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The Eclipse Is Not A Good Time To Manifest Your Dreams

The Eclipse Is Not A Good Time To Manifest Your Dreams

It is a great approach to connect with astrology and establish a regular spiritual practice to do moon rituals that coincide with the important times of the monthly lunar cycle. New moons are ideal for rituals of intention-setting and manifestation, whilst full moons are ideal for charging crystals and performing cleaning rituals of all kinds. However, if you follow a lot of astrologers on social media, you may have come across some posts or videos advising against performing your usual moon rituals or manifestation practices during a solar or lunar eclipse, such as November’s full moon eclipse on Nov. 19. This is especially true if you follow a lot of astrologers on Facebook. Despite the fact that eclipses may be potent harbingers of spiritual development and major life events, they are not the greatest time to do moon magic.

A lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse are both forms of eclipse that occur when either a new or full moon coincides exactly with the ecliptic, or the sun’s apparent path across the sky. Lunar eclipses are the more common type of eclipse, while solar eclipses are the rarer sort of eclipse. When there is a full moon, lunar eclipses will occur; when there is a new moon, solar eclipses will occur. There are four to six eclipses every year, and they usually occur in pairs, with consecutive new and full moons happening back-to-back on successive new and full moons (these periods are referred to as “eclipse seasons”). Eclipses may last anywhere from four to six minutes.



Astrologically, eclipses are known to bring about rapid shifts and tremendous development spurts, as well as the possibility for sudden changes. They are often distinguished by startling disclosures, abrupt ends, and exhilarating new beginnings that assist us in realigning with our true purpose – albeit in unexpected ways, depending on the circumstance. For the reason that eclipses are essentially simply supercharged new and full moons, it would be reasonable to assume that they are unrestricted in their application to crystal charging, moon manifestations, and other lunar rituals – but this is not the case.



Due of the large number of realignments and disclosures that occur in a short period of time, the atmosphere during eclipse season may be chaotic, powerful, and frequently difficult. Having that type of intense and unstable energy present in your manifestation rituals or charging your crystals is not something you want to allow into your practice. Instead, eclipses are ideal for taking a step back, analyzing the changes, and letting the cosmos do its job without interfering.



However, many astrologers (including myself) believe that lunar eclipses are an exception to the rule and should not be used for witchy rituals. Naturally, not every spiritual practitioner agrees with this, but there is a lot of astrological information that might explain why eclipse season rituals are not the most effective use of your time and resources.



Eclipse Rituals Should Be Avoided, According to Astrologers.

In general, eclipse manifestations and rituals are not a good idea, but there are a few specific reasons behind this. In the first instance, it is concerned with the actual positions of the luminaries (the sun and moon). The sun, the moon, and the earth align in such a manner that the sunlight and/or the moon’s light are blocked out during an eclipse. 


Eclipses may be very visually impressive depending on where you are on the planet when they take place. However, astrologically speaking, this actually weakens the power of the luminaries, making it an unlucky moment to invoke their energy in a ceremony (as we would during a new or full moon ritual). When the luminaries are trapped in each other’s eclipse shadows, they are unable to operate as they would normally, and as a result, the entire cosmic energy is much more charged and powerful — which is why you should avoid charging your crystals or attempting to materialize during this time.



Another reason for this alignment is that eclipses always fall on or near the two significant astrological points known as Nodes of Fate (which are located on the ecliptic and are associated with fate), and this alignment imbues these lunations with a magical element that is believed to be connected to our destinies. All of the events and changes of heart that occur during eclipse season are very certainly predestined — that is, they would have occurred anyhow, but the eclipses’ power has accelerated the progression of events and changes of heart. What it seems to be is a mechanism for the cosmos to intervene in our lives and re-direct us back onto the path that was intended for us. You may be diverting yourself from or blocking yourself off from the wonderful benefits, realizations, and life lessons that eclipses are aiming to impart by attempting to do your own manifestation rituals during an eclipse.



Is It Possible to Engage in Spiritual Practices During Solar Eclipses?

Eclipse season may be a time when manifestation and moon rituals are not possible, but these cosmic occurrences are nonetheless very spiritually potent times of year. In light of the fact that eclipses assist us in aligning with our destiny, whatever we may do to connect with our spiritual side (apart from ritual work) is beneficial. In other words, rather than attempting to make particular objectives or charge your crystals under the light of the moon, engage in activities that encourage self-reflection and personal development. 


