5 Reasons Your Canna Lilies Are Drooping

5 Reasons Your Canna Lilies Are Drooping

Plants like canna lilies are attractive plants that are often planted both inside and out in gardens. However, despite the fact that they are native to South Africa, these plants thrive in both temperate and warm temperatures.

When it comes to caring for canna lilies, one of the most enticing qualities is the fact that they are not difficult to maintain alive. In general, these plants are regarded to be hardy, and they thrive in both full sun and partial shade environments.

As a result, when you discover that the plant is experiencing difficulties, it may be really upsetting. Seeing that your canna lilies are drooping means that something is amiss with them, and you may be asking what is wrong with them.

What may be causing the canna lilies to droop all of a sudden? Is this a sign that you’re doing something wrong, or just plain weird?

Continue reading to find out additional facts that will help you figure out what is going on. It should assist you in determining the most appropriate course of action.

1. Water-Related Issues

The drooping is most likely caused by an issue with the water supply. When people discover their canna lilies drooping for the first time, they virtually invariably attribute it to this problem.

Canna lilies are noted to droop when the soil becomes too wet or too dry, and this is especially true in the summer. This might indicate that you are overwatering the plant or that you are ignoring the plant altogether.

Try to recall the last time you watered the plant and see if you can recall it. You may feel the soil to see how it is doing by checking its condition.



There is a significant likelihood that you have been overwatering the plant if the soil is still damp. All that will be required of you going ahead is to begin watering the canna lilies with more care in order to resolve the situation.

In the event that you have not been adequately watering the plant, it will be important to fix your error. Start watering the plant as often as it requires in order for it to continue to grow strong and to look its best.



Can you tell me how frequently you should water your canna lilies? It is recommended that canna lilies be watered once per week on average, although during the warmest portions of the year, it may be necessary to water more often than that.

Canna lilies need one to two inches of water every week, depending on their size. Keep an eye on the plant’s demands and examine the soil’s condition on a regular basis, and you’ll have no trouble keeping up with its water requirements.

2. Problems with Soil and Drainage

Of course, there are situations when plants retain an excessive amount of water as a result of being in soil that does not drain efficiently. These problems might be caused by the fact that your canna lilies were planted in soil that was excessively thick and compacted.

It’s possible that your canna lilies are becoming too moist when you water them. This is due to the fact that they do not have enough time to adequately drain between watering sessions.

Fortunately, it is simple to prevent situations like these by just inspecting the soil before watering. The soil will be checked numerous times each week to determine when the canna lilies need watering, rather than watering on a weekly basis as you would normally do to keep the plants healthy.


It’s also a good idea to switch up the soil whenever the opportunity presents itself. When grown in nutrient-dense soil that drains well, the plant will thrive much more.


While modifying the soil, you should look for any additional drainage issues that may exist. Consider the following scenario: If you’re growing a canna lily indoors, you could be growing it in a container that doesn’t have enough drainage holes.

Attend to these concerns as soon as possible so that you can be certain that the plant will drain properly between watering sessions. This will prevent the plant from drooping and suffering additional difficulties in the future.

Issues Concerning Fertilizers

Canna lilies have also been reported to droop as a result of problems with fertilizer. It is possible that the leaves may begin to get limp and drag if you apply an excessive amount of fertilizer.

It is possible that folks will make the error of applying a fertilizer that is a little too potent. Often, individuals will apply a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen, but giving the plant more than it can take may result in drooping and other problems.




The nitrogen-rich fertilizer is often used to promote the development of new leaves on plants. Eventually, the plant’s growth will become excessive, resulting in heavy leaves that hang from the plant’s branches.

Simply reduce the amount of fertilizer you use in the future, and everything should be OK. If you want to use the fertilizer again in the future, it may even be a good idea to dilute it.

However, for the time being, refrain from using the fertilizer. You should be able to get better results when fertilizing canna lilies the next season, hopefully.

4. Fungal Infections

It should also be mentioned that these plants may droop as a result of fungal infections. When the weather outdoors is chilly and damp, fungal spores are able to spread more quickly than normal.

When the temperature warms up again, these spores will blossom and disperse across the environment. When calla lilies are exposed to fungal spores, they will sometimes suffer from soft rot.

Infested soil spores infect the bulbs and stem of your canna lily plant, killing it. The stems will eventually turn mushy due to the lack of water.



You will be able to see that the canna lily is drooping at this time because the leaves will be visible. Drooping concerns should be taken into consideration if you are coping with a fungal infection or infection.

Unfortunately, if your plant is suffering from any kind of fungal rot, you will most likely be unable to preserve it. It is preferable to totally replenish the soil and begin over with a new canna lily plant the following year.

Canna lilies that are resistant to fungal disease and are less prone to suffer from fungal problems are available. Even if you haven’t had any fungal issues in the past, it would be a good idea to look for resistant plants just to be on the safe side.


Pests are number five on the list.

Pests may also be to fault for your canna lily’s poor performance. Caterpillars, Japanese beetles, snails, and slugs are just a few of the pests that have been known to cause problems for these plants in the past.

They have the potential to produce a variety of problems for the plant. If you’re dealing with pests, you may even see holes in some of the leaves as a result of their activity.



These pests may cause the canna lily to get stressed and begin to droop at certain times of year. Pests may be controlled by spraying the plant with pesticide before planting it.

Instead of using pesticides, you may experiment with natural alternatives. Neem oil is a fantastic product that is effective in keeping pests away from your plants.

If you want to avoid using pesticides on your plants, it is definitely worth your while to invest in neem oil spray. This should assist you in protecting your plants without endangering the health of helpful insects in the surrounding region.


Concluding Remarks

This information should help you safeguard your canna lily and determine why it is drooping in the first place. Even though there are several possible explanations to investigate, it is most probable that your plant is suffering some kind of water-related difficulty.

If you’re watering your plant too much or too little, it may begin to droop as a consequence of the imbalance. In order to rectify this, you should make an effort to water the plant appropriately while avoiding overwatering it.



It is also possible that your canna lily is having problems with the soil in which it has been placed. Because poorly draining soil prevents the plant from drying out properly between watering sessions, it is necessary to water it more often.



There might be a problem with potted plants if the canna lily is planted in a container that does not have enough drainage holes for the plant to grow properly. If not, you’ll need to keep an eye out for fungal infections, bugs, and even whether or not you applied too much fertilizer when cleaning.



Make an effort to provide proper care for the plant, and you should be able to reverse the situation. Although fungus problems cannot be resolved, you may attempt to safeguard a new canna lily plant the next season by amending the soil and purchasing a resistant variety of canna lily.

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