Why Do You Feel Dead Inside?
It might be difficult to comprehend what it feels like to be dead on the inside for someone who has never experienced it. It is possible that persons who have battled with it may not always have the correct words to describe the feelings of uncertainty, grief, and numbness that are associated with it.
The feeling of being “dead within” refers to the difficulty in processing feelings such as happiness and despair. When you are “dead within,” all of your sensations have the same bland tone and are difficult to enjoy no matter what scenario you are in.
When you’re feeling dead on the inside, life might seem to be a dull event with no clear purpose or conclusion in sight, which is exactly what it is. It might result in a rather disconnected attitude to one’s daily activities.
Occasionally, this sensation may be fleeting, disappearing as fast as it appeared. Other times, the symptoms might endure for much longer periods of time than a few days or weeks, even years, resulting in chronic feelings of emptiness.
The significance of these changes may not always be immediately apparent when you feel dead on the inside. We’ll be looking at the warning signals to watch out for, as well as the situations that may be causing you to feel depressed or empty. Because this state of mind is treatable, we’ll also look at the many approaches that may be used to alleviate the sensations of numbness.
Signs that you are feeling ‘dead on the inside’
Whether a person is at the pinnacle of their job, in the midst of their most fulfilling relationship, or in any other comfortable place in life, anybody may experience feelings of being dead on the inside.
However, although this sensation seems to manifest itself in a haphazard manner, there are some characteristics that may be seen in a person who is dead on the inside. They are addressed in further detail below.
You have a sense that your life has no meaning.
For the majority of individuals, having a sense of purpose motivates them to get out of bed in the morning. Whether it’s making a difference in the fight against global warming, assisting the homeless population, or becoming the healthiest version of yourself possible, knowing that there are chores to be completed every day to get you closer to your objectives may be a source of inspiration and motivation.
However, when a person feels dead on the inside, this purpose is no longer there. Every day is marked with a question mark for the following 24 hours, as is every hour. Because of these emotions, everyday living might seem dull and unpleasant.
Questioning the Purpose of One’s Existence
It’s natural to question what we’re doing here on Earth, what happens when we die, and whether or not there is an afterlife beyond death.
However, since there are no definitive solutions to existential issues, these ideas tend to be transitory and inconsequential.
When you’re feeling dead on the inside, though, the meaning of life may become a source of obsession. Questions about the meaning of life and whether or not it is worthwhile to continue to exist tend to become overwhelming.
Numbness is a constant state of being.
The sensation of being dead on the inside causes a continual sense of numbness. As a result, feelings such as happiness or grief become harder to experience or express. In this condition, life becomes more or less monotonous, with moments of pleasure or anguish having little or no impact on the overall picture.
You Have a Sense of Being Alone
The act of seeing people move with a sense of purpose may be alienating when you’re feeling lifeless on the inside. Because you are aware that others are moved by pleasant moments, furious interactions, or tragic events, you may feel compelled to conceal your lack of sentiments.
This might make it difficult to discuss your emotions of emptiness with others, and it can exacerbate the empty sensations that are being nursed.
It’s possible that you’ll feel physically drained.
When it comes to connecting with the outside world, emotions are essential. The impression of experiencing a hollowed-out version of oneself might occur when it becomes difficult to comprehend your emotions. When you’re feeling dead on the inside, it’s not unusual to get the impression that you’re living with an inside vacuum present.
Conditions that make you feel like you’re dead on the inside
A variety of psychological, biological, and medical factors might be contributing to the prolonged sensation of numbness.
Depression is a relatively frequent mood illness that affects millions of people every year. It is notable for creating chronic feelings of sorrow, which may be followed by changes in eating habits, weariness, and, in some cases, physical discomfort, among other symptoms.
This illness is characterized by chronic feelings of apathy as one of its most noticeable symptoms.
Things that were previously fascinating to a sad person may no longer be interesting to them now. The meaning of life and the purpose of existence become hazy as a result of this state.
Depressive episodes may result in suicidal ideation in the most severe situations.
In the case of a person who feels “empty,” it may be an indication that that person is at risk of developing depression.
Suicidal thoughts? Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 for support and help from a professional counselor at any time of day or night. If you or someone you care about is in urgent danger, dial 911.
More information on mental health options may be found on our National Helpline Database.
It is common for people to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder after experiencing something distressing. It generates a variety of physiological changes in the body, including nightmares, anxiety, and intense flashbacks of the past.
Because post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may result in a person no longer feeling like themselves, they may describe themselves as feeling “dead on the inside.”
When emotions are suppressed, it is possible to experience sensations of numbness and emptiness. This is referred to as emotional numbing, and it may lead a person to feel physically and emotionally dead on the inside.
When it comes to managing and treating disorders such as depression and anxiety, medication is a popular choice. While medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may alleviate the symptoms of certain illnesses, they have been shown to have an adverse effect on the way the brain processes emotions.
People on these antidepressants often experience feelings of apathy, as well as emotional blunting (a restricted emotional response to events), while taking these medications. These are sometimes mistaken for sensations of emptiness on the inside.
Emotions that have been suppressed
In other circumstances, emotions might be so tough to cope with that they are simply buried and forgotten about entirely. This is reasonable as a coping technique against bad emotions; yet, it has the potential to spill over into pleasant ones as well.
When one’s emotions are dulled, it might seem akin to being dead on the inside.
When reality seems to be taking place through the eyes of another person, this may indicate a case of depersonalization.
When a person feels disconnected from themself, they are said to be experiencing this syndrome. It might seem like you’re living your life through the eyes of someone else. A person may have a sense of disconnection from their body, mind, and surroundings, resulting in them feeling empty on the inside.
