The 8th of November in the year 2021 – Over 1,000 doctors and clinicians from AMP’s network participated in a survey to get insight into the effect of the COVID-19 vaccination requirement on healthcare professionals. The results were published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases. A third of those who responded to the poll were opposed to vaccination requirements.




The federal government established a vaccine requirement mandating employees at all organizations with 100 or more employees to be vaccinated or to undergo a consistent COVID-19 testing regimen. The requirement was in effect prior to the mandate being implemented by a large number of health systems, many of which demand that the vaccination be used.



The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has stated that all eligible health care employees working in institutions that participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs must get the COVID-19 vaccination by January 4, 2022.

More Information The American Medical Association (AMA) supports COVID-19 vaccine mandates for healthcare workers.




The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will tie the vaccine mandate to Medicaid and Medicare participation. Hospital staffing shortages are a concern with mandatory vaccinations.
In a letter to employees, the CMS department said, “We are aware of concerns regarding health care professionals opting to quit their positions rather than get vaccinated.” We recognize that a small number of [healthcare workers] may choose to do so, but there is insufficient evidence to quantify and compare the negative effects on patient and resident care associated with temporary staffing losses due to mandates and absences due to quarantine for known COVID-19 exposures and illnesses.





According to the results of the survey, 77 percent of healthcare workers believe the federal vaccine mandate will have no impact on their career plans, 7 percent believe they will find a new job that does not have a vaccine mandate, 3 percent believe they will retire earlier as a result of the mandate, and 2 percent believe they will completely abandon medicine as a result of the mandate.

However, 44 percent of respondents said that the vaccination requirement enforced by the federal government would result in an increase in personnel turnover at their respective companies.

“I was forced to obtain a vaccination I didn’t want to have so that I wouldn’t be fired,” stated a healthcare worker who participated in a poll.




Employee morale was also examined as part of the poll, which looked at the effect of the federal vaccination requirement. Specifically, it was discovered that 43 percent of respondents believe the federal vaccine mandate will have a significantly positive impact on employee morale, 35 percent believe it will have a negative impact, and 12 percent believe the vaccine mandate will have no effect on employee morale at all.

As one doctor from New Hampshire stated, “I’m vaccinated myself, but I don’t agree with mandates.” He went on to suggest that a more effective solution might be to “better educate people about the importance of [the Covid] vaccine rather than [issuing] mandates, which will have negative consequences on multiple levels.”





However, despite the fact that doctors and clinicians are overwhelmingly pro-vaccine in general, including the [COVID] immunizations in the vast majority of instances, many clinicians continue to oppose the requirement while being pro-vaccine. “The rules are adding yet another onerous obstacle to an already overworked and underfunded healthcare labor force, which is troubling,” said David Fontenot, President of the American Medical Association.

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