What Happens to Bats When They Hibernate?

What Happens to Bats When They Hibernate?

The temperature becomes cooler, and if you have a bat issue, you could find that there are fewer sightings as the season progresses. The fact that the bats have not simply disappeared does not suggest that they have. 


Instead, they’re most likely hibernating in the warmth of your attic or wall cavities throughout the colder months. Bat removal and prevention are available from Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. It is possible to prepare for dealing with bats in the winter by learning about their hibernating habits.




Bats hibernate throughout the winter, much like many other animals. They may either sleep virtually the whole winter or wake up frequently to exercise and forage for food, depending on the kind of bat that lives in the area. 


Bats prefer to hibernate in certain locations, while others prefer to rest in locations where they spend the most of their time throughout the rest of the year.


In order for bats to hibernate, their body temperatures and metabolic rates must be drastically reduced. As a result, they are able to save a significant amount of electricity. 

As a result, colonies tend to form a tight grouping in order to save heat (improving efficiency). 

To be able to live for lengthy periods of time on just a few grams stored fat, the purpose of hibernation is to minimize the amount of time-wasting energy spent searching for food. In terms of efficiency and adaptability, bat hibernation is a remarkable example.




Bats are known to be very busy in the weeks before the coldest winter arrives, in order to begin storing body fat. Before starting to hibernate, they spend a significant amount of time locating food. 



In addition, they choose a location that is warm, safe, and dry for them to rest. It is possible that this is an established colony site or that it is a whole new location for them. They will eventually enter a sleep-like condition, which will enable them to save energy to a significant extent.



Unfortunately, human residences are sometimes the best solution for locating the ideal location. Attics and crawl spaces, among other places, are ideal for bats because they are dark, warm, and dry.




During the winter, bats may awaken and fly about for a short amount of time. While awake, they may also search for a little more food to keep them going until the next time they sleep. 


Their slumber, on the other hand, comes to an end as soon as the temperatures outdoors begin to rise again. Bats awaken from their winter hibernation in the spring, much like other hibernating creatures. They’ll have additional food to eat after they’ve regained consciousness.





Attics are ideal for hibernating bats because they are cool and dark. Depending on how they get into your home, they might end up staying there for the rest of the winter. A large amount of droppings might accumulate as a consequence. In addition, bats themselves may transmit illnesses to humans and animals, including livestock.


 To put it another way, you don’t want to disregard the issue. You should not, however, attempt to deal with it on your own (this can be dangerous as bats can carry rabies among other pathogens). 


When bats are removed from dwellings, it is usually not possible to do so until after their hibernation period has finished. This is because rousing them from hibernation diminishes their chances of survival dramatically, causing more harm to an already vulnerable population. Therefore, it is critical to handle any bat issues as soon as they arise.




A bat infestation should be dealt with as promptly as possible. You should avoid attempting to deal with them on your own. In lieu of this, contact a professional wildlife removal agency that will keep your family, as well as your house, safe from harm.



Rather of using more typical removal procedures, Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control services concentrate on eradicating infestations in a way that is gentle to animals while still delivering longer-term outcomes. The study of animal behavior, as well as over 30 years of expertise, enable us to accomplish this goal……….




As a first step, we investigate and determine what is causing the issue. Afterwards, we fix the problems to ensure that, even if the bats are removed, they do not reappear. It is our responsibility to remove the bats after they are finished (or other wildlife). In order to reduce the possibility of illness spreading, we clean up the area.

Throughout the holiday season, it is unlikely that you will encounter many bats. Because of their nocturnal habits, as well as the fact that they hibernate throughout our long, harsh winter months.



The state of hibernation, also known as torpor, is a prolonged period of profound slumber that permits animals to withstand the severe circumstances of frigid winters.

What if I told you something you already knew?

The heart rate of a bat reduces to 4 beats per minute, which is incredible. While flying, their heart rate may reach over 1,000 beats per minute, which is rather remarkable.




When do bats begin to hibernate and for how long?

Bats hibernate from November to May, and they may not be completely active until the middle of May. Bats enter a condition of torpor when their body temperature falls below normal and their metabolic rate slows down.



This implies that they use less energy and may live on the fat that they have stored up, rather than exerting enormous amounts of energy in the cold weather in pursuit of scant food supplies.



You should be on the lookout for a bat if you see one before the weather becomes warmer since it has most likely been rudely awakened and is hunting for a feast before going back to sleep.




What is the best place for bats to hibernate?

A comfortable roost – a nook or crannie where bats may hibernate throughout the winter is on the bats’ radar as fall gives way to winter. You would imagine that all bats roost in caves, however in the United Kingdom, around three-quarters of all bats have evolved to sleep on trees.



Because they are unable to drill holes or construct nests, they must make do with whatever openings they may find. Roosting on old and veteran trees that are hollow from natural decay or that have had holes dug into them by other species, such as woodpeckers, is a favorite roosting spot for them.



Because there is a scarcity of good and readily accessible tree habitat, the remainder of the population tends to choose man-made buildings. You could even come upon them jammed between the bricks of an ancient brick wall or in the rafters of your home. Old barns and abandoned buildings are popular places for roosting for owls.



