Why is it likely that your wine isn’t vegan?

Why is it likely that your wine isn’t vegan?

There is no doubting that an increasing number of Americans are opting for an animal-free diet for a variety of reasons, including health and allergy concerns, animal welfare and justice concerns, and simple personal preference concerns.

With an increasing number of individuals around the nation making the conversion to a vegan diet, the issue has arisen as to whether wine may be consumed as part of a strict vegan diet.

The quick answer is that it is dependent on the situation. However, despite the fact that fermentation has been occurring naturally for thousands of years due to the presence of yeasts on grape skins, inventiveness and experimentation have resulted in the widespread usage of extra processing stages.

A total of more than 70 additives are usually permitted in wines, some of which are derived from dairy and animal products.

There is no way to know how a vintage has been prepared just on its appearance. In order to guarantee that your wine pairings are acceptable for persons who have allergies or intolerances to particular ingredients, please continue reading.

Consumers may find the wine less appealing or edible if certain chemicals are left behind throughout the fermentation process from grape to bottle.

Fining is the term used to describe the process of removing such chemicals. Example: When red grapes are fermented and have thick skins, the resulting wine might have an excessive quantity of polyphenols, commonly known as tannins, which can be harmful to the body.

A high concentration of tannins might distract from the overall experience and make it unpleasant for the customer to drink. In some cases, the problem will resolve itself inside the bottle; nevertheless, in order to make such wines more acceptable for early consumption, excessive polyphenols may be eliminated by adding a protein to the blend.

Many vintners have similar opinions on what they will and will not put into their bodies, which is excellent news for health-conscious customers who are concerned about what they put into their bodies. When the views of the manufacturer and the opinions of the consumer are in sync, everyone benefits.

Additionally, some grapes, growing locales, and production processes are naturally suited for use in a more pure, natural process that requires little or no use of additives.

Astringencies, haze, sediments, off-flavors, and off-odors are some of the things that vintners may remove from their product before bottling. They can do this while still preserving the general body and flavor character of the wine.

It produces a drink that is both clear in color and smooth in texture, which is a pleasant combination.

In order to do this, some winemakers prefer to utilize natural, plant-based compounds, while others do not. Products used during fining are generally filtered out or left behind before the racking process may take place, depending on the situation.

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The use of animal products.

A fining procedure is required before the wine is finished and ready to be packaged for sale. For vegans, this is the era in which many of the items utilized are derived from animal products, which is a disappointment. In the wine fining process, a variety of components are often used, including the following:

Egg Whites.

Traditionally, egg whites were employed as a fining agent in old-world red wines. Six and a half liters of wine may be clarified by only one egg! Albumin, a soluble protein with a positive charge, attracts tannins and bonds with them, sinking solids to the bottom of the barrel.

Even while fresh egg whites may be used, some vintners choose to utilize powdered egg whites in order to avoid the possibility of bacterial contamination that might occur when using fresh egg whites.


It has been used to decrease tannins in red wines and oxidation in white wines by using casein, a protein component of milk. In commercial form (as potassium caseinate), it may be utilized, or it can be added directly to food via skim milk.


In white forms, chitosan is extracted from chitin, which is a substance generated from the exoskeletons of shellfish. It is utilized as a clarifying agent since it is derived from chitin. In addition to its efficacy (particularly when mixed with Kieselsol, a naturally occurring, negatively charged chemical), it is also popular since it has a low influence on the integrity of the finished product.


Gelatin, which is derived from animal bones, may be employed as a clearing agent before or after fermentation, depending on the situation. Using it in red wines to eliminate excess polyphenols and in white wines to absorb harsh tastes are two examples of how it may be used.


Isinglass, which is derived from the bladder of a fish, has been employed as a fining agent in some white types of fish since the early nineteenth century. This last polish, which contains collagen, has shown to be useful in preserving the taste and character of vintage wines while preventing them from being stripped of their flavor or character.

