The Oxeye Daisy: How to Grow and Care for It

The Oxeye Daisy: How to Grow and Care for It.

The oxeye daisy, scientifically known as Leucanthemum vulgare, is a kind of perennial wildflower that a lot of people who are into plants find to be very uplifting and mysterious.

This native of Europe and Asia may range freely in the garden and bring a touch of the mysterious to many settings. It can be found growing along roadsides and along the borders of woodlands throughout the continent of North America.

The flower heads belong to the family Asteraceae, also called the Aster family, and they have a similar appearance to those of the Shasta Daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum), despite the fact that they are far smaller, measuring only one to three inches wide. The term Leucanthemum comes from the ancient Greek word “leucos,” which translates to “white.”

This is likely where the Latin name came from, since the flowers have a brilliant white color with a vibrant goldish-yellow core. It was believed that the oxeye daisy had some kind of connection to divination, particularly in France.

Petals are still selected to play the contemporary game of “he loves me, he loves me not” to decide one’s luck in love, and this practice revolves around the idea that heavenly timing and wisdom are at play.

Plants often reach heights of one to three feet and widths of one to two feet when mature. This herbaceous perennial has broad-leaf foliage that remains evergreen throughout the year and has a very fine texture.

The leaves are serrated and deeply cut, ranging in width from one to five inches, with the longest leaves being towards the plant’s base. The flowers bloom from May till August, with a golden disk in the middle that is flattened and resembles the eye of an ox.

The diameter of each flower ranges from one to three inches, and it may have anywhere from seven to twenty petals. The stems are slender and may reach heights of up to two feet, and they often branch to create two or more flower heads. Flowers with a captivating appearance and a lengthy vase life are ideal for use as cut specimens in bouquets or on their own in vases of water.

Oxeye Daisy Care.

This wildflower requires little effort to cultivate. Plant seeds in the latter part of winter or at the beginning of spring. Put a distance of 12 inches to 3 feet between each one. In perennial beds and borders, in a cottage garden, a wildflower area, or in a moon garden, where the white blossoms will show in the night, seeds, seedlings, or mature plants are all welcome.

If there is enough space for it, you may plant oxeye daisy in a meadow, a naturalized area, near a septic system, or even around a patio. Other possible locations include: Combining it with other pollinator-friendly perennial flowers will ensure that it receives a steady stream of visits from butterflies.

The oxeye daisy often overruns garden plants even though it has the potential to become invasive. The development of this plant may actually be helped by activities like as cutting, mowing, trampling, and grazing. The plant may propagate itself both by producing seeds and by sending out underground stems known as rhizomes.


In certain regions, the oxeye daisy is regarded as an invasive species and considered to be a noxious plant. In disturbed regions, it has the potential to grow common, but in natural ecosystems of excellent quality, it does not pose as much of a problem. The plant is now included on the quarantine list for Washington State.


By routinely removing the spent flower heads, you may stimulate the plant to produce additional blooms.

Eliminate plants of the oxeye daisy before they are able to generate seeds in order to stop the spread of this invasive species. It is important to remove plants by pulling them out by their roots. Oxeye daisies are quite simple to uproot entirely due to the fact that their root systems are not very deep.

Mow down any seedlings that aren’t desired before they become too large. The ground should then be covered with mulch. Because of this, fresh seeds will not be able to grow. You might also try using a herbicide that is safe for use on lawns and is designed specifically for oxeye daisies.


Rhizomes and the plants’ own seeds are the two primary methods of plant propagation. They should be divided every two to three years, or root cuttings may be used to propagate the plant.


Place in a sunny location, ideally one that gets full sun. Additionally, it may flourish in conditions of partial shade or afternoon sun, particularly in locations that are hot and humid.

Plant seeds in soil that is neutral in pH and has good drainage. Plants are also able to thrive on soils that are more sandy and dry.


Allow the soil to get completely dry in between waterings so that you may grow drought-resistant oxeye daisies. During the time that the seeds are sprouting, however, they need to have a regular amount of moisture. After that, you should cut down on the amount of water you use to one to two inches every week.

Temperature The oxeye daisy can endure temperatures as low as -22 degrees Celsius (28 degrees Fahrenheit). It need 130 days without frost in order to develop, propagate, and be healthy.

How to Become a Plant From a Seed

The oxeye daisy may also spread by its seeds, which are tufted and can be carried in dung or disseminated by the wind. These seeds may be transferred with wood, contaminated fodder grass, and legume seed as well. They can normally stay viable in the soil for 20 years (occasionally up to 39 years), and cold-stratification is not required to maintain their viability. 2 When beginning seeds intentionally, it is important to keep in mind that the optimal conditions for seedling germination are increased light and soil moisture.

Frequent Insect Problems and Illnesses

Always be on the lookout for aphids, mites, and leaf miners, since they may appear at any time. Verticillium wilt, leaf spots, and stem rots are some of the other diseases that may affect oxeye daisies. 3 On the whole, however, they are quite tough and resistant to the difficulties posed by a wide variety of other common illnesses in addition to those posed by deer and rabbits.

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