ways to naturally relieve menstruation cramps

ways to naturally relieve menstruation cramps

Reasons for the occurrence of menstrual cramps

Menstruating women are prone to experiencing pain in the areas of their belly, lower back, and thighs.

Because of the contraction and relaxation of your womb’s muscles during your period, it is easier to shed the built-up lining. Cramps are a sign that your muscles are hard at work, and they may be uncomfortable. Some individuals may also have the following symptoms or sensations.


nausea \vomiting \headaches

Some women who menstruate have painful symptoms, while others do not. Doctors are baffled as to why some women have painful symptoms and others do not. These are some of the variables that are linked to more severe pain:

menstruation flow that is excessive
You are under the age of 20 if you are expecting your first child, or you have just begun your menstrual cycle


A condition in which the body produces excessive amounts of or is sensitive to prostaglandins, a kind of chemical that affects the womb.

In addition, the following considerations apply:

Endometriosis (abnormal uterine tissue development) and the usage of birth control are both conditions that may affect your uterus.
Some home treatments may assist offer relief for mild to transient cramps, according to WebMD. Continue reading for suggestions on how to obtain immediate relief, as well as information on how to possibly reduce the discomfort during your next period.


One of the most used OTC medicines is aspirin.
For period discomfort and excessive monthly flow, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) are the most common over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers that doctors prescribe. Ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen sodium are examples of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (Aleve).


They work by reducing the amount of prostaglandin your body produces. When it comes to decreasing prostaglandin levels, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are not as effective as oral contraception.


Utilizing heat to your advantage

Pain in your abdominal and lower back may be relieved by applying heat to the area. Trusted Source conducted a study in 2018 that showed heat treatment (typically in the form of a heat patch or pack) to be equally effective in treating menstruation pain as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). It also has the potential to have fewer negative consequences. Although additional study is required, the authors of the paper said that it is already underway.


Instead of using a hot-water bottle or heating pad, you may take a warm bath or wrap yourself in a warm towel instead. Alternatively, you may build your own heating pad by following the instructions below.

Using two pieces of cloth, stitch them together at the top, leaving a hole at the bottom.
Sew the opening closed after stuffing with uncooked rice.


For a few minutes in the microwave, heat to the appropriate temperature. Remember to keep the temperature under control!


It may be required to allow for cooling. To minimize heat transmission, you may also cover your handmade pad with a towel. Whenever possible, re-use the container.
For more information, please see this page. An electric heating pad is also available for purchase online.


3. Use of essential oils in massage therapy

For about 20 minutes, massage treatment may be quite beneficial.

Massaging particular areas on your belly, side, and back while the therapist’s hands travel around your body is known as menstrual massage treatment (or menstrual massage).

An aromatherapy massage technique that incorporates essential oils may have extra advantages.


Research papers were examined in a report released in 2018.

Massage treatment and aromatherapy, according to a reputable source, may help to relieve menstruation discomfort. Following are some examples of essential oils that may be beneficial:


lavender \peppermint \rose \fennel
If you don’t want to create your own, you may purchase a perfumed massage oil with comparable components.


When using essential oils, it is usually recommended to dilute them with carrier oils. Vegetable or nut oils, such as grapeseed or sweet almond oil, are examples of this kind of product. One drop of essential oil per teaspoon of carrier oil is a safe dosage to use for cosmetic applications.


4.Have an orgasm.

While there have been no clinical research on the direct impact of orgasms on menstrual cramps, evidence indicates that they may be beneficial in certain circumstances.

Involvement of the whole body, including the spinal cord, which triggers the release of neurotransmitters during a vaginal orgasm Your brain may produce neurotransmitters such as endorphins and oxytocin as a result of a vaginal orgasm. Endorphins have been shown to reduce the feeling of pain in certain individuals.


The BBC reported in 2015 that Dr. Barry Komisaruk, a psychology professor at Rutgers University who specializes in female orgasms, said, “Vaginal orgasms [are] described as being internal and involving the entire body; this is probably because the nerves that carry sensations from the clitoris are different from the nerves that carry sensations from the vagina.” “Vaginal orgasms [are] described as being internal and involving the entire body

Women’s pain tolerance increased by twofold after vaginal self-stimulation, according to Komisaruk’s 1985 studyTrusted Source with Dr. Beverly Whipple.


Foods that should be avoided
The consumption of foods that induce bloating and water retention should be avoided during menstruation. A few of the more serious offenders are as follows:

foods high in fat,
drinks with alcohol and carbonation
salty foods containing caffeine
Cramping and stress may be alleviated by reducing or eliminating these items from your diet. Instead of caffeinated beverages, try calming (caffeine-free) ginger or mint teas or hot water with lemon flavoring. Consume fruits such as strawberries or raspberries if you’re in need of a sugar boost.


