The Various Types Of Dandruff And How To Get Rid Of Them

The Various Types Of Dandruff And How To Get Rid Of Them

The Various Types Of Dandruff And How To Get Rid Of Them

The Various Types Of Dandruff And How To Get Rid Of Them

Dandruff is mostly distinguished by the presence of white flakes in the hair, but it may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as irritation and itchy skin on the head . However, despite the fact that it is a difficult hair problem, it may be resolved.

Hair loss may be caused by numerous factors. It may manifest itself in a variety of ways, and it is critical to recognize them before beginning therapy. Throughout this post, we’ve spoken about the many varieties of dandruff and how to treat them all effectively.

Dandruff Comes in a Variety of Forms

1. Dandruff associated with dry skin

The condition known as dandruff often occurs in those who have a dry scalp in general . Extremely cold temperatures (such as that experienced during the winter months) or infrequent hair washing may both create dry skin on the scalp.

People with curly hair may have drier skin on their scalps than those with other hair types . Dandruff caused by dry skin may be exacerbated by the use of sulfate shampoos that produce excessive froth.

Symptoms include a tightening sensation on your scalp as well as little, spherical, white dry flakes in your hair.

2. Dandruff caused by excess oil on the scalp

The oily scalp that characterizes this illness is the primary symptom. The production of excess sebum the natural oil generated by the sebaceous glands) by the body may occur at any moment . Sebum, in regular amounts, may assist in moisturizing your hair and skin and preventing them from becoming dry. It may also be beneficial in delaying the onset of some indications of aging.

Nevertheless, excessive production of this sebum, which may develop as a result of puberty, pregnancy, stress, or inconsistent shampooing, might lead to health complications. Dandruff is formed when excess sebum interacts with dirt and dead skin cells, resulting in a flaky appearance.

Dandruff is characterized by yellow areas on the scalp, huge yellowish flakes on the scalp, itching, and oily or greasy hair.

3. Dandruff caused by a fungus

Fungal dandruff is caused by a fungus called Malassezia globosa, which infects the scalp and causes an infection. Whenever your scalp is overly greasy or has a pH imbalance, this kind of fungal infection may develop very quickly (1).

Individuals who share their combs, towels, or caps with someone who has the virus run the risk of spreading the sickness to others. Malassezia generates oleic acid, which stimulates the production of new skin cells in the body. This results in dandruff.

Symptoms include dandruff flakes that are white or yellowish in color and itching.

4. Dandruff Resulting From Product Build-Up –

It is possible to have an accumulation of style products on your scalp if you use a large number of them (including leave-in conditioners, gel, serum, pomades, mousses, or hair sprays). Dandruff is formed when this build-up of sebum combines with dirt and dead skin cells to produce a flaky layer on the scalp. It has the potential to cause hair loss as well.

Symptoms include huge white or yellowish flakes on the scalp, itching, and hair loss. Diagnosis is difficult.

5. Seborrheic Dermatitis, which results in dandruff.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that may affect areas of the body where there is a large concentration of sebaceous glands. It is more common in women. Included in this category are your head, neck, regions behind your ears, face, and brows, among others.

The majority of studies have indicated that it is often caused by an inflammatory response to yeast that is naturally present on the skin’s surface. Stress and hormonal fluctuations have been linked to the development of seborrheic dermatitis .

Symptoms include: dandruff flakes that are large and white or yellowish in color, scaly areas, greasiness, redness, and irritation.

Psoriasis-Induced Dandruff

Skin disease psoriasis is a chronic skin illness in which the immune system attacks and destroys healthy skin tissues. This results in the quick synthesis of new skin cells before the old, dead skin peels away from the surface of the skin. As a consequence, thick silver-colored scaly patches appear on your scalp, neck, knees, and back. This is caused by an infection .

Symptoms include silver-colored scaly areas on the scalp, large white flakes on the scalp that are dense and clumpy, redness, and moderate irritation.

Dandruff may take over a person’s life and consume all of their time. In certain cases, one may even feel humiliated while in a group setting. However, this does not have to be the case. Dandruff is a common problem that may be easily treated with the use of a few creams and other natural remedies.

Prevention of Dandruff with Hair Products: Some Pointers

Anti-dandruff shampoos are available over-the-counter and may be used to treat and prevent dandruff in a variety of ways (3). Check to see whether the product you choose includes any of the following ingredients:
Salicylic acid is a kind of acid.
Selenium sulfide is a chemical compound.
Coal tar is a kind of tar that is produced by burning coal.
Zinc pyrithione is a compound that contains zinc.
Zinc, B vitamins, and lipids are some of the most important elements to incorporate in your diet if you want to avoid dandruff in the first place (5).
Stay away from chemical hair treatments such as perms, hair dyes, and relaxing hair treatments (3).
Brushing and washing your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo on a regular basis is recommended.
Avoid using an excessive amount of hair styling products .
Using Natural Approaches
Please keep in mind that these natural remedies are based on anecdotal accounts.

Soak 2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds overnight, then crush them into a paste with the rest of the ingredients. Apply this paste to the whole top of your head and keep it on for at least 30 minutes. Wash it off with soapnut (reetha) and water to remove the residue.
Olive Oil: Massage olive oil into your scalp for 10 minutes, then keep it on overnight to get rid of the frizz. The next morning, wash it off with warm water and a light shampoo.


Apple Cider Vinegar: After washing your hair, mix 2 cups of apple cider vinegar with 2 cups of water and pour the mixture all over your scalp. For a few minutes, massage it into the skin before rinsing it off with water.
To make baking soda, combine three teaspoons of baking soda with three cups lemon juice in a large mixing basin filled with apple cider vinegar. Apply this paste to the whole top of your head and keep it on for ten minutes. It should be washed away with water.