Using Natural Polishing Agents to Improve the Taste of Your Wine

Having said that, there are really techniques to make a fantastic wine utilizing vegan-friendly ingredients. In order to make wine without using animal products, a number of ingredients must be combined:

Charcoal that has been activated

Plant-based activated charcoal, which is used to absorb undesirable colors and smells, may be found in many places. Because of its neutral charge, it has no influence on the suspension or dissolution of solids in water or other solutions.


Known as Bentonite, a naturally occurring clay composed of volcanic ash, it is one of the most often utilized natural fining agents. It has a strong attraction to suspended particles and may be used either before or after fermentation to achieve this.

Metatartaric Acid is a kind of acid that occurs naturally in food.

Potassium crystals are precipitated out before the racking stage using this product, which is made from a material that occurs naturally in a wide variety of plants.

Tips for Choosing Vegan Wines Based on the Labeling

There are several markers of quality and care that you may use to make your selections, even though no organization in the United States presently provides vegan label certification. In order to choose the cleanest vintage possible at your local wine shop, it’s critical to seek for the labels listed below.

Certified Organic’ is a trademark of the Organic Trade Association.

Organic grapes were utilized in the production of this wine, and no sulfites were employed in its production, as indicated by the label.


Producers that use biodynamic procedures retain a holistic perspective of agriculture, in a manner similar to that of those who use the organic certification. When you’re out shopping, look for the Demeter or Biodyvin certification marks.


Salmon-Safe certification has been given to over 350 wineries in Oregon and Washington. Fish habitat may be protected by shading stream corridors, producing cover crops to avoid erosion, and using natural pest management techniques, all of which are encouraged by the certification.

Vegan-Friendly Wine Can Be Made At Home

With a 6-gallon glass carboy included in the BSG Fine Wine Equipment Kit.
Home Winemaking Equipment may be found by clicking here.
An alternative method of assuring that your wine is made utilizing vegan methods is to make it yourself. However, although the quality of your handmade wine will not be as high as that of wines from the Languedoc-Roussillon or the Willamette Valley, you can be certain that the wines you make will be acceptable for your nutritional requirements.

Getting started in the home winemaking process may be enjoyable, and many people undertake it as a hobby, regardless of how their final goods come out. Be careful to check that you have all of the necessary equipment before you begin. It is necessary to have the following materials:

  • Kits containing the necessary components
  • The Chemical Testing Equipment is a kind of testing equipment that is used to determine the chemical composition of substances.
  • The Chemicals Used in Fermentation
  • Equipment for sanitation.
  • Equipment for bottling.

Remember to read our article on the fundamentals of home winemaking before you begin.

Resources on the Internet that are beneficial.

It may be beneficial to visit one of the following websites for further information if you have any questions about a specific wine or would want to learn more about the topic.

It is possible to find vegan-friendly items on Barnivore.com, which gathers information from manufacturers and customers and categorizes them as such. The results of a recent search for vegan wines included more than 2,500 hits.

thevirtualrealitygroup.org An extensive list of widely used compounds that are added to food and drinks may be found in the Vegetarian Journal’s Guide To Food Ingredients. To learn more about the origins of any component on the page, search for it using your browser’s search bar.

Of course, the best approach to find out if a certain product is vegan or not is to inquire with the manufacturer directly. Sending an email or a tweet to a corporation might help you get closure on the processes that were utilized to make a certain item.

This is the best time in history to find vegan wines to drink. The beverage industry is very competitive, so customers have the luxury of selecting just those goods that fit their specific requirements.

It is possible to get gratifying outcomes with wine pairings that are vegan in nature. Vegetarian cuisine that is delicious and imaginative is not difficult to come by, and neither are the appropriate vintages to serve them with either.

For even the most die-hard omnivores, putting up a dinner that is focused on health and quality may be an unexpected source of pleasure for both the palate and the body.

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