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Why car sex is a must try?

Why Car Sex Is A Must Try?

The thrill of being apprehended is immense, but the danger of believing otherwise is also exhilarating. Sex in the automobile makes you feel wicked, like you’re in a hot tub with your sweetheart on a hot summer day. At this point, the danger of being discovered and documented is just too great. If anything like this happens, it will be all over the internet, and no one will notice.


It is your responsibility to yourself to try again with automobile sex if you identify it with subpar fingering in the back of your mother’s Honda Civic. This is due to the fact that vehicle sex is very underappreciated among adults. Allow me to explain.





Believe it or not, your car may be a terrific area to experiment with different ideas. That it’s different from having sex in your bedroom, on your sofa, in your kitchen, or anywhere else is a plus, and the nostalgic “omg, I’m having vehicle sex as an adult” sensation makes it even better. It’s also a lot of fun to be spontaneous.





Furthermore, unlike when you were a horny teenager 69ing in your Camry because it was the only place you could get away with it, you are now in complete command of your sex life. This means you won’t have to rush to make it to your curfew and you’ll be able to take your time enjoying automobile sex for what it really is.

There are a few safety concerns and guidelines that you should be aware of before diving into all of the automobile sex advice. These include:




1. You know, there’s this thing called a minor offense, and persons who are participating in a “lewd conduct” might be charged with it. In this case, a lewd conduct would be sexing on a busy street during the day when other people might readily and plainly see you. As a result, you’ll want to choose a place where you can be certain that you won’t be observed. Perhaps you could try it in your driveway, in your garage, or in an isolated location when it is already dark outside.






2. Another thing to remember is that you should not do anything while the automobile is moving. Don’t put yourself or others at risk because you want to give your spouse a road head or cunnilingus, regardless of what you’ve seen on television, in movies, or in porn. In the words of Candice Smith, creator of the KinkKit, “under no circumstances should you do anything sexual while the vehicle is moving.”





3. Last but not least, make certain that your parking break is engaged, that your vehicle is turned off, and that you are not relaxing on a slope. There’s nothing more unattractive than being in the middle of a sexual encounter and discovering that your automobile is slipping backward.




Remember to keep the following suggestions in mind once you’ve secured your area and ensured that no one else is around.

1. Find a comfortable position for yourself.

The most common criticism regarding vehicle sex is that there is no available room. However, even if you and your spouse are in a difficult spot, there are still solutions available to you. You may consider moving to the rear seat, which would most likely provide more space and also serve to conceal you from onlookers. It’s also possible to recline your chairs as far as they will go, suggests relationship expert Carmel Jones, which will make your area more comfortable or bed-like in appearance.






Knowing which sex positions work in a vehicle and which sex positions don’t is an important part of placing oneself properly in a car. To begin with oral sex (which, by the way, is the most straightforward thing to perform in a vehicle), all you have to do is bend over onto your partner’s lap.

You will have the greatest success if your spouse has a penis; but, if your companion has a vulva, you will be able to climb into the rear seat in the number 69 position. If there is enough space, you could also rearrange the chairs such that the receiver lays down and the person delivering oral instructions kneels in the foot area between the seats.

When you’re in the mood for in-your-face sex, girl-on-top should definitely be your first choice. Reposition the passenger seat all the way back and recline the seat with your lover in the passenger seat. Take a seat on their lap and start fighting cowgirl-style. Afterwards, grasp on to the headrest for more leverage.

To perform reverse cowgirl, just slide the seat back as far as it will go and sit face-forward on your partner’s lap so that both of you are staring out the front window while in the front seat. Hold on to the steering wheel and use it to assist you in rocking your body from side to side.

It is possible that you will both be able to fit in the rear seat if you wish to attempt a doggy-style sex position depending on your heights. You could also recline the front seat all the way back, lay your stomach on it while facing the rear of your vehicle, and allow your spouse to enter you from behind while crouching on top of you if that is a better option.

2.Are you more of a spooning sex type? Take a seat in the backseat and push the front seats as far forward as they will allow you to. 

You should instruct your spouse to lay on their side across the back seat with you in front of them so that your back presses up on their chest. Brace your hands against the seat in front of you if the seat is narrow in order to prevent yourself from slipping off the seat.





3.Parking someplace where you can view the stars is a good idea.

For obvious reasons, this is your best legal option since if the stars are out = it’s dark outside = you have a lower risk of being apprehended, this is your best option. However, the stars may also be used to create the atmosphere for a minimal fee of $9.99. The sunroof should be opened to allow the stars to shine through and cast that sultry moonlight glow over your bodies, advises Jones.





4. Wrap yourself with a blanket to keep warm.

According to Donna Oriowo, owner of AnnodRight treatment and trained sex therapist, most sexual actions may be readily covered by placing a blanket on top of yourself. If you’re worried about being discovered, make physical contact with each other all over while pretending to be hugging in your car’s rear seat.

