What Are the Most Common Reasons for Job Termination?

What Are the Most Common Reasons for Job Termination?

Are you curious in the ins and outs of terminating your employment?

 A variety of factors contribute to employees getting into trouble, some of which are beyond the control of their employers and others which are predictable. In certain cases, it is the consequence of unreasonable demands from the employer.



The employer’s decision to terminate an employee’s job is a serious matter, and when it occurs, it is usually the climax of a series of escalating disciplinary procedures. Employees who are in risk of losing their jobs have often received a loud and unambiguous warning from their employer.

Employees’ employment with a certain employer is terminated when either the employer or the employee decides to discontinue the relationship. Depending on the circumstances, a termination might be either consensual or involuntary. Termination by the employer is almost always involuntary, while there are few instances in which the employee and the employer may choose to discontinue their work relationship on their own will.



Is a Voluntary Termination a Simple Process?

Unemployment benefits are terminated voluntarily by an employee who wishes to leave his or her position. Many other reasons motivate people to leave their jobs, including the acceptance of a new position in a different area by a spouse or partner, returning to school, the chance to take on management responsibility, and retirement.



There are other less favorable reasons why people choose to terminate their employment voluntarily. The employee has a strained relationship with their supervisor. Within their existing organization, they see no way to continue to develop and advance. Due to changes in their existing work obligations, they are no longer able to spend their days doing something that they like. Their job requires them to work every day with a colleague who bullies them in a subtle manner that is not visible to others.



Some people are drawn to new jobs because the grass is greener on the other side, or because they just want to try something different and exciting. Identifying the reasons why people quit their employment might be difficult to ascertain.



Employers make an effort to retain valuable personnel in order to reduce the amount of unnecessary turnover they have on their payroll. The reduction of employee turnover is an important goal for companies since the cost of employee turnover is both costly and continually increasing..


Exactly what happens in the event of an involuntary termination 

When an employee is fired or otherwise removed from his or her position, this is known as an involuntary termination. Employees who are terminated involuntarily are often fired as a consequence of their employer’s unhappiness with their performance or the effects of a downturn in the economy. It is also possible to be laid off if a company is unproductive or overstaffed, which is considered involuntary termination.



From poor performance to attendance issues to aggressive conduct, there are several reasons for an employee’s forced termination. A few employees are not a good match for the job’s duties, while others do not blend well with the organization’s culture.

For example, an employer may choose to terminate an employee’s job because they do not have the financial means to maintain the relationship in its current state. Other factors that may result in an involuntary termination include mergers and acquisitions, a firm relocation, and job redundancy, among others.



The employer has most commonly attempted a few last remedies, such as coaching from the employee’s supervisor, to assist the employee improve his or her performance when dealing with a poor performance issue. It is also standard practice to escalate progressive punishment in the event of poor performance, such as absenteeism. Many businesses use a Performance Improvement Plan as a last resort to assist an employee in improving his or her performance (PIP).




Whenever used properly, the Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) serves as the employer’s last-ditch effort to express to the employee the need for performance improvement. However, the PIP, as well as any increasing disciplinary procedures, give evidence that proves that the employer made an attempt to preserve the work relationship in the first instance.

Employer Dismissal Based on Additional Factors

Involuntary employment termination is affected by a number of other circumstances.

Contractual Employment at the whim of the employer
According to state law, an employee may be dismissed for any reason and at any time, with or without cause, in states that recognize employment at will. In certain states, employers are not even required to provide a reason for terminating an employee’s employment relationship.

While it is not necessary to preserve paperwork after a termination meeting, it is recommended that employers do so in order to defend against any discrimination allegations. When there is no paper trail to justify the termination of an employee’s employment, employment law courts are increasingly finding decisions in their favor.



Employment at will also implies that the employee has the right to end his or her employment at any moment for any reason, with or without cause, at his or her discretion.

Disciplinary Action Against the Employee
In other situations of job termination, the employment relationship is ended for a reason that is communicated to the employee and indicated in the termination letter. Among the scenarios in which a cause may be established are:


Consistently failing to follow the company’s code of conduct or ethics policy
Non-compliance with business policies,
When there is violence or the possibility of violence
Subordination to a management or supervisor to an extreme degree,
Employee or consumer harassment, as well as various forms of discrimination
Pornographic material is being seen on the internet, and
Separation of the Parties



When an employer and employee realize they are not a good match for each other, it is called a “bad fit.” They have mutually agreed to part ways in a way that renders neither party liable for the dissolution of the relationship.. Choosing an exit strategy is the word used to describe this technique of terminating a contract. There will be no discomfort. Employees who were deemed undesirable and jobs that were deemed undesirable have both been terminated.

