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Your Relationship Your Responsibility

Your Relationship Your Responsibility

Let’s imagine you met a wonderful lady who was interested in you as well. You went on a couple of enjoyable dates when you had the chance to have sex with each other.
When the chance presented itself, you took advantage of it. After a few months, you’ve found yourself in a serious, loving relationship with someone.



Congratulations So, what do you do now?
Large Reward, but also Large Responsibilities
Obviously, your new objective is to ensure that your new connection lasts a lifetime.
Surprisingly, the majority of men are completely unaware of this. The majority of men recognize the benefits of being in a relationship with a woman, but they fail to recognize the responsibilities.




The “task” of making a relationship work, in reality, is seen by most men as being shared equally between themselves and their partner. They believe that when a relationship fails, half of the time it is the fault of the male and the other half of the time it is the fault of the woman (or both).



However, this is not the case. While some unsuccessful relationships are the result of insane women who have no business being in a relationship, the great majority of broken relationships are the result of males acting inappropriately.
The reason behind this is as follows: A failure in a relationship translates into a failure in management.
And by now, you should be aware that you are the one who is in charge of your relationship.
If your partner becomes agitated or dissatisfied, it is likely that you are not providing her requirements. And if you dismiss her concerns as “outbursts of a bratty young girl,” it implies that you aren’t genuinely interested with satisfying her needs in the first place.
As a result, she instinctively seeks for other means of meeting her demands.
As a result, allow me to reiterate: A failure in a relationship is synonymous with a failure in leadership.





So, what does it take to be a good leader in a relationship?

The most important thing to remember is to always be the one in charge in your relationship. This means you’ve got to be the strong, dominating and competent man who follows through on all (or at least the majority) of his commitments and who continues to develop and improve as time goes on.



But at the same time, when you’re preoccupied with addressing her and your own wants, you should insist on being respected. Keep in mind that you are the leader, not the subordinate! You are the boss, not the subordinate.
You don’t live for her; you live for your life’s purpose and for the people around you. Your lady should be submissive; she must be willing to cooperate with your purpose. For better or worse, she should help, assist, and support you in the accomplishment of your life’s goal and purpose. She cannot, and should never be, the mission and the goal of the organization.






How to Recognize When You’re Not Ready

Keep in mind that one of the most important characteristics you should strive to cultivate in yourself is honesty. And a large part of being honest is being honest with yourself, which includes being honest with yourself when it comes to recognizing when you are not ready to manage a relationship.
What are the signs that you aren’t ready? Here are a few indicators:
You haven’t committed to becoming the leader of your relationship for the rest of your life.
The notion of a relationship as a 50/50 partnership in which you “share” leadership and responsibility with your partner is still acceptable to you.
If you’re still a people-pleaser, it’s because you’re hooked to making others like you, and if people DON’T like you, it makes you feel bad about yourself.



If you still exhibit any of the characteristics listed above, you SHOULD continue meeting and dating women; however, it may be better if you waited until you’re ready before entering a meaningful relationship.
Alternatively, if you ARE prepared and willing to assume the lifetime duty, come hell or high water, then you should be congratulated on your decision.
If you are a male, you are about to enter the most hard, character-building, and rewarding period of his life.






“Anatomy of a Problem”

The purpose of a relationship is to provide for one another.
As you read earlier in this book, you discovered that every human being is hard-wired to achieve two things: to live and to multiply. It is the most fundamental driving force in the universe. It’s not glamorous, but if one of them were to become extinct, mankind would be extinct in two generations.




The most advantageous method to attain these two primordial objectives is to engage in what I refer to as a “give-and-take” relationship with others.
Allow me to clarify the difference between Give-and-Givee and Give-and-Takee.
In the dating world, there is a widely held belief that “a healthy relationship is a give-and-take,” in which both parties’ wants are addressed to an equal extent by their partner.
Unfortunately, this is a fallacious idea, since equality will never be reached in this world.
When “50-50” becomes “51-49,” resentment starts to creep in, and the resentment snowballs until the partnership is no longer sustainable.



Throughout the twentieth century, this idea has resulted in an endless number of unsuccessful relationships and marriages. It causes individuals, both men and women, to begin partnerships with the attitude of “What’s in it for me?”
That is why I advocate a different method, which I refer to as a “give-and-give partnership.”
The definition of this kind of relationship is one in which both partners consistently give of themselves to one other, regardless of their “equality.”
It follows as a consequence that there is nothing for one another to “steal.” THAT is the correct frame of mind to have.




Wouldn’t you agree that this is true?
The majority of guys nowadays approach relationships with a “taking” mentality. They desire what is about to be served to them:
Totally free sex
a more elevated social standing
More naughty things
The benefit of increasing one’s attractiveness to other ladies
even more naughty



The term “Player” comes to mind when you hear it, don’t you?
My recommendation: Do not subscribe to the “give-and-take” mindset. It’s a game that never comes to a conclusion. You’ll end up devastated and miserable, and the ladies you’ll fail will feel the same way.
rather of expecting anything in return, recognize that the objective of entering a relationship is to give.




A word of caution: Your relationship may out to be more difficult than you anticipate. It’s one of the most difficult tasks you’ll ever have to bear, but that shouldn’t come as a surprise since you’re responsible for the survival of the species.
So, here are a few pointers to make your task a little bit simpler.




It is necessary to nurture a desire to offer. When it comes to your life, if it is still all about you and what you “get” out of it, then no offense, but you have some maturing to do.
You MUST have everything planned out in your life. If nothing else, you must be financially stable, with enough money coming into your life to sustain your current lifestyle as well as the lifestyle you want to establish for your partnership.



You’ll be more prepared to deal with a relationship if you’re mentally and physically prepared. After that, you’ll need to learn the “art” of dealing with a relationship, which we’ll cover in further detail in the next Chapter.
Let me ask you one more thing before I go: what if it’s too late for you? However, what if you DON’T have a giving attitude, and you DON’T have your life in order, but you’re already in a committed relationship?





There’s nothing to worry about. Because you are a human being, you have the potential to develop further. If you don’t start building a giving attitude right now, it’ll be too late to reach financial stability.
That will not be simple, there is no doubt about it. But, then again, nothing valuable, such as a lifetime romance, is ever really guaranteed.

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