steps to Butchering Smoking and Preparing Food after hunting

steps to Butchering Smoking and Preparing Food after hunting

In the same way that you must be efficient while hunting, you must also be efficient when preparing your meal.


Cooking and Preparing Food

Following confirmation that an animal has died, you may begin preparing the kill for consumption. This entails completing the four stages listed below as rapidly as possible to achieve the best possible preservation of the meat:


  • • Bleeding, 
  • gutting,
  •  skinning, 
  • and jointing are all options.


The process of draining blood from the kill is referred to as bleeding, as indicated by its name.
The presence of blood within a dead animal may hasten the decaying process, hence it is critical that all bleeding be completed properly.





 If you can, arrange your kills such that the head is pointing downwards, since this will allow the blood to flow more effectively. When dealing with huge animals, it is more beneficial to hang the beast from a frame to allow for more effective bleeding. 


A handy tree may be used for this purpose, but you can alternatively build a bleeding frame if you want to be more creative.




 Create an inverted ‘V’ shape at the top of the carcass by lashing two sturdy logs together that are of a comparable height (but somewhat longer than the carcass when it is stretched out). 





Then repeat the process with two additional logs to build the other side of the frame, and finally insert the last log into the gap at the top of the v-shaped frame. The hocks of the carcass may be connected to the top log, enabling it to dangle down from the top log. 


Obviously, if you don’t have the strength or ability to hang a huge animal, you should at the very least attempt to arrange it on a slope with the head pointing





How to process a Rabbit after hunting or killing

A strong strike to the back of the neck, followed by a chopping motion in a slightly downward direction, may rapidly and mercifully put down a rabbit in minutes.

steps to Butchering Smoking and Preparing Food after hunting

The process of removing blood

When a deer corpse is strung up on a specific frame, it may be bled more effectively, with gravity aiding in the draining process.



Value of Blood in Terms of Nutrition

Considering that animal blood is a rich source of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, it is important not to discard it. In a survival crisis, drinking animal blood, no matter how unappealing it may appear, will supply you with important micronutrients, such as iron and salt. The meat may be used to create sausages, or it can be used to flavor soups, stews, and sauces.




Cut the jugular or carotid artery and place a container under the head to catch the blood. The windpipe should not be cut since the stomach contents may get contaminated if the windpipe is. Slit the throat in a ‘V’ form across the neck or from ear to ear, avoiding the windpipe if possible.


 Large animals, such as cows, may contain up to 16 litres (28 UK pints) of blood at a time, so make sure your container is large enough to accommodate the amount or that you have many containers available.






During a period of suspension for bleeding, an animal may be gutted. Gutting is necessary because if the intestines and offal are not removed, they have the potential to contaminate the finished beef product (through stomach and bowel contents). Remove the testicles and musk glands from male animals, since they may also taint the flavor of the meat.



 Remove the testicles and musk glands from male animals. To do the procedure, cut a circle through your skin around your genitals and anus, being careful not to cut into your intestinal tract. 



Afterwards, slide two fingers into the incision and, while keeping the knife positioned so that the blade faces away from the animal’s body, gently extend the cut in a straight line from the genitals to the chin of the animal. It is expected that the entrails and guts will be released. When removing the entrails from an animal that has not been hanged, it is best to roll it.



It is possible to consume the kidneys and liver once they have been removed and stored properly. To be sure, search for evidence of illness in the liver, which should be smooth and moist and the color of purple or dark red.



 Remove this section of the body if it appears mottled or spotty; nevertheless, the other parts of the animal may still be eaten if properly cooked before consumption. Splitting up the chest cavity reveals the heart, lungs, and windpipe, which may then be explored further. 



Although it is not recommended to preserve the heart, it may be eaten in survival circumstances (as can the lungs, despite the fact that they have minimal nutritional value). Make sure to get as much of the windpipe out as you possibly can!





A Deer’s Stomach is Removed

It takes time and practice to correctly gut a deer. Start with a razor-sharp knife, which you should sharpen before beginning.

steps to Butchering Smoking and Preparing Food after hunting

steps to Butchering Smoking and Preparing Food after hunting

Skin Desensitization
The skin of an animal may be spread out on a frame like this one to dry after it has been scraped clean of its fatty deposits and scoured clean.




