Who precisely is the Crabfeeder in “House of the Dragon”?

There are many characters in the world of Game of Thrones that have a questionable moral compass.

While the first season of Game of Thrones had questionable characters like as Jaime Lannister and Theon Greyjoy, the second season’s House of the Dragon has already introduced cunning characters such as Daenerys Targaryen and Otto Hightower, who are possibly even more cunning.

However, there are certain characters that are simply plain evil.

In Game of Thrones, we had to put up with Ramsay Bolton’s unrelentingly nasty behavior; in House of the Dragon, however, there’s a new bad guy in town, and his name is The Crabfeeder (Daniel Scott-Smith).

However, who precisely is he, and what specific information do we have about him?

SEE ALSO: The Targaryen family tree, a who’s who of the characters in ‘House of the Dragon’

What information do we currently have about the Crabfeeder?

During a brief council meeting in the very first episode of House of the Dragon, we are presented with our first encounter with the Crabfeeder, also known by his full name, Craghas Drahar.

Lord Corlys Velaryon reveals that the developing union of the free cities has begun to refer to itself as “The Triarchy.” They have gathered on Bloodstone and are in the process of clearing the Stepstones of their pirate infestation.

“Craghas Drahar, a certain individual, has self-styled himself the Prince Admiral of this Triarchy. Because of the creative ways in which he torments his adversaries, many refer to him as the Crabfeeder.”

This so-called “innovative approach” entails fastening human beings to stakes on the beach at low tide and allowing crabs to consume them while they are still alive.

But hold on just a second there. Cities without taxes? Bloodstone? Stepstones? Let’s go back a few steps since there is a significant amount of text.

Where can I find out more information on the free cities and the Stepstones?

There are still plenty of maps available online, despite the fact that we no longer have access to the massive map of the world created by George R.R. Martin since the opening titles have been updated.

In a word, the Stepstones are an archipelago that is located across the Narrow Sea. This archipelago basically acts as a bridge, in the manner of stepping stones, between the two continents that exist in Martin’s world, which are named Westeros and Essos.

Naturally, Westeros is comprised of the Seven Kingdoms, one of which is the Crownlands, which is where King’s Landing is located. On the other hand, Essos is the location of the so-called “free cities,” which include Myr, Tyrosh, Lys, and Pentos, amongst others.

You can easily see why the Stepstones would be regarded as such a significant strategic point, particularly by the Lord of the Tides, given that all ships leaving King’s Landing for destinations farther south are required to pass through them.

In the first episode of the series, Lord Corlys advises King Viserys, “I would encourage that you not grant this Triarchy any flexibility in the Stepstones, Your Grace.” If those shipping lines were to close, it would put a severe strain on our ports.

A middle-aged guy with long, white hair is seen sitting at a table and seems intent.
There is no question that Lord Corlys is not the Crabfeeder’s greatest fan. Credit goes to HBO

So why is the Crabfeeder an enemy?

As King Viserys explains in the first episode, the fact that the Crabfeeder is slaughtering pirates isn’t really that big of a deal for Westeros. The difficulty, though, is that it is obvious that he is doing a little bit more than just shooting pirates.

In the second episode, Lord Corlys storms into a small council meeting and announces that “four ships have now been lost.” “The previous one was carrying my flag,” he said.

It would seem that the Crabfeeder isn’t too concerned about who precisely he feeds to the crabs; in fact, the little council has pointed out that the free cities are the ones who are providing him the ships to use. Later on in the same episode, Daemon Targaryen even refers to him as a “Myrish Prince.”

Who precisely is the Crabfeeder in “House of the Dragon”?

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