What To Do If Your Husband Is Narcissistic

What To Do If Your Husband Is Narcissistic

A narcissistic individual may be the subject of your marriage, which might lead to problems. For the most part, narcissists are unaware that they are engaging in harmful conduct. In their own minds, they are lacking in empathy, and they seem to require continual attention and adulation. A mental health issue known as narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) may need a diagnosis.

What this means is that, if you find yourself in the company of a narcissistic guy, how can you cope? We’ve compiled a list of 11 essential suggestions to assist you in dealing with your narcissistic spouse.


In this article, you will learn how to

Tips for Dealing with a Narcissistic Husband: 11 of the Best


First and foremost, have a candid conversation with your husband

Narcissists are self-absorbed individuals who are unable to cope with negative reinforcement. They are continually looking for opportunities to assert their dominance in discussions. Keep your cool while you’re talking to avoid becoming irritated. Even your most compelling arguments may be ignored by your spouse the majority of the time.


 But make an effort to explain to him, in a convincing manner, how his actions may be causing you pain and discomfort. Make an effort not to accuse your spouse and refrain from yelling at him. Having an open line of communication with your partner is an efficient way to communicate your feelings. Provide him with information that can help him make better decisions for your relationship if he wants to do so.



2. Identify the factors that influence his behavior and take action against them.

Make an effort to understand the underlying causes of his conduct. You may cope with your narcissistic spouse more effectively if you understand his anxieties that cause him to behave in certain ways. Consult with his family or friends to see if they can provide assistance in dealing with his condition. They may be aware of how long he has been afflicted by this thinking. In addition, you will be able to learn about his prior experiences. 


The insecurity issues that plague people who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) often serve as triggers for their bad behaviors. You should investigate what might have triggered this behavior if you have seen it in recent months. Narcissists degrade you in order to make themselves feel better. Identifying these triggers and anticipating the difficulties they may bring might help you avoid or prepare for the difficulties they may bring about.



3. Become acquainted with his true personality

Narcissistic persons have a strong magnetic pull that attracts others to them. Create self-flattering pictures and come up with magnificent ideas is something they are skilled at. These individuals are hooked to the sensation of being very unique, and they will lie, cheat, and do anything they want in order to get their high. If you confront your spouse about his actions, he may begin to doubt your authority in the same situation.. Knowing his genuine nature, on the other hand, may assist you in arriving at the most appropriate option.



Making A Choice is Step Four.

The self-esteem of those suffering from NPD is poor, and they refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions. A narcissist may also find it difficult to comprehend their own actions and how they are causing harm to others. You may believe that it is impossible to alter him – and that the only person whose conduct you can influence is your own. This does not rule out the possibility of having a happy marriage; it may simply look a little different than what you had envisioned. It is possible that your supportive words, thoughtfulness, and therapy sessions can assist him in thinking more favorably.




Keep Your Attention Away From Him (#5).

The attention-seeking habit of narcissistic persons is well-documented. They like being in the limelight and attracting attention. Whatever sacrifices you make to make your spouse happy, it is possible that he may not acknowledge your efforts and that your actions will never be sufficient for him. It’s possible that you’ll quickly discover that your views aren’t important at all! So, turn your attention away from him for a while. Take some time for yourself to pursue your ambitions and interests in the pursuit of happiness. You’ll be happy as a result.





Speaking Up for Yourself is Number Six.

Narcissistic individuals take pleasure in the suffering of others. When dealing with your spouse, though, it is important not to express your displeasure.. Maintain your composure and gentleness in the face of this predicament. Speak up for yourself and inform him of the negative effect his words and actions are having on your daily life. Also, be consistent and explicit about the kind of conduct you anticipate him to exhibit in response to your instructions. However, you should be aware that he may choose not to listen to you or may even ignore you. You have the right to end the relationship if he continues to neglect you and doesn’t show any interest in you..

7.Improve Your Self-Confidence and Confidence in Others

When it comes to making decisions and making choices, self-esteem is important. Many aspects of one’s life are negatively impacted by low self-esteem. In their eyes, they are superior, and they find it difficult to be compassionate toward others. It is their nature to make fun of others and put them down. A lack of self-esteem in your spouse could manifest itself as emotional and verbal violence. You might suffer from low self-esteem if you don’t exercise caution while engaging in this kind of conduct. Working on your mental health and self-esteem is thus very vital.



8.Set Clear Boundaries in Your Workplace.

Healthy relationships are built on well defined limits. Narcissistic persons are often preoccupied with themselves and want to be in control of the relationship they are involved in. Spending time with friends may not be well received by your spouse. They will also not accept responsibility for their actions. Aside from that, they show little regard for their own privacy. Because of this, you must establish clear limits and inform your spouse that he must adhere to these limitations. Communicate with your spouse about what you find unacceptable and why the repercussions should be of concern to him as well. When a narcissistic people is impacted, they are only able to think about things.



