When is the best time to get a dog?

When is the best time to get a dog?

Ideally, you should bring your puppy home around three years before you want to bring children into the family. As a result, the dog will have enough opportunity to be taught and develop. His reaction to the children’s introduction will improve as a result of this. By the time the children come, the dog will also be less of a burden on mom and dad. –

Cats and fish are good choices for families with small children who want to add to their pet collection. In comparison to dogs, cats need far less upbringing, care, and upkeep. This may not be the best option since you will still need to kitten-proof your home and watch your children while they are around the cat.

In contrast, if there are already tiny children in the family, it is recommended that they wait until they are between the ages of eight and 10 years old before having children. Children of this age have more self-control and maturity, and Mom and Dad have more free time to devote to rearing the puppy now that the children are no longer under continuous observation from the adults.

Never make the assumption that your children will take good care of your puppy or dog. Raising a dog will not provide your children with a valuable learning experience. Bring a puppy into the home only if the adult owners are both in agreement that this is the best decision at the best moment for their family.

When the puppy gets home for the first time, introduce him or her to the leash and collar.
Keep your puppy on a leash when she is out of the kennel to prevent her from running away. Allow her to drag her leash around the house so that it becomes a natural part of her day-to-day routine.


Keep a close eye on your dog at all times.

The more you closely monitor and control his every move, the less errors he will make in the long run. The owner will experience less stress as a result of fewer mistakes. Because there is less stress on the owner, there will be fewer temper outbursts or displays of the “ugly owner.” Less of this “stressed out” conduct on the part of leaders results in more trust between puppies and humans. Isn’t it simple?

Boundaries that are not known: You can’t repair anything that your puppy doesn’t grasp since he doesn’t understand it yet. Consequently, if your puppy ventures into uncharted territory (such as a room that is forbidden limits), do not shout or chastise verbally. Play the name game with her and call her back to congratulate her on following your example.

Keeping your dog on a leash can let you redirect him in a more neutral manner. As soon as you see him getting into anything wrong, gently pull on his leash and call his name (without becoming angry) to refocus his attention away from the inappropriate behavior.

It’s important to remember that pups are prone to make blunders at this period. In the event that we react angrily to errors, our pups may unintentionally learn that exploring is a bad thing (and that we are negative as well!). At this point, errors are just that: mistakes.

The only thing kids need to understand is that their leaders will assist them in learning in a fair and peaceful manner. Keep your calm and refocus your puppy whenever he makes a mistake, whether it’s a housebreaking mishap, a chewing error, or a mouthing mistake.

Make an excellent babysitter. Do not let your puppy alone in the yard by himself or unattended to “play” by himself in the living room since we must respond to all of their demands at all times.

When you’re with your puppy, think of activities that will keep him entertained. Balls, chew toys, puppy manners exercises, walks, and other such activities are all imaginative methods to keep your dog engaged in something pleasant while you are away.

In the event that you are unable to babysit your puppy, put her in her crate to sleep. This is the most straightforward method of avoiding mistakes. It is possible that you may need to cage her just to pay bills or make supper, and then you will need to let her out again.

You should feel okay about utilizing your kennel to oversee (safeguard) your puppy when you are unable to watch her yourself. Consider the equipment we use to care for children when we are unable to physically hold them: a walker, a playpen, a swing, a crib. Tools, often known as “training wheels,” are always needed to keep the child safe until she is able to stand on her own.

Always have chew toys in each area where you want to take your puppy with you. If you have a lot of toys on hand, you can always offer your dog something good to do while you’re brushing your teeth or putting on your shoes to pass the time. In this way, you may avoid having table legs, your legs, and leather shoes become the “chew toy du day!”


The “canine umbilical cord”: If you need to fold laundry or wash the dishes and you prefer not to confine your puppy, tether her to a table leg or knot the leash around your waist or belt. If you have your puppy tied in the same room as you, you will be able to maintain a “boundary” and keep her in your range of vision.

To prevent your puppy from moving or pulling over the item you tie her to, make sure it is something big like a bedpost, couch, or hefty dresser. This will prevent your puppy from injuring herself.

Tether your dog only while she is wearing a flat, material collar.