6. Incorporating herbs into your meal plan.

These herbal treatments include anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic ingredients that may help to alleviate the muscular spasms and swelling that are linked with menstruation discomfort and cramping.


Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms may be alleviated with this medication.
Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome may be relieved by curcumin, a natural substance found in turmeric (PMS). Approximately 70 women participated in a 2015 research in which they were given two curcumin capsules to use for seven days before their period and three days after. Significant reductions in PMS symptoms were reported by the participants.


Try this recipe for turmeric tea from In Jennie’s Kitchen if you want to learn more about curcumin. On the internet, you may get curcumin supplements.

Remember to only purchase herbs and vitamins from trustworthy sources, since they are not regulated in the United States or Canada. While the majority of these herbal treatments have minimal adverse effects, it is still advisable to see your doctor before using any of these therapies.


Some herbs may also have unexpected adverse effects, which is particularly true if you’re taking medicine at the time of usage. Menstrual cycle instructions are not included with the majority of these medicines and supplements, either. More information about dose recommendations may be available from your doctor.


Long-term benefits of a healthy diet and physical activity

Maintaining a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity may go a long way toward alleviating menstruation pain and discomfort. Among 250 women in a 2016 research conducted by Trusted Source, substantial variations were observed between period discomfort in women who followed a healthy diet, exercised frequently, and decreased their stress.


Specific diet and exercise recommendations follow.

In general, a diet aimed at reducing menstrual discomfort should be rich in minimally processed foods, fiber, and plant-based nutrients.

Make an effort to consume some of the following foods:

The vitamin content of papaya is high.
Bloating may be reduced as a result of the presence of vitamin B6 in brown rice.
Manganese-rich foods such as walnuts, almonds, and pumpkin seeds help to relieve cramps.


Nutritional value of vitamin E in olive oil and broccoli
Iron is found in foods such as chicken, fish, and leafy green vegetables, which helps to replace the iron lost during menstrual periods.
Flaxseed is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have antioxidant qualities and help to decrease inflammation and edema.
Among other things, it aids in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the body. Also helps to alleviate cramping during menstrual periods.

Boron was shown to decrease the severity and duration of menstruation discomfort in a 2015 research including 113 university girls.

Borax is found in high concentrations in foods such as the following:

Peanut butter, avocados,
prunes \chickpeas \bananas
If your diet does not supply enough boron, you may take boron supplements. Before using boron supplements, however, you should check with your doctor. Learn how boron may benefit not just the brain but also the bones and other body structures.

Water consumption during menstruation helps to prevent unpleasant bloating and water retention in the body, which may be very uncomfortable. Hot water is generally preferable for cramps because it increases blood flow to the skin and may help to relax cramped muscles. Warm or hot water is often preferable for cramps because it increases blood flow to the skin and helps to relax cramped muscles.


Water-based foods, such as those listed below, may also help you stay hydrated.

lettuce \celery \cucumbers
fruit from watermelon such as strawberries and blueberries as well as raspberry

During menstruation, this mineral may aid in the relief of muscular cramps. Calcium-rich foods include those such as:

cheeses and ice cream
The adverbial form is sesames.
green veggies (almonds, leafy greens)
Calcium is also accessible in the form of a dietary supplement. Before taking any supplements, consult with your doctor to ensure that they are safe for you.


Although the thought of exercising shortly before or during your period may not be appealing to you, exercise does produce endorphins into the body.

Several studies have shown that exercise is helpful in alleviating menstruation pain to the point that it may be able to remove or decrease the requirement for pain medication.

When compared to more intense exercise, moderate movement such as walking is healthy during your period.


Using Yoga to Relieve Cramps is a great option.

The practice of yoga is a moderate activity that produces endorphins and may be used to help avoid or lessen the symptoms of menstruation.

The benefits of aerobic exercise and yoga on PMS symptoms were evaluated in one research by Trusted Source. Yoga and aerobic exercise, according to the findings, both substantially decreased PMS symptoms and pain severity. Yoga, on the other hand, was shown to be more helpful in alleviating symptoms than cardiovascular activity.. Yoga postures that may be beneficial for PMS include the ones listed below.



Pose in the shape of a cat-cow

Pose of a child.
Position of the forearms in plank
Poses like the cobra


In what circumstances should you see a physician?

If you are experiencing significant discomfort and extremely heavy bleeding, you should seek medical attention immediately. In the following situations, you should seek medical attention:

If you’re over 25 and experiencing severe cramps for the first time, see your doctor. If the discomfort stops you from doing daily tasks on a regular basis, consult your physician.

Ineffectiveness of over-the-counter medications

In extreme instances, seeing a doctor to determine the source of your menstrual discomfort is the most effective method of therapy.

