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Communication is at the heart of sexuality.” It is the act of providing pleasure to another person in order to get pleasure for ourselves.”.
Mr. Dalmiro Sáenz is a Spanish actor and director.
When it comes to having a sexual experience – whether with our spouse or with someone we’ve just met – one of the things that we worry about the most is whether or not we will be successful in making the other person feel pleasure from what we are doing to them.





 Inexperience may lead to questions such as “I’m not sure I’m doing it right,” “Will they have an orgasm?” and other similar ones that we can’t quite put our finger on. We may also want for the sexual encounter to be something that the other person will remember and appreciate it in a way that they have never experienced before, despite the fact that we already have a sophisticated method at our disposal
A large number of individuals are interested in understanding what they should do, how to do it, when to do it and where to do it in order to provide the most pleasure to the other person. There are many more reasons for this interest. But, precisely, what is it that makes you happy?





 Ejaculation is often considered to be an orgasm in and of itself by many. There are several signals that a person has reached ecstasy, and this is merely one of them. Alternatively, pleasure may be defined as the whole of one’s sensations along the route until they reach the “valuable objective” known as “orgasm”.





All roads lead to Rome, but not all roads lead to orgasm, despite the proverbial adage “all roads lead to Rome.” It is possible to do so in a variety of ways, though. Read on to learn more. Each of our five senses may be likened to one of the five senses in the animal kingdom. Not only that, but in the event of pleasure, the majority of people can move at the same moment.
Whether it’s via sight, smell, touch, hearing, or taste, they provide us with a plethora of options to activate a different component of our partner than we could ever imagine.





The mixture of these five senses, when combined in our imagination, will result in a range of pleasant atmospheres, each of which will be unique to the individual owing to their experiences, feelings, sensitivities, and so on. Remember that the brain is the most essential sexual organ of all, and it is the most crucial thing to remember. It is possible to take our partner to the greatest and purest state of bliss if we understand how to enter into their heads.





 It is critical to get the other person to believe that the rest of the world doesn’t exist around them during the most intimate moments by stimulating them with fantasies, games, and technological advances, as well as by using the five senses in the most intelligent way taken to the animal/instinctive realm.




The greatest and most deep conclusions will be reached in this guidebook, which will make our guy melt in bed and never forget who we are and what we’re capable of doing. Several factors to consider will be discussed in depth in the following chapters in order to induce a man to die of pleasure, both before and during sexual interactions, as well as after the experience is remembered via contemplation. 



A strong preference will develop in future encounters as a result of this experience. Our efforts to pique his curiosity have been successful.




Sexuality is one of nine causes for reincarnation… The other eight aren’t significant.”
Henry Miller is a writer and film director who was born in the United States.
Most women would guess that the penis is the erogenous region of a male if they asked us which part of his body was erogenous. It seems that this is the only thing that is available.. If we properly stimulate his sensitive places, the guy may provide us with a great deal of pleasure. However, this is not the case.





To begin, a head massage could be helpful. Caresses through his hair may give a sensation of relaxation and well-being, which is great for eliminating tension that may have gathered throughout the day and moving on to the next step.
Back A decent massage would be particularly welcomed by the back muscles, which are subjected to a significant deal of pressure during the day.



 The simplest strokes may always be used when we don’t have a lot of experience with anything. Our success in getting a wonderful release for the male comes from using body oils or moisturizing lotions, and moving our hands over his back.



But if we feel like going a bit farther, we may attempt to give him a more thorough massage if we want to. Then, using the creams previously stated, we glide our hands in circular motions from the top of the spine down to the bottom of the spine, starting on one side and working our way around both sides. 



We may also apply a little more pressure with our thumb, but we should avoid directly contacting the vertabrae, as this might be irritating and is something that doctors recommend against doing so. You may find a wealth of professional and straightforward information on how to do efficient massages, including how to do it in a short amount of time, on the internet.



To finish off the massage with an erotic twist, we might strip before beginning.
In addition, we may give him a kiss on the back or neck, allow our hair brush against his back, and let our breasts brush against his skin.
When two people contact each other on the skin, the masculine instinct is awoken, and desire is awakened.




