150 seductive ways to make him yours

Every single woman would want for men to fall head over heels in love with her, but this is very difficult to do. However, just as there is a solution to every problem, there is also a solution for this kind of difficulty as well.

These flirtatious messages for him will assist you in not only seducing him, but also complimenting him and causing him to think about you all of the time as well. If you send him one of the messages listed below, he will become as glued to you as glue.

There are a plethora of things that you may do to attract the attention of guys, and you don’t even have to be the most attractive woman in the room to do this. All you have to do is be clever and know what to say when the situation calls for it.

If you follow a few simple guidelines, the guy you like will quickly become interested in you, and he will be completely unaware of it.

All you have to do now is keep him interested in you via the things you say, and what better way to do that than to send him some flirtatious, sexy text messages?

I am certain that if you play your cards well, you will be able to attract any guy you want. However, patience is required since wonderful things do not happen overnight.

A flirtatious text or a series of flirty questions are a wonderful approach to test the waters and see how far you can push things with him. You’ll learn just how bizarre he is, as well as what precisely makes him tick.

By making him aware of how much of a flirtatious little devil you are, you will increase his desire for you even more. He will find it impossible to resist your seductive ways.

Just be careful not to take it too far or to be overpowering in your approach. Send him a sexy, flirtatious text to get things started, and then determine how to continue depending on his answer.

Allow yourself (and him) the necessary time to ensure that everything works out in the best possible manner. When you believe that the time is perfect to take your relationship to a whole new level, consider using some of these books to help you.


How Do I Approach Him Via Text Message?

You will find that men like it when you make them feel desired. Boosting his ego is something you may do if you want to charm him while also making him feel good about himself (one of them is sending him flirty texts).


You may tell him that he is attractive and that all of the ladies in the room are gazing at him with admiration.

In order to make him realize that you are really interested in him, you must not exaggerate your confidence beyond a reasonable level. However, there is still plenty that he may do to increase your desire for him.


You want your man to feel confident, competent, and like a great catch, but not to the point where he starts looking for other women to flirt with. But don’t be concerned. I have just the messages you need to accomplish your objective, texts that will make him feel good about himself and even hotter for you as a result of them.

That does not imply that he would leave you in order to pursue a more attractive lady, but it will make him feel good about himself and keep him firmly attached to you. Consider sending him some sexy, flirtatious text messages like the ones below.


Send him sexy messages to make him feel special.


1. I just saw that beautiful waitress was taking a look at you! I have a sneaking suspicion that someone is a bit envious of the catch that I am holding. It’s a shame you’re all mine!



2. You have a lot of female fans, and they all like spending time with you! I simply feel sorry for them because they aren’t aware of how fantastic your business is. I consider you to be my sexy little secret!



3. You’re a real beast in the bedroom, to be sure! I used to believe I had excellent sex, but with you, it’s on a whole other level… Man, I’m not sure I’ll be going to the gym much longer.



4. I had a disturbing dream the other night, and guess who was the main character? If you are unable to guess, please come over and provide some more stuff to dream about later.



5. Please allow me to look after you. There is no need for you to do it on your own! I believe you will be very satisfied with my service… Allow me to express my gratitude for being such a gorgeous piece of ass in the most professional manner possible.

The fact that I am always thirsty for you is not something I want to do; it is just the result of your extreme sexiness, which leaves me with no option.



7. Make a promise to me that if we ever get into a disagreement, we’ll settle it like adults… in the privacy of our own bedroom. Spanking is not required.

8. You’re the only man I’d ever want to see nude again if I ever had the chance. I hope you are pleased with yourself… I’m certain of it!

Nine. In my imagination, we’re not at work, but rather in the bedroom, doing all sorts of dubious things to one other while neither of us is able to take a full breath.



10. If you kiss my neck, I will not be liable for whatever I may do to you after you have finished kissing me.


11. Do you want to get into bed with me tonight and make a mess?

I’ve got all of your favorite things: pizza, beer, and of course…Me!


