25 Ways to Be a Better Man

25 Ways to Be a Better Man

25 Ways To Be A Better Man

25 Ways To Be A Better Man

On this are 25 suggestions about how to become a better guy. While following these basic steps will not make you a flawless guy, you will be the finest version of a man that you are capable of becoming.




Here are 25 things you may do to become a better guy.


1. Be honest to yourself in order to be true to others.

Never be terrified of being despised by other people. If you live your life authentically, you will look forward to being rejected. Allow individuals who want you to change or who disapprove of your life to fall out of it as long as you are content with your current situation.

As long as you don’t do harm or take advantage of others, you are free to pursue your passions. This is the most certain technique to achieve success and get respect.

Never allow anyone to make you feel guilty about what you want, what you enjoy, or how you want to spend your time on this earth. This does not apply if you are putting your livelihood at danger by violating the law or injuring others.




2. Seek out mentors to assist you.

In the event that you are dissatisfied with any aspect of your life, it would be foolish not to seek out mentors who have achieved success in the area in which you desire to grow. The most important lifehack I can think of is to learn from others who have gone before you and done what you’re attempting to achieve.

My experience has been that many guys continue to be losers because they fail to put their ego aside and seek advice from more successful men on how to better their health, broaden their dating possibilities, and improve their financial situation. Real guys have no qualms about seeking guidance from other men who are more knowledgeable than they are in a certain field.




3. Obtain a ranking in the top 20 percent of a skill.

If you truly like something but aren’t very good at it, you still stand a reasonable chance of ranking in the top 20 percent of all people who do it if you put in the necessary time and effort and get excellent guidance.

It’s not an awful position to be in the top 20 percent of the income distribution. In reality, as compared to the general population, it has been fairly successful. At that moment, you will most likely be able to earn a little income from your expertise.




It doesn’t matter how awful you are at first if you like what you are doing. You’ll be more inclined to put in the effort required to at the very least achieve above-average results.

Always make place in your life for a talent that you truly like doing but aren’t very good at it.



4. Make personal growth a part of your everyday existence.

The vast majority of individuals can make positive changes in their lives.

There are just a few people that are unable to do so.

Individuals with these characteristics were the ones I encountered who never got any better and were always failing: they lacked humility, had no sense of self, couldn’t suffer, and couldn’t accept responsibility for their actions.



Perhaps if you just possess one of these characteristics, or even two, there is still hope for you. However, if you believe you are always correct (lack of humility), don’t know when you are wrong to correct yourself (lack of self-awareness), are incapable of doing difficult things for an extended period of time (inability to suffer), and always blame others (inability to accept responsibility), you are as good as dead.


5. Develop a strong sense of self-discipline.

I grew up in poverty, and it provided me with some great lessons.

Growing up poor means you’ll miss out on some of life’s more enjoyable features, but that’s not the worst thing about growing up poor.

The true harm occurs if you grow up impoverished as a result of your parents’ lack of discipline. It is inevitable that your money account will remain empty unless you develop the self-discipline that your parents did not teach you while you were growing up.



Growing up in a family where delayed gratification and personal discipline are not enforced, I think, is the most damaging experience a youngster can have in his or her lifetime.

Becoming resilient in the face of circumstances designed to distract and weaken you is an important aspect of being a successful guy…. This is achieved by the strength of self-discipline, and it is your obligation to remain steadfast even when many around you are tempted to give up on you.




The ability to maintain emotional discipline and self-control is essential for achieving success in life. Because if you are unable to regulate your emotions, your emotions will take control of your life.


6. Do not date your friends’ ex-girlfriends unless they are your buddies.

Never let a romance get in the way of a friendship.
After a particularly heinous occurrence, I started to follow a rule that I learnt from pimps and have since become second nature to me. Whenever a female switched from one pimp to another, the new pimp took care of two things.

First and foremost, he insisted on her handing up all of her profits for the night. Second, he went to the old pimp and told him the truth about what had happened to him. The activities compelled the girl to remain faithful, and the pimps to resolve their differences in a gentlemanly manner. To govern your friendships and relationships the way pimps do isn’t the purpose of this exercise. The objective is to establish a clear set of guidelines for dealing with ex-spouses that everyone concerned understands and follows. The goal is to maintain your integrity in your relationships with your friends, and there are few things that demonstrate a lack of integrity more than putting your eyes on a current or past lover of someone you consider a close friend.



Befriending the girlfriends of pals is not a good idea 7.