One of the quickest ways for a guy to want to get started with activity is to focus our attention on his lips as if they were his own. This can be accomplished with kisses. The stimulation of the lips is a particularly sensitive region, thus it’s not unexpected that the majority of sexual encounters begin with this stimulation.



Begin with little kisses where you can barely feel the tongue; then go to a wilder style, entering the tongue and then offering more passionate kisses; and if you’re feeling very adventurous, you can even attempt a small bite on the upper lip or a tiny bite on the bottom lip. If our gentleman enjoys a little friendly competition, he’ll like this game as much as you do.


We must first and foremost pay attention to our lips before proceeding with the rest of the procedure. If you keep your lips moisturized and well-cared for, they’ll look much more beautiful. It is possible to do this by applying a glossy and fresh-looking cocoa butter or lip balm on our lips.





An other very sensitive location is the ear, particularly the area behind them or around the lobe.
In the meanwhile, we may stroke behind the ear while whispering something enticing to him, such as what we would want to do to him or what we would like him to do to us, for example. Instead of saying anything, we may simply press our lips near to his ear and let him hear our panting breath if we couldn’t think of anything else. It also helps to thrill him when he feels the warmth of our breath in his ears.


Start by playing with your earlobe: give it a few licks, a few delicate bites, or just push it softly between our lips as if it were a kiss.
We may also attempt licking the inside of our partner’s ear, which involves inserting the tip of our tongue and softly moving it around in circles, depending on his preference.


This may be uncomfortable for some guys, therefore we shouldn’t go with it until we are certain of what he enjoys doing first. If we don’t know what he loves, we may ask him in whispers, like we have done in other situations. As a precaution, it is recommended that we do not “screw up” while also taking care not to ruin the sensual and erotic environment that we have created.




We must remember to come to a halt at the man’s neck as we go down his body.
In the same way that it stimulates us, guys get a kick out of licking or caressing the region.
Some kisses at the nape of his neck or at the hairline, which will make our guy shudder with delight. – 


The kisses should be sensuous; for this, we might think that we’re going to place ice cream between our lips while opening and shutting our mouth gradually. Slowly but steadily, these similar motions on a man’s neck begin to arouse him. Giving him love bites should also be approached with caution; although it may appear exhilarating to some men –especially when they’re young and passionate–,



 it may become unpleasant beyond a certain age, and not all men find it appealing to do so. It is important that if we do decide to do it, we make certain that it is not evident the following day so that there are no complications or regrets. When you genuinely want to avoid remarks or stares from others, it’s helpful if you can see the mark of what occurred.





Afterwards, we go to the bottom of the stairs to the chest. If our guy exercises regularly, he will almost certainly have a nice chest, and he will like it if we toy around with him on the subject. His confidence would soar as a result of some gentle stroking, kisses, and appreciation that he would be willing to give it all right now.





 It is likely that our companion will be pleased with and proud of his appearance after this experience. Although we can stimulate the chest region, we may also move on straight to the nipples in the event of those who haven’t worked out their chests yet.


Using little circular motions around the areola to caress them, we may also kiss them, suck on them, and lick them, and even softly bite them. However, we must exercise caution before doing so, since there are some guys who are quite sensitive in that region, and there are even those who may feel pain with the least touch.


Because of this, it is recommended to begin very lightly or, if you like, to utilize other areas of your body to touch as you become comfortable. Another alternative is to blow on the wet portion of his nipples after we’ve licked and kissed him on the nipples; the sensation of changing from warm to chilly may be very pleasurable..




The lower abdomen is reached by continuing downward. A particularly erogenous region exists between the navel and the pelvis, which is about 15 centimeters in circumference. Because it is such a sensitive place and is so near to the genitals, our guy will be delighted with kisses, strokes, and bites that stimulate this part of his body. 



The male is already expecting that oral sex will be next, and he becomes tremendously aroused as a result of this anticipation. When it comes to his situation as well as ours, one of the most important considerations to keep in mind is that approaches might provide even more pleasure than direct stroking. In order for a guy to reach his peak point, he must have the sensations of “here it comes,” “just about, just about,” and “I can’t anymore.”



 In order for the climax to be spectacular, we must successfully create the impression that he is dying of pleasure and becoming agitated since we are moving closer to the “hot” region. That’s because the repeated scenarios of “I’m coming, but I’m not coming” induce the blood to flow or to travel straight to the genitals, which results in increased excitation throughout the body, which prompts action from the complete body to occur.