13. You’re looking fantastic right now. I can’t see you, but I’m assuming you’re looking fantastic since you usually do, even when I can’t.


14. No matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to keep you out of my improper thoughts.


15. Make your way over here; I’ll make your time here worth your while.


16. My bed is much too large for a single individual to sleep in.


17. I’ve just gotten out of the shower; do you want to come over and assist me dry up?

Naughty Texts for Him

You’ll receive the most desirable response from a man when you tease him. He’ll be delighted to feel important, and will have a wonderful time with you.

Guys want attention from all women, whether they like them or not. It’s common knowledge. This helps them feel confident and sexy.

So if you just met him, attempt to taunt him while hiding your crush. You will tire him and he’ll think that he doesn’t need to try to keep you if he finds out.

Men love a good pursuit; it’s a well accepted truth. When you find out you’re head over heels for him, offer him an opportunity to follow up on the situation and make him feel important.

It seems ridiculous, but boosting his ego will make him put double the effort into wooing you! Take a stab at it.


18. There’s that gorgeous man I can’t seem to get my thoughts off of… What should I do in response to him?



19. I’m aware of someone who may have a thing for you!


20. do you have any sexual dreams of your own?


21. You are very fortunate since you are extremely attractive. That is one of the reasons why I keep you around.


22. I’ve had to go out with my girlfriends. Do you want me to text you later while I’m drunk?


23, You certainly know how to make a lady long for you! 24.


24. Do you believe in the concept of lust at first sight, or should I continue to walk by you?


25. I have a slew of things planned for tonight… and you’re a part of each and every one of them!


Do you want to know a little secret? 26. If you answered yes, please come over so that I can tell you in person what I think. Alternatively, I could show you.


27. I’m delighted to tell you that I’ve totally fallen in love with you. There’s just one question: what are you going to do about it?


28. I’m just thinking about all of the things we might be doing right now if you were here with me.


Is it possible for you to comprehend just how hot you are?

30. Are you in the mood to have a good time?


31. Texting is convenient, but when will I be able to see those chiseled biceps of yours?


32. At the moment, I’m not wearing any underwear at all. I just wanted to make sure you were aware.


33. This morning, I woke up with a perspiration on my brow. It was not because it was too hot in the morning. It was due to the fact that my fantasies about you were too intense to bear.


34. I guarantee you that I will always be at your side if you need me. With the exception of when I’m beneath you.


35. Tonight, let’s experiment with a new recipe in the kitchen. And no, I’m not referring to food!

For the evening, I have something planned. Do you want to be hugged by a nude bear, yes or no?

Sending Him Flirty Erotic Texts Is Easy!

It’s important to understand that messages like these are only intended for those who are already in a relationship.

Using these messages as a starting point, especially if you haven’t had a chance to get to know each other yet, it may seem as if you are ready for anything, even sexual relations.

Erotic messages should only be used by couples who are very familiar with one another and are certain that they will be received precisely as intended.

The use of this method is not advised for individuals who are not yet in a committed relationship or who are just getting to know one another better.

When you reach that level, you can always utilize them, but make sure you are there first before risking everything by sending these provocative messages that may give him the incorrect idea.

You should keep to sending him sweet and flirtatious messages while you’re still sorting things out. Only after you’ve been together for a while and you feel like you’re ready for something a bit more risqué can you begin to operate at full capacity.

So, be savvy and know when to send him erotica or flirty messages to keep him interested. Here are some of the more effective ones you may use.

37. I’m really looking forward to our date tonight. What I have in store for you in the future will be fantastic if you play your cards correctly!


When we go on our date tonight, I’m going to wear my “fuck me” heels! I hope they are successful!

You will scream and beg for more while I complete all of the job tonight.


