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The First Date

The First Date

As a comfort-building stage in the wooing process, the dating period is critical. Your “game” will be put into action at this time.
Your objective should be to provide her with such a positive dating experience that she returns to her friends and says, “There’s something about him that I can’t describe; I’ve never felt like this before in my life.




Keep in mind that if a lady agrees to go on a date with you, it indicates that she has already decided that you are a viable alternative in her life. You have the makings of a prospective lover on your shoulders. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.
As a general guideline, don’t go overboard with your plans for the first date; rather, try to keep things basic and clear.



Some things you should avoid doing on your first date include the following:
Don’t take her to a meal, coffee, or other such event where you’ll simply sit around and speak with no plans to do anything. “Sales pitch” date is what I call it, and it’s exactly what it sounds like: a dull date.




Attending a concert or going to the movies is out of the question for you. When it comes to “sales pitch” dates, they might be much worse than they are since you are unable to speak because the volume is too high.
Don’t take her on a lunch date that will put her in the friendzone right away.
In lieu of that, your objective is to provide her with a dating experience that includes two components:




One, it allows her to regard you as a self-assured gentleman; two, it allows you to have a shared experience, as if you were “fellow criminals.”
The atmosphere you’ll want to create with her will be one of “you and I against the world.”
What you should do in this situation is as follows: Dates with activities, particularly those that cause her to experience a surge of emotions, both positive and negative, should be planned..





It’s because she won’t remember the things you did together when it’s time to say goodbye. The only thing she’ll remember about you is how she felt while you were with her.
If she like adorable animals, consider taking her to the petting zoo as one of your first-date activities. Other suggestions include:





It is likely that she will equate your hugging obsession with everything.
Make a pit stop at the museum if she’s a bookworm. It is likely that the sculptures, paintings, and dinosaur bones will elicit in her feelings of amazement and wonder, which she will subsequently associate with you. Or A trip to the book shop is in order!
Consider taking her to a comedy performance if she is in need of some relaxation time. Because of your laughing and positive emotions, she will link you with them.




Spend some time walking around in one of your city’s lovely parks.
In order to succeed, you must be innovative and proactive. The date must be planned out, but you must also be willing to modify plans on the fly if the situation demands that you.
Now, if anything goes wrong on the date, such as if she is hurt or disturbed by anything you said, or if she feels insulted by you holding the door for her, don’t get too worked up about it.




You should not apologize for being yourself, nor should you make any special efforts to make her feel better.
Tell her instead: “You know what, I really liked you and felt we had a wonderful vibe going on, but I think we should call it a night at this point. “

How to Set Dates
How to Make Friends When You’re Lonely

When it happens, thank her for her time and finish the date, then go on with your life as normal..
In my opinion, this is the proper way to go.
What to do if your date goes well is what we’ll speak about in the next section.
Making the date interesting is not difficult.



It’s a 30/70 split when it comes to having discussions with her when on a date. As a result, you should only contribute 30 percent of the maximum amount of speaking time, whereas she should speak at least twice as much.
Why? It is important to establish an emotional connection with her in order to achieve success.
And the more a woman speaks to you, telling you about herself and attempting to earn your approval, the greater the emotional connection she feels towards you becomes over time.
So, ask her questions and then step back and let her to respond to them.. Your inquiries should lead you to discover things you share in common with her, which will only serve to enhance the discussion and strengthen your bond with her even more.




Some useful questions to ask include the following:
“What would you do with your life if money were not a concern?”
I’d want you to share an interesting fact about yourself with me.
If you don’t want to talk about your physical appearance, tell me three positive characteristics about which you are most proud.
You’ll want to call her out when she says anything ridiculous or plainly untrue in the meanwhile. If you want to tease her about it, do do respectfully. Her confidence in her ability to deceive you is enhanced by her ability to “let her hair down” with you while also knowing she can’t be fooled.
Likewise, be courteous to everyone else with whom you come into contact throughout the date, such as baristas, waiters, hostesses, tour guides, and so forth. The fact that you don’t need to “push others about” to feel relevant shows her that you’re a man with his life in order.