Letters of Termination Examples

When it comes to terminating an employee, employers will want to create a formal termination letter. The termination letter validates the specifics of the dismissal and highlights the facts that the now-former employee will need to know in order to proceed with his or her job search.

Employers should save a copy of the termination letter in the employee’s personnel file in order to have a record in case the employee has to be terminated in the future for any reason. In the event that a dismissed employee applies for unemployment benefits, prepares an application for rehire in another job in the future, or files a lawsuit in a rare but not unheard of case, these documents may be very helpful to the organization.



Legal basis should be carefully considered before proceeding. Some job terminations, particularly if you anticipate that the employment termination may become difficult or atypical, will need consulting an attorney. Plan with your personal employment law attorney so that you and your employer are on the same page as to which instances necessitate the participation of the attorney.



There are many different types of termination letters.

This first sample termination letter is an example of the simplest and most straightforward kind of termination letter that you could possibly write yourself. When it comes to terminating an employee, this letter may be used in the majority of cases. It should be printed on corporate stationery and given to the employee during the termination meeting, or it should be addressed to the employee’s known address, with a signed return receipt request being preferred.



When no explanation is supplied (employment at will) during the termination meeting, this basic termination letter does not specify the cause for the termination of the employee’s job.

When an employee’s employment is terminated for reason, the second sample termination letter serves as an illustration of the sort of communication you should offer to that employee.

Employers Should Know What to Do in the Event of a Layoff

Employers are required to maintain any recorded background counseling, coaching sessions, attempts to assist an employee in improving, progress on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP), and any other written evidence that the employer attempted to avoid the necessity for termination.

In most cases, the termination meeting will be held with the employee in the presence of the manager or supervisor and a representative from Human Resources. A union representative is likely to be present at a workplace where the employees are represented by a union. False assertions regarding what transpired during the meeting are prevented as a result of this provision.

A summary of what was discussed during the meeting is included in this termination letter. When an employee is terminated, a letter of confirmation is sent to the employer.

Explanatory Letter for Dismissal
Here’s an example of how to write a termination letter: For further samples, please read the section below. You may download the termination letter template (which is compatible with Google Docs and Word Online).

Ms. Catherine Smith’s Sample Termination Letter (Text Version)

Shorter Street, 1845

40702 Myron, Illinois

Greetings, Catherine

This letter indicates that your employment with Willis Corporation has been terminated with immediate effect, as we discussed today.

Because your time with Willis Corporation was shorter than one year, you will receive two weeks’ severance compensation. Once you have completed and returned the included release of claims agreement, you will receive your severance money.

In addition, your earned PTO will be paid out of your last paycheck*, which will be issued on Friday, our usual payday. You may pick up this cheque at the front desk or have it sent to you. Please inform us of your decision.

When your benefits are terminated, you will get a separate benefits status letter outlining the current status of your benefits. The letter will contain information concerning your eligibility for continuation of group health care under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA).

At the termination meeting, we received your security swipe card, office key, and company-owned laptop and mobile phone from you.

You must keep the employer updated of your contact information so that we may send you with information like as your W-2 form and follow-up COBRA information in the future.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you with your transition.


Name of the Human Resources Representative or the Owner of the Company


*Please keep in mind that state and national rules affecting the final payout may differ.

Another example of a termination letter (Text Version)
Because this employee was dismissed for reason, this example termination letter varies from the previous one.

8th of June, 2020

Mr. George Gonzalez is an attorney.

Smith Street is located at 1831 Smith Street.

71001 Arcadia, LA

Greetings, George

This letter is to follow up with you after your termination meeting this morning. It has information that you will need while you look for new job prospects.

For starters, if you return to the job after being fired, your presence will be deemed trespassing. You packed out your cubicle and took all of your personal stuff with you, as well as your corporate laptop and badge, so there should be no need for you to return.

Because your job was terminated for a reason that we discussed with you during the termination meeting, we are not paying you any severance money.

Your earned PTO will be included in your last paycheck*, which will be sent one week from this Friday on our usual payday. We’ll ship your last paycheck to the location we have on file, which is also where this termination notice is being sent. Please submit an email to the HR manager, Ellen Parling, with the desired address if this is not the correct address for the paycheck.

We will send you a separate benefits status letter outlining the benefits you will get if your job is terminated. The letter will advise you of your eligibility for COBRA, which allows you to keep your group health insurance.

Please keep your contact information current with the HR office so that we can give you with future information such as your W-2 form and follow-up COBRA information.


Fashow, Martin

Manager of the Quality Department

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