What Do Healthy Gut Bacteria Do?

What Do Healthy Gut Bacteria Do?

Our gut microorganisms put forth a lot of effort in exchange for food and lodging. First and foremost, they produce a protective coating throughout the whole digestive system. When it comes to our enterocytes (gut cells), this layer serves as a protective barrier, or a “security bouncer,” between them and the food that we consume.

According to Dr. Natasha McBride in her book Gut and Psychology Syndrome, if this colony of bacteria is not in good condition, the gut wall might become malnourished since it depends on bacteria for up to 70% of its nutrition. Over time, the digestive wall gets compromised, resulting in food not being completely digested.

Because of this, the gut loses its structural integrity and becomes like my first knitting attempt: loose and riddled with holes, enabling partly digested proteins and particles to enter the circulation. The immune system in the blood does not see these partly digested proteins as food, but rather as foreign intruders that must be destroyed, and so launches an assault against them.

A low-grade inflammatory response spreads throughout the body, increasing the risk of developing a variety of chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD). It is attractively and seamlessly knit together if the bacteria lining is in good condition, and it is able to thoroughly digest and absorb the essential nutrients—while keeping hazardous particles out.

In addition, gut bacteria create short-chain fatty acids, which the body may utilize as fuel to control cholesterol metabolism, hormone synthesis, and a process known as apoptosis, which is a kind of programmed cell death, among other functions.

As a result, it may aid in the proper growth of gut cells and the prevention of polyps and illnesses such as cancer. The formation of these acids and their by-products also contribute to the maintenance of a healthy stomach by keeping the gut acidic.

In contrast to the rest of the body, an acidic environment in the gut is beneficial because it creates an unwelcome breeding site for harmful bacteria, hence restricting their development and activity in the gut.

According to Dr. McBride, our gut flora also create antibiotic-like compounds that have antifungal and antiviral properties as well as antibiotic-like properties. The gut bacteria, according to her, also have the potential to neutralize toxins generated by pathogenic bacteria as well as synthesize vitamin K2, amino acids, and B vitamins, such as B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6, as well as folate and vitamin B12.

What is the significance of this? Vitamins, particularly B vitamins, have a very limited shelf life in the body. There will be times when our bodies are deficient in certain nutrients, regardless of whether we get them from diet or supplements.

The bacteria not only provide a consistent supply of vitamins, but they also ensure optimal absorption—as long as they are in good health. There is no assurance that vitamins and minerals will be absorbed if the gut flora is not in good condition, and as a result, shortages may emerge.

Iron is one mineral that is especially vulnerable to depletion due to an overabundance of harmful bacterial bacteria in the stomach.

The primary reason for this is because pathogenic bacteria are fond of iron and will absorb it completely before you ever get a chance to see it yourself. As a result, iron supplementation will often have the effect of physically feeding the harmful germs rather than addressing the underlying issue.

If you have low iron levels or are anemic, it is even more critical to restoring the proper balance of microorganisms in your digestive tract.

Whether your gut bacteria are out of balance, how can you know if it’s a problem?

Unfortunately, there are a variety of factors that might cause this symbiotic connection to go down.
Bacterial overgrowth in the gut is caused by a variety of factors including antibiotic usage, birth control pills, alcohol, illegal substances, some medicines, coffee, poor nutrition, and stress.

Symptoms such as bloating, gas, abdominal discomfort, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, and vaginal itching or discharge, as well as conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, food intolerances, celiac disease, and the presence of Candida (yeast), can all be indicators that the scales have tipped in the wrong direction, according to the American College of Gastroenterology.

The absence of fiber in our diets, as well as a diet high in processed foods and chemicals, according to Justin Sonnenburg, a Stanford University microbiologist, is causing damage to our gut microbiome.

Furthermore, in a 2012 study published in the journal Nature, he detailed how the intake of sterile, mass-produced, calorie-dense meals is making it difficult for our gut bacteria to adapt, and that different species are getting harder to discover as the biodiversity in our stomachs shrinks.

Therefore, since much of our food has been sterilized or devoid of beneficial bacteria, we are losing our ability to support the diverse variety of gut bacteria species that nature has provided us with while also modifying our own biology. Incorporating cultured drinks into our diet on a daily basis helps to promote a vibrant variety of bacteria in our digestive tract.

Gut Cells Explained in Detail

Enterocytes, the cells that line our digestive tract, are highly specialized and exceedingly productive. As a result of the heavy burden, they can only function for two to three days at a time.

After a while, they have become so worn out that they are handed their gold watch and are expelled from their bodies by the immune system. They are replaced with gleaming new enterocytes, and the cycle repeats over again.

Every few of days, the cells are replaced in an ongoing cycle. The optimal reproduction of enterocytes requires the proper nourishment, which includes healthy fats and other vitamins, in order for the process to be successful. Their intestines must also be in good condition, with a variety of beneficial bacteria.