39. It would be great if we could switch positions for a change, and I guarantee you would like it.

When I’m through with you tonight, you won’t be able to move a muscle.

41. Tonight, I’d want to gently kiss my way down from your lips to the floor… The only issue is, how far will I be able to go down?


42. I despise the fact that I’m sitting here at work right now instead of spending time with you doing all sorts of filthy things. If you only knew the dirty things that are going on within my mind right now.


43. I’ve just spent the past hour alone in bed, thinking about a certain person in particular. and guess what I was doing at the time?


44. There’s this new position that I found out about today and I can’t wait to give it a go… When do you think you’ll be able to make it over?


45. I’d want to make a personal confession… What if I told you that I may have kissed another girl while we were together? How upset would you be about it? Make a promise that it will not happen again… Unless you specifically request that I do so.


46. What do you want me to do to you tonight, and what do you want me to wear with it? I’m in the mood to grant some wishes right now… as long as you swear that you haven’t done anything wrong.

…and I was thinking about you this morning when I was in the shower…. I suppose that explains why it took me so long to get out.

In the event that you can identify the shade of pink in my bra, I’ll give you a blow job tonight.

I’ve been a really terrible girl today. I’m in desperate need of a spanking.

The reason why I’ve been honing my nails is because I want to identify you as mine.


51. I’m going to gently massage your lips with my lips while I trace them over yours slowly. After that, I’m going to kiss you… everything from your lips…to your neck…down to your chest…all the way down to your cock Nonetheless, I will not be putting it directly into my mouth. The kissing will continue until you ask me to give you another one.


I feel like there’s a deluge in the valley below everytime I think about you.



53. What plans do you have for the evening? Do you mind if I stop by to blow you a kiss?


54. I discovered several sex positions that I believe we should experiment with; what do you think?


55. There’s something about you standing right over me when we’re kissing that makes me squirm uncontrollably. You are mine.


56. And I’m going to delineate my boundaries. I’m going to bite your head off. Your neck, your breast, your legs, and your buttocks are all targets. Because of my teeth, they are going to be covered with bruises. And what about your back? That’s something else I’m noting. I’ve sharpened my nails in preparation for tearing them apart. This young man is about to be inundated with both pleasure and agony.







We all, it is said, want the company of someone who knows how to make us laugh after a time of being alone. Obviously, you can do so many things to make him smile while you are in his presence, but what will you do when you are not there to make him happy?

Sending him flirtatious messages that will make him chuckle, that is how you do it! The best approach to text a guy you like is in a humorous and flirtatious manner, and all you need is a little bit of imagination to come up with something original.

I’m joking, of course. Simply reading the texts below and selecting the one(s) that best suit your needs is all that is required!




57. ‘I am not a photographer, but I can still see you and me together…in my bed,’ says the author.



The amount of potato chips that I would consume for every time I thought about you would make me very obese by now.



59. ‘Your body is composed of 65 percent water, and do you know what? At the time, I’m very thirsty.’


60. I despise the majority of people, yet you are someone I truly enjoy… That is a powerful statement!


61. Me without you is like a geek without braces, shoes without laces, and an ASentenceWithoutSpaces, to name a few things.

Is it possible to estimate the weight of a penguin? Enough to break the ice, I suppose. Hello!


63. I shall adore you for the rest of my life. LOL! But I won’t be able to live that long.


64. You have been placed under jail for being too adorable. Your penalty will be to remain quiet, and if you do not comply, you will be silenced with kisses as well.


65. During an earthquake, it is recommended that you remain inside. It’s possible that you’ll want to remain inside of me as you rock my world!


66. I adore you in the same way I like my cake as much as I enjoy my final piece of pizza and the money in my bank account. God, I adore you to the moon and back!


As a result, if kissing is the universal language of love, we have a lot to speak about.

When someone is adorable, they may be addressed as “baby.” If you’re kind to me, you may refer to me as sweetheart. However, if you’re in the mood, you may phone me tonight!

