Why Do Mice Like Your Milwaukee Basement?

Why Do Mice Like Your Milwaukee Basement?

Why Do Mice Like Your Milwaukee Basement?

You may be shocked to learn that your basement has more mouse activity than any other room in your house if you’ve ever had a mouse infestation. A mouse’s attraction is typically drawn to places where food is readily accessible, such as the kitchen, or to locations that are isolated from other parts of the house, such as the attic.



 In addition to these locations, many homeowners discover signs of a mouse infestation in the basement of their residence. You can count on the staff at Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control to provide excellent mice removal and wildlife control in Milwaukee when you have a rodent issue. 

Consider some of the factors that contribute to their fondness for this particular room.



The basement is often where individuals keep stuff such as Christmas decorations, sports equipment, old clothing, toys, and documents, as well as other objects that aren’t immediately accessible.


 However well-organized your basement may be, the fact that it tends to gather a lot of items and might get crowded at times makes it an ideal place for mice to take up residence. Mischevious mice may find plenty of excellent hiding places in piles of junk.

One approach to make your basement less tempting is to routinely clear up the clutter and get rid of anything you don’t actually need any more. To make your room more open and orderly, eliminate as much as you possibly can. This will make it less appealing to inquisitive mice.





Mice like to congregate in the basement since it’s dark and chilly, which is another reason why they choose to do so in many houses.



 For the most part, basements are not considered part of a home’s ordinary living space, particularly if the room remains unfinished. Lower level temperatures are normally a degree or two colder than upstairs temperatures. Mice may take advantage of the lack of natural light in the room during the day by hiding in the shadows. In addition, mice will be drawn to a water supply if one is there.



In order to discourage mice from setting up shop below, you may want to try completing the area and making it more inviting. Some homeowners choose to convert a piece of their basement into a recreation or gaming room, while others choose to create an additional bedroom.





Basements are also a good place for mice to hide since there is less foot movement in the basement. According on the design of your home, you may spend relatively little time in the lower level of your house. 



Because mice believe they have the whole room to themselves, they may take advantage of this arrangement.


 If you are concerned about the possibility of mice taking over your basement, try allowing your cat to spend more time downstairs if you have one, or make a point of spending more time in your basement to prevent a rodent issue.





A mouse infestation in your basement may quickly become an expensive error. It is possible that mice may destroy your insulation, sneak into your stored belongings, gnaw up wiring, and do major damage to your walls and foundation if they are allowed to roam free in your basement. 



Besides spreading illness, the urine and droppings they leave all over the place may also pose a health risk to those who live there. A professional wildlife specialist should be called in to assess your property and remove any animals that has taken up residence in your home.




It’s never a good idea to attempt to capture mice on your own if you have an infestation. Mice are cunning critters. In lieu of that, let us to take care of your rodent issue and restore your enjoyment of your basement. If you wait to see if the issue goes away, chances are it will become worse and do additional damage to your house.

Rodent or Pest Scratching in your Walls

I recently talked with a client about movement in their home’s wall. Luckily, they had identified an entrance way in the garage. They spoke to Batzner about the next move. A few days later, while brushing my teeth, I heard something in the next wall.


 I put down the toothbrush and listened. It was within the wall, parallel to my elbow. And then the noise ceased. I heard it again days later.




I recounted the sounds in my wall to Paul Matusiak, a 30-year Batzner veteran. I also informed him about the squirrel talk with the client. To learn how Service Specialists discovered what was hidden within a wall and how to remove it.




He asked me the same thing every time. “Was it steady or did it come and go?” A loose soffit, for example, may be heard through the walls when a breeze blows. Turning on a faucet may detect a leaky pipe. Inconsistent noise is probably not insect related. Pest sounds, on the other hand, are more sporadic. 


They may also freeze if you make sounds. Matusiak said that detecting vibrations may aid in diagnosis. The vibrations are also non-pest related. Scratching sounds may be made by mice, rats, carpenter ants, wasps, hornets, and even bigger rodents like squirrels.




Although a mouse within an internal wall is very unusual, Matusiak and I came up with a plausible scenario. “A mouse in an inner wall on the second level is rare unless it is near the chimney.” Bingo. But then I saw the chimney.




Baiting in the attic and basement should do the work, as should discovering and sealing the outside entry to keep others out. Squirrels must be captured, therefore discovering their entry point is critical. In their desperation to escape, they would gnaw through electrical lines and walls to get away.


 Identifying the entry site of stinging insects and carpenter ants is the first step. Depending on the bug, a pest control specialist may inject dust, foam, or spray into the wall, and may also spray a barrier around the building’s perimeter.




Carpenter ants, squirrels, and rats all inflict costly damage to a building’s infrastructure if left unchecked. Mice contaminate food and damage stored objects when they nest in them.




Check your home’s exterior for loose or water-damaged soffits. They are typically pests’ entry points. An open door or a broken sewage pipe invites uninvited visitors.