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Successful Seduction

Successful Seduction

The ideal sort of seduction is one in which you have complete control over the environment. It’s preferable if you can do it at your own house or apartment, a hotel room, or another location. It is not advised that you bring her to your dorm (which you share with roommates), and it is much less encouraged that you bring her to your parents’ home.
(So, if you don’t already have your own bachelor’s pad or if you don’t earn enough money to be able to check into a hotel whenever you want, you may want to put some effort into getting those things in order first!)



Let’s imagine you ask her to your home and she agrees to accompany you there. Set the stage for the seduction by putting on some music.
As you pour beverages, burn incense, shut the curtains, put on a movie or some music, or roll a joint or two, enlist her assistance in the task at hand. Once you’ve done that, begin to relax and work your way up to kissing time. Begin to kiss and make out.
Take notice that she may, at some time, show signs of resistance. Her usual intercourse is perilous for her, and no woman wants to face with the stress of an unintended pregnancies. Anything, from kissing to removing her clothing to fingering, has the potential to set off her defensive response.




What is my recommendation? Don’t get too angry over it. Then take a step back: if she refuses to kiss you, simply return to conversing or enjoying your beverages with your friends instead.
If she attempts to prevent you from taking off her clothing, just return to your previous position of just making out.




If she doesn’t want you to finger her, then go back to pulling off the rest of her clothing or fondling her in another part of the room.
Furthermore, if she provides complete opposition, as in she prevents you from advancing any farther, do not get irritated. Get something to drink or eat while you’re still watching the movie with the candles lit.




“Whether we have sex or not, I’m not going anywhere,” you should tell her.
It is at this point that she will either change her mind and allow you in, or she will accompany you all the way the next time you go on a date with her.



Let’s speak about what sex means to her and what she values about it.
She believes that sex is not only the most personal method to express love for another person, but it is also the most important. The act of having sexual encounters with you is also a gateway to the next stage of her connection with you. As a result, if you want her to like you after sex, you’ll want to pay heed to the advice provided in this section.




Your first concern should be ensuring that she is as comfortable as possible. You’re having a good time while you’re playing. It’s not only about entering her; it’s also about being emotionally present with her while you’re having sex with her. She considers your participation to be virtually a spiritual contact.
So the first time you have sex, make things as straightforward as possible. Make it your exclusive goal to achieve an increased degree of physical, mental, and emotional connection with her. Keep your most bizarre antics until the next time you’re having sex.
The objective isn’t only to have a one-night stand with her. The idea is to make her fall in love with it so much that she continues coming back for more, and things continue to become better and better for everyone.




To do this, you’ll need to make certain that your ejaculation is completely at your discretion.
That is, you should be able to exert entire control over your orgasmic experience. If you don’t have it, your chances of satisfying her are significantly reduced.
Consider the following scenario: If she is able to drain you, she has realized that she is stronger than you are, and most likely that the rest of the world is stronger than you as well. That’s quite unappealing, and it has the potential to transform whatever interest she may have had for you into scorn.




As a result, refocus your attention. Rather of concentrating on your own enjoyment, concentrate on hers. Relax. Feel what she’s going through. Keep an eye out for her indications, such as her groans and her answers to you. Bring her from one climax to the next in a smooth transition.





What Happens If You Can’t Keep Your Ejaculation Under Control?

If this is the case, then I’d like to introduce you to NoFap.
NoFap is an internet campaign that has gained the support of thousands of guys. The purpose of the movement is straightforward: to assist guys in breaking their addictions to pornography and masturbation.




The concept is self-evident: pornography and masturbation are both harmful behaviors on a variety of different levels. Every aspect of it is predicated on a deceptive promise of pleasure and fulfillment. There are no limits to this game, which has drove millions of men into misery and mediocrity throughout the course of their lives.
Through the promotion of healthy techniques of stress release, NoFap assists men in overcoming their dependency on porn and snorting. Some of the most successful techniques are as follows:




Participating in physical activity
Reading \Meditating
Keeping talks about porn and masturbation to a minimum
Showering with ice water
Deep breathing techniques should be practiced.
The guideline is straightforward: you should only alleviate stress through genuine sex. And having sex with a real woman, whether she is your partner or not, is part of doing so successfully.




A week or so is generally sufficient time for most newcomers to the NoFap movement before succumbing to their old desires. However, the next time they may attempt, they can extend the period to two weeks and then a month, and they will be able to suppress their cravings at will.
NoFap practitioners who have had success have become stronger and healthier, and their female clients have expressed delight in working with them. In the same manner, you’ll have the power to manage your ejaculation rather than having it rule you.




If you have trouble controlling your ejaculation, you may consider participating in the NoFap challenge. It’s challenging, but it’s well worth it. Take it slow and focus just on overcoming your addiction to porn and masturbation to begin with. Aim to conquer daydreaming and remembering later on in your recovery, when your strength increases.




When she inquires as to whether you have any other female companions
Your girlfriend will inquire as to whether or not you are seeing other women at some time throughout the wooing period, usually after sex but maybe even before.
Undeniably, if you aren’t prepared for it, this is a difficult question to answer.
Saying “no, you’re the only one I’m interested in right now” is not flattering to her in the least. In reality, it gives her the impression that you’re a loser who just happened to “get fortunate” with her. She believes she has been tricked, and her desire to him evaporates almost quickly.




If you tell her, “Yep, I see a lot of other women,” she will undoubtedly think you’re a jerk, and she will be right. It’s much worse if you speak about the other ladies since it informs her that you kiss and tell, and her chances of ever sleeping with you decrease dramatically.
Instead, say something like: “I don’t kiss and tell.” or anything like. “Let’s just say I’ve had my fair share of experiences, but I’ve never encountered somebody who was as cerebral, profound, or weird as yourself.”




Just bear in mind that (1) she has to be certain that sleeping with you will not harm her reputation, and (2) she wants to feel unique in your eyes and in your company. As long as your response meets these two standards, you should be in good standing.

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