Tethering a dog that is wearing a training collar is not recommended under any circumstances. A quick-release clasp on your puppy’s material collar will be helpful in the event that she becomes entangled.
Never tie your puppy with a choker chain or prong collar, and never leave your dog tethered unsupervised or for extended periods of time without supervision.

It’s a good idea to have multiple tethers strategically placed around your home.

Choose the rooms that are most often utilized, such as your bedroom, office, and living room. Preparing ahead of time will allow you to effortlessly connect your puppy to a tether in each room while moving about the home with her.



The container is the most secure and effective method of imprisonment. Introduce it to your puppy right away and continue to use it until he or she reaches adulthood (2–3 years). In many ways, it brings security and respect. Crating is useful for housebreaking, structure, accepting limits, puppy safety, property safety, and maintaining relationships.

A crate is a fantastic tool for housebreaking. The purpose of its application is to promote cleanliness. Puppies have a natural aversion to soiling their resting or dwelling areas.





Structure. When the cage is utilized for structure, it is the single most effective approach to teach your dog to respect the rules. Simply by utilizing the crate on a regular basis, the puppy will learn to accept the notion of home rules.

Boundaries are accepted. While the crate is a physical barrier, its usage encourages your dog to accept limits in his life. This contributes to one of your key puppy objectives.

Puppy’s Protection There are times when you can’t be “tethered” to your dog or watch her every move. This is when using a crate is both beneficial and beneficial. When you’re not looking, any dog who hasn’t been taught home rules may get into trouble.

Household hazards include pups sliding down the stairs, biting wires, consuming incorrect products, and so on. When you need to divert your focus away from monitoring your puppy, use your kennel to ensure her safety until you can observe her again.

Property Protection.

Nothing is more heartbreaking than having your one-hundred-dollar pair of shoes torn up by your dog.
It’s also unpleasant to see your DVD remote control being used as a teething toy when you’re on the phone. These are not accidents in puppyhood, contrary to popular opinion, but they may be avoided by utilizing the crate while your puppy is unattended.

Saves relationships. Using your kennel to offer you and your puppy some alone time is critical to establishing a healthy relationship. When we, or our pups, are tired and anxious, we both risk behaving inappropriately.

Our speech and body language become tense, and our pups may make damaging errors as a result. Our connection might be jeopardized by losing our patience or losing a valued object. As a relationship saver, the crate solves the age-old issue, “How can I miss you if you don’t leave?”

How to Use the Crate in Crate Training

The size is universal. To save money, get a cage that will meet your dog’s demands for the rest of his life. Block off the back of the crate with wood slats or crate dividers found at bigger pet shops throughout the housebreaking stage.
Gradually expand the available living area as your dog improves at keeping the kennel clean.

The box should be large enough for the puppy to easily stand, turn around, and lay down in. It should not be large enough for the puppy to go to the bathroom and then transfer to the other side of the crate.

Putting the Crate Together

We’ve put together a lot of metal boxes, and each one is just as “simple” as the last. Place the crate away from the dog and assemble it. Make arrangements for someone to take him for a half-hour stroll. During set-up, the clanging of metal and gnashing of teeth (your teeth) will undoubtedly affect your puppy’s initial image of his new home.

Acquaint your dog with the surface he will be lying on.

Allow the puppy to inspect the pan by taking it out of the kennel. To assist, place some snacks on the pan. The same principle applies to plastic crates. Allow the puppy to play in the bottom half after separating the parts.

Insulate the metal crate’s bottom.

Your dog may be startled by the noise he produces when walking on the pan. Lay the crate on a mat or split up the cardboard box and place the cardboard below the pan to reduce noise.

The Crate’s Location

Place the container somewhere quiet. The purpose of being created is to rest and relax. If your puppy’s crate is in the kitchen or another high-traffic area, he or she may not get enough rest and may develop difficulties as a result of being overtired.

The best location is in a separate room with a locked door. The container fits well in bedrooms. This is the room in which you (the proprietor) leave the greatest odor. Here, your puppy will feel the most at ease and will receive the most slumber.

Rather than using the gate, use the container.

Puppies need their own personal place. The puppy will not have their own devoted place if an area such as the laundry room or kitchen is gated off. These are locations with shared space. What if your bedroom and kitchen were one and the same?

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