The regular drinking of cultured drinks helps to maintain good gut health in a direct and immediate way. Multiple animal experiments have shown that removing all bacteria from the digestive system and “sterilizing” the digestive tract completely disrupts the whole cycle, causing it to go crazy.

It is possible for cells to become sick or malignant when cell renewal is halted, takes longer, or is aberrant in some way. Despite the fact that this research was conducted on animals, we may infer that gut flora is as important for human health.

Lactose Tolerance Improvement

Lactose intolerance may be improved by drinking fermented milk drinks such as kefir. Lactose digestion is aided by gut bacteria, namely a healthy strain of E. coli. We generally connect E. coli with food sickness, but there are a variety of forms of E. coli that may thrive in a healthy gut environment as well.

These E. coli bacteria also produce vitamin K2, which may prevent other harmful bacteria from establishing a foothold in the gastrointestinal tract.

In her explanation, Dr. Natasha McBride says that as children, our stomachs are teeming with beneficial strains of E. coli that thrive until they are destroyed by antibiotics or other poisons.

When you ferment milk beverages, the lactose is reduced because the bacteria consume up the lactose to fuel their growth. Kefir, according to a 2003 study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, may help those with lactose intolerance.

during the fermentation process, including lactic acid, acetic acid, and pyruvic
acid, along with a number of other acids.
Magically, the kefir culture changes liquids such as milk and water into truly powerful health-giving beverages. Once the grains are added to the milk, the hungry
beasts begin to consume the sugar (lactose) in the milk. They will continue to feed
on the lactose until it is gone.

This feeding process produces by-products such as
lactic acid, which have their own résumé of goodness we will hear about later.
The end result leaves you with something similar to a drinking yogurt, but a little
tarter and with much more bacteria and goodness

Dietary fiber and probiotics are both beneficial to the gut lining. An article in the Biological and Pharmacological Bulletin in 2013 revealed that kefir, and specifically its fermented form, had a protective effect against radiation treatment.

According to the findings of the study, kefir preserves the gut and encourages cell regeneration. This is wonderful news, and it is possible that additional studies may lead to more broad dissemination of this information by health experts for patients receiving radiation therapy.

Kefir Health Benefits

Kefir covers the digestive system with a thin film of mucus when consumed.
Normally, mucus is not thought to be a helpful component of digestion, but in this situation, the mucus provides a place for the friendly bacteria to settle and proliferate.

If we are eating other types of probiotics (such as cultured drinks), this mucus offers them more of a chance to establish themselves in our digestive system, according to Donna Gates in The Body Ecology Diet.

Another research published in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism in 2012 revealed that one strain of kefir bacteria, L. plantaarum, may cling to the gut wall and protect against harmful bacteria.
The advantages of kefir, however, do not end there. Kefir is a probiotic as well as a prebiotic. A prebiotic is a nondigestible carbohydrate that feeds, nurtures, and supports the development of microorganisms.

Raw chicory root, Jerusalem artichoke, raw garlic, raw leeks, raw and cooked onion, dandelion greens, and banana are also high in prebiotics. Fermented dairy products, such as kefir, are synbiotics because they include prebiotics and probiotics in the same material. These objects include bacteria as well as the nutrients they need to live.

Calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, manganese, and molybdenum are all present in kefir. B vitamins such as B12, folate, biotin, and B6 are produced during the fermentation phase of kefir.

Kefir’s high vitamin and mineral content aid digestion by supplying the necessary ingredients for the formation of digestive juices. Hundreds of additional reactions and functions in the body rely on such substances.

To fulfill their work, bacteria must be able to withstand the attack of stomach acid, bile salts, and enzymes as they travel through the digestive system. In this regard, some people are more capable than others. Kefir has the amazing ability to protect microorganisms from harmful elements.

In a 2009 research published in the journal Food Microbiology, kefir was shown to have an additional protective impact on lactic acid bacteria, enabling them to survive greater levels of acidity while simultaneously fostering stronger gut lining adherence. In this sense, kefir acts like a suit of armor, a Velcro suit of armor that protects while also attaching.

Chai Kefir

Chai is a spicy Indian tea that has become more popular in recent years. It’s understandable since it’s fantastic! It’s usually brewed with milk and served warm, with warming spices to help digestion. This is a chilled version to maintain the beneficial bacteria in our kefir.

In an airtight container, the spice mixture will last for months. Use it to create classic chai by putting 14 to 12 teaspoons per cup of milk (any sort) into a small pot and slowly heating until nearly boiling before adding black tea.

Crunchy Granola Topping on Apple Pie Kefir

Apple pie has a generally soothing and welcoming quality about it. In the summer, I use water kefir or coconut water kefir for the milk in this pie-inspired beverage. This one gets a little closer to the genuine thing thanks to the topping.

Cayenne Lemon Kombucha Iced Cacao Kefir Frappé

This is a terrific drink to prepare in the afternoon to replace that second cup of coffee that may be tempting you. It’s refreshing, nutritional, and tasty. Its frappé-like consistency is a pleasant and appealing way to get your beneficial bacteria, especially in the hot months!

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