What Is A Large Coffee Percolator And How Do I Use It?

What Is A Large Coffee Percolator And How Do I Use It?

Not just on Monday mornings, but in many other circumstances, a big quantity of coffee is required. Even whether you’re holding a morning business function or catering a large dinner party, your standard brewing procedure may not be sufficient. 


Using a cup percolator coffee might be a terrific option when you need to make a huge amount of coffee at once. However, if you’ve never used one before, they might be daunting. Learn how to operate a huge coffee percolator, as well as where to get one, how their pieces work, and what sort of coffee to use.


Espresso machines have been around since the 1800s, and their operation has remained mostly same since then. Machines ranging in size from very modest (intended for personal or family use) to astonishingly enormous (built for industrial or commercial usage) are extremely efficient and reliable (designed for a crowd). They all operate in a similar manner, regardless of their size.


Examining the inside of a huge coffee percolator.

Viewed through the percolator’s opening at the top, you can see the tray or chamber that contains the grounds, as well as the tube that will transport water up from the bottom and distribute it on top of the grounds.

The operation of a coffee percolator.

It is the primary pot of the percolator that holds the water that will be used to make the coffee that will be served to you. The brewer’s base is located over a heat source.


 However, although some big percolators use an external heating source, such as a stove, the vast majority of them have an integrated electric heating element. Coffee grinds are stored in the perforated filter basket at the top of the pot, and water is transported from the base of the pot to the top through a vertical tube.


using a percolator to brew your own beer

When the water in the main chamber is heated by the percolator’s heat source, the water at the bottom of the chamber is the first to come to a boil. While the brewer is running, the bubbles that have created will naturally migrate up the vertical tube in the middle. 


This causes the water to flow out of the tube and into the coffee chamber, which is located on top of the machine. It seeps through the grounds, and ultimately the brewed coffee drops from the bottom of the chamber back into the main pot of coffee.

Obtaining a huge coffee percolator is not difficult.

The use of a big percolator is highly recommended for serving more than 30 people. Having said that, where can you find one?

Big percolators may be purchased at kitchen supply stores if you routinely serve large crowds. If your event is a one-time affair, hiring a portable toilet is a more cost-effective option. Consult with party rental businesses in your region to get the most affordable option for renting a big coffee percolator.

Large coffee percolator parts are shown here.

Everything from tea kettles to coffee percolators is built around the same core components. Regardless of the size of the percolator, you’ll find the main pot, a little base that holds the heating element, a vertical tube, and a perforated filter basket at the top of the appliance. Some types will have a cover over the filter basket, which will aid in the distribution of water uniformly throughout the filter basket.


Disassembled components of a Hamilton Beach coffee maker

The grinds chamber with perforated cover at the front right of the huge coffee percolator is among the components that come with the machine.
Is there a certain kind of coffee that I should be using?
When using a coffee percolator, it is critical to use the proper sort of coffee. Medium roast beans and a coarse percolator grind size are often recommended.



While percolating, the coffee goes through the grounds many times, growing stronger and more intense with each run through the machine. In comparison to drip coffee, this is a totally different beverage. 


The nuanced flavors found in lighter-roasted coffees are less likely to be discernible, while darker roasts run the danger of being too bitter. Perfect for a medium roast! The distinctions between dark roast and medium roast were already discussed in a prior blog article.

View from the interior of a huge coffee percolator’s lid.

Consider the bottom of your grounds chamber to get an indication of how fine you can grind your coffee. The fineness of the mesh may be increased in a fine mesh filter like this. To avoid over-extraction and bitter coffee, don’t grind your beans too fine!


To ensure that your grinds do not flow through the relatively big pores in the filter basket, coarse grinding is required, but you will almost certainly end up with some sediment regardless of the grind setting. Grind your own coffee beans as near as possible before brewing time in order to get the greatest flavor.


Instructions that are step-by-step.

The instructions that came with your percolator are the most accurate. For big coffee percolators, however, it is probable that the manufacturer’s instructions will not be included in the rental package. If you’re not sure where to begin, the steps outlined below will have you up and running in no time!


Get comfortable with the percolator by opening it and looking around.

Fill the primary pot halfway with water. Fill the secondary pot halfway with water. In order to assist you in measuring, the sides of most big percolators will be marked with markings.


Coffee filter should be placed in the cup (optional). Most big percolators come with built-in filters, but if you like to use a paper filter to reduce sediment, just select one that has the same diameter as the filter basket on your percolator and use it.


Fill the filter basket with coffee grounds. Check to be that the grounds are uniformly dispersed and that you are using coarsely ground coffee before you begin cooking.
The filter basket lid should be replaced if it is damaged in any way.
The percolator should be plugged in and turned on if required. Replace the cover and plug it in again. For each cup of freshly made coffee, allow 40-60 seconds for brewing.
You can see the procedure in action in the following video.

Certainly less complicated than you anticipated.



Calculating the amount of time needed to brew and measure the grounds
When planning for big parties, it’s advisable to estimate 1 1/2 cups of coffee per participant. 


The term “cups” refers to regular coffee cups that hold 5 oz of liquid, rather than a measuring cup that holds 8 oz of liquid. In order to determine how much coffee to use and how long it will take to brew, consider the following information:

What Is A Large Coffee Percolator And How Do I Use It?

Clean your coffee percolator in the following manner:

No matter whether you’re renting a huge percolator or purchasing one for your personal use, you’ll need to know how to properly clean it once you’ve done brewing coffee in it. To begin, disconnect the machine and let it to cool down for a few minutes once your brewing session is over.



Remove the filter basket and vertical stem from the filter once it has been allowed to cool. It may be necessary to “free” the pole from the base by twisting it in the middle. Remove the used coffee grounds and thoroughly rinse both the filter basket and the stem with clean water once they have been discarded. The primary pot of the percolator should be cleaned using a sponge.



Put together a list of people who will be attending your event.
Making coffee for a big party should be a breeze now that you understand how to operate a large coffee percolator. 


Keep in mind that for the greatest flavor, use a coarsely ground coffee and a medium roast for your coffee. 


Also, develop a strategy ahead of time to avoid surprises. Water, coffee grounds, and time are all required for brewing a significant amount of coffee.

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