But whether you use a cover or not, you should avoid seeming to be doing anything sexual on the outside of your house. It’s best if you can keep the head-bobbing to a minimal if you’re going down on your spouse since, well, it should be evident that you’re not bobbing for apples in your vehicle.

For the most part, if you are cautious with your movements and cover yourself with a blanket, “it is going to seem rather innocent from the outside looking in,” according to Jones.





5. Engage in masturbation.

Not all automobile sex necessitates the presence of a companion. The sexologist Marla Renee Stewart, creator of, recommends that you “take your favorite sex toy, put on your favorite music and/or pornography, and take the time to enjoy yourself.” This is especially true if you just need some alone time away from your parents or roommate.






6. Make sure you have enough of lubrication on hand.

Make sure you have enough of lubrication on hand since you’re likely to experiment with some odd positions here.. By purchasing a bottle with a pump top, you can prevent spilling it practically all over the place. You can also consider spreading a blanket over the seat to minimize unsightly stains.





7. Put on a skirt or a dress to complete the look.

It is true that being nude is attractive—but so is not being arrested. If you’re concerned about privacy where you’re parking, a flowing skirt or dress might serve as a makeshift tent to keep nosy pedestrians away from your business. According to Yelverton, accessibility is essential.






8. Experiment with different temperatures.

Take advantage of the opportunity to have some fun with your spouse by blasting the A/C for a few minutes before switching to heat. While the air conditioner is operating, you might also use the opportunity to switch on the seat warmer. Not only can temperature play increase the surprise element since the participants are unsure of what is going to happen next, but the transition from hot to cold is also incredibly sexy.





9. Take use of the sunroof to get your money’s worth.

Open the sunroof and ask your companion to take the passenger seat with you. Climb to the top of the structure, facing them, and place your feet on each side of their hips. (With the sunroof open, your upper body will be exposed to the elements.) Allow them to treat you to oral — and if you’re wearing a skirt or dress, just remove your panties and allow the material to flow over their heads to complete the experience.






10. Put on a fantastic sex soundtrack and relax.

Music enhances every kind of sex, but it is extremely effective during automobile sex. The fact that you’re in a confined environment means that if you turn up the volume loud enough, the whole vehicle will begin to thump and vibrate, which might enhance sensory perceptions. It also serves to hide background noise, allowing you to be as loud as you want when the mood strikes you. It may be beneficial to listen to music with rhythms that correspond to your desired sexual pace. If you’re looking for something hard and quick, any alternative rock band should be able to provide. If you’re looking for something calm and romantic, anything from The Weeknd will do.







11. Take use of the sexcessories that come with your car.

Seat belts are standard equipment in all automobiles, making them the ideal bonding accessory. Place your companion in the passenger seat and then secure the seat belt with a press of the button. Order them to raise their wrists over their heads and use whatever is available to tie them to the headrest (a scarf, your bikini top, a dog leash, or anything else they can find). Finally, place sunglasses over their eyes to prevent them from seeing clearly.





In addition to serving as a helpful spanker, the owner’s handbook in your glove box will come in handy, and you’ll want to make good use of those rearview mirrors. Arrange them in a strategic manner so that they are pointed in the direction of the activity.





12.Do something to arouse your inner exhibitionist.

You may even lay down on the bonnet of the vehicle, cover your bodies with a large blanket or towel, and get into scissor sex position if you’re feeling very bold. If someone happens to walk by, it will seem as if you are just making out. But, once again, please be aware of your surroundings and adhere to the safety precautions provided at the beginning of this article.






13.Get ready to be quite exhibitionistic at this point.

Go all out by attempting doggy-style sex on the hood if you’re certain you won’t be discovered. As you face the vehicle, bend over at the waist and place your hands on the hood so that your companion may enter from behind you, stand on the ground facing the car. Alternatively, you may clamber onto the hood on your hands and knees, but first put down a towel or blanket in case the metal is too hot to touch.

Oriowo recommends that you do this in the comfort of your own garage (or the garage of a really, really, really good buddy!) in the worst-case situation. This is just as sultry and sensual as before, but it reduces your chances of being detected.”







14. Don’t be scared of becoming a little kinky.

Spend an afternoon shopping for sex toys if you want to have a super-sexy afternoon. Once you’ve selected your purchases and completed your transaction, test out your new toys on each other before you even get at your destination. CalExotic’s resident sexologist, Jill McDevitt, PhD, recommends driving in a quiet area, taking your seats in the front row, and then reaching across the aisle to provide a helping hand to your partner.





For an extra kinky experience, move into the rear seat as your spouse sits in the front. Oriowo recommends that you start stroking yourself so that they can hear your moans and observe you via the rearview mirror while you’re driving.

