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Using You: 9 Telltale Signs a Married Man Is

Using You: 9 Telltale Signs a Married Man Is

Using You: 9 Telltale Signs a Married Man Is

Have you ever get the feeling that a married guy is just exploiting you for his own benefit?

I’m not going to pass judgment on you if you’ve found yourself involved in a romantic relationship with a married guy.

Because no one, and that includes you, deserves to be exploited, I am going to do all I can to assist you in determining whether or not you are a victim of exploitation.

Notably not by a married guy who is happy to live a double life and has the best of both worlds because to his affair with another woman.

The following article will provide you with 17 symptoms that a married guy is using you, as well as advice on what you should do about it.

There are 9 telltale signs that a married man is using you.

He Will Only Meet You When It Is Convenient For Him To Do So

It is highly likely that he is using you if the only time you see each other is when it is convenient for him and he frequently backs out of plans at the last minute.

Regardless of the other things he has going on in his life, a married guy who is serious about you will want to make time for you.

If he is unable to achieve that, then you should not waste your time with him.

He is not going to tell his wife anything that he knows about you.

It is a clear indication that he is just interested in exploiting you if he has no plans to discuss you with his wife.

Why on earth would he ever inform his wife if he doesn’t consider you to be someone who is worthy of his time or commitment?

If you don’t do anything about it, the sad fact is that you are nothing more to him than a filthy little secret, and that’s exactly how it’s going to continue to be until you take action.

You Have Reason to Believe, or You Already Know, That He Is Seeing Other Women

If you have any reason to think or know that he is seeing other women, then you should assume that he is using you (and those other women).

If a married guy is interested in you, he will want to concentrate his attention only on you rather than his current partner.

If he is seeing other women, it is an indication that he is a “married player,” and he is only attempting to fulfill his desires regardless of the harm he does to everyone else. If he is seeing other women, it is a sign that he is a married player.

He doesn’t inquire about your well-being or ask how you are doing.

It’s a red flag that he doesn’t care about you too much if he never inquires about how you are doing.

A guy who is interested in you will be curious in your state of mind, as well as the events that are taking place in your life and the things that are going through your head.

The fact that he is married does, indeed, provide some additional challenges. But being considerate doesn’t require much work on your part, and if he cared about you, he would be curious in what you have to say.

He Doesn’t Want to Discuss Private Matters since He Is Shy About Them

If he doesn’t want to speak about personal matters with you, it’s an indication that he’s trying to maintain some distance between the two of you.

If a guy likes you, he will want to learn more about you and will make room for you in his life. This is an indication that he is interested in you.

It is quite evident that he is just interested in exploiting you for emotional or physical hookups if he never wants to speak about himself.

He Is Never Discouraged When He Receives Short Notice to Visit You

It’s a red flag that he’s using you as a hookup if he continually wants to meet you at the last minute, like he does all the time.

A guy who is interested in you will want to arrange plans in advance so that he does not put any pressure on you to cancel plans, and he will want to do this in order to avoid disappointing you.

It’s a red flag that all he wants to do is use you whenever it’s convenient for him if he always waits until the last minute to get in touch with you and expects you to abandon whatever you’re doing to help him out.

You Have Identified Him as Being a Liar.

If you find him lying, it’s a clue that he’s attempting to manipulate what he’s telling you and what you know about him. If you don’t catch him lying, it’s a sign that he’s not trying to manipulate you.

A guy who is interested in you and respects you will want to be honest with you so that he can earn your trust. This will allow him to develop a stronger relationship with you.

If he lies to you all the time, it’s quite probable that he’s using you and that he doesn’t care about your emotions or your wellbeing!

He is Missing for Prolonged Amounts of Time

A clear indication that he is not really considering pursuing a relationship with you is if he is missing for extended stretches of time.

If a guy is interested in you, he will want to maintain communication with you and will make an effort to be a part of your life.

Who knows what he’s doing if he disappears for days or weeks at a time, but one thing you do know is that he’s not showing you that he cares by staying in touch with you during that time.

When you suggest moving things forward, he becomes angry and defensive.

It’s an indication that he doesn’t want to commit to you if he gets furious when you propose pushing things ahead. He doesn’t want to commit to you.