Menstrual Cramps Relieved by Herbs

Women have cramping aches and pains during their period, which are known as dysmenorrhea. These cramping aches and pains usually affect the lower abdomen but may also radiate to the lower back and thighs.



Menstrual cramps, which are thought to be caused by high amounts of prostaglandins (hormone-like chemicals related to pain and inflammation), often occur immediately before and during the first few days of a woman’s menstrual cycle, according to medical experts.



1 Additionally, some individuals report having loose stools, headaches, nausea, or dizziness.

For many women, menstrual cramps develop as a result of a medical problem that is not present (such as endometriosis). However, if you’re having frequent or severe cramping, you should contact your healthcare practitioner to determine if you’re suffering from an underlying health problem that may be causing the discomfort (such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or uterine fibroids).



So yet, there is only a limited amount of scientific evidence to support the idea that any treatment may alleviate period cramps.

An examination of four types of herbal medication that are sometimes suggested by alternative medicine practitioners is presented here.



This warming herb may be beneficial in relieving cramps and menstrual discomforts by decreasing the amount of the pain-causing prostaglandins in the body (as well as fight the fatigue commonly associated with premenstrual syndrome).

In a 2009 research, participants who took 250-milligram (mg) capsules of ginger four times a day for three days from the onset of their menstrual cycle received pain alleviation that was comparable to that experienced by those who used ibuprofen to relieve their menstrual cramps.


Another study, published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine in 2012, compared the use of ginger root powder or a placebo in 120 women with moderate to severe primary dysmenorrhea and discovered that there were statistically significant differences in the severity of pain between the ginger and placebo treatment groups.




Menstruating women who began taking ginger root powder two days before the start of their menstrual cycle and continued to do so for the first three days of their menstrual period had the lowest length of discomfort.



These research were reviewed by Cochrane and the results were mixed, with some studies showing a positive impact and others showing a negative effect.



 Ginger offers a variety of additional health advantages that have been touted. Even if you don’t believe what they say, you may find it relaxing to make your own calming ginger tea, particularly around your period.



Herbs from China
In a 2008 study, experts evaluated 39 trials (including a total of 3,475 women) and came to the conclusion that Chinese herbs may be more efficient at alleviating menstrual cramps than over-the-counter pain relievers.


The majority of study participants were given formulas containing five or six herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine, such as Chinese angelica root, fennel fruit, licorice root, cinnamon bark, and red peony root. These herbs included Chinese angelica root, fennel fruit, licorice root, cinnamon bark, and red peony root. In its conclusion, the evaluation said that there was “promising data,” but that the studies were of low quality.



The herbal formula “Dang Gui Shao-Yao San” includes dang gui (Angelica sinensis) and peony powder, according to a study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2014. It is the most commonly prescribed herbal formula for primary dysmenorrhea in Taiwan, the survey found. Several sedative and anti-inflammatory chemicals are thought to be present in it. 


Jia Wei Xiao Yao San and Xiao Yao San are two more Chinese herbs that are often used to treat dysmenorrhea.


Fennel is a plant with a licorice-like flavor and a crisp texture similar to celery. It contains anethole (a chemical with anti-spasm properties), which may aid to alleviate menstrual cramps in certain women who experience them.

There is one study, published in the Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research in 2015, that looked at the effects of a fennel extract (fennelin) and vitagnus in comparison to the pain medicine mefenamic acid in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea.



Participants in the research were 105 women suffering from mild to moderate dysmenorrhea who were randomly assigned to receive fennel extract, vitex extract, mefenamic acid, or a placebo. Comparing the effects of fennel and vitagnus on mefenamic acid throughout the two cycles after the intervention, fennel and vitagnus were significantly more effective. The Cochrane evaluation of this research, on the other hand, found that the evidence was of extremely poor quality. 


Pycnogenol is a trademark for a French maritime pine bark extract that has been registered. When applied to a group of women suffering from menstrual cramps, it was shown to substantially decrease discomfort and the need for analgesic pain medication in a 2008 trial, according to researchers. 


Another small research conducted in 2014 discovered that using Pycnogenol with an oral contraceptive for three months resulted in pain decrease.


However, a Cochrane evaluation of claims about the benefits of this supplement on other chronic diseases concluded that there was insufficient evidence to support these claims.



The Potential Benefits of Pycnogenol Using Herbal Supplements
For women experiencing menstrual cramps, it’s essential to discuss the possibility of utilizing herbs (or other kinds of alternative medicine, or particular diets or foods) with their healthcare practitioner first so that the benefits and drawbacks may be discussed. If you are experiencing severe menstrual cramps, this may be a symptom of a condition that needs to be evaluated by your healthcare practitioner right away.