So let’s commit the ultimate crime together: I’ll take your heart, and you’ll steal mine.


 69.I am torn between wanting more food or wanting to be with you.’ You, not the food. Perhaps you have food on you!’


The mailman ordered me to get out of the mailbox because I was trying to send you something that would make you happy.



72. Have you ever had a sexual encounter in a car? Tonight, let’s take a drive somewhere.

It is difficult for me to decide if I should begin this discussion with a praise, a terrible pick-up line, or a simple “hello.” 73. You make the decision.


74. Regardless of what economics may say, there is no replacement for you. You are the one and only person I have ever loved.


75% Although it is said that one image is worth a thousand words, the picture you have created has left me stunned.


“I’m an unemployed young lady who has earned a certificate in snuggling, a diploma in caring, and a doctorate in kissing.” Are there any openings for me?’

Seventy-seven. Because I’m the one who initiates texting, I want you to initiate kissing first.


78. I’m not a gambler, but I’ve just let my heart and my intellect to place a wager on the fact that I would never be able to live without you…


In chess, I’m not very good, but I believe you’re my knight in shining armor.


80. I understand that gazing at someone for an extended period of time is considered impolite. As a result, I’d want to ask for your permission.

80. How is it that you are becoming slightly hotter with each passing day?


82. Do you happen to have a band-aid on hand? Because I just scratched the inside of my knee while falling for you.


83. Please remember to bring a pair of gloves with you when we meet since you are too hot to manage without gloves.


84. ‘Excuse me, but I just dropped something while gazing at your photos one more… ‘My jaw is on the floor!’

You are hotter than my stove at 85 degrees.

If you wish to come over and see how sturdy my new bed is, please do so at your convenience.

Exactly what should you say to a guy in order to make him blush?

It is not just females that like receiving praises and feeling acknowledged. It’s popular among men as well. In order to make him blush, praise him on his bedroom abilities and tell him how much you enjoy spending time with him.

To begin with, you may express your admiration for his work and how seeing him be too preoccupied makes you feel hot and bothered.

When he hears how great you think he is and how well he has done in keeping you happy, it will only serve to inspire him even more.

Men would never say it, but receiving praises brightens their day and gives them the confidence to go out of their way to make you happy in any way they can think of.

I assure you that once you go into the bedroom, it will be well worth it. Allowing him to feel capable, masculine, and well-equipped will result in you being a very fortunate woman in the future.

The effect will be to inflate his ego, and he will begin to feel important. Here are some examples of flirtatious messages for him that you may send to him to pique his interest and fascinate him.




87. I miss the sensation of your hands all over me, the kisses you gave me, the tearing off of my clothing, and the way you treated me! Is it possible for you to return already?



88. Everything about you is wonderful, but there is one thing that stands out above the rest! Are you able to guess what I’m talking about?



OMG! I can’t believe it! You were absolutely fantastic last night! I can’t wait for the second round… 


If you could just allow me a few hours to recuperate, I’m sure you’ll understand how much I need it after your spectacular performance last night.

Following your cumulation, I want to hear you breathing in my ear!



In fact, thinking about meeting you later today makes me very horny! I don’t believe I’ll be able to make it through the day; please transfer me here immediately!



92. After you completely blew my mind last night, I’ve decided to let you pick anything you want from me and I’ll take care of it. Whatever you are thinking about is deserving of your punishment, and God knows it.



93. Just thought about meeting you tonight makes me dripping wet… I can’t believe the things you do to me. No other guy has ever been able to get me this horny.

94. Tonight, I want you to do to me precisely what you did to me last night, without any modifications. Because of some inexplicable reason, I’m still reliving it in my head over and again.

95. Regarding the act you performed last night, I’d want to know the name of the female who instructed you on how to do it. 


I’d want to express my gratitude to her personally for providing me with the most powerful orgasm I’ve ever had.



