What Is The Optimal Age To Conceive?

When a woman is physically, emotionally, financially, and socially prepared for the duties of parenthood, she is ready to get pregnant. While the optimum age varies from woman to woman, most studies indicate that it is preferable to get pregnant between the ages of 20 and 35.


 (1). Although fertility declines with age, healthy infants may be born at any age. Read this MomJunction article to learn about the relationship between age and pregnancy and what it means to have a kid at a particular age.



Prior Before Your Twenties

While this is not the optimum age for the majority of women, it is still the most fertile.
At this age, women are typically lighter, making pregnancy weight easier to control.
There is a higher risk of hypertensive pregnancy problems, abortion, urinary infections, and early fetal membrane rupture (2).
Women may be emotionally unprepared to deal with pregnancy complications.
Parents may have financial difficulties while parenting the kid.




In Your Twenties

Women are fertile, and becoming pregnant now is simpler than later.
The odds of having a healthy baby and a low-risk pregnancy are greatest in one’s twenties, when most women reach their peak fertility 


They have the energy to go through the pregnant period and are less prone to develop chronic illnesses.
It’s simple to regain your pre-pregnancy weight.
Finances may still be an issue, since the majority of young couples are likely to be repaying school debts and establishing jobs.
In Your Thirties
Once you reach your 30s, your fertility may begin to decline due to a decrease in the number and quality of ovum 


(3). Additionally, the chance of aneuploidy is increased.
After the age of 35, fertility begins to decrease significantly.
Increased risk of hypertension, gestational diabetes, and difficult labors


In your late 30s, you may need reproductive aid therapies.
Fertility aid therapies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and ovulation stimulators may also see a decline in success rates


After age 35, the chance of miscarriage and genetic abnormalities increases significantly


Twin conception is a possibility because hormonal changes in elderly women result in the release of several eggs


However, this is a period of stability in marriages and couples’ commitment to parenting.
In Your Forties
In the 40s, the likelihood of becoming pregnant naturally decreases.
Pregnancy issues such as miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, diabetes, hypertension, placental abnormalities, premature labor, and low birth weight are more likely to occur.
The likelihood of having a cesarean section is increased.
Pregnancy must be closely monitored and may need extra procedures such as amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling (CVS) to check for abnormalities such as Down syndrome in the infant (8).


You may still have a safe pregnancy and baby in your 40s with appropriate care.

Take note that these are generic situations. They may or may not be accurate for you. However, two points worth noting are the following:

You are more fertile when you are younger than when you are older.
Even at the age of 40, you may get pregnant if you maintain a healthy lifestyle, take care of your health, and treat any health concerns quickly 


(8).The Advantages Of Being A Teen Parent

There is less of a cultural divide between you and your kid.
You will have sufficient time to have more children.
You increase your physical activity to keep up with your kid.
Children will settle more quickly, allowing you more free time later in life.
There would be a rapid pregnancy reversal.
You have a better chance of seeing a few generations down the road.
It is more convenient to take time off from work.
The Advantages Of Having Children Later In Life
Your life experiences shape you into a smarter person


 (9).You’ll earn more money to maintain the kid.

Children with a higher quality of life are reported to be healthier and have fewer health problems.
You’ll have more time for your kid.
You will experience emotional stability.
Before choosing when to have children, you should examine variables such as fertility, emotional maturity, job stability, family orientation, and financial health.


What Should You Do If You Want To Get Pregnant Immediately?

If you are considering a pregnancy, regardless of your age, follow the instructions below (10).

Make an appointment for a preconception check-up to go through your personal, family, and medical histories.
Determine if you need genetic carrier screening.
Consult your doctor before beginning to use folic acid supplements.
Resolve to abstain from cigarettes, alcohol, and illicit substances
Choose healthy foods and maintain a balanced diet.
Caffeine use should be limited
Make an effort to maintain a healthy weight.
Maintain a regular workout regimen
Keep a record of your financial transactions.
Keep a safe distance from environmental hazards
Determine your ovulation timing and engage in sexual activity at the most fertile phase of your cycle.

It is advised that you contact a fertility specialist if you are experiencing any of the following problems when attempting to conceive:

Menstrual cycle missed or erratic
Sexually transmissible infections
If you are under the age of 35 with a regular cycle and have not become pregnant after a year of trying
If you are between the ages of 35 and 39 and have a regular cycle but are unable to conceive after six months of attempting
If you are 40 or older with a regular cycle and are unable to conceive after three months of trying


What Should You Do If You Wish To Defer Pregnancy?

If you want to have children in the future but not right now, you should have protected intercourse, particularly on fertile days (ovulation). If you are young and want to delay childbearing, you may also freeze your eggs and utilize them later. This may aid in the production of a high-quality egg, but pregnancy risks remain dependent on the age at which you want to conceive.


Is Age Related to Male Fertility?

True, a man’s fertility declines as he ages 


(11). After the age of 40, the semen volume, sperm count, and motility are often impaired 


(12). Even beyond the age of 40, a man may father a kid, although becoming a parent may be more difficult than it is at a younger age. If the father is above 45 years old, regardless of the mother’s age, the chance of miscarriage and genetic defects in the kid is increased.


 (13).When to have children or not is a personal choice that is determined by your priorities, circumstances, and attitude. Thus, the optimal moment to get pregnant is when you and your spouse believe you are ready. However, it is beneficial to understand the possibilities of conception, dangers, and other problems associated with various stages of pregnancy so that you can be prepared to cope with them.


What is your opinion on the optimal age to get pregnant? Kindly notify us in the comments section below.



MomJunction’s health articles are based on an analysis of many scientific studies and statements made by professional writers and organizations. 



Our references (citations) are drawn from authoritative sources in their respective areas. Our editorial policy contains further information on the validity of the material we provide.
Susan Bewley et al.; Which job should I pursue first; BMJ (2005)
Complications in teenage pregnancy: a comprehensive review of the literature; Walter Fernandes de Azevedo et al (Sao Paulo)
3. Having a Baby After Age 35: How Aging Affects Fertility and Pregnancy; American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
4. Pregnancy After Thirty Years of Age; University of Rochester Medical Center (2018)
5. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine; Age and Fertility
6. Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen et al.
7. Amelia S. McLennan et al. ; The Maternal Age Effect on Twin Pregnancy Outcomes.
8. A. Dietl et al. ; Pregnancy and Obstetric Outcomes in Women Over the Age of 40; Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd (2015)
9. M. Myrskylä et al. ; Gynakologe (2017)
10. Pregnancy Planning; CDC; (2018)
11. Crosnoe LE, Kim ED; Age-related decline in male fertility; Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol (2013)
12. Sharon A. Kidd et al., Effects of male age on sperm quality and fertility: a systematic study; American Society for Reproductive Medicine (2001)
13. Simon L Conti & Michael L Eisenberg; Paternal aging and the risk of congenital illness, mental problems, and cancer; Asian J Androl (2016)


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