A friend’s love partner is a difficult person to become friends with for a variety of reasons. The fact that they are friends, regardless of the form of sexual connection they are in, serves no useful purpose for anybody. This is another another move with a poor level of honesty. If they bring their lover over, you may be nice and get along with him or her, but there is no compelling reason to be truly friends with a friend’s lover.

Despite the fact that some people would dispute, it will create a fundamental problem: a conflict of interest, no matter how cool you all are.

In an ideal world, we’d all be happy, get along, and have the same interests and goals. But that’s not how the world works. In the real world, though, you are forced to choose a side.





8. Stay away from “the friendzone”

Men pay attention in order to have sex. Women engage in sexual activity in order to attract attention. This is a massive oversimplification based on what each sex considers to be their biggest priority, yet it is true enough to generate some valuable predictions. The reason for this is because more women than men feel that men and women may be “simply friends.”




Our understanding of their frustrations improves as a result of this comparison: males want to avoid being “friend-zoned” (providing attention without receiving sex in return), while women strive to avoid being “fuck-zoned” (giving sex without attention in return).




It provides us with the ability to define what a “hoe” is. For males, it’s a guy who is willing to offer his time without regard to what he will get in return, and for women, it’s a woman who is willing to give her sex without regard to what she will receive in return.




9. Developing into a better guy would assist you in attracting better ladies.

In my whole life, I have only had three female lovers. My fiancé is the most recent addition. Despite the fact that they are all of all ages and origins, they have many striking similarities.



Exceptional creative ability (but not a professional artist)
I drank hardly seldom in my life.
Father who is a strong role model
Men who are well-liked and respected
There will be no tattoos.
Diets can are too restrictive
College degrees for the introverted
I just had sisters, and that was all.


The fact that I was not looking for a girlfriend when I met any of these women should not be overlooked (in fact, for two of them I was definitely trying to avoid a relationship).



However, they elicited strong emotional responses in me, and I fell for them. The point is that I am incredibly picky when it comes to taste. Even hanging out with females is not something I like. However, these characteristics were shared by the three people I fell in love with.



Once upon a time, a wise man observed that these characteristics are all fruits of discipline and self-restraint. These characteristics also encourage femininity, which in turn drives males to behave in a more manly manner. While various guys are seeking for different things at different times, I don’t believe there is a single man alive who would find anything on this list repulsive at any point in time.



10. The more you travel, the better you get if you want to be successful in life and have excellent connections with others.

 While traveling across the globe, I made a pit stop in the Mexican forest.
Travel is the single most important motivation in the planet.
Nothing has fueled my desire to be successful more than the prospect of having the ability to travel to any location in the globe whenever I choose.

In fact, when people ask me how they may be more driven to be a better guy, I always suggest that they go on a vacation someplace. It doesn’t have to be far away, but it does have to be somewhere different.





It’s one thing to read about a destination online or to view images of a friend’s trip on social media, but it’s quite another to actually go there. Even though it’s just an 8-hour journey to Wildwood, New Jersey, having cocktails on the beach is a whole other experience.

As long as it forces you to go outside of your comfort zone and exposes you to sights and experiences that are not typical of your everyday life, traveling is valuable and has a significant impact on your desire to achieve success.




Make no mistake about it: the cost of travel is not something to be intimidated by. There are a plethora of low-cost options for visiting locations you haven’t been before. The motivational impact of going to foreign regions is very strong, even if you just utilize bus tickets and stay in a modest motel room.

Seeing new sites motivates you to consider if you might do it more often. So, how can you find the desire to put in the necessary effort when all you know is what is going on around you, and that environment is not very motivating.





11. Attempt to make oneself as lovely as you possibly can

Make yourself as attractive as you possibly can.

Being considered gorgeous makes everything in your life so much simpler, right? The most renowned and successful men are well aware that looks are just as important as talent in achieving success.

Forget about the obvious half of this equation, where you receive more dates and are asked to more social settings that are better for you. On the whole, people treat you better and are more attentive to you when you are positive. It’s probable that you’re in excellent health as a result of this. You have a better chance of being hired for employment.

It is likely that you will be offered chances that others will not be granted.




Unfortunately, many guys do not believe it is appropriate for them to be concerned about their looks. As a matter of fact, looks are so important that failing to care about how you show yourself to the rest of the world is irresponsible and definitely not macho.

I recall a time when the cost of high-quality apparel served as an excuse for my lack of concern for my physical appearance. Then I discovered that working out (which is completely free–no, you do not need to go to a gym to do it) may help me lose weight. Simple bodyweight workouts (that need no equipment) may make anything look nice on you. Greater-looking guys receive better prospects, and a large part of it is due to their physical appearance.