Incorporate a few drops of tea tree oil into a tablespoon of coconut oil and massage the mixture into your scalp and hair. If you like, you may leave it on overnight and then wash it off with a natural shampoo.
It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on dandruff treatment. It is possible to avoid this issue by making a few easy modifications to your hair care regimen and by following some basic home remedies.


Frequently Asked Questions are included below.

Is it true that washing your hair in hot water might promote dandruff?

It is possible that washing your hair with hot water can produce dandruff due to the drying effect on your scalp.

Is it possible that shampooing your hair every day would produce dandruff?

If your scalp is too dry, shampooing your hair every day may exacerbate the problem. The importance of moderation cannot be overstated. You may wash your hair once every two or three days if you want to. Every day, you may just wash your hair with simple water.

When should I use dandruff shampoo and how many times should I use it each week?

The frequency might differ from one individual to another. Examine your options to see what you like. Follow the instructions on the label of the bottle.

What is the best way to tell whether I have lice or dandruff?

Dandruff shows as white or yellow flakes on your scalp and is not contagious. Nits (little white spots on your hair shafts) may be passed on to nymphs (small, tan-colored lice), which can develop into adult louse after a few weeks.

Is it possible for dandruff to be passed from one person to another?

If the dandruff is caused by a Malassezia infection, it has the potential to spread from person to person.

How To Cure Dandruff With Neem

Dandruff is a widespread condition, and many of us are seeking for ways to get rid of it. While there are various drugs and home remedies available to treat dandruff, specialists recommend neem as one of the most effective treatments. It gets rid of dandruff and all the difficulties that come with it.

Neem is an evergreen tropical tree that can be found in 30 countries across the globe. It is an important element of Ayurvedic medicine and has been used for ages to treat a variety of ailments, including skin and hair problems.

Leaves and bark of the neem tree are readily accessible. Neem leaves have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, all of which work together to prevent dandruff development.

Here are a few methods to use neem to get rid of dandruff and keep it from coming back. Continue reading and submit your questions for a response.


Neem Water (Neem Juice)

This is a well-liked cure that the physicians at recommend. It’s simple to produce and highly effective.

You’ll need

1 liter of water + 40 neem leaves

Bring the water to a boil, then turn off the heat.
Allow the neem leaves to soak in the water overnight.
Using this water, thoroughly rinse your hair.
This will relieve the itching and pain caused by dandruff right away. Use it two to three times a week to entirely eliminate the issue. Get free dandruff advice.

Pack of Neem Leaves for Hair

Another effective treatment for dandruff is a hair pack made from neem leaves. This hair pack is simple to make.

You’ll need

a total of 40 neem leaves
1 liter distilled water
1 tablespoon of honey

Bring the water to a boil, then turn off the heat.

Allow the neem leaves to soak in the water overnight.
Strain the water and rinse your hair with it. You may also blitz the leaves in the mixer-grinder to form a paste. Apply the paste to your hair and scalp. To soften the hair, add some honey to the mixture. After 30 minutes, rinse it off.
If you do this at least once a week, the dandruff will go in no time. Your hair will be easier to maintain and less prone to frizz. Get free dandruff advice.

Hair Mask With Fenugreek And Neem

Fenugreek seeds, like neem leaves, are antifungal and antibacterial. They also have a cooling, relaxing impact on your scalp. Yogurt is an excellent hair conditioner that helps to avoid the dryness that neem may bring.

You’ll need

fenugreekseeds, 2 tsp.
a total of 40 neem leaves
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Soak the fenugreek seeds for approximately three hours in water. Next, blitz the seeds with the neem leaves and a few drops of water.
When the paste is smooth, mix in the yogurt and lemon juice.
Apply to greased hair and let on for approximately an hour. It must be washed away.
For optimal results, use this mask twice a week. At, you may get rid of dandruff for free.

Treatment with Neem and Coconut Oil

Hot oil treatments are fantastic for your hair. They not only soothe and relieve nerves due to the massage that follows the application of the oil, but they also improve the health and texture of your hair. Another helpful dandruff cure is a blend of neem leaves and coconut oil.

You’ll need

1 pound coconut oil
a total of 20 neem leaves
1 tablespoon lemon juice
a quarter-cup of castor oil

Heat the coconut oil before adding the neem leaves. Allow for a 15-minute boil before turning off the heat.
After the oil has cooled, drain it and combine it with the lemon juice and castor oil.
Keep the oil in a clean, dry container and use it to massage your hair at least twice a week. Allow at least an hour for the oil to sit in your hair before washing it out.
Your hair will become silky, smooth, and dandruff-free in no time.

Neem Oil Treatment experts also recommend using neem oil to prevent and treat dandruff.

The neem tree’s seeds are used to make neem oil. It is very effective in removing flaking from the scalp. It may be added to shampoos or mixed with a carrier oil after diluting it.

You’ll need

14 cup of neem oil 1 cup coconut oil

Heat the coconut oil gently before adding the neem oil.

Apply to the scalp in a generous amount. For best results, leave it on overnight. It must be washed away.
For optimal results, use the neem oil treatment twice or three times each week.

Neem is a natural and effective dandruff treatment. To get the best results, make sure to use these remedies on a regular basis. To avoid dandruff, keep your scalp clean, eat a balanced diet, exercise, drink lots of water, and avoid stress. Get a doctor’s opinion on how to get rid of dandruff at.