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What Size Cage Is Appropriate For A Rabbit?

What Size Cage Is Appropriate For A Rabbit?

In times passed by, individuals keep rabbits in a little hutch in the backyard and only let them out for exercise during the day when it was convenient for the owner.

Nonetheless, we now understand that squeezing rabbits into a confined space for extended periods of time may have negative effects on both their physical and emotional well-being.

A cage for a rabbit has to be roomy enough so that the animal can lie down and stretch out completely, and it also needs to be tall enough so that the rabbit can stand on its hind legs.

The Rabbit Welfare Association recommends that a cage have dimensions of 6 feet by 2 feet by 2 feet in order to provide sufficient space for the rabbit to turn around and exercise freely. However, you will need to extend the size of the cage if you want to house more than one rabbit there at a time.

In addition to locating a kennel that is enough in size, you will need to give a warm, dry, and secure environment, as well as a lot of fresh air and exercise in the form of an outdoor rabbit run.

If you provide the right environment for your rabbit, he will continue to enjoy wonderful health and won’t suffer from boredom, anxiety, or sadness due to your care for him.

What kind of living quarters does a rabbit require?

As very active creatures, rabbits need a significant amount of space in which to hop about and run. Even though they need a pleasant and comfy area to sleep, hide, and rest, it is very necessary that they be let out of their cage for at least two hours each day in order for them to be able to stretch their legs.

Depending on the amount of room you have available and whether or not you want your rabbit to be an indoor or outdoor pet, the rabbit cage may be maintained either inside or outside.

Either one will do a good job. The Rabbit Welfare Association suggests that the length, breadth, and height of rabbit hutches and cages should not be any less than six feet, two feet, and two feet respectively.

Because of its big size, the rabbit is able to do as many as three hops in any given direction, which provides him with plenty of areas to roam about in.

In the natural, rabbits have up to 20 acres of area to themselves, in which they are free to run and play without being impeded in any way. Of course, a lot of people who own pets don’t have access to this type of area, but letting the rabbit run about the house or in the garden may be just as good.

It is feasible for you to let the rabbit go free if you have an enclosed garden from which it is unable to leave. If you have this garden, you may do this. However, owners should be aware that rabbits have a natural desire to dig, and if they are left unattended, they may seek to burrow beneath fences, walls, and shrubs. This is something that owners should be aware of.

In any case, an outdoor rabbit run will protect your rabbits from harm while also enabling them to get the necessary amount of activity. It is highly suggested that the dimensions of a rabbit run be at least 8 feet by 4 feet.

outside hutch for rabbits
Omlet metal outside hutch for rabbits

These are very active creatures, and if they are not given the appropriate mental and physical stimulation, they will rapidly grow bored.

If the house is properly bunny-proofed, the bunnies may have unrestricted access to all of the rooms, even if they are living there. If you have the room, you may give each of your bunnies their own room to go about in, which will give them the freedom to do as they like. Obviously, a cage will still be required in order to sleep and have a sense of security.

outside hutch for rabbits

Having said that, owners are responsible for ensuring that the enclosure is appropriately positioned, even when using a hutch to house their pets.

Although it is OK to have a piece of the hutch exposed to sunlight, especially if there is a run that is linked to the hutch, there should be a significant amount that spends the day in a shaded location. The ideal circumstance would be to position the complete enclosure so that it is in the shadow.

In addition to that, the hutch needs to have some kind of barrier against drafts. If the forecast calls for really terrible weather, you may want to transfer the hutch into an outbuilding such as a shed or garage, which will provide your pet with an extra layer of protection from the elements.

Other Matters Concerning the Cage

As was previously said, the enclosure for your rabbit should be spacious enough to allow him to stand up without hitting his head on the ceiling. Additionally, it should be long enough to allow him to stretch out and move freely.

But given that rabbits are burrowing creatures by nature, there is also the challenge of providing them with a place to conceal themselves.

In most cases, it is preferable to have a separate room or compartment. However, if this is not an option for you, you may construct a little rabbit home that can be stuffed with bedding to provide a secure environment for your rabbit.

In addition, owners are responsible for ensuring that their rabbit’s cage has all of the essentials, such as a spot for feeding, a box for waste disposal, and a variety of toys to keep the animal occupied and stimulated.

There is a good chance that the crates and hutches sold at pet shops are on the smaller side, but there is absolutely nothing preventing you from constructing your own enclosure for your animal companion.

This may be accomplished by utilizing wood or squares made from metal bars, both of which can be connected together to form a cage that is uniquely yours.

It is essential that the base of the enclosure be completely smooth, regardless of the style of enclosure that you choose. There is a disorder called as pododermatitis that may damage a rabbit’s feet, causing sores on the feet as a consequence of walking on uneven or hard flooring. Rabbits have sensitive feet that can be impacted by this ailment.

‘Cage’ against ‘Hutch’

It is possible to house rabbits in either a metal-barred cage that has a plastic foundation or, alternatively, in a wooden rabbit hutch, which is the more conventional housing choice.

However, a hutch is often ideal for keeping rabbits outside, whilst a cage works well for keeping bunnies inside the house. Your four-legged buddies will be completely comfortable in any of these enclosures.

Your rabbit will not get enough protection from the weather if they are kept outdoors in a cage, thus this is not an appropriate housing option. Rabbits are able to adapt pretty well to colder environments and may stay content in their outside hutches all the way down to freezing temperatures.

Nevertheless, when the weather is very hot in the summer, these creatures are at an increased risk of suffering from heatstroke and dehydration, both of which may ultimately result in death.

Although they are relatively tiny creatures, rabbits need a significant amount of space in which to maneuver. Because of this, it is essential to get a cage or hutch that is capacious enough to maintain your rabbit in a state of contentment at all times.

In addition to this, you will be required to provide your pet with daily exercise in the form of either a rabbit run or an area where it has free roaming access.

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