride in her respective contexts, according to tradition.



 Not just the wealth, but also the thong mun or dowry of the groom, which is often offered in the form of property, precious commodities, or luxurious stuff. The thong mun (dowry) that is provided by the groom demonstrates the groom’s financial stability.




The extravagant gifts that were offered to the groom are not a reflection of his materialistic nature. It is only as a guarantee if the bride’s parents agree to the bride being paid in the price of man’s hand. It is the responsibility of the parents to allow the bride (daughter) to leave their home before the wedding. The thong mun, also known as the dowry, is returned to the newlyweds after the wedding ceremony.

5 Steps of a Thai Traditional Wedding



Thailand’s Wedding Customs and Traditions

It is customary in Thailand for the wedding to take place on the same day as the engagement. The husband and bride will exchange vows in the morning, and then they will enjoy the traditional Buddist wedding in the afternoon, which will go until midday. It is at night when the wedding receptions will take place. In Thailand, the traditional wedding is a quick and straightforward affair.




Religion plays an important role in the Thai wedding ceremony.

When it comes to the blessed rites or the religious wedding ceremony, the traditional Thai wedding is generally held at a Buddhist temple in today’s contemporary world. Meanwhile, the groom and bride bow and worship in front of a Budha statue as the Buddhist monks recite or sing the prayers or songs for their single wedding ceremony. 




The three shelters and the five teachings are normally taken by the Buddist monks, after which the Buddist monks burn the incense and the candles before the groom and bride pose for their wedding photographs.




When it came time for the wedding, the bride and groom placed a bouquet of flowers on their heads that were linked together with ribbon. During this portion of the ceremony, the bride and groom kneel to receive blessings from their family, including their parents and other elders. 




The groom and bride’s palms are tightly clasped together, and the water is poured into their hands by their parents and other family members. Rod nam sung is a traditional Thai ceremony that involves using an oyster as a jar of water, and it is performed using an oyster (rod is poured, nam is oyster). The monks of the Buddist order are sometimes requested to read from the Buddha’s sacred book (the Pali holy book).





 The final time the Buddist monks are asked to a wedding is because if the Buddist monks plan the burial service on the same day as the wedding and also attend the wedding, it is a sign that the bride and groom’s family has a bleak future ahead of them.

When it comes to Islam (Moslem), the thong mun (dowry) is typically done according to Thai customs. In contrast to the wedding ceremonies of Buddha, the wedding rituals of Islam are celebrated in the mosque, which is a little distinction. 




The groom, the groom’s and bride’s fathers, the groom’s and bride’s male relatives, a well-known person or wise person (from civil society), and the imam (Islamic monk) all sit in a circle around the imam (Islamic priest). The bride, the mother of the groom and the bride, as well as the female family of the bride and groom, are seated together in a separate section from the men. The female participants in the Islamic Thailand wedding rites have not taken part in the ceremony directly.




The traditional Thai wedding, which takes place after the religious wedding rites at a Buddist temple for Buddists or a mosque for Moslems, does not result in the registration of the couple’s marital status, since the religious wedding rituals are believed to be more essential. However, many Thai individuals are now registering their marital status after completing a religious wedding ceremony as well. Thailand is known as the “Land of Gold,” and the wedding is celebrated in a holy manner.



 The religious wedding in Thailand is a set of holy procedures that are overseen by a religious leader who performs the ceremony (monks or imam).

Secondly, the reception for the traditional wedding.

Following the engagement and religious wedding, which are both held on the same day, the reception for a traditional Thai wedding is held in the late evening hours. They participate in the traditional wedding celebration because they trust the monks’ recommendation regarding the best day for the wedding reception to be correct. The traditional wedding is characterized by its intense spiritual ceremonies.




There are no customary rituals that the groom and bride must do during the reception. Instead, they may enjoy themselves. The reception for a traditional Thai wedding is held in front of a large number of individuals who have been invited. For the traditional wedding in Thailand, it is customary for the couple to invite a large number of guests.




When it comes to the food during the traditional Thai wedding celebration, the Thai bride generally gives the guests either traditional Thai food or foreign cuisine, depending on their preferences. It is customary in Thailand to have a free reception after the wedding ceremony. There are contrasts between Buddhism (Buddist) and Islam (Moslem), for example, the Buddists provide pork to those who have been invited, while Muslims serve meat or halal cuisine to those who have been invited.






Thailand’s traditional wedding culture is influenced by Asian cultures.

In general, Asian nations share the same culture; there are no significant differences between Asian countries, even when it comes to wedding customs. As an example, Thailand has the culture of various Asian nations, such as the following:




Religious rites are necessary in order to get God’s blessing for one’s future life family.

Gold is seen as a sign of success and plenty. Gold is utilized as a kind of dowry (the thong mun). However, nowadays, not only do they require wealth as dowry (thong mun) presents, but they also often desire property as dowry.




The amount of the dowry (the thong mun) reflects the degree of success and riches of the groom and bride, as well as their social standing in civil society, in traditional Thai culture. The high social standing level frequently necessitates the payment of a large sum of money as dowry.



It is critical that the whole family participates. The parents of the groom visit the bride’s family to make a proposal and inquire about the amount of dowry to be given (the thong mun). The agreements reached between the groom’s and bride’s parents serve as the foundation for the wedding festivities. The wedding customs are heavily influenced by the parents of the bride and groom. The monks are approached by the parents of the bride and groom to inquire about the best day for the wedding festivities.



The religious teachers (monks/imams) served as the ceremonial leaders for the wedding ceremonies. The religious teacher is a person who is believed to be pure and holy, and the Gods listen to their prayers, which we might ask for their favor.
However, when it comes to contemporary living, there are certain customs that are frequently followed by cultural (civilized) people to commemorate important events in their lives, such as weddings, birth days, and death days, among others.




 The habits of doing things at the moment of life create the culture or traditions of a society, which are passed down through generations.

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 Traditions are the only way to really understand our own culture, which is why we should do traditional weddings in Thailand. Thailand is a culturally diverse nation with an unusual scenery and a rich cultural heritage. In case you haven’t heard, it’s important to spread love wherever you go.

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