How to Cope When You’re Feeling Like You’re Dead on the Inside
Because sensations are numb, it’s obviously difficult to muster the drive to improve one’s condition.
Seeking professional assistance via therapy is one of the most effective methods of dealing with mental health issues in the long run.
Speaking with a therapist may assist you in navigating the situations that cause you to feel numb and depressed. Additionally, a therapist may assist you in altering your attitude on life, and they may be able to give the right treatment in cases when feelings of emptiness are caused by physical issues.
Activities that promote self-care, such as exercising, meditating, and writing, may assist to improve one’s emotional condition to the greatest extent feasible.

How to Deal With Life When You're Numb and Dead on the Inside
There are four ways to bring yourself back to life when you feel like you’re dying on the inside.
Different concepts should be explored to see which ones could work for you…. Because you may be lacking drive and energy, it’s ironic that you’re experiencing this situation.
If you were bursting at the seams with life and vigor, you wouldn’t be looking for advice on how to be happy while you’re feeling like you’re dying on the inside. No matter how difficult things seem right now, you will succeed if you let your best route to lead you there in the first place.
Locate the break in the tomb and concentrate on it until the light begins to shine through it..
Continue to experiment with new and diverse ideas, activities, and things to eat and drink. Eventually, something will occur to you that will cause you to recognize that the idea “I feel dead within” is a fabrication..
1 – Carry out some background research
I’m curious as to when you first noticed these sensations of inward emptiness. When my grandmother passed away, it was a really difficult time for me. After she passed away, I had the distinct impression that I, too, had passed away a long time ago.
The feeling I had on the inside was one of complete numbness and emptyness. The thought of going to bed made me feel fatigued and overwhelmed. All I wanted to do was sleep. I had a strong desire to burrow beneath the blankets and never get out of bed again.
I followed through on this. For days on end, I did nothing but sleep. It was only after a few hours of sitting and staring out the window that I felt ready to go back to work. Then I discovered what it feels like to be dead on the inside when you are grieving.
Heartache that remains lodged in our hearts, minds, and spirits is referred to as “emptiness” or “numbness”. Difficult emotions such as guilt, rage, humiliation, or regret, if not experienced, untangled, and processed, may be very harmful to one’s well-being.
Were you left feeling empty or dead on the inside as a result of an external occurrence, or did you experience the emptiness over time? Consider how thinking about this might assist you in healing and regaining your joy. If you know what caused the problem, you can learn about the many treatments that are available for you.
Take, for example, the case of a breakup: you may acquire many techniques for letting go of someone you care about. Natural depression therapies may be tried if you’re depressed, and there are plenty to choose from. Read What to Remember When You Feel Like No One Cares if you are feeling lonely and unwelcome in your life.
2. Bring your narrative to the forefront of public discussion.
The more you try to conceal, the worse you’ll feel about yourself. What occurred to you has been discussed or written about. Perhaps you need to ask for forgiveness for previous transgressions. Your soul will be destroyed if you continue to carry your grief or errors inside you.
It is only in the darkness of secrets that there is place for pleasure, light, joy, and tranquility to exist. The longer you keep your experiences and troubles hidden – no matter how horrible they are or how bad you believe you are – the worse you will feel as time goes on..
Consult with a trusted friend or family member. Inform her or him that you feel dead on the inside and that you wish to discover methods to come alive and be joyful once again. I promise you that you will find support and encouragement in our community.
However, you will gain new insights into yourself, even if the information does not appear in the form that you expect or desire. Thus, you will be assisted in overcoming your feelings of emptiness and discovering true joy.
You can come across folks who say things like, “I went through something similar, and I felt dead on the inside for many months.” I found this to be quite useful.” It’s possible that you don’t need clinical advise on how to be happy or spiritual guidance on how to deal with your inner sensations of being hollow. Maybe all you need to do is tell someone what happened to you, who wounded you, and how numb you are feeling right now.
Rather of engaging in combat, you should choose to give up and surrender instead.
In the aftermath of my grandmother’s death, I did little to combat the overwhelming sense of being dead on the inside. All I wanted to do was sleep since I didn’t know what to do next. Therefore, I took action.
It took time for the anguish and agony to subside, and finally became what it is today: a few wisps of melancholy and affection for the lady I adored and miss. However, my pain was transformed into compassion, love, and kindness for myself and for others, rather than disappearing completely.
Having my sister cease communicating with me made it harder for me to find happiness. Even worse than learning that my spouse and I are not able to have children, it was the worst event of my life. During a phone conversation with me, my sister said that she did not want to speak with me again.
The reason she couldn’t tell me why we weren’t fighting was because we weren’t fighting. Because we’re half-sisters with different fathers, she had been retreating for months and we didn’t have anything in common. I was slain, however, by that one. “I just about dropped down and sobbed,” I said.
I let out a snort of delight. Because our mother was schizophrenic, we spent much of our childhood in foster homes. I was under the impression that she was the sole member of my family…. I was rejected by her as well.
Surrender. 10 years passed before I could accept and give up my position. As a result, I now have a new perspective on life, and I would respond extremely differently if someone told me the same thing now. What “loving what is” really means has finally been explained to me.
4. Challenge your beliefs and appreciate what you have.
As Byron Katie says in Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life, “it is easy to get carried away by some overpowering sensation.” “ Remembering that each anxious experience may be compared to a caring alarm clock that says, “You’ve been trapped in a dream,” can be really beneficial..
Depression, anguish, and anxiety are gifts from the universe that say, “Sweetheart, take a look at how you’re thinking right now….” The tale you’re living isn’t real for you, so don’t believe it.