When it comes to being present and processing the events that have occurred as a result of the eclipses, starting a writing practice or generating daily gratitude lists might be beneficial during eclipse season. Moreover, solar eclipses are excellent opportunities to connect with your most intimate circle of friends to share your feelings and work through any important changes you are going through. Doing an eclipse tarot spread is also an excellent approach to seek advice from your inner self and get clarity in your emotions.



Eclipses are also ideal for any spiritual practices that help you remain grounded, peaceful, and in touch with yourself in the middle of the cosmic mayhem. Meditating, taking long walks, spending time in nature, or working with stress-relieving crystals are all excellent ways to retain your cool and make the most of the sometimes-destabilizing eclipse energy that will be there.

A Numerologist's Top 4 Life Path 9 Compatibility Matches

Calculating your life path number might help you feel more connected on your spiritual journey. Numerology is the study of numbers and their mystical connotations. Because various life paths have differing degrees of compatibility, knowing your life path number may also help you connect with people in a more meaningful manner (just like zodiac signs). If you’re on life path 9, you have a strong desire to help others, and it’s critical that your relationships be supportive and understanding of your altruistic aspirations.


Life’s journey Numerology’s inspirational and spiritual humanitarians are the nine persons. These natural givers have a lot of sympathy for others, and they need to feel like they’re making a difference in the world to feel happy. Master numerologist Josh Siegel tells Bustle, “The 9 life path is unique in that they utilize their empathy to fight for the group.” “They have a personal life, but it must be balanced with their more public and humanitarian goals – which means their spouse must be compatible with this lifestyle.”

Life path 9s have an easy time connecting with others because of their adaptive personalities and great capacity to sympathize with others, thus they’ll discover they have a good degree of numerological compatibility with practically any other life path. While each partnership would have mutually advantageous qualities, there are a few numbers that may be difficult. Life path 4s, for example, may assist ground 9s but can also make them feel weighed down by their practical views, according to Siegel. Similarly, life path 8s may find common ground with 9s, but the 9 may ultimately be turned off by their materialistic goals.

Continue reading to learn about the numerology life path numbers that are most compatible with life path 9.

Life Path 9 is the first match.

After all, opposites attract, and we frequently seek mates who can balance out some of our own tendencies. Not everyone will be compatible with others who have the same life path number as them. Connecting with other 9s, on the other hand, may generate a strong partnership for persons with life path 9. “Other 9s are the most apparent suitable number for life path 9s,” Siegel argues, “because they can work together to alter the world.” Because 9s are so mission-driven, they’ll find a compassionate companion in their fellow 9s, and they’ll encourage one another to keep going down the unselfish route.

Life Path 6 is the second match.

Life’s journey The caring personality of life path 6 persons might be a perfect fit for 9s since they are gentle souls who are sensitive to energy. “Six life pathways may be quite similar to the nine,” Siegel argues, “since they share similar goals and can be service-oriented.” “The 9 might assist the 6 in finding a wider outlet for their desire to serve, and the 6 can remind the 9 of the value of home and family.” People on the Life Path 6 motivate 9s to fill their own cup before helping others, allowing them to offer even more to the world.

Life Path 2/11 is the third match.

Both life path 9s and life path 2s (along with their master number 11 counterparts) have a strong desire to create peace and understanding amongst individuals so that they may work together peacefully in a partnership. “As the 2 or 11/2 individual is extremely intuitive and ambitious,” Siegel explains, “Life Path 2 or even 11/2 master numbers may connect up with 9s.” “With the 9, this may be a potent combination, and they could have an influence on society.” Both 2s and 11s will be able to naturally vibe with 9s’ changeable and go-with-the-flow manner of life since 9s will bring out their service-oriented side.

Life Path 3 is the fourth match.

Connecting with others in a meaningful manner is critical for those on life path 9. As a result, with a communicative and charming life path 3 at their side, they will be able to learn even more about how to properly develop connections with people. “3s are social, pleasant, and creative, and they can make the 9 seem good in public situations,” Siegel adds. 



“However, they are known for being aloof in their personal life, which runs counter to the 9’s social sensitivity and welcoming demeanor.” While life path 3s may surely assist 9s in developing and expressing their ideas to the public, despite their other compatible attributes, their chilly and distant manner may make it difficult for the couple to establish emotional common ground.

