The Benefits and Drawbacks of Camper Tire Covers

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Camper Tire Covers.

The need for camper tire coverings is a subject of debate among people.

There could be some benefit in my own personal experience in this situation. Over the course of two decades, we logged 120,000 miles in our recreational vehicle. We kept the RV outside while it wasn’t in use, we never used tire covers, and we only had to change the tires twice throughout the whole 20-year period.

As a side point, the last time we changed the tires was just before we decided to go full-time, and those tires had just 8,000 miles on them when we sold the coach, meaning that two sets of tires survived 18 years and 112,000 miles.

Over the course of our journey, we only suffered one flat tire on an inside dual. When we changed the tires, we made sure to get the greatest quality we could find, and we had them siped to minimize the damage caused by excessive heat buildup on the tires.

Another environmental aspect that may have played a large effect in our tire wear was the fact that we resided in Oregon and spent most of our 20 years of RVing in the Pacific Northwest.

Like many other parts of the nation, we were never subjected to excessive temperatures for lengthy periods of time. Yes, summers in Oregon may be hot, but not as hot as those in Arizona, Nevada, or Texas, or in other regions where tire melting heat can last for extended periods of time. When not in use, we also parked our RV in a place that minimized the amount of direct sunshine hitting the tires.

It wasn’t until we began traveling in other areas of the nation that we realized how much we needed tire coverings throughout all that time. This pair of Northwest daisies were almost melted by the heat and humidity of Florida in late October.

It was an unpleasant surprise to find just how hot certain sections of the nation can be, and the more time we spent in the unrelenting sunlight, the more we thought that tire coverings could be a smart idea for the future. After spending many months driving across the southern United States, we finally grasped the significance of tire coverings.

There are certain disadvantages of using tire coverings;
How much it will cost (about $60 apiece and up when multiplied by two, four, or six people)
The inconvenience of putting them on and getting them off; the possibility of the necessity for fasteners around the wheel wells; and
Their fluttering in the wind made a humming sound.
As a result of the additional area, they will occupy in the basement
The advantages of camper tire covers are as follows:
There is one basic advantage that outweighs all of the negative points outlined above. Tire life is increased.

In my honest view, the fact that some individuals find camper tire covers to be visually nice is not sufficient justification to invest the money and effort necessary to install or remove the tire covers from a vehicle. Although it is not a strong enough incentive to purchase and utilize tire covers, the extended tire life is an excellent argument.

Remember, RV tires are costly (> $400 multiplied by 4, 6, or 8), and just rotating the tires on a regular basis will not significantly lengthen their life as much as continuously decreasing their exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation.

According to a Les Schwab tire shop manager, most recreational vehicle tires rot before they wear through the tread, and most of this decomposition takes place on the interior of the tires, rather than on the outside.

Excessive heat and ultraviolet radiation from direct sunlight increase the decay, therefore if you can restrict their exposure to ultraviolet light, you will be able to slow or even prevent the decay from occurring.

The necessity for camper tire coverings was brought to my attention by the IRV2 forums. Most of the comments were in favor of them, and several individuals were particularly enthusiastic about the amount of additional life you can anticipate from your tires if you keep them covered on a regular basis.

On one side of the trailer, I’ve seen canvas coverings loosely draped over the tires on the south side, and on the other side, I’ve seen tire covers fastened into bolts that had been fitted around each wheel well.

However, the coverings that simply fit over just the rubber area of the wheels while leaving the chrome wheels visible were the most tempting. These coverings are attached with elastic straps, are simple to put on and take off, are inexpensive (about $60 apiece), and take up little floor space in the basement when not in use.

While there are alternative kinds of wheel covers that rely on magnets to hold them in place, these need a metal framework as well as an RV with a wheel well, which is not often the case with campers and RVs. Furthermore, you should be aware of the magnetic tire covers that are available on the market nowadays.

There is a caution on the back of many of these types covers for persons who use medical equipment, such as a pacemaker. Patients with pacemakers should consult their doctor before buying magnetic tire covers since magnets may interfere with the functioning of the medical equipment.

All things considered, the common belief is that camper tire covers are a wise purchase. It is possible to use them indefinitely and to move them from one RV to another if you trade in your RV for a different model with tires of comparable size. Slowing down the degradation of your tires may save you hundreds of dollars over the course of time.

When we previously changed all of the tires on our motorhome, the total cost was over $2000, and the tires on our larger, heavier RV will cost close to $3000, so prolonging the life of these tires with four $60 tire covers and a little additional labor sounds like a good deal.

The number of tires visible may be calculated to estimate how many tire coverings may be required. When you have three tag axles on a fifth wheel, you’ll need six covers to protect both sides of the vehicle.
It is possible that there are four exposed tires on a camper with tag axles.

Is it possible to estimate the number of camper tire covers required?
Which number of camper tire covers do you require: two, four, or six. Using tag axles on your rig means you’ll have two tires exposed to the sun on each side of the vehicle, in addition to the front tires if you’re driving a motorhome or van. This means you’ll need six covers to adequately protect all of your RV tires, which is a lot more than you may think.

Optionally, you may choose screen coverings that attach to the inside of your wheel wells, which will reduce the number of screens required to just four. Using a compact trailer with twin tires on one axle, you’ll only need two covers for your RV tires (one for each side) if you’re towing the trailer with two tires.

If, on the other hand, your RV is a van or truck camper, or a classic motorhome with twin tires in the rear, you’ll need four covers to protect all of the exposed tires on your vehicle.

When going around your rig, count the number of tires you can see. This will give you an idea of how many covers you will need. In addition to your RV’s tires, you may wish to cover the tires of your towing vehicle as well.

Exactly how many tire covers do you need for your camper on each side?
Is it really necessary to have protection on all sides of your truck and trailer? Of course, it all depends on where you’re parked, but in certain areas, if your RV is facing north or south, the sun will rise on one side of your rig and set on the other.

To provide optimal protection, you’ll need at least four and maybe six coverings. You may be able to keep the tires on the north side of your vehicle exposed if you’re parked facing east or west, since they’ll be out of direct sunshine all of the time. Nevertheless, if you’re going to use tire covers, why not go the extra mile and protect all of your tires, all of the time?

On comparison to spending $3000 on new tires, it’s a no-brainer to invest $200 to $400 in camper tire covers. Putting on camper tire covers may increase the cost and inconvenience of replacing your tires in the long run, but if you can prolong their life by many years, it will be well worth the additional expense and inconvenience.

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