Caves and disused mine shafts may also offer excellent wintering habitat for bats, provided that they maintain a consistent temperature and are free of dampness and frost throughout the winter months.



Bats may crawl into tiny rock cracks in order to remain warm, squeezing themselves into strange configurations such as laying on their backs or sides, or even on their heads!



Six of our favorite bat species have been identified.

Bats account for over a quarter of all mammals in the United Kingdom. We have 18 different species of bats in the United Kingdom, with 17 of them breeding on the British mainland. Some species may survive for more than 30 years, which is remarkable considering their short lifespan. Here are six bat species from the United Kingdom who are eager to stay warm this winter.



Pipistrelle bats are a kind of bat.

The most common bat in the United Kingdom. Crevice-dwelling pipistrelles may be found behind regions of loose bark, behind fissures and rot holes in the ground, as well as behind areas of loose bark in the forest canopy. Their surroundings, both rural and urban, are well suited to them.

Their irregular flying pattern, which twists and turns in the air, allows you to identify them.

  • Up to 5 centimeters in length
  • Wingspan: up to 23 centimeters
  • Weight: up to 8g in certain cases

Brown long-eared bats are a species of bat found in the United States.
Unlike other species of bats, brown long-eared bats prefer roosts that are lower to the ground and more congested with foliage, according to the Bat Conservation Society. They like deciduous woodlands, where they gather insects from the leaves and bark of the trees.



Their sluggish and hovering flight, which resembles that of a large butterfly, allows you to identify them.



  • The length ranges from 3.7 to 5.2 cm.
  • Wingspan varies between 20 and 30 cm.
  • Weight ranges between 6 and 12g.
  • The brown long-eared bat’s ears are almost as long as their body, giving them the moniker “long-eared.”




Noctule bats are noctule-shaped bats.

The biggest bat in the United Kingdom makes its home in the trees all year. Noctule bats like trees that have rot or woodpecker holes in them. 

During mating season, males defend the most advantageous roosts in order to attract females. Because they are the largest bats in the United Kingdom, they have the ability to fly up to 10 kilometers from their roosts.



You can tell who they are by their powerful and rapid flying. If you notice bats flying in a straight line high above you, it’s likely that they’re noctule bats searching for food in the forest canopy.



  • Size: 3.7-4.8cm in length
  • Span of the wings: 32-40cm; weight: 18-40g
  • The golden-brown fur of our biggest bat, as well as its black wings, ears, and face, make it easy to recognize.




Barbastelle bats are a kind of bat.

Barbastelle bats are usually found in tree splits and behind loose patches of bark, as well as behind any cracks in the bark. They frequently roost in trees all year long, usually in old deciduous forests with a dense understory of trees. 


In a range of environments, they are swift and agile fliers who are expert foragers, searching for food in open expanses, beneath the canopy, and when swooping over bodies of water.

  • 4 to 5.5cm in length
  • Wingspan: 26-29 centimeters
  • Weight ranges between 6 and 13 grams.
  • The barbastelle bat’s raised snout gives it a distinguishing ‘pug-like’ look, which makes it easy to identify.


The bat of Bechstein

A extremely unusual bat that may be observed roosting in old woodpecker holes on a regular basis. Bechstein’s bat is known to prefer the roosts of oak and ash trees, according to historical records. A damp woods with little streams and thick foliage is the preferred habitat for them in general.

  • The length ranges between 4.3 and 5.3cm.
  • Wingspan: 25-30 cm Weight: 7-13 g Dimensions:
  • The Bechstein’s bat is one of the most endangered bats in the United Kingdom, since it is found nearly entirely in forest.


Natterer’s bat is a kind of bat that natters.

A variety of woodland types, including deciduous and coniferous forests, support the presence of Natterer’s bats. The best places for them to roost are broadleaved woods, hedgerows, and tree lines that are close to agricultural land.

  • 4-5cm in length
  • Wingspan varies between 24.5 and 30cm.
  • Weight ranges between 7 and 12g.
  • The Natterer’s bat loves to forage well down in the canopy of trees, where it may catch animals straight off the leaves of the trees.


What you can do to assist

One of the most important things we can do to aid our amazing bat species during winter is to avoid interfering with their activities. Nobody enjoys being roused from a deep sleep in the middle of the night!

Installing a bat box is another excellent technique to assist the bats. Although bat boxes cannot completely replace the natural holes that trees offer, they may provide a safe haven for bats during the winter months.





Bat boxes may be installed almost anywhere in your home. They’re perfect for any size garden, as well as for balconies and roofs.

The optimal location for a bat box is around 4-5 metres above the ground.


Keep these tips in mind for a successful bat box:

Ideally, bat boxes should be built above ground, at a height of 4-5m, in a protected location that gets sunlight throughout the day. It is possible to utilize numerous boxes facing various directions to give a variety of roosting possibilities for different species of bat.



It’s important to remember that once a bat box is erected, it’s prohibited to open it without a permit. Disturbing bats that have made their way into your attic or roof is likewise prohibited.



Please do not approach or touch a sick or injured bat unless you have received permission from the Bat Conservation Trust’s bat hotline. That is a real bat phone, by the way.

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