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10 Key Signs That God Wants You to Remain Single

10 Key Signs That God Wants You to Remain Single

A person’s decision to remain single or to get married or have children comes after a lot of hard work, life experiences, and a positive attitude. Thinking about God’s indications may help someone who wants to be single but isn’t sure whether it’s in their best interest to be single. The signals of God requesting you to remain unmarried for the rest of your life would be desired by any God-believing individual.



Christians are often torn between the options of marriage and remaining single. Following significant realizations and observations in their lives, they are compelled to ponder the Almighty’s choice on their relationship status. In contrast to this, God always urged his followers to marry and have a happy family life. Although everyone is called to marry and have children, not everyone is called to assist the people in their immediate vicinity (since only a select few are born to do so). For example, the Apostle Paul was an unmarried man who committed his whole life to God and the people of the Roman Empire.



So, how can you know whether God has chosen you to be a single, devoted follower of his teachings and principles? According to Ephesians 5, a chapter of the Bible, there are a few signals that God is urging you to be single indefinitely.

If God wants you to be single for the rest of your life, how do you know it?

1. You’ve never been in a relationship before this one.

Is it inevitable that everyone who hasn’t found love will remain so? Interestingly enough, some individuals discover their love later in life. The fact that you are still single may be an indication that you have discovered the explanation for your situation.
It’s common for everyone to feel attracted to someone throughout their teenage years, when their hormones are at their highest levels. Then you are different from everyone else if you didn’t experience anything like to what we have just discussed. Perhaps it is God’s will for you to remain unmarried for the rest of your life.

Secondly, you do not have any sexual urge.

Because some organisms on the planet are sexually active, sexual desire is a normal part of life for these individuals. In the event that you are not experiencing any sexual cravings, you are destined to remain single.

According to the book of 1 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul encouraged others to remain celibate, but he counseled those who had sexual impulses to marry. Individuals who need sex and companionship are unable to remain celibate for lengthy periods of time, therefore marriage is a viable option for those who wish to avoid sexual immorality in their lives. For many who find themselves with no desire for sex at all, this is a divine mandate to remain unmarried for the rest of their lives.

As previously said, a person who has been without sexual urges for an extended period of time may not be capable of surviving as a single soul. However, you must consider your own age while considering whether or not to get married. Even in their late 30s or early 40s, individuals have strong sexual cravings, whether it is for sex, closeness with someone special, or just a sexual partner with whom to bond. In the event that you have never had such sentiments before, you should take this as a strong indication that you should continue to be single.

Three, you are entirely devoted to the service of God and his people.

If you are experiencing tremendous pleasure while serving God and his people, this is a strong indication that God wants you to remain single at this time. In general, people are concerned about the prospect of being single and would want to find a spouse or get married quickly in order to avoid being stuck in this position. It’s also a sign from God if you don’t have any of the signs of being single.

Couples or relationships are out of the question for those who devote their lives to helping God and the less fortunate. A few remarkable personalities have served God, nation, and people even if they are married; these individuals are known as “married saints.” For those who have spent years devoting their lives to God rather than thinking about marriage, it is possible that God is calling them to remain single.

4.There is no reason for you to spend the rest of your life with someone.

God’s magnificence is evident in the fact that when you have a dream, you also have the vision to see that dream come true. Similarly, if you do not have a desire in your heart to meet someone someday, you will not have the vision to pursue that ambition. Your thoughts are not focused on obtaining love for yourself, but rather on becoming a rescuer for God and others.

Your single status, as seen by your lack of desire to marry or have a family, is thus a message from God. As a tiny act, this is the most significant indicator since it requires tremendous guts to be done. When God is at your side, it is only possible to live a solitary but happier life with enormous bravery and hope.

You can tell everything about yourself by looking at your previous relationships.


Is there anything you remember feeling from your previous relationships? As long as you believe that you are happier being alone than in a relationship, that is how things will remain.

Every failed relationship has a lesson for you hidden inside it. There’s a reason you ended up in those relationships, and you have to remember it. Instead of feeling guilty about your decision, you enjoy the freedom that comes with being free of something that was not intended for you.. They speak volumes about their own lives.

