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20 Biblical Signs She’s the Woman You Should Marry

20 Biblical Signs She’s the Woman You Should Marry

Why are there more instructions for finding the ideal wife than there are for finding the right husband? You may be perplexed. I think this is due to the fact that a woman who will become both a wife and a mother will have larger physical, mental, and emotional duties than a guy who will just become a husband or a parent.





Since the majority of women who are naturally destined to be excellent spouses and mothers will not find them difficult to follow or fulfill, I do not believe they are unjust. In reality, when it came to marriage and motherhood, the vast majority of my acquaintances grew organically into loving spouses and compassionate moms.





However, just like with men, there is still a proportion of women that single men should avoid if they don’t want to end up in a terrible marriage with the incorrect woman as their spouse.




In addition to caring for her husband, a good wife is someone who takes care of her children and her home. You might see her as the light that leads you through your house and as the love that nourishes it. Her inner serenity, tenderness, and pleasure are all maintained as well.




In Proverbs 31:10-31, the Bible describes “a lady of noble character,” whom men should seek out and pursue as much as they can. Although the verses may not be totally appropriate in our current times, single men may nevertheless benefit from them by gaining some useful insights that will aid them in their search for the ideal lady to marry.





Proverbs 31:10-31 and other chapters in the Bible are included in the following list of 20 signals that may assist single men in selecting the ideal lady who will exchange wedding bows with them at the altar and remain by their side for the rest of their life.

1 – You think she’s extraordinary in every way.

Is it possible to locate a bride of noble character?” “She is considerably more valuable than a bag of rubies,” she says. In the book of Proverbs, verse 10 says: (NIV)

Or, to put it another way, there is something about her that you value more than anybody or anything else on this planet. Exceptional compassion, love, or outstanding character may be shown in this manner. 





Recall that it should be something more durable than a beautiful diamond – something that comes from inside, not from outside – something that represents her completeness, rather than just serving as a cover for her jewelry collection. Physical beauty cannot be the sole source of attraction since it diminishes with time.





2. She is a person in whom you can place your confidence. 

He has complete faith in her and believes she is devoid of any valuable qualities. 31:11 (Proverbs 31:11) – (NIV)

You must discover someone who will provide you with security, honesty, and complete confidence if you want to have peace of mind and keep yourself from being perpetually envious, suspicious, and uneasy.




3. She is completely harmless, and she brings only positive things into your existence.

All of her days, she makes sure that he receives only good, not bad. (Proverbs 31:11-12) – (NIV)

Someone who will help you become a better guy is someone who is a nice wife. Your happiness and health, on all levels (physically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually), will be influenced by her.







4. She is responsible for the upkeep of your household.

Her hands are trembling as she picks up wool and flax to weave.” She is similar to merchant ships, who bring her food from far away lands to prepare for her. She wakes up in the middle of the night and prepares meals for her family as well as portions for her female slaves.” 15 – Proverbs 31:13–15 (NIV)

In other words, she is a lot like your mother, who is nice and considerate.





5. She is a realist who understands how to manage her time and resources.

Her consideration leads her to purchase land, and she uses the proceeds to establish a vineyard. ” She is focused on her job and her arms are strong enough to complete the duties she has set out for herself. 




Her trade is lucrative, and her light does not go out at night, indicating that she is confident in her decision. With her fingers, she grasps the spindle with her distaff, which she holds in her left hand. • Proverbs 31:16–19 – (NIV)




All of us, the men, will relinquish control of our earnings to our female partners. As a result, hire someone who will correctly manage the money and not waste it. Furthermore, having a responsible wife who does not just depend on your financial resources but actively attempts to contribute something for her family via her own labor is advantageous as well. Why do you think it’s a good idea to marry someone who will turn into your sugar daddy?




The sixth quality she has is generosity.

“She extends her hands to the impoverished and offers her arms to the needy,” the narrator writes. Psalm 31:20 (NASB) (NIV)

So that your family would be blessed, you should marry a lady who is compassionate to the needy.



 A lady who looks down on your impoverished relatives and friends will only make enemies and is unlikely to provide peace, security, and genuine success to your family and household.




7. She is a kind and protective person. 

Because she and her family are all dressed in crimson, she has no need to be concerned when it snows. She is dressed in excellent linen and purple, and she creates the covers for her bed. Verse 21 and 22 of Proverbs (NIV)




Your wife will be in charge of the affairs of the household.. That implies she will be responsible for protecting you and your children from disease and other potentially harmful circumstances in which they may find themselves.



 To fulfill her responsibilities as a wife and mother, she must also protect herself. And what’s it like having a lady who doesn’t give a damn about anything?




Eighth, she is a woman of character and integrity.

In the days ahead, she will be able to laugh because she is dressed in power and dignity. Proverbs 31:25 (NIV) (NIV)

A lady who is deeply committed to her husband and who maintains high moral standards in her life will bring respect and glory to your family.




9. She is a wise and trustworthy woman.

“She talks with understanding, and she imparts trustworthy teaching.” Proverbs 31:26 (NIV) (NIV)

When it comes to guiding light in your family, you may go to your wife, who is also the mother of your children. Choosing a lady with wisdom and vision into the future is essential if you want to raise children with a better Future in mind.



10.She is not a slacker in the slightest.

“She keeps a close eye on the business of her family and refuses to eat the bread of idleness,” says the author. Psalm 31:27 (NASB) (NIV)

Laziness and a lack of concern are two characteristics of sloth. 



There are certain traits in a relationship that are detrimental to your house and family, and this is one of them. A wife who is a woman of action, rather than a woman of inaction, can help you and your family face life’s insurmountable obstacles.