A few years ago, my roommates and I decided not to sublease to someone because, despite the fact that everything looked okay on paper, she seemed to be a complete and absolute mess. Yes, people are that naive and gullible.



It has nothing to do with you. It’s simply a matter of basic human nature. Instead of becoming a whiner, moaning, and getting caught up in your emotions, use them to your advantage. You’ll come out of it a better person.



12. Acquire the ability to forgive.

The capacity to forgive is the most crucial talent to cultivate in one’s life.
Keeping grudges and being enraged only serves to harm you.

The other individual is not aware of it. Only you are in possession of the poison.
“Hanging on to grudges is like holding on to a ball of fire and expecting the other person to get burnt,” says one famous statement.



To be sure, forgiveness is a difficult concept to grasp, but the fundamental concept is that you are able to let go of whatever unpleasant feelings you have towards someone because of a wrong you believe they have perpetrated against you. You get the impression that they owe you something.



If you are able to do this, your heart will be free of the load that harboring a grudge produces. A hefty load that only becomes heavier the more you believe you are entitled anything in exchange for everything you have experienced in life.



Don’t make the mistake of thinking that forgiveness is a substitute for justice. Bad individuals must be punished, and men understand this, but this does not imply that they allow it to weigh heavily on their emotions. Once a wrong has been corrected, it is important not to carry any ill will toward the perpetrator.



“A Course in Miracles” is considered to be one of the greatest books about forgiveness. Anyone who is ready to forgive oneself or the rest of the world should read it, in my opinion.



13. Learn how to distinguish between excellent friends and good friends.

Good friends are the ones who join you in doing stupid things. Great friends are those that are always attempting to influence you to make positive changes in your life.

The majority of guys surround themselves with merely decent friends and despise having excellent friends around them. Great friends surround themselves with other great individuals, which helps them to develop in their own greatness.



The trouble with having excellent friends is that you can live a satisfying life with them if you want to. You won’t be spectacular, but you won’t be completely disastrous either. However, they don’t drag you down, nor do they boost you up in the process.

That’s OK if you’re content with your life (see lesson 1), but if you want to improve, altering who you spend the majority of your time with is frequently necessary.




14. Let go of friendships that are no longer useful.

On the issue of friends, you may have to break ties with some of your former acquaintances. This is something I haven’t had to do too often, but it has occurred. I didn’t make a big deal out of it. Simply put, I stopped accepting their invites and stopped visiting with them on a regular basis. They eventually realized what was going on.



Although I normally discourage taking a passive approach to problems, there are situations when subtlety outperforms overt approaches.

Which one to use and when to use it will be determined by your unique judgment and experience.



15. Make an effort to understand and forgive your parents.

It is possible that your parents will die before you if everything goes according to plan.

My father passed away when I was eighteen years old. Whatever happens, they will die, and you will die at some point as well. Usually, your parents are the ones that go first.



Not only will they die before you, but they will also abandon you on this world for an extended period of time until you pass away.

As a result, no matter what they desire for you, it doesn’t really matter what they want for themselves. You must conduct your life in accordance with your desires since you are the only one who will be forced to endure the consequences of your actions.



16. Recognize what money can and cannot purchase, as well as what it cannot buy.

There are several ways to be sad when one has money, but there are only a few ways to be happy when one does not have money. In addition, of those few, the majority of them require you to disregard–or, at the very least, explain away–the comforts, conveniences, and benefits that money brings with them.



Happiness is defined as having more than enough money to fulfill your living expenditures as well as your basic recreational needs. If you’re able to pay your expenses and enjoy yourself without feeling stressed, you’re doing fairly well.



If individuals just remembered this one item, they’d be able to eliminate a significant amount of stress from their lives. There is nothing more freeing than the ability to purchase food without having to check the price beforehand.




Despite the fact that you may not be driven to produce a lot of money, you may still live a fulfilling life by avoiding spending unnecessary costs and exercising discipline.

You’ll have limitations, but if you can navigate them well, you’ll keep your head above water.




17. Learn how to be by yourself.

Anyone who has carefully considered how to become a better person eventually comes to the conclusion that it requires a significant amount of time and effort. This implies that it is something that necessitates a significant amount of time spent working on oneself alone.




Men need isolation in order to improve themselves. However, they are not need to be alone all of the time. There is also an opportunity to mingle with others, however here is when the caution gained from the previous phases comes in in.




