Why do most passenger planes fly at around 35000 ft elevations?

Why do most passenger planes fly at around 35000 ft elevations?

Why do most passenger planes fly at around 35000 ft elevations?

The following are the reasons why aircraft may soar to such incredible heights:



Aircraft Fuel Efficiency: 

One of the primary reasons for flying at such a high altitude is that the air causes less drag on the aircraft, allowing the plane to require less fuel in order to maintain speed while flying at that height. So, less wind resistance means greater power and less work, to put it another way. Because of the obvious reasons, reducing fuel consumption is beneficial to airlines as well. However, the higher the aircraft flies, the more fuel it needs to burn in order to get there, thus there are certain disadvantages to flying at particular altitudes as well as advantages.



Keeping out of traffic and avoiding hazards:


 Flying higher means planes may avoid flying into or over birds (typically), drones, small aircraft, and helicopters, which travel at a lower height than they do.


Preventing turbulence and adverse weather is important.


 Of course, turbulence occurs aboard airplanes, but it may come as a surprise to learn that it occurs far less often as a result of the high altitude at which many commercial flights operate. Many of the adverse weather conditions that people on the ground are susceptible to may be avoided by flying high in the air. 


In the troposphere, which is the lowest level of the atmosphere closest to the earth, most meteorological phenomena take place, including thunderstorms. At altitudes of up to 36,000 feet, clouds, strong showers, and high winds are most likely to be encountered, as well as thunderstorms. As a result, aircraft prefer to fly higher in the stratosphere, where there is less turbulence.


For example, if anything awful happens to an airplane at 35,000 feet, such as its engines losing power, the pilot will have far more time to respond with the issue than he would have if the aircraft was only at 10,000 feet. Even if both engines fail, aircraft may still land safely, therefore giving yourself extra time to prepare before trying such a maneuver might save lives.

As we ascend in height, the thickness of the air becomes thinner. The troposphere is the first and most important layer, and it is also the thickest. It accounts for around 80 percent of the total mass of the Earth’s atmosphere. The troposphere is denser than all of the other atmospheric layers above it because a greater amount of atmospheric weight rests on top of the troposphere, causing it to be the most severely compressed of all the layers above it. 


The amount of drag generated on the surface of a wing is exactly proportional to the thickness of the air around it.

If the big aircraft continue to fly in the inner layers of the troposphere, the atmosphere will become more acidic.

Because of the large amount of drag on the aircraft’s body, the plane is unable to attain greater speeds or maintain its cruising speed, and the plane’s fuel efficiency suffers as a result. Additionally, the time it takes to reach the destination is increased.


Due to the fact that air layers superior (outer or penultimate) to the troposphere are thin, the amount of drag and friction between the air and the plane’s body is significantly reduced, allowing the plane to cruise smoothly at its specified speed, saving time and providing the best fuel efficiency.