11.Her Children Call Her Blessed;

 Her Husband Praise Her: “Her children arise and call her blessed, and her husband also praises her:” she is righteous and praiseworthy In the book of Proverbs 31:28, it says: (NIV)


Do not merely seek for a lady who constantly updates her Facebook status with the phrase “feeling lucky,” but rather for someone whose family and friends are grateful to have her in their life as well as for her.

You should be aware that a blessing is not something you pronounce or proclaim. 


Because of your righteousness, God has given you something special. A curse is placed on the wicked, while the righteous are blessed in their dwelling place, according to the scripture. 3.33 in the book of Proverbs (NIV)


12.Her desire to be better is unwavering.

“Many great deeds are done by women, but you outdo them all,” says the speaker. Psalm 31:29 (NIV) (NIV)

Ideally, a wife is someone who will do good things not merely because other men’s wives do them, but because they are the proper things to do in the first place.


 The reason she outperforms other women is not because she competes with them, but because she competes with herself and strives to be a little bit better every day.


Thirteenth, she stays away from things that are unworthy of her.

An honorable woman is a jewel in her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like rot in her husband’s bones. – Proverbs 12:4 A disgraceful wife is like decay in her husband’s bones (NIV)


Who wants to be married to a wicked and scandalous woman, anyway? Who doesn’t want a lady whose words and deeds make us feel good about ourselves? We, on the other hand, like the second option more.


It’s better to live on a corner of the roof than to share a home with a quarrelsome woman, according to Proverbs 25:24.

 14. She Is Not Ill-Tempered And Disputesome (NIV)


Having a bad-tempered and irritable wife will always make your home loud, chaotic, and stressful, not just for you but also for your children, not to mention that it is offensive to your neighbors.


The 15th point is that she is concerned about your future.

“Houses and money are inherited from one’s parents, but a wise woman is a gift from the Lord,” says the proverb. The Bible says in Proverbs 19:14 that (NIV)


What is the best way to tell whether your girlfriend is a divinely appointed vessel for you? She is concerned about your long-term well-being and acts accordingly. In the event if your lady is unconcerned about what will happen to you in the future, whether you lose your work or damage your studies, or whether you lose your health or your life, you should give it a lot of thought before continuing your relationship..


She has a high regard for you. 16.

“However, each of you must also love his or her wife as much as he or she loves himself, and the wife or husband must respect her or himself. the book of Ephesians, chapter 5:33 (NIV)


Reputation is built on the foundation of mutual trust. Between a husband and his wife, there must be mutual regard. As a result, marry a woman whom you not only admire but who also admires and respects you.


17. She carries out her responsibilities and duties as a wife, and she does it well.

“The husband’s marriage obligation to his wife should be fulfilled, and the woman’s marital duty to her husband should be fulfilled as well. Corinthians 7:3 (New International Version) (NIV)


A husband and wife have joint obligations and responsibilities to one another on all levels of their lives: emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, physically, and elsewhere. It is possible that the marriage may dissolve if one partner fails to fulfill his or her responsibilities.

Her loyalty and commitment to you are unquestionable.


In other words, the woman does not have power over her own body, but rather defers to her husband in this regard.” In the same manner, the husband does not have power over his own body, but instead defers to his wife.” The Bible states in 1 Corinthians 7:4 that (NIV)


Unbelief in the passage above is a common source of conflict between married couples. Some women do not want their spouses to restrict them from wearing seductive gowns, which gets some men enraged and causes them to engage in a fight with the woman they dislike. Jealousy and insecurity will only occur if each individual does not relinquish control over their own body.


As a result, you should marry a lady who is willing to give you control over her own physicality. It is more likely that she will provide you with security and peace of mind if she actually cares about you. Fairness dictates that you should likewise delegate power over your physical appearance to her.


She Follows in Your Righteous Footsteps (19)

Women, submit to your own husbands in the same way that you submit to the Lord. ” The husband is the head of his wife in the same way that Christ is the head of his church, which is his body, and of which he is the Savior.” – Ephesians 5:22-23 (New International Version) (NIV)


Having a woman’s submissiveness to her husband may be one of the most difficult mandates in the Bible for her to fulfill. Some women nowadays dislike being led by males because they believe that the current method is to do the polar opposite of what they believe is correct. 


Because of the history of men who have deceived their women rather than leading them in the proper direction, we can’t say that they’re to be blamed entirely. Women should be submissive to their husbands, according to the Bible, however.


For a quiet and joyful marriage, you must first develop into a guy who is worthy of being a husband and father to a family. As a result, you might begin looking for an eligible woman to marry and who will accept your authority. 


You should know that if your lady does not follow you despite your merits, but instead retains her ego and pride, she is not the one. Isn’t it true that love isn’t conceited?


20.She is a devout follower of God.

A woman who fears the Lord is to be commended, because she is not deceived by her beauty or by her charm. 30:15 – Proverbs 31:15 (NIV)

In the end, look for a lady who is God-fearing. This is important because if she has fear and respect for God, she will humbly and faithfully follow all of the guidelines listed above, which will be beneficial to both you and her, as well as to your future children and family.


I hope that this post will be of use to single men in their search for the appropriate lady to become their wife. As well as single ladies and even married women, I am hoping that this essay can provide them with some suggestions for making themselves a better wife and mother for their husbands. 


Always keep in mind that the objective of this article is not to criticize or dump someone, but rather to evaluate ourselves, identify chances for personal improvement, inspire our loved ones to improve, and secure a better life for ourselves and our children in the future.

20 Biblical Signs She’s the Woman You Should Marry


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