What Should You Say to Her If You Want Her to Like You More?

The answer is “yes,” but only if it is a real complement and gift from your heart; otherwise, you should limit the number of compliments you give to a maximum of three each week. In addition, I have a rule that I only complement a lady if the remark is sincere on my part. Using flattery does not work for me since it leads to nowhere.




If you do want to congratulate her, make sure that your complement encourages her to play the role you want her to play in your life. If you do not want to appreciate her, don’t say anything.
Consider telling her she’s a “excellent communicator” if you’re looking to have her as your confidant in life.




Alternatively, if you believe she has a wonderful physique and want to encourage her to keep it that way, offer her comments such as: “Your clothing truly complements your figure.
alternatively if you like how easy she is to get along with and would wish to see more of it in her, tell her: “I’ve really loved spending time with you. Please keep it up.”
“It’s a pleasure to be around you.”




It is clear what I am trying to say here.
Those Things You Should Never Bring Up in Conversation
The following are some topics you should never bring up while you’re discussing.
When trying to impress her, don’t mention how much money you earn or how many vehicles you have or how you look or what you wear or how expensive your watch is. This is a kind of approval-seeking that communicates insecurity to females.




You should never speak of “your future together” in a negative way. You should even refrain from mentioning your second date during your first. Your neediness is communicated to her by the fact that you don’t truly interact with many women.
Never bring up your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend unless you’re sharing a hilarious anecdote about them or talking about them in a favorable light. Any less than that, and you come off as a “angry ex-boyfriend,” which is not someone she wants to be associated with.
Concerning the act of kissing:





A date, according to the legendary Coach Corey Wayne, “is a fun-filled romantic chance for sex to occur.”
With my addition of an asterisk, In an ideal situation, your dates will go so smoothly that sex is all but unavoidable.
The next step on the path to sex is to kiss her if everything goes well on a dating date.
After all, it’s self-explanatory.




Let me explain: you should only ever kiss a lady for the first time if you are 100% certain that she is interested in you.
Touching you, bumping you, grabbing your arm and rubbing it against her breasts, and other signs that she’s into you are all possibilities.
If her gaze keeps going from your eyes to your lips, it’s possible that she’s also thinking about kissing you.




She has a thing for you, and she wants to be friends with you. Time to go in closer for the kiss now!
To go to kissing, consider the following options:
When she bumps you or touches you sensually, say “My turn,” sniff her neck, and then repeat the process. 2. This indicates that she is ready to kiss you if you are given the go-ahead.





2. Ask her: “On a scale from 1 to 10, how excellent of a kisser are you?” 3. As soon as she gives herself a high score, tell her, “I’ll be the judge of that,” and then go in for the kiss; as soon as she gives herself a negative score, make a joke about it, such as, “Why?”
‘Do you need a tic-tac first?’ In the event that she informs you that she would not kiss you, remind her that “I never said you couldn’t.”




Never lose your cool if she flatly refuses to kiss you for any reason. It’s no big issue, just like everything else. Enjoy the remainder of the date, express gratitude to her for her time, and then move on to other ladies to continue the conversation.



The criterion stays the same: you must kiss at the conclusion of the date to be considered successful. This indicates that she has no romantic emotions for you if she turns her face so you may kiss her cheek.
Again, don’t take it personally and instead express gratitude for her time and move on with your life.




Never kiss her on the cheek before kissing her on the lips, as it should go without saying. Having a lack of self-confidence is an obvious indication of your character. Do whatever it takes to get her. If you desire something, don’t be afraid to go after it.
The question is, what happens if she agrees to allow you kiss her on her lips at the conclusion of the date?




The nicest thing to say to her until she takes you into her apartment and begins stripping you naked is “I had a fantastic time.” Please say “good night” and go.
Everything has been spoken and done. Keep your word and don’t promise to call or beg for a different date.