The bled and gutted corpse may be left hanging, or it can be removed from its frame and placed on a flat surface with its stomach facing up. If you skin the animal just after it has been bled, it will still be warm, which will make the job much simpler to complete. 



The incision should be extended further down the belly by cutting away from the genital region and down the inside of the forelegs, then begin pushing the skin away from the carcass with the knife while using the knife as little as possible to do so. You should be able to separate the skin from the flesh by rolling it outwards with your fingers. 


Work your way up from the animal’s back to its head, cutting off the lower legs at the knee joint to ensure that the skin is removed in a single piece. When removing the head, always cut away from yourself, exactly as you would when removing the legs.



 While dealing with tiny animals, such as rabbits, the procedure is rather basic; however, when dealing with bigger animals, it is considerably easier when two individuals are involved.


If you are hunting by yourself, keep in mind that you will be responsible for transporting and preparing any animals you kill on your own. When completely grown, even a little muntjac deer may reach upwards of 18kg (40lb) at its mature weight. Keep in mind that you will also be transporting equipment and a weapon, as well as the fact that you may have quite a distance to go before you reach your destination. 


The most practical approach to transport any large kill is to bind it to a solid branch with a length of rope and carry the burden on your shoulders if you are traveling with a group of people.



Large animals, such as deer or cows, should be quartered before cooking in order to make the process more manageable for the chef. The carcass should be divided into two halves below the backbone, and then cut each side between the ribs 10 and 11, or between the 11 and the 12th ribs. 


Generally speaking, the more delicate flesh is located in the hindquarters, and the harder meat is found on the forequarters. The harder meat will demand a longer cooking time and a lower temperature.


If you don’t want to eat the offal, which should be consumed as soon as possible, hanging a quartered corpse for a few days can make the flesh on the carcass more delicious and tender.


(Of course, this is dependent on the surroundings and the scenario.) For example, food that has not been prepared or stored might begin to decay within hours in very hot regions.)


Acids will begin to break down the tough muscle fibers in the body. In addition, the hanging method permits any germs present in the meat to perish. Because meat should only be hung in clean, cold circumstances, if you are camping and you are concerned that other animals or insects may get into your meat, it is best to preserve and store the meat as soon as you can once it has been harvested.



Getting a Rabbit’s Skin

Skinning a rabbit may be accomplished in a variety of ways. The method shown here entails tying up the rear legs and peeling the skin downwards……………………..
from the surface of the skin downwards




In addition to any weapons that may be necessary to kill the animal, there are a number of instruments that may make the process of prepping the corpse considerably simpler. A huge, very sharp hunting knife for cutting through flesh, tendons, and bone is one of these tools.



• A tiny knife with a narrow blade for skinning the corpse.
• A sharp, pointed knife for trimming the carcass and cutting the flesh.
• A container that is used for collecting and storing bodily fluids.
• Disposable containers for edible offal and waste entrails

As an alternative to the use of a knife in a survival scenario, you may make an edge on a piece of sharp stone (split slate or flint is especially effective; see Chapter 2), or bits of discarded steel (such as tin lids), by grinding them down to a sharp edge on a piece of rock.



Making the Most of Your Assassination

Aim to use as much of the animal as possible, whether for food or for other purposes. Hunting, killing, and preparing an animal may take a significant amount of time and energy, so you want to get the most out of each kill as possible. In order to avoid starving, it is critical that you do not invest more energy in hunting and preparing food than you obtain from consuming it. If you do, you will eventually starve.

 In addition to meat, animals may provide:


  •  • Stock, which can be made by boiling the feet, tail, and bones (make sure they are clean before using).
  • • Fat, which is a wonderful source of energy and may be utilized in cooking as well as in the preparation of other foods and meals to enhance their flavor and nutritional value.
  • • Skins, which may be used to make wonderful apparel.
  • • If properly sharpened, bones may also be used to produce powerful, useful tools or weapons.

After being dried, tendon and ligament fibers may be utilized to make lashings, bowstrings, and even snare wire.
A word of caution: although wild pigs might provide a copious supply of delectable meat, they can also be a source of parasites. The most effective method of killing them is to boil them fully.



In the event that you kill an animal that shows indications of illness (swollen neck, open sores, signs of weakness or disorientation), the same rules apply, but it is preferable to avoid such critters completely if possible. If you are handling raw meat, use extreme caution and never allow the animal’s blood to enter any open wounds on your body.