These 25 Quotes Are Perfect For Libras

People born under the sign of Libra are noted for being fair and sociable, as well as having a good eye for aesthetically pleasing aesthetics. These signs are symbolized by the scales of justice, which may explain why we are so encouraged to seek balance during Libra season, which runs from September 23 to October 22. Libra is the sign of the scales of justice. We can all benefit from their level-headedness and sly appeal — and if you have a high concentration of Libra placements in your birth chart, knowing about and praising their zodiac attributes can be beneficial to understanding your birth chart in general (and lots of fun, of course).


Libras are considered to be cardinal air signs. Cardinal signs, much as they herald the beginning of a new season, are also known for their ability to generate ideas with ease and are regarded as the zodiac’s architects. Libras are free-flowing, clever, and effective communicators since they are born under the sign of the air element. It also happens to be controlled by the seventh house of relationships, which is also ruled by Venus, the planet of love, which makes Libras very relationship-oriented and explains why they’re seen as flirtatious and passionate.



However, Libras, like all other zodiac signs, have a dark side to them. In part because they are concerned with being fair, they might get overwhelmed with decision-making and exhibit passive-aggressive tendencies when in conflict with others. They might be too concerned with pleasing others and can be a little flighty at times — but their hearts are always bent on doing what is right for everyone.

If you were born under the sign of Libra or would want to learn more about this endearing constellation, here are 25 quotations for Libra zodiac signs that wonderfully depict their playful and flirtatious nature.


“Justice is about ensuring that being courteous does not imply that one is being silent.” It’s true that, on many occasions, shaking the table is the most honorable thing you can do.” – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democratic congresswoman and political activist


The ability to think through everything — including all of my ramifications — before making a choice, as well as everything that would occur as a result of that decision, is something I have mastered. “I’m a Libra, and I’m a strategic thinker.” — Hilary Duff, actress, singer, and author


“It is only by learning to live in peace with your paradoxes that you will be able to hold it all together.” — Audre Lorde, feminist and civil rights activist, as well as a writer and feminist


“The more in tune with oneself you are, the more cheerful and loyal you are.” Instead than disconnecting you from reality, faith “connects you to reality,” as the saying goes. The author and lyricist Paulo Coelho said this.


‘I believe that you have several soulmates throughout your life, and that your soul need different things at various periods.’ I do believe in the power of love. “I will always believe in love, but my perspective on it has shifted from what I have always believed.” KKW Beauty founder Kourtney Kardashian West is a socialite, model, and entrepreneur


“Consider yourself to be incredibly courageous: be powerful, be extremely nice, and, above all, consider yourself to be humble.” Serena Williams, a professional tennis player, is one example.


“It makes me happy when people underestimate me and are pleasantly surprised by my abilities. I like meeting new people and sharing my tales with them, as well as informing them about the projects I am now working on. “I’m looking forward to the task.” Kim Kardashian West is a businesswoman, socialite, and model who has made a name for herself.


“The way I feel about myself is much more significant than how I seem to others.” The ability to exude confidence and feel comfortable in your own flesh is what really distinguishes you as attractive.” ― Bobbi Brown, a cosmetic artist and the creator of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics.

“Vulnerability is the core of romance,” says the author. It takes skill to be unpredictably dumb, the willingness to seem foolish, and the confidence to say, “This is me, and I’m interested in you enough to show you my faults in the hope that you would accept me for all that I am and, maybe more importantly, all that I am not.” 


— Ashton Kutcher, actor, entrepreneur, and human rights campaigner
“Libras are looking for something more than just adoration. When it comes to love, they seek something that is virtually unaffordable.” — Alex Dimitrov, astrologer and co-author of Astro Poets: Your Guides to the Zodiac (Astro Poets: Your Guides to the Zodiac).


“My recommendation: Don’t spend too much time worrying about your skin or your weight,” she says. What you do in the world and what you lay your hands on should be developed.” — Meryl Streep, actress and producer


“To fall in love with oneself is the beginning of a lifetime relationship with oneself.” ― Oscar Wilde, creator of An Ideal Husband and other works of fiction
The truth and honesty etched on a woman’s face will make her attractive, no matter how plain she may seem. Eliza Roosevelt, previous First Lady of the United States and political activist, says:

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