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why do I feel empty inside?

Why Do I Feel Empty Inside?

Reasons Why You Might Be Feeling Empty

Occasionally, a sense of emptiness is transient, lasting just a few days or weeks at the most. Often, it will resolve on its own, and you will feel as good as new again. However, there are instances when this gnawing sensation continues.




There are a variety of factors that might contribute to a sense of hollowness. Physical, mental, and emotional factors might all be contributing factors. Here are some strategies for dealing with feelings of emptiness and returning to a more positive outlook on life.





Factors related to the physical environment

While there may be a variety of physical illnesses or conditions that may cause a sense of emptiness, weariness is a common cause, since sleep deprivation has a number of unpleasant side effects that should be considered.

Sleep deprivation

Sleeping well and getting enough sleep has a significant impact on your overall health and wellbeing. It’s possible that you’re feeling empty because you’re really fatigued. An official health authority affiliated with Harvard University adds that research has shown that “a good night’s sleep helps promote both mental and emotional resilience, while chronic sleep deprivation lays the scene for negative thinking and emotional fragility.” 





Exhaustion is a common cause of the sensation that there is no more gasoline in the tank. Possibly, you’ve gone through so much that your energy reserves have been exhausted. Perhaps you’ve been a caregiver for children or aging parents in your life.

Even informal caring, according to research, may lead to stress and burnout in the caregiver.




Another possible source of your weariness and sense of emptiness might be the long hours you’ve been putting in at work on various tasks and projects.


Strategies for Coping with Exhaustion

In the event that you’re feeling fatigued and have a general sensation of emptiness, some of the following suggestions may help ease your symptoms:

Consider enlisting the help of your spouse, a neighbor, a cleaning agency, or an acquaintance.
Schedule regular nap times into your schedule to ensure that you get enough rest throughout the day.

Exercising your breathing might be beneficial.





Initiate a regular meditation practice.

Examine if any of these methods may help to alleviate your feelings of blah-ness or emptiness. If none of these suggestions prove effective, you may need to go deeper into your own psychology. Allow yourself to examine the problem by sitting down with a pad of paper and a pen and asking yourself the following questions concerning the root reason or causes of your fatigue:




  1. Is it necessary for you to seek assistance from a spouse, neighbor, or friend?
  2. Have your long-term objectives in terms of career, family, and personal development changed?
  3. Are you spending too much time transporting your children to and from their activities?
  4. Are health-related issues requiring more of your time and attention?
  5. Is a volunteer duty eating up an excessive amount of your time?
  6. Is it necessary for you to take a full break from a tough job?
  7. Are you looking for a new job, a career move, or a part-time opportunity?

You may discover that some commitments no longer fit into your life plan in the same manner that they did before after taking stock of your responsibilities and present position. It’s important to remember that giving up on something is not a sign of weakness or a lack of devotion. In fact, resigning may be a show of strength in certain situations.

There are five instances in which quitting is really a sign of mental strength.





Factors Influencing Mental and Emotional Health

A variety of events or situations in one’s life may contribute to this sense of emptiness or despair. Everyone is unique in their own way. If two people are coping with the same scenario, such as dealing with a violent employer, one person may be affected deeply while the one next door may be affected just little. Different perspectives have an impact on our mental and emotional well-being.



Listed here are some of the probable reasons of the empty sensation you’re experiencing.


Are you bored and discontent with your everyday routine, to the point that you sense a hole inside you? It’s possible that you’re feeling empty because you’re “feeling purposeless,”


 according to Sherry Amatenstein, LCSW and author of four books. Sherry Amatenstein believes you may be feeling empty because you’re “going through the motions and not genuinely understanding what would give you meaning.”

Make a list of things that you may participate in to boost your feelings of pleasure, enjoyment, and significance.




Another alternative is to make a gratitude diary by just looking about you for things to be thankful for. Scientists have shown that feeling grateful may boost one’s happiness.





After a Romantic Breakup, You May Feel Lonely

You may have a sense of emptiness after the termination of a relationship or marriage. Maintaining meaningful connections with spouses, family, and friends is one of the most important aspects in our happiness, according to the Harvard Study of Adult Development, which has been running for more than 75 years and is still going strong.





It’s understandable that you might feel depressed and lonely if you were no longer involved in a romantic relationship. Because loneliness is related with a variety of maladaptive disorders, such as depression, it is critical to investigate a variety of coping mechanisms. You may enroll in a class, schedule a regular time to chat with your closest friend, or look for internet resources to help you.






When someone dear to you passes away, it’s typical for loved ones to express to others that they are feeling a sensation of absolute numbness or emptiness in their hearts. This feeling of emptiness in your house or heart should subside soon. When you lose someone close to you, there isn’t always a way to put the past behind you and go on, but there is frequently a means to get through and live with the loss.





The mourning process will need you to come to terms with the death of your family or friend in a number of different ways as part of the process. For your convenience, Verywell Mind has compiled a collection of grief and bereavement support ideas to assist you in navigating the loss process.


Anxiety, Depression, and Other Mental Health Concerns

What makes depression so difficult to diagnose is that it may manifest itself in a variety of ways. For example, it may manifest itself as momentary sorrow and a general sensation of gloom. Alternatively, you may experience a drop in interest in things that you normally love. These variables may contribute to a gloomy, empty, and exhausted sensation.





The author, Amatenstein, warns that a severe and persistent experience of lack or a sense of emptiness may be an indication of more serious concerns. PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) is a persistent mental health disease that might be related with this sensation, according to the author.


Examine yourself for a variety of symptoms associated with depression, such as a decrease in appetite, weariness, feelings of worthlessness, difficulties with decision-making, and suicidal thinking.






Furthermore, according to Amatenstein, the sensation of being empty “may also be a defensive strategy since, after an emotionally stressful triggering traumatic experience, it’s simpler to shut down and not feel anything than it is to cope with terrible feelings.”



If your sense of emptiness is consistent with what is known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or seems to be traumatic, it is suggested that you get assistance from a competent mental health professional.







  • Suicidal thoughts?
  •  Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 for support and help from a professional counselor at any time of day or night. If you or someone you care about is in urgent danger, dial 911.


More information on mental health options may be found on our National Helpline Database.




What to Do When You’re Feeling Empty

You may push yourself to go out and feel better in a variety of ways when you are experiencing moderate emotions of emptiness or momentary thoughts of lack.

Concentrate on self-care, engage in activities that enhance your sense of well-being, make significant adjustments, and share your emotions to those closest to you, as well as to your therapist.





If these symptoms have persisted and you believe they are beyond the scope of modest solutions, you should seek expert assistance.

Accepting your emotions of emptiness is the first step, and you should be proud of yourself if you’ve already made that first step. The next step is to figure out what could be causing the problem.





If you are experiencing distress or if this emotion is continuous, recurrent, and complicated, there are therapists ready to help you both online and in person. Finally, remind yourself that you are honoring your emotions and taking constructive steps to improve your situation.

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