If you are unable to locate individuals with whom you like socializing despite the fact that you live in a relatively crowded region, be patient. No firm is better than the incorrect sort of organization in terms of performance. Making friends is inevitable if you remain true to yourself.




If being happy is essential to you, and you live in a place where there aren’t many people, you may need to consider moving. Normally, I’d add something like “see lesson 1,” but this specific topic is beyond discussion.

20 Sweet Things to Say to Your Boyfriend Because He Deserves It

Lastly, take care of your interpersonal ties.
Even if you have a lot of money and are having a nice time, if you don’t have individuals you like spending time with, it’s pointless to have it all!

Another piece of advise that applies equally to both men and women is the following: Men, although they may not need as much social interaction as women, nonetheless require some kind of social network..

People to enjoy the good times with and to lean on when the going gets tough. The importance of social relationships in terms of health and lifespan has been shown in several research.

Being near people but not feeling a genuine connection with them is a unique kind of pain.

20. Keep in mind that you will be assessed by the company with whom you choose to associate yourself.

Interested in learning more about the personality of a certain individual. Take a look at how long and how high-quality their relationships have been. If you look at the social circles of the most renowned men, you will see that these guys do not surround themselves with individuals who do not share their moral principles and beliefs.

You can tell a lot about yourself from your social media feeds and the people who follow you. Everybody, it seems, is a follower of someone or some thing.

birds of a feather tend to congregate in similar groups (See lesson 13). In general, rather than following a strict rule, after someone reaches the age of eighteen, subtract 14 from their current age.

If they don’t have any pals for a longer period of time than you expect, you should be concerned.

While this isn’t necessarily a terrible thing (major life improvements often demand the formation of a new social group), it is something to keep in mind in the future..




20. It is more cost effective to avoid than to treat.

A cliché, to be sure, but one that ought to be heard and understood.

If you put in the additional effort to resolve an issue or approach it in the proper manner from the start, you will save yourself a great deal of trouble in the long run.

Making on-time payments saves you from having to pay the bill later and incurring additional fees. Contrary to Plan B, the use of condoms is less expensive. Abortion is less expensive than the cost of rearing a kid.




Twenty-first, maintain an 800 credit score among your peers

In the event that you owe money to pals, be sure to pay it when you promised or as soon as you get the money.

In the event that you must choose between repaying a friend and repaying a financial institution, always repay the buddy first.

When problems come up, a better guy understands that friends are more responsive than banks and is patient. They are also aware of when you’re bluffing, and friends despise being bluffing on their behalf.




Always be a man of your word if you want to be respected by everyone, even your adversaries. With your buddies, work together to get an 800 credit score and you’ll have no trouble when you need it most!





22.Consider investing in a high-quality automobile.

I’ve owned a total of eight different automobiles during my life. As a result of my experience, I have come to the following conclusions:

A car’s purchase price is directly proportional to how much money you will spend on maintenance during its lifetime. This is something to consider when looking to purchase a “beater.”
Your automobile should be free of major surprises as long as you get it serviced every 3000 miles and keep it up to inspection standards.
If you can, purchase your automobile entirely; but, as discussed in the first lesson, it may be more cost-effective (in the long run) to make car payments.



With the exception of New York City, your dating life will be very costly or nonexistent if you do not have access to a vehicle.
No one should ever get a DUI again, especially in this day and age with Uber and Lyft.
Make a concerted effort to keep your consumption under control.
Drinking excessively is a common problem among individuals.

If you want to be a better guy and a more respected man, it is critical that you regulate your drinking.




You reach the age of 24 when the explanation “I was drinking” becomes insufficient justification for your actions. People around you will begin to distrust you, and you will lose their friendship.

Even if they use alcohol, it is irrelevant. Your reputation as “the person who no one can drink around” will precede you, and since most social gatherings include alcoholic beverages, you will be excluded from participation.

Also, since the majority of people will consider you to be a jerk, you will not be invited.

23.Take no notice to those who are critical of you.

Hated people are often mentioned.

Here is my true-to-life account of the situation. I should preface this by stating that my life and outcomes are not typical of most people.

Unless you care about those who have deliberately mistreated you (intentionally or unintentionally), the vast majority of people will not care about you – for better or for worse.

Even if they do not like you enough to congratulate you (and if you consider them a friend, this is a very other matter), they are not actively wishing for you to be unsuccessful.

These people are consumed with ensuring that their own troubles do not consume them.