What’s the harm in experimenting? As a result of the fact that most women are uncomfortable with the concept of having sexual relations on a first date.
Additionally, they don’t want to risk a second date with someone who is obviously interested in them, and this is the message you bring across when you vow to call or ask for a second date after the first one ends.
As a result, you don’t. You tell her that you had a nice time and then you leave her to her own devices..




Her curiosity about your actual motives will be piqued! Allow her to think about you for a while after you go.
In light of the above, allow me to discuss scoring on the first date.
Even after your first date with a lady, there is no assurance that you will have sexual relations with her. However, there are a few things you can do to improve your odds of succeeding in your endeavors. Here are just a few examples of what we’re talking about.
The first date should consist of at least three different venues. You should keep in mind that it will take around 4 to 10 hours for her to feel comfortable enough to contemplate sleeping with you. In terms of dates, it is about three.




However, if you take her to at least three different sites during your date, it might register in her mind as having gone on three or more dates with you, increasing the levels of comfort and attraction she feels, even if she is just going out with you for the first time.
Number two: Begin the date at your place of residence. Specify that she should come to you. When she comes in, excuse yourself by saying something like, “I left something in the bedroom,” or “I just need a minute to tie up some things,” and then go away. Afterwards, after a few minutes, you take her out to begin the date.





This allows her to get more comfortable with your home early on, increasing the likelihood that she will return to it beyond the day on which you have invited her to dinner. When we’re talking about #3, you should invite her to your home once the date is over. Invite her to your house for drinks, a movie, or anything you want as soon as she shows signs of being interested in you (she’s bumping and grinding). The things she enjoys will become apparent to you as your chats go.
In this way, she may maintain plausible deniability or just make an excuse to return to your home. For her to do so when she has other reasons to return to you outside sex is simpler because she can then convince herself that “it simply occurred,” or that “it was his idea,” after which she will feel more comfortable.





Afterwards, when you’re alone, step up to the plate and kiss someone shortly after that. You may take a moment to make a couple of drinks in your kitchen or crank up some music in your living room, but you should kiss her as soon as you close the door behind you and lock it behind you again. As soon as you’ve finished making out with her, grab her by the hand and bring her inside your room.




So, what happens now?… That will be covered in more detail in the next chapter.
If she kisses you but does not want to spend the night with you, what do you do then.
The truth is that this is really the most likely consequence you’ll receive, and that’s just OK. Please keep in mind that it may take at least three dates before she succumbs to her desires. For now, keep the mystery alive by refusing to contact her within 48 hours of the scheduled date.




Without a doubt, you SHOULD schedule the next meeting in advance. That is correct; once a week should enough. Wait 2-3 days after each date before calling her to set up the next one while you’re the one who’s initiating contact with her.
Eventually, if your dates are going well, she’ll start wanting to see you more often than once a week, and she’ll begin contacting you on her own initiative.





As soon as she does, keep your exchanges brief; no more than 3-5 text messages back and forth or 10 minutes on the phone at a time. During your conversation, tell her: “It’s lovely to hear from you again. ” I’m sorry, but I have to go. So, when do you have some time available? If we could get together later this week, that would be fantastic.”




In order to be successful, it is essential to prioritize things other than women in your life.
Always keep in mind that ladies should never be your first and foremost focus in any situation. Women, dating, and sex aren’t enough for you; you need something larger.





Worst case scenario, she becomes enraged since you have decided not to continue chatting with her. Entice others with your fun and teasing nature. “I’m sure you’re aware of how much I appreciate you. My schedule has been quite hectic, as it has been throughout the year. It’s possible that I like it when you are missing me as well.”

Send her a text message once in a while to let her know you’re thinking about her and appreciate her.




In most cases, though, she should be pursuing you rather than the other way around.
Once she begins to pursue you, it is OK to date her several times a week, as frequently as she desires and as often as your schedule enables you to do.



At some point, she’ll pose the question: “So, what are we?” Whether you begin a genuine connection with her right away or tell her that you want to wait a little longer is entirely up to you.

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