5 Real-Life Obstacles That Only Teachers Are Aware Of

5 Real-Life Obstacles That Only Teachers Are Aware Of

Teaching, in some people’s opinion, is a less difficult job to pursue than other occupations such as that of doctor or engineer. They believe that teaching is an easy task since all that is required is to speak in front of youngsters, read books, perform quizzes and activities, and verify students’ school assignments.



Many people may not realize, however, that educators have the responsibility of carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. Teachers have the task of ensuring that the next generation will be able to maintain the values that are necessary for the establishment of a safe society in an age when morality and discipline are decreasing as technology and democracy advance.

Being a responsible teacher is not an easy job to do. To understand why there are seven genuine difficulties that only they can comprehend:

5 Real-Life Obstacles That Only Teachers Are Aware Of


1. It is quite difficult to strike a balance between disciplining students and taking away their freedom.

Previously, instructors could slap kids and use other forms of disciplinary punishment to compel youngsters to behave and accept the authority of their teachers. Yes, the approach might have a detrimental impact on children, such as causing trauma or physical pain, but if used properly, it was helpful, according to many people who have gone through the process.




Of course, any sort of abuse against minors is prohibited by law. When instructors employed authority and disciplinary measures within reasonable limits, however, it was simpler for them to build a sense of order in the lives of their pupils.


Nowadays, it is difficult to maintain student discipline. Because students are becoming more aware of their rights, there are those who do not take their instructors’ instructions seriously any more. They are certain that their professors will not harm them, thus they have nothing to be afraid of.





2. Making every effort to serve as positive role models in all aspects of their lives.

A teacher is supposed to serve as a role model in all aspects of his or her personal and professional life. This implies that instructors must use additional caution in both public and private settings to ensure that no complaints about their conduct come to light. You can’t be overly demonstrative of your feelings in public, such as by dancing in a disco bar, kissing your date in the park, or shouting at the obnoxious server at the restaurant.




Even the way you look is important. They must make certain that their clothing is not too exposing in case they come across parents while shopping at the mall. Furthermore, in many cultures, instructors are not yet permitted to boldly display tattoos in public. They are required to present themselves in a tidy, humble, and uncomplicated manner.







3. Pretending to be in good health while they aren’t really.

Teachers are expected to perform well on stage. Their vulnerability in front of their pupils must be avoided at all costs, or they will be overwhelmed. At the very least, if they are physically unable to attend the lesson, they may excuse themselves from it.




Being emotionally depressed, on the other hand, is more difficult. Teachers are professionals, and they cannot use feelings of loneliness, despair, or anger as a reason to take time off from their jobs. Rather than bringing their difficulties into the office, they should leave them at home or someplace else.




Teachers should maintain a positive demeanor in front of their pupils, even if they are feeling ripped apart on the inside. Even if their patience has already run out, they must refrain from yelling at them. They will not be able to break down in front of them.






4. Acting as a second set of parents to the students

Teachers play the role of a second parent to their kids, which is one of their responsibilities. In other words, kids should be worried about more than just their academic success. They must treat them as if they were their own children and provide them with the same level of care.




If they are aware that a student is going through anything, they should not act as if they are unaware of it. Just like actual parents, they must take time to inquire about the child’s well-being, provide a listening ear, and attempt to assist the child in any way they can. Teachers must keep an eye on the well-being of their pupils in order to assist them in staying on track for a brighter future.





5. Making Accommodations for Different Types of Students.

It is difficult to manage a class that is made up of kids that come from a variety of various cultures, religious beliefs, and social circumstances. Teachers should be sensitive to and understanding of their students’ diverse backgrounds in order to avoid becoming prejudiced. Teachers must offer instructions to their students in a neutral and unprejudiced manner, regardless of their own personal values and opinions.




Aside from that, instructors must cope with the fact that pupils have varying levels of learning. However, teachers should avoid going too quickly with their lectures for the benefit of slow learners, and they should avoid going too slowly for the reason of keeping the advanced learners from becoming bored and disinterested.




They should also use a range of instructional styles in order to accommodate students with varying levels of intellect. When it comes to giving teaching, teachers should be imaginative and creative.



6.The ability to be patient with students that are difficult to work with

This is a common problem that instructors have to deal with on a daily basis. They will not be liked by all pupils. The worst case scenario is when they are open or outspoken about their dissatisfaction to the point of exhibiting disdain for the individual.


It is fairly uncommon for students to speak behind their professors’ backs, expressing dissatisfaction with the way they teach or opposition to the responsibilities allocated to them. Furthermore, there are pupils who despise their instructor and have the audacity to perform practical jokes on her.

Teachers must maintain a professional demeanor in their interactions with and judgments about these kids, even in the face of such behavior. 



They must maintain control of their rage and refrain from lowering themselves to their level. They will never be able to get even with the pupils, but they will do all they can to earn their respect—all without sacrificing the teacher’s ideals.

Working longer hours for community service and administrative tasks without receiving more compensation.



7.It is exhausting enough to spend the whole day teaching and interacting with pupils.


 It is the additional effort that instructors must put in to prepare daily classes as well as to verify and record students’ outputs that some pupils do not recognize or appreciate.



Along with daily classes and papers to grade, instructors are also expected to do reports and other paperwork as necessary by the academic institution in which they work. Participants and organizers of programs, symposiums, and other events that include the community are also expected to take part in and even arrange these activities.



Our teachers are in desperate need of a pat on the back.

Although the teaching profession may not have the same financial rewards as other professions such as engineering or medicine, it is still as significant. It is a demanding profession that demands patience, perseverance, knowledge, and moral character.

Teachers need reinforcement and recognition in order to cope with the stress and strain that they face in the classroom. They want confirmation that they are doing well in order to be motivated to maintain their enthusiasm.

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