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What is the real root of your cat's aggressive behavior?

What is the real root of your cat’s aggressive behavior?

What is the real root of your cat’s aggressive behavior?

A cat owner who was really perplexed reached out to us for assistance not long ago. Given that it had previously been a kind and affectionate feline, the family was baffled by this change in conduct on the part of the cat.

It was as if all of a sudden, the cat had made the decision to attack anybody and everyone, regardless of who they were.

Following an appointment with their family’s veterinarian, the cat’s owner made the decision to schedule a behavior consultation with our team here at Cat Behavior Alliance.

5 Cat Issues That Require Urgent Veterinary Care

A few of the triggers for misplaced aggressiveness are as follows:

  1. The home was filled with screaming and/or loud sounds.
  2. Cats found outside that wander about your cat’s home area
  3. Other creatures, such as squirrels, dogs, rabbits, and birds may be found outdoors.
  4. Disagreements between indoor cats
  5. Mating season (even if your cat is spayed or neutered)
  6. The cat perceives everything as a potential danger to his environment.

During our Zoom discussion, when we questioned her about the cat’s behavior, the explanation for the “poor” behavior became abundantly clear: This was an extremely common instance of misdirected aggressiveness. Where did the kitten get her aggressive tendencies in the first place?

The cat went completely insane when it saw the other cats playing outside in the yard of the new neighbors, who were also cat owners. Cats are always on the lookout for potential threats, and there was a prospective threat just next door — one that the cat could see but could not approach.

Kitty was unable to address the real cause of her anger and agony, so instead, she directed her rage at anything that was near enough for her to touch.

What exactly does it mean when cats display redirected aggression?
One of the most prevalent behavioral problems seen in cats is termed redirected aggressiveness, which is also known as shifted aggression.

To put it more simply, something occurred that prompted the cat to respond in panic, and their basic instincts for survival took control at that point.

It’s that age-old “fight or flight” reaction acting out again, the one that prevents cats from falling prey to other animals in the wild and becoming their food.

Since the cat is unable to physically access the target of its aggressiveness, it may come to the conclusion that it must instead resort to fighting with other cats, dogs, or even people in order to ensure its own survival. Consider, for instance, the way in which we humans may often channel our rage in the wrong direction.

When he gets home from work, the father who had a hard day at the job could get angry with his children. He is truly angry with his employer, not the children, but he is unable to appropriately aim his rage against his boss in the appropriate way. This is not a choice made with a clear conscience.

The anxiety is building up, and it has to be released. Cats have the same behavior when it comes to displaced hostility.

So, why is my cat getting so worked up?

What may possibly be the source of your generally friendly feline’s misguided aggressive behavior? Your cat’s aggressiveness may be triggered by anything that he perceives as a danger to his territory or the resources he has, and the fact that he is unable to attack the real source of the threat may lead his survival reaction to the threat to be directed in the wrong direction.

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