96.How does it feel to be the most sexiest guy that has ever existed inside of you? 



97. Confession: When I think about you, I can’t stop myself from touching myself.


98. Despite the fact that I know you are not a wizard, I believe your mouth to be very magical. I can think of a few of locations where I’d want it right now. Perhaps you ARE a magician after all.


99. I’ve just completed pampering myself while thinking about you for almost an hour and a half. Wow, you’re very excellent.


100. I was just thinking about meeting you tonight when I realized that I had fully undressed myself.


It’s a little strange that all I can think about right now is yesterday night. This is something that I keep repeating in my mind time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time…

Ultimately, you want to leave a lasting impression on your guy, and saying everything that all the other ladies have previously said will prevent you from accomplishing that objective.

You should be creative and entertaining while also being sexy and flirty at the same time.

You want him to recognize how unique and distinct you are, and what better way to do this than by sending him some very flirtatious messages that will make him fall head over heels in love with you? What’s more, the greatest thing is… He most likely hasn’t heard them until now.

Take out your phone and jot down these notes. You’ll need them sooner rather than later, believe it or not. Some flirtatious messages for him that you may use to make him feel like a genuine guy are listed below.


Nothing is more satisfying than hearing you utter my name when you ———-… To be honest, I’m going to leave the gaps for you to fill in. If it’s too difficult, I’d be delighted to assist.

103. It’s very chilly here, and I’ve wrapped myself in a slew of blankets. Taking off all my clothing was most likely a mistake. I suppose you might come here and assist me?

104. I will welcome you over on one condition: you must not conceal your hands. Indeed, I will tell you just where they should be placed!

105. Do you have any supper plans for tonight? I considered making bookings for my bedroom but wanted to confirm that you were still available.

106. I could use some assistance applying this sunscreen right now. However, I shall need assistance in removing my bikini later! I hope this isn’t too much trouble.

107. Which emoji, in your opinion, best represents me? It’s the cheeky one with its tongue out, in my opinion. You are welcome to speculate as to why!

108. I thought you would be interested to hear that I just stepped out of the shower… You know, in case you want to come over before I put on all those superfluous garments.

109. I’m so excited to be back at your side! Or on top of you, or under you… whatever you want.

110. Immediately identify one bodily component! Are you curious as to why? Because it is the first spot I will kiss you tonight when I see you. And, if you’re fortunate, I may go south from there.

111. Today, my ideas are very R-rated… Want to learn more about them? You may, but the deal is only good if you arrive promptly! This is not something you want to miss.

112. Care you assist me in selecting an outfit for date night/work/whatever? You may begin with my undergarments.

This text allows you to a single kiss on any area of my body. Make an informed decision!

114. Do you know the one thing you do that really turns me on?

115. I recently shot some sexual photos, but they are much too inappropriate for Instagram. Would you want to see?

116. Let’s engage in some “we shouldn’t be doing this” activities.

117. I want to feel your hands all over my body right now.


If you want him to think about you throughout the day, you’ll need a flirtatious text for him! Guys like getting good morning messages because they demonstrate that you are thinking of them.

If you want to pique his imagination, you must use the appropriate language. I like to refer to these terms as ‘the trigger words,’ since they will act as a trigger for him after he receives your flirtatious good morning text.

He will spend the remainder of the day thinking about you. He will consider all the things he wants to do to you and will envision you in all conceivable wicked situations (if you catch my drift).

These adorable flirtatious messages are an excellent method to connect (particularly if you’re in a long-distance relationship) and can assist you in taking your relationship to the next level.

Examples of flirtatious good morning texts 118. Good morning, baby! I’ll be thinking about you throughout the day. Each. And. Every. Damn. Second.

119. It is morning. How is your coffee this morning? I’m hoping it’s as resolute and sweet as you are this morning. PS: I adore you.