The Truth About Sex After Having A Baby

8 Tips for Having a Better Car Sex Experience


Car sex may be pleasurable simply because it is new and unusual, but it can also be stimulating because it involves an element of danger, according to Ashley Cobb, a Lovehoney specialist.

According to polyamorous educator Tiana GlittersaurusRex, “the chance of being caught is what draws so many of us together.”

It is because to movies such as Titanic that the vehicle sex dream has been widely propagated. As Cobb points out, “car sex has also been romanticized in a number of films and on television, heightening people’s interest and desire for it.”




In order to have excellent automobile sex, you must embrace your inner DiCaprio. Tips from these sex gurus, as well as my own personal experience, were gathered, as were suggestions from my Instagram followers. The topic “What’s the greatest method to have sex in a car?” was the subject of my narrative. My thirsty Instagram followers then bombarded me with incredibly inappropriate and detailed details of the several times they plowed in a car.) With this wisdom, I shall now bestow it onto you.



Step 1: Do it in the backseat of your vehicle.

The ability to recognize when something should not be done is just as vital as the ability to recognize when something should be done According to Glenn, 28, having sex in the front seat of a church parking lot is not recommended because you may hit the horn, which will be heard by the whole church audience. Following that humiliating event, we have learned that having sex while driving is not recommended since there is a chance of hitting the horn, and it may not be a little toot. – The horn may be mistakenly held down for a full three Mississippis while you’re making adjustments to the trumpet position.



Secondly, fold the rear seats forward as far as possible and raise the front seats as high as feasible.

It is possible to fold the backseats in the great majority of automobiles produced in the last two decades. This was done on purpose by the product’s designers. Your back is what they want you to bone. When traveling in a vehicle that isn’t sex-positive and hence unable to fold the rear seats down, try to at least lift both the driver’s and passenger’s seats to the highest position that they will allow. Consider if you find it unpleasant to wait while the front seats slowly rise to their full positions. Yes, it is, without a doubt! This is one of the delights of traveling in a sedan, and this discomfort is only one of them

Tip number three: Your missionary is your best buddy.

Car sex is similar to the game of Tetris, except that instead of digital blocks, you have limbs, and the rows are completed only once you and your spouse have orgasmic orgasmic orgasmic When boning in a vehicle, you must preserve space as much as possible, and the most effective method to do so is via close, skin-to-skin contact. As a result, the missionary position is perfect for vehicle sex, whereas other positions, such as the reverse-cowgirl or the centrifugal clown spoon, are not recommended.





Tip 4: Make use of your clothes as a source of support and comfort.

César, a 25-year-old man, proposes that you use your garments as cushions so that your head does not hit the vehicle door. I’m going to go ahead and push the envelope a little more. To get a better angle for bumping uglies, you may even use the stone-washed dad jeans as props behind your back (and your partner’s back).

Tip number five: Tint your windows.

Is your automobile a place where you get some work done every now and again, or does it also serve as a second bedroom? If your automobile is where you spend the most of your time making sweet, soft love, you should consider investing in some tinted windows. Jess, who is 26 years old, recalls how she used to “suck the dick of a semi-famous rapper in the parking lot of my employment.” She was able to do this since the SFR’s vehicle windows were tinted.






The fact that just one partner is in the vehicle and the other has his trousers down around his ankles with a full moon visible to everyone passing by makes me question if this counts as sex in the automobile. But Tyler, who is 27 years old, recommends doing it in the backseat of the car with the door wide open. In his words, “It’s excellent because you can see if any other automobiles are approaching while you’re performing the job.” Additionally, I am tall and any other position would be quite uncomfortable.”

Tip number seven: Get a blowjob.

Who said you couldn’t have penetrative vaginal or anal sex in the vehicle while you’re traveling? The sensation of getting or receiving a small amount of head may be really unsettling! A top-five sexual encounter for me was blowing my Lyft driver in the front seat, which was one of my most memorable experiences ever.





“Giving and receiving oral sex in the automobile is excellent pre-game preparation. Users of genital protrusions may recline their seats and pull it out before taking a seat to enjoy,” adds GlittersaurusRex. It is ideal for vulva-owners since it allows them to feel all of the pleasure when mounting their spouse’s face while the partner is reclining on their back.






Tip number eight: Make a plan.

“If you’re planning on having a lot of vehicle sex, don’t just go with the flow.” Make a plan ahead of time! Places to consider include “positions, where the condom or lubrication is, a vibrator, and anything else you may need, such as baby wipes to clean up,” Play advises. “If you want to have some privacy, acquire some of those window curtains.” To protect the seat from squirting, you may wish to use a towel or waterproof blanket.”





Finally, a word on vehicle sex:

If, after attempting all of these suggestions, you still find yourself failing to have even moderately great vehicle sex, then car sex may not be the right fit for you. And do you know what else? That’s OK with me. You should remember that vehicle sex will always be unpleasant and uncomfortable, but at the very least you’ll be getting some.

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