What Makes Daisies Weeds?

What Makes Daisies Weeds?

What Makes Daisies Weeds?

It all varies on who you question, and what they consider to be a daisy and a weed in the first place. Depending on who you ask, daisies are either a welcome addition to your garden or a nuisance in your yard. 


Despite the fact that the name “daisy” is used to designate to several distinct species of the Asteraceae family, not all of these plants are aggressive and invasive.



In certain cases, daisies are considered weeds if they grow in unfavorable conditions, such as in the centre of an otherwise formal lawn. However, daisies are considered flowers in an English cottage garden. Daisies grow quickly and behave like weeds in many situations, yet gardeners may use these characteristics to create stunning, large-scale flower arrangements.

A daisy’s beauty, it may be said, is in the eye of the beholder, as the expression goes. It is discussed in this article how to get rid of invasive forms of daisies as well as how to develop less aggressive variations of daisy.

There are two types of plants: weeds and flowers.

weeds are flowers in every sense of the word, but not all flowers are weeds in every sense. Because these labels are very subjective, there is a highly blurred line between what is considered a weed and what is considered a flower.

Unweeded flowering plants are just flowers that have sprung in an inappropriate location. This concept implies that any plant may be considered a nuisance.

weeds are plants that grow rapidly and generate a large number of seeds, which are considered noxious. As an illustration, consider the thistle plant. Many blooms, on the other hand, are equally robust and produce an equal number of seeds.. Take, for instance, calendula.



A gardener’s intention is what makes the difference between weeds and flowers in the garden. Intentional flower plantings are made, while weeds sprout up as a result of nature.

Exactly why are daisies considered weeds is a mystery to me.

In practically any environment, daisies may thrive and spread aggressively, competing with purposely produced plants such as turf grass for resources such as light source, water source, space, and nutrients. In lawns and agricultural areas, they are often called weeds because of this.

By taking nutrients away from local species, invasive daisies may also cause damage to indigenous flora and fauna. No one eats them because they are unpalatable to herbivores.



Daisies spread in two ways: by subterranean runners known as rhizomes that trail after them, and through the dispersal of seeds.

A high number of seeds are produced by this species, and many of these seeds have a fluffy component connected to the seed, which allows them to fly longer distances in the wind.

The fact that daisies are invasive plants and are often referred to as weeds stems from this characteristic.



Not all daisies, on the other hand, behave in a weedy manner or are deemed invasive. It is common to see several different types being produced. They play an important role in the beauty of the cottage garden….

Lots of people like daisies because they are beautiful flowers.
Despite the fact that daisies are considered weeds, there are a variety of beautiful varieties available that are the polar opposite of what we expect.

Asteraceae, often known as daisies, are among the most popular garden flowers. They include the following species:

  • Dahlia Zinnia
  • Floral arrangement including gerbera daisies.
  • Sunflower sChrysanthemums
  • Black-eyed Gloriosa daisies in Susan’s purple coneflower
  • Marguerites

Invasive to an extreme degree Daisy Weeds are a kind of flower that grows in the spring and summer months.
Then there are the daisy blossoms that aren’t so attractive, at least when they’re springing up all over the lawn and in the middle of your meticulously designed flower beds.

Daisies of the following species are the most troublesome to manage:

Bellis perennis is the common name for the English daisy.
Ophelium leucanthemum (Oxeye Daisy) is a kind of flower that grows in the spring.
In several states, daisies are prohibited.
Originally from Europe, the Oxeye Daisy has now spread to every state in the United States, owing to its hardiness. In all likelihood, it arrived by ship after being transported over the Atlantic.

The following states have forbidden the purchase or planting of its seeds in your garden since it is exceedingly invasive and considered a danger to native species and agriculture:


  1. Illinois
  2. Indiana
  3. Kansas
  4. Missouri
  5. Montana
  6. Ohio
  7. Washington Wyoming


Other flowers that are similar to the Oxeye Daisy

Other types of daisies may be planted if you like the bright yellow and white appearance of Oxeye daisies but reside in a place where they are prohibited.

As an alternative, Shasta daisies are stunning. You can keep them from spreading by deadheading the blooms before they set seed. The flower heads are also bigger and more showy than the classic English or oxeye daisies, which makes them a better choice for container gardening.

A hybrid cultivar of the Oxeye daisy, it was produced in California by cross-pollination with many other species. They were given this name in honor of Mount Shasta, which stands out against the skyline with its white snowy summit.

Infestation of Daisy Plants: What to Do

It is preferable to dig up as much of the daisies as possible by hand, including the roots, and then mow the grass on a regular basis if your lawn is overrun with them. Because daisies, with the exception of the dandelion, have shallow roots, they are relatively simple to pluck.

Daisy seeds will not spread if they are not given the opportunity to blossom and set seed. When you mow the daisies, you will also flatten them, increasing the surface area of their leaves, allowing you to use a more effective herbicide on them.



Herbicide use is entirely optional in this situation. Because of the devastating environmental consequences of hazardous pesticides, many organic gardeners choose not to use them.. Some organic herbicides, on the other hand, include naturally occurring active compounds such as limonene, cinnamon oil, clove oil, and acetic acid, among other things.

Flowers should be unable to compete with a healthy, well-maintained grass. If you feed your grass, water it, and mow it often, you should have no trouble keeping these lawn weeds under management.

Controlling Daisies Using Organic Herbicides

Lawn daisy infestations may be controlled with the application of the organic products listed below. Make sure that none of the products go on the grass since they are all non-selective contact herbicides.

There is no damage to the environment since they are all biodegradable materials.

It is clove leaf oil that is the active component in Matran
The active components in Weed Zap® include clove oil and cinnamon oil.
There is an active element in Weed Pharm called acetic acid (vinegar).
Lemongrass oil is the active element of GreenMatch® EX, which is a supplement.


Citric acid and clove oil are included in the formulation of Burnout



There Are Some Daisy Weeds That Are Beneficial

While certain daisies are considered invasive weeds, others are called useful weeds because they perform a critical function in the environment in which they grow and reproduce.



Despite the fact that dandelions are a form of daisy, they are considered helpful weeds.

Because their wide-growing roots loosen and aerate the soil, they are beneficial in terms of soil erosion reduction. Its extensive tap roots suck up micronutrients like as calcium from deep in the soil, so benefiting neighboring plants.

They are an important source of pollen for bees because of their abundance. Allowing the dandelions on our yard to bloom is a modest act of kindness we can do for pollinators.

Have you ever seen a Meadow full with wildflowers? To replace lawns, water-wise gardening is becoming more popular, and as a result, we are witnessing an increase in the number of individuals who are no longer mowing their lawns.



To maintain lawns free of daisies and other turf weeds, they must be watered, mowed, and weeded consistently on a regular basis. After all of that labor and expenditure, what do you get in return? A patch of flat grass?

It is becoming increasingly fashionable to use wildflower meadows instead of lawns as an alternative to lawns. Not only are wildflowers beneficial to pollinators such as butterflies and bees, but they also demand far less water than grass, particularly if you plant an indigenous mix of wildflowers in a container.

When used properly, “weeds” may be rather beautiful.

Lastly, a word about
In areas where they are not desired, daisies might be considered weeds, yet when they are in bloom, they can make for lovely garden flowers. In certain cases, a single plant might be regarded both a nuisance and a blooming bloom.

Daisies are not a single species, but rather refer to a diverse group of plants that produce blooms that resemble daisies. You may pick from a wide variety of daisy varieties, and many of them are non-invasive.

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