120. Good morning, gentleman. I wish I was eating breakfast with you.

121. No matter how hectic our lives get, we need to be reminded that we are still sweethearts. Today is an excellent day for me to reflect on how great you make me feel. Greetings, honey.

122. Mornings are often unpleasant. Because I rise first and then think about you, which is a wonderful thing… nevertheless, I had to report to work. However, if you text me later today, you may cheer me up.

123. I had a dream that we were sexting, and when I awoke, I determined to make it a reality.

124. I hope your day is packed with smiles, surprises, thrills, excitement, and laughter, followed by a peaceful night of you messaging me (hopefully).

125. Good morning, silly. True or false. What was your first reaction when you saw me? Okay, if you tell me yours first, I’ll tell you mine. My first impression was…’This gentleman is either a fireman, a sculptor, or a travel agent.

126. Greetings. Today is not a day to be worried. You’re going to perform really well. If you’re feeling uneasy, visualize everyone you know in a bikini. Indeed, even the gentlemen. You’ll laugh and relax, and everyone else will as well.

127. Good morning, gentlemen. I had the weirdest dream last night about you. Do not fear, the film was just rated PG. Perhaps PG-13.

128. Bright eyes in the morning. To put it another way, if you ever want to get into mischief and live recklessly, you know who to contact for inspiration. (smiley)

129. I apologize for your terrible day yesterday. Is there anything I can do to brighten your afternoon? How about a text for karaoke? “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa See? You’re already beaming a smile.

130. How is the sexiest, most amusing, and strangest man I know feeling this morning?

131. Greetings. Unfortunately, they cannot mix lunch and happy hour; else, I would welcome you to the workplace for drinks!

I adore you. I wanted to ensure that they were the first words you encountered this morning.

133. I wish I could give you a morning kiss, gorgeous. I suppose I’ll have to put it away until later.

134. The only thing that makes work tolerable is thinking about you. Have an amazing day, handsome!

135. I had a dream last night about you, sir. I’d tell you more, but the content is NSFW.


There is something wonderful about informing your special someone of your thoughts just before you go to sleep. Flirty messages sent at night will communicate to him how much you want him and how he is your ideal man.

Knowing what kind of text to send in the morning, throughout the day, and at night is critical to mastering flirtatious text messaging. It’s all about being inventive and devising fresh strategies for enlivening your discussions (ESPECIALLY at night).

Goodnight messages are also an excellent option for a first date. Following your first date, you want to maintain a positive image to the very end, which includes post-date messaging.




Therefore, send him a text message that is both flirtatious and emotional.



Examples of flirtatious goodnight texts 


136. I can feel your soft touch all over me if I shut my eyes tightly enough. You give me a sense of vitality. However, for the time being, goodnight and rest well.

137. I’ve just realized how much more comfy my bed is with you in it.

138. On a chilly night like today, I’m in the mood for something large, warm, and fluffy. Avoid weird notions. I just want a warm embrace from you. Goodnight, sweetheart.

139. Before I go to sleep, I just wanted to express how much I want you. All OK, goodnight.

140. Regardless of how many times I attempt to sleep, the loss of your smell, warmth, and aura is palpable, as the room seems empty without you. Therefore, let this evening pass quickly so that I may see you again. Goodnight.

141. As I stand here, the evening winds are blowing my hair in all directions. I’m picturing your lips preparing me for a restful night.

142. I hope I could, I wish I could be wrapped so tightly in your arms.

143. I wish I could fall asleep more quickly so that we could be together sooner.

144. You had best dream about me tonight, for I will most certainly dream of you.

145. Without a nice pillow and a goodnight text from you, I am unable to sleep.

146. Even though we are thousands of miles away, I shut my eyes and feel the warmth of your hug. I hope we could spend tonight together.

147. Each time I say goodnight, it aches a bit since it means I won’t be able to speak with you for a few hours, even if just for a few hours. As a result, I’m looking forward to seeing you again.