Similar to what happens with the lower abdomen, the insides of the thighs are also affected by this problem. The fact that it is so near to the genitals means that any kind of stimulation in this region will result in an obvious erection very rapidly. Using the thighs, we may engage in whatever kind of activity we want: kissing, licking, biting, and sucking.



 We can either slowly work our way up towards the genitals (the longer it takes us to get there, the better; we can even play around with getting too close without actually touching the “hot” areas and then back to the beginning); or we can work our way down towards the groin (the longer it takes is the better). Almost everything is OK, but genital contact is not. He will be swept away in a flood of excitement and passion as he anticipates the impending oral sex or concentrated fondling to come.




Finally, we get to the penis, which is really valuable. The glans, which is the terminal portion of the penis, is the most sensitive region of a man’s body, and it is found here. Given that there are two parts later on in the book on how to masterbate (chapter 19) and how to do oral sex (chapter 20), where methods of stimulating the penis will be covered in more depth, let’s move on to other erogenous places to discuss now.




In terms of providing pleasure, the scrotum is one of the most underappreciated parts of the body. The testicles are protected by a thin layer of delicate skin. Due to the fact that the testicles are highly sensitive, even the smallest bump might cause excruciating agony, we must exercise extra caution while playing with this region.



They may, however, offer incredible pleasure if they are appropriately aroused. We place the scrotal sac in the palm of our hand and massage it gently, but without applying any pressure at all. It is possible to observe how the scrotum is divided in two if we look at the fold running from the base of penis to the perineum. 







This line has a high degree of sensitivity to temperature changes. To stroke it with the tip of our fingers, we may move our fingers from one end to the other. It may also be stimulated with the tongue, however some guys do not shave the region around their mouth and lips. This is where we may use the tongue to make little strokes across the page while skipping down the page. Our guy will twist and turn with delight as a result of our actions.






An other factor that might drive some guys on is when we use our nails to massage their scrotum. Our nails would need to be significantly longer for this, but they would also need to be very well kept, since if they are damaged or in poor condition, they might cause damage.
When slapping the penis gently (carefully and just hard enough so he feels it as such, but gentle enough so we don’t hurt him; it’s important to keep both things in mind; and it’s always best to start very gently and then ask him sweetly in his ear if he would like something a little stronger), some men find it pleasant to stretch the scrotum or caress this area.










Perineum is a term used to refer to the region between the testicles and the anus that is extremely near to, and is also known as, the male G-spot. It will be discussed in further detail later in this chapter that the anus is the most direct approach to activate the prostate (chapter 21). A superficial stimulation of the perineum, however, may also be used to cause immense pleasure, as can be seen in the video above.





Just like the scrotum, there may be hair in this region as well, and it is up to us whether we want to stimulate it with the tongue or with the finger tips. Providing the greatest amount of pleasure while also feeling as wonderful as we can while doing it is the most crucial goal. Whichever method we choose, we must massage the affected region lightly and gently while applying a little amount of pressure to it. Ideally, the guy will have an erection in a short period of time and even reach a condition of climax, which occurs right before the orgasmic phase. If we want to learn about anything in the most experimental and professional way possible, we may get the knowledge from a specialist book.







When you grip their buttocks while engaged in sexual activities, a lot of guys become thrilled. According on how fervent our guy is, he may even like it if we gently dig our nails into his flesh. The fact that he is experiencing such intense passion from us makes him feel wanted, which in turn causes him to get even more excited.





Not all of the regions must be stimulated, nor must we follow the steps outlined here precisely. A certain time for each region does not exist, nor does a list with an order that must be followed while completing a task in a particular manner. Everything is dependent on the specific scenario, what the guy like, and what we are comfortable doing in our own bodies.
Consider his responses as a starting point for your thinking. During each of the things we do for him, we must pay close attention to his expression and movements, since they will signal whether or not we should continue or stop, and they will also assist us in setting the appropriate rhythm.





We should never feel compelled or conditioned to do anything we don’t want to do, even if our partner asks us to do something. Having said that, by talking about it, it is always possible to get to some kind of compromise between the two parties. It’s best to talk with the other person if you have any reservations before taking another step ahead that might wind up being uncomfortable.

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