A guy who is interested in you will be receptive to the notion of moving things to the next level and will have no difficulty in having this conversation with you. He will also have no trouble doing so.

The fact that he is becoming upset or irritated just demonstrates how protective he is and how determined he is to preserve his marriage, reputation, and other important things before your emotions.

He Forgets Important Dates and Events

It is a clear indication that you are not truly a priority in his life if he is unable to remember significant dates that are essential to you.

If he is interested in you, he will make an effort to remember important dates like your birthday, anniversary, and other holidays and events in your life, such as graduations and weddings.

It demonstrates how little he cares about you and how irrelevant you are to him because he has forgotten these things.

He Is Never There for You When You Need Him

If he consistently fails to come through for you, it’s a clear indication that he does not consider you to be a high priority in his life.

A guy who is interested in you will make every effort to honor the commitments he makes to you, and he will do all in his power to ensure that his plans are carried out.

It is a clear indication of how little regard he has for you and how he is exploiting you for his personal benefit if he consistently backs out of plans or breaks the promises he makes.

He Demands a Great Deal but Contributes Nothing in Return

One of the most obvious symptoms that a person is exploiting another is when they are always asking for favors but never providing anything in return.

In a relationship in which you are seeing a married guy, there is no difference between the two scenarios. There is just no justification for acting in this manner.

It is a clear indication of how self-centered he is and how little he cares about you if he never gives anything but takes from you.

He makes you have negative thoughts and feelings about yourself.

If a married guy makes you feel horrible about yourself, this is an indication that he is attempting to exert control over you and your feelings.

If he really cared for you, he would want to help you become the best version of yourself and give you confidence in your abilities.

If he is always trying to bring you down, this is an indication that he is attempting to control you and ensure that you act in a manner that is conducive to his needs.

There is no romance; it is only a physical attraction

If the two of you have a relationship that just seems to include physical contact and there is no romance involved, this is a clear indication that he is only interested in you for your physical attributes.

It’s possible that this is how things got started between the two of you in your relationship, but things change with time, and just because this is how things began doesn’t mean this is where you should stay.

It’s time to put a stop to it if you don’t want to be exploited to satisfy his physical wants anymore.

He Attempts to Purchase Your Silence with Money

If he has ever attempted to buy your quiet with presents, this is an indication that he is aware that what he is doing is wrong and wants to prevent you from telling anybody about it.

It’s possible that he believes that if he buys you enough stuff, you won’t want to complain about his generosity because you’ll be afraid that you’ll no longer get his gifts.

It’s a frequent strategy that married men use to continue having affairs after they’ve tied the knot, but it doesn’t mean you have to put up with it if it happens to you.

He Will Not Commit to Anything in Any Circumstance

The fact that he is unwilling to make any kind of long-term commitment is an indication that he does not consider you to be a part of his future plans.

This might be in reference to your relationship, or it could even be in regard to your general intentions for the future.

It’s possible that he won’t make any commitments because he doesn’t want to commit, but the fact that he won’t even talk about the future is a red flag.

You get the distinct impression that he is not interested in you at all.

It’s likely accurate to assume that he doesn’t care about you if you get the impression from your gut that he doesn’t.

You may not be able to pinpoint the reason why, but in this situation, you should follow your gut impulses.

If you get the impression that he is just interested in using you, there is a good possibility that this is the case.

It will become more evident that this person is exploiting you the more of the criteria on the list above that you can cross off and the more evasive he is when you question him.

Should You Cut Him Off If He’s Using You If He’s Using You Should You Cut Him Off?

It is not an easy task to end an affair, particularly if you have been having sexual relations with a married guy for a significant amount of time.

It’s possible that you have strong emotions for him, and it’s also possible that he’s persuaded you to think that the two of you have a future together.

On the other hand, if he has been using you from the beginning, you need to come to terms with the fact that he will never change.

You don’t deserve to be someone’s second option, and you don’t deserve to be in a relationship with someone who isn’t entirely devoted to you either. You deserve more.

Whether you are unsure about whether or not you should end your affair, you should ask yourself if you are prepared to accept the role of being his final option.

If the response is “no,” then it is time to withdraw from the situation.

The truth is that as soon as you break away from this person, you’ll create room in your life for you to meet someone who really cares about you and is eager to make you his number one priority in life.

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