9.Make a self-inspection.

You may have health problems because of your relationship with a narcissistic spouse who is unconcerned with the well-being of his wife. Getting in contact with your friends and family might help if you are attempting to make your relationship healthier but are dissatisfied with the outcomes. Get in touch with them and enlist their assistance. You will get more self-confidence as a result of your conversations with them. In addition, if you are experiencing anxiousness, you should see a doctor..



Tenth, Always Have A Support System Available

Being around someone who has NPD for an extended period of time is exhausting. It is not uncommon for a narcissist to isolate his or her spouse from their families and social circles. If you are spending time with other people, your spouse may feel envious and want all of your attention and involvement. You may find it easy for your spouse to take control of your life if you are not connected to a support system. So it’s important to have people in your life who are willing to lend you a helping hand when you need it.



11. Counseling Should Be Arranged for Him

Narcissists suffer from poor self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy, and they often need professional counseling to overcome their problems. Because many narcissistic individuals are opposed to therapy, you must exercise caution while recommending it. Your partner may be more willing to attend treatment if it seems to be a shared issue. Instead of blaming everything on him, take responsibility for your actions..


When you marry a narcissist, you can expect your life to be entirely taken over by your spouse. Understand and adhere to the warning signals as soon as possible, and maintain clear limits. First and foremost, realize that you, too, are deserving of love and joy. While it may be disheartening to realize that your husband’s conduct is unlikely to change, you will undoubtedly see changes in your relationship if you follow the suggestions in this piece. 1.

How To Leave A Narcissist: A Guide

“Love offers and takes nothing but itself.” “Love does not possess and will not be possessed.” Gibran, Kahlil

These well-known phrases encapsulate the essence of love’s unconditionality. However, if you find yourself on the generous end of the spectrum, you should reevaluate your choice. We often miss red signals in a relationship when we are madly in love. This is also true in narcissist-dominated partnerships. It’s difficult to break up with a narcissistic relationship since we’ve grown emotionally sensitive and traumatized by them. It might be difficult to leave such situations due to self-doubt, gaslighting, and codependency. 


This post will show you how to get through this extremely taxing situation. Learn how to break up with a narcissist by scrolling down.

This article contains the following sections:

What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and How Do I Know If I Have It?

Getting Out Of A Narcissistic Relationship


A tough or poisonous individual is referred to as a “narc.” Although narcissism is a well-studied medical disorder, there are no concrete diagnostic tests available to diagnose it. Even though a competent therapist can psychoanalyze, identifying a narcissist might be difficult.

To be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, a person must display just 55 percent of the listed symptoms (1). NPD is linked to a number of characteristics.


opulence (an inflated sense of self or an exaggerated feeling of being superior to others)
Empathic deficit
Demeaning and arrogant (often mentally or verbally abusive)
Arrogance and self-centeredness
Inability to be vulnerable due to emotional incapacity
Continuous adoration is required.
Possessiveness and lack of limits
Unconcerned about the sentiments of others
Shame that has not been expressed
Manipulation, control, and exploitation are all words that come to mind when thinking about manipulative, controlling, and exploit
Fantasy, beauty, or power keep you up at night.
Threatening easily
Blame-shifting or a lack of accountability
Rejection anxiety
Narcissism and associated diseases include all of these features. Knowing what they are might help you deal with the breakup more effectively.

Getting Out Of A Narcissistic Relationship

1.  Not delaying your departure.

Postponing the split is another common blunder. There might be a variety of reasons for this, including a lack of readiness to break away, a strong attachment with your spouse, or a fear of being alone. Codependency might make you believe you won’t be able to live without them. Because narcissists keep their lovers apart from their friends and family, this occurs. Do not be persuaded to remain in a poisonous relationship by anyone’s guilt.


Some narcissists present a false public character, making it difficult for their partners to persuade others of the narcissist’s heinous behavior against you. If they are hooked to drugs or alcohol, they may even lash out verbally and violently. You can be afraid to leave them because you fear for your safety.

It’s critical to go discreetly and without causing a conflict in such situations. Make a list, budget, and pack your belongings ahead of time. Make sure they don’t know you’re going and go somewhere safe where they won’t be able to locate you. Put your trust in someone who can help you through this difficult period.

2.  snapping all of your contacts.

Avoid any communication with your spouse for at least 6-8 months after you’ve chosen to leave. No messages, phone calls, or social media stalking are permitted. It may be the most difficult portion of the separation, but you’ll emerge smarter, happier, and more resilient.

Make sure you don’t talk to common friends or family members, since narcissistic individuals may be vengeful and create stories about you. They may “hover” over you, send cryptic signals, phone you excessively, and even beg forgiveness in order to reunite. It’s ideal if you set clear limits and don’t allow them to influence you. Be cautious of their crocodile tears and bogus promises. They’ll go to any length to rekindle their relationship.