Again, just because your prior relationships did not work does not imply that you will remain alone. The viewpoint of the person you’re intended to marry may shift at any time, allowing you to meet someone whose soul matches yours.

6. You are not someone who is jealous of others while they are doing something they like.

People who are part of a happy family and who live a life with their spouse inspire envy in others who have not had the opportunity to experience these things themselves. Envy may be triggered by just gazing at someone else’s happiness while being unable to experience it oneself. However, similar sensations would not be experienced by those whom God wishes to remain unmarried.

If you have no complaints about not having a spouse or living with a happy family, such as your friends and relatives, then you are intended to be single, and it is a call from the Lord to be single. People with such a free mind are not supposed to be created for someone else; rather, they are destined to live a life of their own, to serve God, and to find enormous delight in this endeavor. You may absolutely take this as an indicator that God wants you to remain single since you are an exception to the general public.

7.Your desire to be single is your greatest joy.

Having the prospect of being single for the rest of your life won’t terrify you or make you want to run away from jerks. You envision yourself enjoying going alone throughout your life instead, and it seems quiet, pleasant, and relaxing. The fact that you are still unmarried may be an indication of the will of God.

Additionally, persons who are content with their single status are exempt from the marriage ban. They want for a mate or feel relieved of the need to be single, since this is their natural desire and desire.

8.The necessity of marriage is recognized by you, but you do not believe that you are in need of marriage

The significance of a few areas of life might be underestimated at times. When you say no to something despite the fact that you understand its significance, it is possible that you are fulfilling God’s will.. For single people, this is also true.

It is clear that you understand the necessity of marriage and companionship, but you do not believe that you have a compelling reason to marry. It is rare that someone feels it is natural for them to be single, and if you are one of those individuals, you are a rare and exceptional individual. If you think about it, it may be a sign from God that he wants you to be single for the rest of your life. God’s assistance is essential for us to be able to make such significant choices and stick to them.

9.Your own personal reasons for not marrying are listed  .

The motives behind each person’s actions are unique and unknown to society, friends, or even family members of the person who committed the act. There are ramifications for not just marriage and relationships, but for every major element of one’s life as well. You may feel obligated to perform certain things in order to be right in society, in front of your family, or among your friends. The sacrifice or compromise on numerous vital things in life is something that only a few individuals are willing to do. In any case, you are adamant in your opposition to marriage.

Society, as well as family, are irrelevant in your eyes. It is your desire to remain single for the rest of your life rather than commit yourself to God, your job, or a passion of your own. When the world is against you, God will stand by your side and support your decision to be a single parent. As long as you have the blessings of God, you may use your strength, might, and bravery as a sign from the Almighty to follow. Without his or her permission, no person can move even one inch.

10.Your emotions and moods are under tight control .

Most individuals who are engaged or planning a wedding prefer to share their thoughts and sentiments to a family member or close friend first. They depend on their relationship to make them feel whole, but those who are supposed to remain alone for the rest of their lives are not the same as they are with their partners. The want to communicate their feelings and the desire for dependable support are not simply about sexual desire or cravings.

If our feelings get overpowering, we all have the ability to call out to someone we love and care about. The power to lead a solitary life comes from the Lord when you are alone, addressing emotionally difficult issues without any such support or commitment from other people. This strength and bravery come from Him.



Being single might be a divine sign from God if you are a person who is more content to deal with your emotions and sentiments while still meeting all of your requirements. Again, this does not imply that all of the autonomous people would lead a single existence, but it does indicate that there are more odds in this direction.. Individuals often need for support and feel whole when they have someone near them, and if you do not experience this urge at all, you are an exception. In the end, God is the only one who can save you; he is your guide, tutor, and lifeline.



To summarize, living a joyful single life free of doubts and concerns is a rare and enviable experience. Being does not seem to be a realistic option, but when God is pulling you towards it, you will not be aware of the difficulties. The indicators above should not be taken into consideration if you are just grieving the loss of a relationship or if you are having difficulty locating the appropriate person.



In order to regard the aforementioned signals as God’s intention, they must be more persuasive. We will never know what is intended for us until it manifests itself in our reality. You must be prepared to confront the facts, even if you are seeing evidence to the contrary. And if you are a happy single person, these indications might make it much more significant to your partner.

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