Preparedness plus opportunity Equaled luck, according to Rule 25.

Preparedness combined with opportunity equals good fortune!

Despite the fact that this is another another cliché, my goodness, it is quite strong. I believe I have discovered the secret to success and good fortune based on my life experiences.

To be clear, I’m not the first person to express myself in this manner, but I believe my perspective may be beneficial to someone else.

Infinite possibilities are summed up in one’s life. The only way to take advantage of these chances is to have the necessary skills or to be in the appropriate position..

Increasing your skill set and placing yourself in situations where your skill set will be recognized can make a major difference in your life. It is said that the more you work the more luck comes your way; this is another ancient adage.

25.Embrace a sense of hope for the future

What I don’t know is whether or not there is a greater power.

In light of everything I’ve learned about physics, I’m certain that the cosmos was created by an intelligent being. In accordance with our current understanding of the cosmos, the notion of an afterlife is not contrary to it.

Being kind and respectful to other human beings helps me feel better, therefore I continue to do so.

My religious views are essentially those of a Christian or a Catholic, for all intents and purposes. Even though I don’t formally adhere to any religion, many of its precepts about living are ideals to aim for in one’s daily life. Moreover, when all is equal, I find that I prefer to be in the company of those who have religious views as opposed to those who do not hold religious beliefs.

The reason for this seems to be clear to me.

Rather of paying attention to the rituals (church), take into account the following: When you believe in a higher power, it takes the same amount of energy as when you don’t believe in one. The distinction is that believers get the advantages of their beliefs, whilst atheists bear the burden of proving their non-existence.




True believers live with an intention, have faith in a predetermined plan, and adhere to a code of conduct that motivates them to do overtly positive action. In their arrogance, they feel that everything has suddenly emerged and that there is nothing more powerful than they are in themselves.

This is probably why atheists are often persons with whom I have no desire to associate or become friends or associates with.

Discover more about females while being apart from them.

It was the finest and worst use of my time and energy in my twenties to devote so much of my attention and effort to Game.

When it comes to “gaming,” I have a love-hate relationship.

To have a chance at anything other than a lousy love life these days, men must have a strong sexual identity. How to get laid and interpret body language are just two aspects of Game, though. Navigating the social-sexual world with your eyes wide open is what it’s all about, really.




He may make the worst error possible by choosing the wrong lady while being weak on the beta scale and ignorant in his approach to women.

While learning Game, the power you gain is corrupting and seductive, but the power you lose is beneficial. You and the relationships around you might be ruined if you go from being helpless to being in command of your love life.

In addition, the game makes you very skeptical, which might have an influence on your performance in other aspects of life.

Although every man should study Game, if for no other reason than to get respect from women and shield themselves from the worst that the dating industry has to offer, it is essential.

Consider being more conscientious about how you spend your time.
When it comes to giving someone something important, time is the most precious asset.

Staking your reputation on them is the next most important thing you can do.

Giving them access to your resources is the first step in achieving this goal.. Money is a long way down the road.

The following is the evolution of value:

Time is more valuable than reputation, energy is more valuable than money, and money is more valuable yet than energy.
There is a general tendency in this area that the more readily something may be regenerated, the less significant it becomes.

The passage of time is unrecoverable. It is for this reason that it is the most significant factor. With time, you’ll come to know that our reputation is both difficult to restore and simple to destroy, but the only reason it hasn’t been ruined yet is that it hasn’t been destroyed yet because it hasn’t been destroyed yet.





Consider who spends their time in you and who advocates for you when you are not there. If you are ever in question about who is on your side, consider who is investing their time in you and who advocates for you when you are not present.

Recognize that there is a distinction between malice, stupidity, and indifference.
If anything may be ascribed to ignorance or disinterest, never attribute it to malice.

You feel offended by someone because they are unaware of or uninterested in your difficulties.

Take life less personally and you’ll find that you’ll have more fun in your existence.

30- Jealousy is a necessary part of self-improvement

Make individuals feel uncomfortable by raising your social standing in comparison to theirs.

It is common for individuals to respond with pity if they suddenly find themselves doing worse than others around them, and they are typically rather effective at it.

When someone’s rank and position rise, others seem to have actual difficulties in adapting to that person. Even more so if the shift occurs at a quick pace.





After all, I believe that when individuals make substantial changes in their lives, they are more likely to meet new people.

This is crucial because it illustrates the fact that when you make major gains in any aspect of your life, some individuals will be unable to adapt to the new you. How much time you spend in their company is entirely up to you.