148. Throughout the day, I keep myself occupied, and time passes. However, at night, I really miss you.

149. Go to bed and fantasize about all the mischievous things you’re going to do to me the next time we see one other.

150. Imagining what would happen if you were present at the moment. Not surprisingly, none of us would be sleeping. Goodnight!






Is there anything more endearing than lovely messages from a loved someone? I’m guessing there isn’t! If you want to keep him thinking all day and night, then these beautiful love words are for you.

With a touch of flirtatiousness, these messages become more meaningful. While some of these beautiful text messages are intended for your partner, some are appropriate for that one man you adore, called your crush.

Your guy will be astounded by your consideration and genuine love for him. The flirtatious tone of these messages will brighten his day and increase his desire for you! And, maybe most importantly, these flirtatious love notes can help you spice up your romantic life!

Examples of flirtatious romantic SMS 




151. I’m keeping track of the minutes till I get to kiss your lips once again.

I still have the grin you gave me the first time we met.

153. Please respond:

A. Should I just text you to say hello?

B. Should I mention how much I’m already missing you?

C. Should I invite you over?

154. I feel completely secure while I’m around you.

155. As much as I like the stars in the sky, they pale in comparison to the ones in your eyes!

156. Suddenly, every love song I hear makes me think of you.

157. The minute I laid eyes on you for the first time, I knew you were ‘the one.’

158. We’ve only just said our goodbyes, yet I’m already missing you.

159. Do you have a hankering for me?

A: Indeed.

B: Without a doubt, yeah.

160. I realize this is corny, but you are the first person who comes to me when I awaken in the morning.

161. I thought I’d email you first to let you know that I’m already picturing the sensation of your lips against mine.

162. Everything that is excellent in my life has improved just because of you.

163. My love for you is as beautiful as a symphony. The music is in our hearts’ pounding.

164. I don’t really have much to say, but I’d like to say hello.

165. As the rush and bustle of my day winds down, my heart beats for you louder and more visibly. When the sun sets and darkness takes over, I begin to miss you in every way imaginable. When the stars illuminate the night sky, I find myself gazing into your dreamy eyes. And when it’s time to retire, I wish you were here by my side to accompany me on a wonderful journey. Every minute, you seem to grab my attention. There is never a moment when I don’t think of you or wish I could be with you. I am always possessed by your love. I feel so vulnerable in the presence of your love and yet so powerful.

166. I’m often reminded of how stunning and seductive you looked the last time I saw you. I couldn’t take my gaze away from you.

167. You are an excellent gentleman, and I adore you.

168. You may believe I’m lying, but you’re pretty much my ideal man.

169. I adore you more than words can express, so please pardon my feeble effort; I just want to express how much I adore you and will continue to do so in perpetuity.

170. Your everyday gestures of compassion astound me.

171. I believe myself to be the luckiest lady on the planet, and it is only because I have discovered the world’s most valuable gem. That would be you, my darling. You are the only thing that seems attractive on me.

172. I’m so bored that I’m in desperate need of your assistance.

173. There has never been and will never be another you. This much is true: you are the one who brings a grin to my face. Therefore, adore me now and never abandon me. Allow us to share eternity.

174. Your love for me is like a fire that consumes my heart with a burning hunger that consumes everything. My heart has always been untamed and uninhibited. It’s always been too tough to contain me until you arrived and lit me on fire, honey, and now I know that nothing will ever be the same again.




I’m not sure when you entered my heart, but I’m certain I never want you to go.

Have fun with The Flirting Game!
I hope you liked this lengthy list of flirtatious messages for him and are excited to improve your flirting game! As is customary, do not send these messages just for the purpose of sending them.

Take pleasure in the process of developing a connection with your man and enhancing your partnership. Sending a flirtatious SMS is the most effective method to make him feel special while also making him giggle.

After he reads it, he’ll be unable to stop thinking about how much he loves you and longs to see you, girl!

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