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What Do House Lizards Eat? How to Get Rid of Them?

What Do House Lizards Eat? How to Get Rid of Them?

Several individuals are split on the subject of whether having lizards in the garden is a good or a terrible idea. While the verdict is still out on that, you should be aware that these lizards are fairly abundant, and you may see them wandering about in your garden on a regular basis.





Despite the fact that lizards are essentially harmless critters, the majority of people have problems with them in their yard for a number of reasons. Lizards often consume a wide array of diverse foods, including small insects such as ants and flies, as well as various fruits and vegetables of various varieties.



Real trouble begins when these lizards begin to reproduce and branch out in search of new and varied food sources. Not only will they destroy all of your plants, but they also have the potential to harm the ecosystem of your garden.





More significantly, there is a possibility that these reptiles may make their way inside your home, which is something that no one wants to happen. 



So, before you start freaking out, you should be aware that there are a variety of tried and true strategies for keeping lizards out of your yard.

Although there are many various types of backyard lizards, it might be difficult to obtain a complete picture of what they consume since there are so many distinct varieties. Here is a quick tutorial to assist you in understanding.

What Do House Lizards Eat? How to Get Rid of Them?


The Animal’s Overall Size

In their natural state, the majority of lizards are predators, which means that they feed on a variety of insects in your yard. Some lizards, for example, like to consume ants, while others may seek out bird nests and suck on the eggs within them.

In general, bigger lizards such as the Komodo dragon, which you are unlikely to see in your yard, seek for larger food. 



Consequently, the first factor that influences their eating habits is their body mass index (BMI). As expected, a larger lizard would seek for food in order to supplement its nutritional demands.




Large lizards, on the other hand, are unlikely to be seen crawling about in your garden. Be aware that some species, such as the Eastern Collared Lizard, are more inclined than others to prey on their own young.



Small insects like spiders, beetles, and a variety of other smaller insects are all fair game, and lizards take advantage of this by hunting them on a regular basis.

Numerous smaller species will be able to seek for food in your own garden with no difficulty. Although this is a viable option, the biggest disadvantage is that these lizards will tamper with your plants and are unlikely to harm vegetation such as fruits and vegetables.





You should be prepared for the possibility that the eggs may perish if a bird builds a nest in your yard. In order to get rid of these lizards in your yard, you must first identify them.

You may eliminate lizards from your yard using a variety of methods. Here are some of the most efficient strategies for getting rid of these annoying reptiles that you may utilize at your disposal.






Lizard Repellent should be used.

If you are unfamiliar with home treatments or just don’t want to deal with them, the best alternative accessible to you is to invest in a good lizard repellent that is effective and inexpensive.

There are a variety of private companies that sell lizard repellents, and you can even get it at your neighborhood supermarket. Either a spray or a tiny gel tube is offered in this format.

Only a little amount of the gel is required, and it should be distributed around the garden. Ideally, you should find a secure, secluded location where the gel will have plenty of time to solidify before being discovered.

Your backyard’s lizard population will begin to dwindle significantly over time, as you observe.





Method Using Coffee

In addition to the coffee approach, there is another very successful way for getting rid of backyard lizards.

Purchase a can of tobacco and combine it with coffee powder; that’s all there is to it! Some refer to them as “lizard killing balls,” which is a common nickname for these objects. To produce little balls out of the mixture, you only need to mix them as fine as possible.

It is possible to set these balls in various locations around the garden, and you may even choose to bury some of them under the ground.. If you do bury the balls too deeply, though, they will lose their efficacy.






Pepper Spray made at home

In order to get rid of the lizards in your yard, you may want to consider making a pepper spray for your household. Note that lizards are allergic to pepper and will flee if they come into contact with it.

If you make a pepper spray, the lizards will find it very annoying, and they will flee from your backyard as soon as they can. You just combine some crushed black pepper and water in a spray bottle and use it to ward off pests and insects.

Considering that this is a fully natural approach, you don’t have to be concerned about your plants suffering any harm. It is best to spray liberally in the hiding spots of various lizards if you are aware of them.


Although it is advisable to cover all of the plants and foundations in your garden, this will not guarantee that the lizards will not invade.






Sauce d’Arbol Tabasco

Tabasco sauce is a staple in most kitchens, and if you open your refrigerator, you will most likely discover the thin red bottle of the condiment within. Tabasco sauce, in addition to being a delicious complement to a variety of dishes, is also quite good in repelling lizards.

In the same way that pepper affects lizards, the scent of Tabasco sauce is very irritating to them.



 Simply combine a little amount of Tabasco sauce with water and you are ready to go. The solution may then be sprayed at the bottom of the fence as well as near the plants. n

It’s advisable to use the sharp sprayer to target hard-to-reach regions since that’s where the majority of lizards will most likely be hiding.




Eggshells are a kind of shell that is used for a variety of things.
Using egg shells as a remedy is one of the most simple, but very powerful, methods available today. Simply scatter some empty egg shells over your property, and you will observe the lizards fleeing. An creature lives inside these egg shells, and it is this organism that keeps the lizards away from the eggs.

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