This is the Barbecue Revolution timeline.

What is the history of BBQ and where did it come from? 


What year did the first barbeque grill appear on the scene? This, as well as several other questions, are the subject of this page. Take a trip down memory lane with us as we explore the history of barbeque!




You may ask why there appears to be such a natural desire to cook over an open flame while you’re outside in the fresh air. An propensity that seems to be established in your genetic makeup?

Simply going to your local grocery shop will provide you with a plethora of marinades, rubs, and sauces that will be available on the shelf at your leisure. If you go to the meat department, you’ll find a wide variety of cuts, some of which have already been marinated and are ready to be cooked on the grill.





It seems like there are an infinite number of possibilities when it comes to purchasing a new grill, whether you’re looking for a more classic charcoal grill, a great and dependable gas grill, or a sophisticated pellet grill and smoker.

It may be beneficial to familiarize oneself with the origins of the barbeque grill and the voyage it has made, especially now that it is more widely available than ever before.


Is There a History to Barbecuing?

Some think that homo-erectus, the prehistoric race that existed before homo sapiens, was the first to consume cooked meat as part of their diet. In addition to the nutritional advantages of cooking meat, the evolutionary advantage of heating meat meant that food could be consumed considerably more rapidly, allowing the human brain to grow at a far faster rate.



When it comes to determining when grilled food was originally consumed, one of the most plausible explanations dates back to the days of the cavemen themselves. If our ancient forefathers came across dead creatures that had been slain and roasted by forest fires, it is extremely likely that they were related to us.



It’s probable that after tasting the meat, the flavor would have been significantly superior to that of raw meat, and the nutritional advantages of eating cooked meat rather than raw meat would have been apparent. After a period of time, our cavemen and cavewomen forefathers and foremothers started to invent techniques of cooking over open flames, which eventually gave rise to the first barbeque grills.



In light of the fact that the first people were organized into tribes, it is quite likely that the tribe was able to organize itself by grilling meat in sufficient quantities to feed the whole population.

However, although there is no data to support this theory, it does make sense when you consider the satisfying sensation you get from hosting a party and cooking over an open flame. There’s nothing quite like a cookout to bring people together in a fun and relaxed environment.



What Is the Origin of the Term “Barbecue”?

Though widely discussed, and there will always be confusion as to the precise origin of these technologies, it is thought that indigenous tribes of the Caribbean who used them had a term for them in their language before they were introduced to the rest of us. “Barbacoa” was the name of the dish in question. If you’re not acquainted with the Spanish language, this is the term for ‘barbecue,’ in case you were wondering.



Even while this is commonly recognized as the origin of the term barbecue, there are those who claim that the phrase derives from the French word ‘barbe à que,’ which means “barbecue to go.” In this context, roasting a full animal is meant, and the literal translation of this phrase is “from beard to tail.”



When did barbecuing first appear in America, and what is its history?

The origins of barbecue’s popularity in America are unclear, although early immigrants of the Spanish empire, who took the lengthy trek over the Atlantic Ocean to arrive on the beaches of the American continent, deserve some of the credit.

Christopher Columbus and his crew would come across indigenous tribes in the Caribbean who would preserve their meat in the sun as a result of their aggressive techniques of sailing to new-found territories, leading to the discovery of new worlds. The obvious disadvantage of using this approach is that the meat will ultimately go bad and get infected with minibeasts and other types of pests as a result of the exposure to the elements.




In dealing with these issues, the locals did have a practical solution. To cook the meat, they would start tiny and smokey fires and then place racks of it directly over the flames. The meat might also be cooked in the ground for many hours at a time using another technique that they use to dig a pit and slow cook the meat. Using these methods, the meat would be kept in excellent condition while also being protected from all of the bothersome bugs that would have plagued it.



The Origins of Barbecue in the United States

Once the Europeans and Africans had settled in the West for a time, they began to migrate westward, finally arriving in what is now the United States of America. The European cattle and pigs that were sent from Europe to America served as the principal source of protein for all of the colonies’ diets. Additionally, Native Americans had evolved their own methods of preparing animals over an open fire, which they shared with other tribes and communities.



Barbecuing first gained popularity in the state of Virginia, before extending down through North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, as well as through the Appalachian Mountains and into Kentucky and Tennessee, as well as across the United Kingdom and Australia. It began to make its way westward gradually, leaving a particularly lasting influence on the people of Texas and the rest of the United States.



Barbecues were thought to be quite chaotic gatherings in the early days of colonial rule. In order to try BBQ festivals, audiences would consume copious amounts of alcohol and engage in boisterous and brash conduct. However, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, barbecues would become much more relaxing and enjoyable occasions, something for families and the whole community to enjoy while spending quality time with one another.


Then there was the outbreak of the Civil War.

During this time, barbecues would take on a whole new significance, with many families and local communities hosting public BBQ parties to express their support and solidarity with soldiers fighting overseas.

When it came to cooking and food preparation during these times, barbecues were often huge and varied in order to accommodate as many people as possible. Basically, you’d be eating whatever was put in front of you!

Fast forward to the end of the nineteenth century, and there were a slew of enterprising persons who realized the appeal and power of the barbecue and began charging a fee for participation at barbecue events, especially during the busiest periods of public holidays and festivals.



Tents would be used at first, and they’d be moved from one spot to another based on where they thought the greatest position was to be. The first barbecue restaurants were established as a result of these temporary tents being set up in a permanent location over time. At this time, families would also begin to enjoy their own private barbecues in their own backyards, resulting in an unexpected surge in popularity for the common ‘cookout.



