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Which Begonias are Deer Resistant?

Which Begonias are Deer Resistant?

Ideally, you would want your yard to be as attractive as possible. Hence the reason for planting a variety of flowers to make the environment more visually appealing and welcoming.

Having flowers in your yard and discovering that animals are destroying them is a bit of an inconvenience. Squirrels and other rodents are common concerns, but you may also see deer that prey on your garden plants during certain times of the year.





Given that you’re aware that you have deer that frequent your property, you’re probably seeking for flower and plant selections that they won’t eat. Is it possible to grow begonias in deer-resistant conditions?




Find out whether begonias are a suitable choice to plant if you’re worried about deer on your property by continuing reading this article! You’ll also learn about some of the most popular methods of protecting your plants from deer during this session.






The Deer Are Not Attracted to Some Begonias

There are several types of begonias that are considered deer-proof. The reason for this is because they possess characteristics that deer find repulsive.

It’s important to remember that a hungry deer may choose to devour these begonias regardless of your efforts. This is an example of where “deer-resistant” does not imply “deer-proof.”

What’s more, if you plant particular species of begonias along the perimeter of your property, it’s quite unlikely that the local deer would consume them. In most cases, other plants will pique their curiosity even more intensely.




You must, however, choose the appropriate varieties of begonias in order to get satisfactory results. Begonias that aren’t suitable for deer’s consumption may be found in the list below, which you can plant in your garden.



What Types of Begonias Should You Plant in Your Landscape?

If you reside in the southernmost regions of the United States, hardy begonias are an excellent choice for you. Despite the fact that these begonias are frost-tolerant up to USDA hardiness zone 9, they still appear lovely.

Alternatively, dragon wing begonias are a fantastic idea to think about as a possible alternative. Their growth may be accomplished in either full sun or partial shade, although deer seem to dislike them.





However, they do not produce blooms. Rex begonias are an alternative choice. The foliage on these begonias, on the other hand, is pretty lovely.

Tuberose begonias have brightly colored blossoms that will complement your garden’s design well.. This is often placed in containers that are suspended from the ceiling or wall.

If you’re concerned about deer, wax begonias are one of the most frequent plants that people put in their yards. Their hardiness and constant flowering make them an excellent choice for container gardening.




If you pick any of the begonias listed above, you will most likely have little problems with deer eating the plants in your landscape. However, the deer in your neighborhood will most likely have better alternatives for food than your begonias, which will drive them to stay away from your plants if they do come to visit.




Keep Deer away from the Begonias by using a deer repellent

It’s true that there are instances in which the deer in the region just refuse to cooperate. Consider the scenario in which you plant begonias, but the deer begin to eat the plants.

It is possible to safeguard your plants against deer in a few different ways. The only thing you’ll have to do is take a few precautions, and the deer should stay out of your yard!





When it comes to deer eating plants, fences may make a significant impact since they make it difficult for them to do so. The presence of fences will discourage a deer from raiding your garden and eating your flowers or other vegetation.

Indeed, deer are capable of jumping fences, but they may not choose to do so for many reasons. It is possible to make fences more effective as a deterrent by implementing a few simple modifications.




Protect your garden area by erecting fences, and make the fences tall enough so that deer cannot see what is on the other side when they approach. In order to avoid being wounded or attacked, deer will not attempt to cross a fence if they have no notion what’s on the other side.



Deer can see through mesh fencing and other types of fences, thus it’s recommended to use solid wood fencing instead of these types of fences. The time and work invested in building a fence to safeguard your plants will almost certainly be well worth it!






Sprays to Keep Deer Away

It is possible to use deer repellent sprays to keep deer away from your begonias, which are available on the market. Many different odors have the ability to scare deer away, and this is the underlying idea of most animal repellents.

Purchase deer repellant that contains substances such as predator urine to deter deer. As soon as the deer scent the repellent, they will assume it is harmful to approach too near to your plants and avoid them.




If something is necessary, it shouldn’t be prohibitively costly. Deer repellant is available in a variety of department shops, but depending on where you live, it may be more convenient to acquire it online.





Additionally, you may experiment with allowing your dog to urinate near the fence to see if this scares off the deer. As predator animals, dogs should put deer on the lookout for their pee.

It is technically possible to use human pee in place of the animal’s urine. It is likely that deer will be alarmed by the fragrance of humans and will not want to get near.




Using dog fur or human hair clippings around the garden might be a good option.. For a short period of time, strewing some hair or fur about the location may discourage deer from accessing the area.




Apparatus for repelling Ultrasonic Objects

The use of ultrasonic repellent devices is another method that some individuals prefer. You may use them to keep animals out of certain areas of your yard by staking them into the ground.

Humans are unable to hear the noises that they make because they are too loud for animals to hear. You might place one of these deer scaring devices near your begonias to deter deer from approaching.






I expect it to be effective in deterring deer from approaching too closely. Moreover, for your convenience, most of these gadgets are fueled by solar energy.

As long as you maintain the gadget in a location where it will be exposed to sunshine, it will continue to function properly, This is a reasonable solution that shouldn’t be prohibitively expensive.




Make sure to plant the Begonias in the vicinity of your residence.

Deer are intelligent enough to avoid human settlements wherever possible. Since they are well aware of the risk that humans pose, it is unlikely that they would go too near to your residence..

Instead of putting your garden in the middle of a field, you may attempt to keep it as near to your home as possible. 




Although this may not be the most suitable solution for your particular scenario, it is true that the plants will be more safer from deer if you do it in this fashion.

Begonias planted directly adjacent to your home will make it extremely unlikely that any deer would attempt to consume them. The opportunity would need them to get dangerously near to your home in order for them to have a chance.




Deer are normally scared off by everyday home sounds and the presence of people, and they will not take such a risk as this. Consider if relocating your begonias to a more secure area is the best answer for your situation or not.




Lastly, a word about

You now have a much better understanding of begonias, including whether or not deer will attempt to consume them. Several begonias are considered deer-resistant due to the fact that they possess characteristics that animals find undesirable.




In spite of the fact that begonias are not a very appetizing meal for deer, it is not impossible that they would consume them if they are in urgent need of food in the wild. The local deer will still consume begonias when food is low in the region.




As a result, following the deer prevention recommendations listed above is a smart idea. Deer repellant, fences, and ultrasonic repellent devices may all be used to attempt to keep deer out of your yard.

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