3. Don’t Make Any Efforts To Hold Them Accountable.

A narcissist’s inflated sense of self and lack of empathy make it impossible for them to have rational conversations. They won’t take criticism well and may even turn the tables on you. They could lie to prevent you from breaking up by convincing you that they will change.

Expect your narcissistic spouse to claim responsibility for the breakup. It’s a ruse to preserve their dignity. They are terrified of being rejected, which drives them to fabricate their own version of the breakup. Every action will be based on a perverted logic, and you will be held accountable. They will never accept responsibility for anything unless it benefits them.


4. Have Self-Belief

Collect voice recordings, text messages, or films to remember those times of clarity. In your diary, write down your daily thoughts and happenings. This will help you stay sane and avoid being gaslighted, manipulated, or doubtful.

Remember that leaving a relationship like this requires a lot of courage and conviction. Be gentle to yourself and try to stay grounded in reality. Never criticize yourself for staying so long or for being so exposed. You are a unique individual who does not exist to further the narcissist’s goals.


5. Make No Excuses Or Rationalizations

Everyone makes errors, and nobody is flawless. When it comes to a narcissist, this may be true, but it can also be harmful. They will have greater authority to get away with unacceptably bad conduct if they use logic like this. It’s critical to admit that you both made errors and that you need to improve.

Don’t blame yourself if you pass harsh judgment on them or if you punish yourself needlessly. When it comes to a narcissist, the borders are blurry, and you may be creating justifications to explain their conduct unconsciously. It might be a result of your trauma connection, or you could be afraid of facing reality.


6. Do Not Be Fooled By Love Bombings

Love bombing is a term used to describe the early stages of a relationship, when everything seems to be going well. The majority of narcissists strive to impress you. They pay close attention to you and make you feel as if you are the only person on the planet. When you threaten to leave, you often engage in this conduct.


It’s natural to romanticize your relationship’s happy memories, but it might be counterproductive if you want to move on or make a fresh start. Rather, concentrate on the times when you had to tread carefully around your companion or when you were harmed. The distorted viewpoints that are frequent in narcissistic relationships will be highlighted by these occurrences.

7. Take no responsibility for your own actions.

Frequently, you blame yourself for not putting out sufficient effort in the relationship. Do not chastise yourself for failing to see the warning signs or poisonous patterns. The fact is that a relationship can only function if both partners work together. Don’t be too harsh on yourself if your narcissistic spouse seems to have moved on swiftly.

It’s a popular ruse to demonstrate that they can get by without you. They could date someone “better” than you in order to play on your fears. Comparing oneself to others may lead to feelings of envy, self-doubt, and self-loathing. Develop yourself by concentrating on your recovery, goals, accomplishments, and desires.

8. Don’t Let Them Get To YouSave


They may seem to be extremely pleased with their new spouse, and they may appear to be doing everything you did. It is, however, a bizarre method of punishing you for abandoning them. For you, they’ll put on a performance. All of this is a ruse; the fact is that most narcissists are really miserable. They create these joyful bubbles in order to deceive both themselves and others. As a result, don’t follow them or their companion.



It might become an unhealthy preoccupation as you compare yourself to others and wonder why it didn’t work out. On the other side, you may feel compelled to warn the new partner, which might be seen as sabotage or improper. You have no responsibility, and it is preferable to avoid the drama.

Save Shutterstock by grieving properly.



The breakup, in particular, may be emotionally and physically draining. You may be exhausted and feel as though you’ve wasted a significant amount of time. As a result, it’s critical to address your sentiments from the past and present. Accept and embrace your choices.

Grieve in whichever manner you need to. Take a vacation, relocate to a different place, or stay with friends or relatives. Recover at your own rate – you should be proud of yourself for getting out of a narcissistic relationship. Recognize the positive aspects, but keep in mind that they aren’t serving you any more. Surround yourself with people that value and appreciate you for who you are.

10. Find out who you are again.


When you’re in a narcissistic relationship, you could have an identity crisis. Constant gaslighting and manipulation, as well as dismissive and degrading words, may cause you to lose faith in yourself. As a result, allow yourself some time to heal.

Concentrate on self-improvement and activities that bring you joy. Pursue things that you like, no matter how little they may seem – put on that low-neck blouse or eat your favorite ice cream. Don’t be jaded or negative about relationships, and get out and meet new people.



The phrase “narcissistic personality disorder” refers to a set of psychological and behavioral characteristics. Because there is no clear clinical agreement, it is difficult to recognize selfish, narcissistic persons. Grandiosity, lack of empathy, entitlement, fear of rejection, and manipulative conduct are all symptoms of this disorder. Stopping all communication and claiming your agency back is the most efficient strategy to get rid of such persons.


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