Briquettes were first used in the United States in the early 1900s.
Inventing a method for making briquettes out of leftover sawdust and timber mill waste products, University of Oregon scientist Orin Stafford came up with a means to hold everything together using cornstarch. ‘Charcoal briquettes’ was the name he gave to his creation.

After receiving an invitation from Henry Ford to attend a meeting with Thomas Edison and Harvey Firestone in 1919, real estate agent Edward G. Kingsford accepted the invitation. Specifically, Ford had invited Edward so that the two of them could discuss lumber, particularly the timber that could be found in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, since Ford’s popular Model T vehicles required around 100 feet of hardwood.



Kingsford was instrumental in assisting Ford in obtaining more than 300,000 acres of forest near Iron Mountain, Michigan, where Ford built a parts factory and sawmill, as well as an adjacent town named Kingsford, which became the home of Ford workers.

In the end, the town was successful in supplying Ford with sufficient timber for his autos. The procedure, on the other hand, resulted in massive amounts of debris, including tree stumps, twigs, branches, and sawdust, all of which were disposed of responsibly. Ford was quite dissatisfied with this, since he disliked squandering resources.



An Oregon University scientist, Orin Stafford, came up with the answer that would solve all of the world’s problems. A method of generating lumps of fuel from all of the sawdust and waste product from the mill, mixing it with tar, and ultimately binding it all together with cornstarch was devised by him and his colleagues. Ford then altered the name of the briquettes to ‘briquets,’ which Orin had given them when they were first made.



As a result, Edison developed and built a briquette plant next to the mill, and Kingsford was tasked with running it. The facility was very prolific, and even though charcoal was provided to a large number of fish and meat smokehouses, there was an excess supply, prompting Ford to advertise ‘picnic kits,’ which would consist of portable grills and charcoal, and sell them via his own automobile dealerships.


The ‘Sputnick’ Classic Kettle Grill Was Invented By John Sputnick

Grilled on a Charcoal Fire


George Stephen, a welder with Weber Brothers Metal Works in Chicago, was tasked with assembling enormous metal spheres into buoys for the Coast Guard. He was able to utilize one of the spheres as a cooking dish by including three legs into the design. His design was inspired by the Russian satellite ‘Sputnik.’

Following the conclusion of World War II, changes began to occur in American society. The suburbs started to sprout, and backyard living became something that families who were lucky enough to have a backyard enjoyed.



Traditionally, barbeque pits were used to slow-cook meat for long periods of time. This kind of grilling pit, on the other hand, gradually gave way to a much more straightforward, freestanding metal brazier, where users could cook over a much higher and more powerful fire.

In spite of the fact that these models were quite basic, a Chicago welder by the name of George Stephen saw a huge potential. He had a huge family to look after and was becoming more upset with his own device’s inability to complete the task at hand. He was employed at the time at Weber Brothers Metal Works.




While he was putting enormous metal spheres together to make buoys for the Coast Guard, he had a vision of what he wanted to create. The actual cooking bowl was made from one of the metal spheres, which he supported with three legs at the bottom and a handle at the top.

He wasn’t quite prepared for the early responses, which were mixed. When he brought it home and placed it in his yard, his neighbors were amused and christened it the ‘Sputnik.’ However, after eating a magnificent piece of steak that George had prepared for them, their views quickly changed. Demand for them skyrocketed overnight, prompting George to devote his entire time to manufacturing them and delivering them to pleased families all around the United States and abroad.




How Did the Gas Grill Come to Be?

Don McGlaughlin was the first person to formally come up with the contemporary spin on the conventional grill that would see gas being employed, and he did it in the form of a patented invention. McGlaughlin was the owner of the Chicago Combustion Corporation in the early 1950s. He made use of a gas broiler, which he termed the Broilburger, and constructed the world’s first built-in grill.



The earliest gas grills to be marketed made use of lava rock. ‘Open-fire-charcoal-type gas broilers,’ as the grills were branded, were intended to appeal to commercial American clients. That is because the great majority of American families did not yet possess a grill in the 1950s, and the word broiler would be more enticing to corporate clients in that context.


Barbecue competitions are becoming more popular.

The first ever documented barbecue competition was the ‘Kaiser Foil Cookoff,’ which took place in Hawaii in 1959, with the 25 finalists being flown in from all over the world for the competition.

It was at Uvalde, Texas in 1972 that the World Championship Cow Country BBQ Cookout was staged, with the concept being comparable to several chili cookoffs that were also quite popular in Texas at the time. The following year, the Brady World Championship BBQ Goat Cook-Off, as well as another event in Covington, Tennessee, were held for the first time.



Over the following several years, competitions sprung up all over the place, until the Mike Royko Ribfest in Michigan took things to a whole new level by drawing 400 entrants in its inaugural year.

Barbecue Grills in Different Parts of the World
In course, North America isn’t the only region of the globe to have a long and illustrious history in the production of barbeque grills. Here are a few examples of barbeque grills from various parts of the world:



During the 1800s, the Pampa area of Argentina was teeming with wild herds of cattle that were allowed to graze freely. Gauchos, the designation given to talented and daring riders, acquired a strong preference for beef, which they skewered on a metal frame (known as an asador) and roasted over a slow-burning fire.


The tandoor oven is prevalent across Southern, Western, and Central Asia, and it is particularly well-known in Indian cuisine for dishes such as tandoori chicken. Heat was traditionally provided by igniting a wood or charcoal fire inside the tandoor, which is a cylindrical clay pot.
Hngi is the name given to the traditional New Zealand Maori style of cooking. A massive pit is excavated in the earth, and then a large fire is used to heat up the stones in the pit. After that, whole baskets of food are placed on top of the sizzling hot stones, and the whole thing is covered with earth. After a few hours, the digging resumes, and what is left is excellent smoked food.

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