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When Is It Okay To Remove A Swallows Nest?

When Is It Okay To Remove A Swallows Nest?

When Is It Okay To Remove A Swallows Nest?

The months of October through March are optimal for the removal of swallow nests. It is quite possible that the swallows will be moving south at this period, which means that they will no longer need the use of their nests. It is against the law to disturb a swallow’s nest unless it is vacant; otherwise, you will be in violation of the law.

Swallows are protected by legislation since they are a species that migrates.

They take shelter in their nests while they are in the United States, both for themselves and for any young that have yet to hatch from their eggs.

It is essential that you maintain the nests in their current positions for the duration of their usage.

Continue reading to find out more about the optimum time of year to destroy swallow nests and how to do so safely.

Due to the fact that swallows are protected, it is essential that you get all of the information you want in the beginning regarding destroying their nests and the migration patterns that they follow.

Continue scrolling below for more.

When is the most appropriate time to destroy swallows’ nests?

In the late autumn and into the winter, you should focus your efforts on destroying swallow nests.

Swallows migrate southward at these times of the year to Central and South America in search of milder conditions. The swallows will not have any need for their nests during these months since they will be traveling south for the winter.

In contrast, it is imperative that you never disturb a swallow’s nest throughout the months of spring and summer.

During this time of year, swallows make their annual migration back to the United States in order to mate and have their young there.

For them to be able to accomplish this, they need their nests. As a result of the characteristics of swallows as well as the Migratory Bird Treaty Act that was passed in 1918, it is against the law to destroy swallow nests at this time of year.

Depending on where you reside, there is a certain window of time during which it is illegal to disturb swallow nests.

Take, for example:

Between the 15th of February and the 1st of September, it is illegal in the state of California to bother swallows and other types of migrating birds.
Because it takes swallows longer to get there, the duration will be shorter the farther you travel up north or to the east. Not to mention the fact that it decreases the likelihood that they will show up in the first place.

The Perils of Neglecting to Take Care of a Swallow’s Nest

It’s possible that you won’t feel the need to remove their nest if it’s located in an area where swallows are protected when migrating in the summer.

If you leave swallows’ nests up throughout the year, however, they may become a health problem as well as a risk to your property.

If you leave the swallows’ nest in place from the previous year, there is a good chance that they will return to your property the following season.

The majority of people find swallows to be an annoyance and a bother. If you do not pull the swallows’ nest down, it is almost certain that they will return the next year.

In the meanwhile, the nest may cause damage to your property. Nests that are neglected for extended periods of time ultimately cause damage to the siding and the material that your home is constructed from.

To make matters even worse, parasites are often found in nests. When the birds go, the parasites will search for other hosts, and sooner or later they will find their way into your home.

As a direct consequence of this, it is strongly recommended that swallow nests be removed once the respective breeding season has concluded. Because of this, you won’t have to be concerned about your house being harmed by a variety of insects and other parasites.

How Do You Go About Destruction of a Swallow’s Nest?

The following is a step-by-step guide for removing a swallow’s nest from your property.

Keep away from the swallows until they have departed.
Remember to keep the nest in its current location while the birds are still using it.

When the swallows are tending to their young inside the nest, it is best to co-operate with Mother Nature and hold off on hatching your trap until after the young have left the nest.

Make Sure to Ask the Officials in Your Area

It is imperative that you get in touch with the authorities in your area prior to destroying a swallow’s nest.

At some sites, permission is necessary, whereas at others, one is not required.

During the removal procedure, making contact with your local authority will verify that you are operating inside the legal parameters set forth.

Be mindful of your safety.

When it comes time to actually pull down the nest, be cautious to protect yourself in every way possible.

Put on some protective gear, including gloves, a face mask, and eye protection. Utilizing these tools during the procedure will keep you protected at all times.

If you don’t feel comfortable dismantling the nest on your own, you should get in touch with an expert.

Remove the Cobwebs From the Nest

Start by using a hammer and a chisel to chip away at the nest until it is gone.

The majority of the nest that is now attached to your house may be eliminated with the assistance of these two instruments.

Clean the Surface Area

After the bulk has been removed, it is imperative that the outside be washed.
This task is best accomplished using a pressure washer. If you don’t already possess a pressure washer, you may either borrow one from a friend or neighbor if they have one, or you can rent one from a company that specializes in landscaping.

After the surface has had a chance to cure, any damage should be repaired.

Keep Swallows from Returning, If You Can.
Install anything that will discourage swallows from returning to your property so that you won’t have to go through all of these measures again every season.

In order to prevent subsequent swallows from returning, you may use wire, slant boards, or predator decoys to terrify them.


Nests built by swallows may be a nuisance. If you leave them up during the winter, not only might they cause harm to your property, but they could also attract unwanted pests.

As a consequence of this, it is prudent to get rid of a swallow’s nest once the young birds and the mother have left in flight.

It is against the law to dismantle the nest before the birds have left it, of course. Before carrying out the removal, check to see that all of the swallows have successfully abandoned the nest.

For assistance in determining whether or not you are permitted to dismantle the nest at this time, you should speak with a trained expert or an official from the relevant government agency.

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