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10 Things a Wife Needs but Can’t Ask For

10 Things a Wife Needs but Can’t Ask For

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He’d reached his lowest point. The automobile had to be stopped, so I requested my husband to do so. When I told him I was ill to my stomach, he took my hand and led me to the closest restroom.

Everything poured out, including my hopes for a happy marriage and a good future.

Blindness had taken away my sight when I was 30 years old. I was overcome with sadness, misery, and helplessness as a result of this experience. As a result, my husband, who wasn’t prepared to deal with such a traumatic event in our marriage, stated that he was leaving me for another woman.

I pleaded with the person to give me a response. That’s why I’ve asked him why at least a zillion times: My unanticipated blindness, on the other hand, obscured all traces of wisdom or reason.

Everything inside of me was devoid of any meaning or purpose. Was hidden underneath my grief, just what I needed to complete me? Until the day God spoke to my heart with a whisper. He said it as it was, and that was the truth about my character. As a result, He poured forth His love and wisdom, allowing me to communicate the needs I’d been holding in for far too long.

Listed here are ten items that I desperately wanted but didn’t know how to request.
First and foremost, a woman requires that her spouse recognizes her value.
After being rejected, I want to quiet the falsehoods that told me I was unattractive, undeserving, and pitiable. As an alternative, I clung to God’s interpretation of who He said I was.

‘Because you formed my inmost being; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.’ Because I am fearfully and wonderfully formed, I give you my thanks; your works are marvelous, and I am completely aware of this.” The Bible says in Psalm 139:13-14 that

2. The love of a husband must be a reflection of the love of Christ in the life of a wife.

I screamed out for my husband’s love to be like Christ’s love in the midst of my agony.

“Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, purifying her by the washing with water through the word, and presenting her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” “Wives, love your husbands as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without 25-27 in Ephesians 5:25-27 in the New International Version

3. A wife need unwavering affection.

It was his unconditional love that I longed for, regardless of whether I was able to see or not.

As a result, men should treat their wives as if they were their own flesh and blood. He who loves his wife also loves himself, according to the proverb Despite the fact that none of us has ever despised his or her own body, we all feed it and care for it, just as Christ does for the church.” In Ephesians 5:28-29, the apostle Paul says,

4. A modest spouse is essential for a woman.

It was my prayer that he would be humble enough to accept both God’s punishment and love.

In other words, “Do not belittle the Lord’s discipline, and do not be disheartened if he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those whom he loves…” Hebrews 12:9 (Hebrews 12:9 (Hebrews 12:9 ))

5. A woman need a marriage that is characterized by repentance and forgiving her husband.

God had to show our defects, sins, and shortcomings in order for our marriage to be purified by him.

In order to see the Lord, make every effort to live in peace with all people and to be pure; without holiness, no one will see the Lord…”

“Make certain that no one is sexually immoral or godless in the manner of Esau……” the book of Hebrews 12:14-16

6. A woman need a husband who is fully dedicated to their marriage vows. 

I required God’s assistance in order for us to see past our sorrow and instead make a commitment to maintain our wedding vows, which we did with his assistance.

“As a result, a man will abandon his father and mother and will be married to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” In Ephesians 5:31, the apostle Paul says

7. Wives need husbands who are wise in every way.

In light of the difficulties that have plagued our marriage, I wished for my husband to be filled with knowledge in order to guide us through the process of rebuilding our house.

To put it another way, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into action is like a wise man who built his home on solid ground. It rained on the home, rivers rushed by, and the winds blew and battered against its walls, yet it did not collapse since its foundation was built on rock. The Bible says in Matthew 7:24-25 that

8. A woman need a husband who is desirous of obeying all of God’s laws in every situation.

I wanted my spouse and myself to be infused with Godly discernment since we were both vulnerable and lost at the time.

“My son, keep good judgment and wisdom in mind at all times and do not allow them to escape your sight; they will be your life and an ornament to adorn your neck. Your foot will not stumble, and you will be able to go safely on your route.” 2.21-23 (Proverbs 2:21-23).

9. A woman need a spouse in whom she can place her faith. 

The honesty from his mouth was what I want. Having a desire to believe in his word and put my faith in his promises was something I yearned to have.

“Above all, my brothers, do not swear–not by heaven, nor by earth, and certainly not by anything else. ” Make sure your “Yes” is a yes, and your “No” is a no, or you’ll be condemned.” James 5:12 is a verse that states that

Tenth, a woman needs a husband who is committed to praying for the family.

At night, I remained up, hoping to hear him confess his sins and show sorrow, and hoping to hear him admit that he had ruined our marriage.

“In order for you to be shown right when you speak and justified when you judge… I have sinned and done what is wicked in your eyes exclusively against you… No, O God, you will not scorn a broken and contrite heart.” 51.4 and 1 of Psalm 51

It was God’s wisdom that gave me the confidence I needed after weeks of persistent prayer. Furthermore, His truth provided me with strength. My demands and expectations were clearly communicated in a kind manner.

His ears were perked up as he observed the transformation in my appearance. I wasn’t the frightened, shaken-up wife any more, thank goodness. As a result, I had gained faith in God’s ability to bring about change in my life. Merely being around him brought about a change. As a result, I was certain that He would accomplish the same in my spouse as well.

I was holding his hand as we sat at the kitchen table one night. “I’ve made my choice,” he said, “and I’m leaving it all behind to dedicate my time and energy to you and our boys.”

We gathered in a circle and started praying. When we first began talking, we were both surprised. He quickly rose to the position of my closest companion. After 41 years of marriage, we just celebrated our 41st anniversary on a cruise ship, where we fell in love again.

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