The same fundamental rules that apply to the preparation of animals also apply to the preparation of birds. First, bleed the bird, and then pluck it as soon as the blood stops flowing. 




In most birds, immersing them in hot water will loosen their feathers and make them simpler to pluck, with the exception of waterfowl and seabirds, for whom it will tighten their feathers. Begin plucking from the chest with a quick snapping motion to get the blood flowing. After that, gut the bird by cutting through it from the neck to the tail.




Remove and discard the contents, with the exception of the heart, liver, and kidneys, and cut the meat into pieces.
Remove and discard all of the internal organs, with the exception of the heart, liver, and kidneys, and cut off the head and feet of the animal. Birds that are younger and smaller in size may be roasted, while older and bigger birds will be more tender when boiled.


 It is also recommended that carrion birds be cooked since they are frequently carriers of illness or sickness. Feathers may be used for a variety of purposes, including insulation, arrow flights, and fishing hooks.






Tenderloins of Meat

This image displays the many sorts of meat that may be gotten from a deer when it is butchered properly. Rumps include some of the most tender and flavorful cuts of meat available.






Fish are a fantastic source of protein, vitamins, and vital fatty acids, among other nutrients. If you are fishing in freshwater, all of the fish you catch are edible; however, if you are fishing in tropical seas, you should consult an identification guide to ensure that you have not caught a toxic species.



When you have caught your fish, bleed and gut it as quickly as possible, gaining access to the innards by cutting from the tail to the neck of the fish. Fish under 5cm (2in) in length, on the other hand, do not need to be bled or gutted and may be eaten intact. 




Although fish may be cooked with their scales still on, de-scaling makes the skin more accessible, which is beneficial since it is an excellent source of nutrients.
Remove the fins, tail, and head of the fish. Bones and ribs may be removed, although doing so after cooking is typically simpler since it decreases the quantity of flesh lost during the preparation process.



Not to be overlooked is the fact that fish spoils rapidly and might be hazardous if not prepared as soon as possible after being caught. Dead fish seen floating on the surface of the water should never be eaten since it is possible that they are infected and that they have been there for an extended period of time.




Tip from the United States Army: Avoid consuming unsafe fish.

If the fish seems to be rotten, do not consume it. Cooking does not guarantee that ruined fish will be edible after it has been cooked. • Sunken eyes are one of the telltale signs of rotting.




  • • Odor that is distinct.
  • • Color that raises suspicion. (The color of the gills should range from red to pink.) Scales should be a distinct shade of grey, not a faded shade of grey.)
  • • After squeezing the fish’s flesh with your thumb, the dent remains in the flesh.
  • • A slimy, rather than a damp or wet, appearance to the body.
  • • A spicy or acrid aftertaste

Diarrhoea, nausea, cramping, vomiting, itching, paralysis and a metallic taste in the tongue are all possible side effects of eating spoilt or rotting fish. One to six hours after a meal, these symptoms begin to manifest themselves abruptly. If any of these symptoms arise, induce vomiting.




— United States Army Field Manual 21-76, Survival, p.95

Fish gutting and filleting are two different processes.
When it comes to gutting and filleting fish, a thin-bladed knife, such as those used by professional fishmongers, is preferable.
When dealing with animals, birds, and fish, thoroughly rinse the corpse after bleeding and gutting to eliminate any dirt or debris from the inside.





It goes without saying that returning to camp and preparing your catch is one of the unmistakable delights of the wilderness experience. Cooking your meat or fish not only makes it more palatable, but it also destroys germs and toxins and softens strong muscle fibers, in addition to providing mouth-watering, healthy meals.


 You may also forage for plants, herbs, fruits, and vegetables to prepare tasty, well-balanced meals that are rich in all of the nutrients your body need.





Cooking over an open fire

Cutting meat into cubes and roasting it over open flames on wooden skewers is a very easy technique of preparing meat, and it is also quite tasty.
Almost every technique of outdoor cooking involves some type of fire, for which you’ll need tinder, kindling, and fuel in addition to your other ingredients.



 Tinder may be any kind of dry material that can be readily lit, such as wood, straw, grass, or paper, or it can be a mixture of these materials. It ignites the kindling, which has a greater combustion point than the rest of the firewood, and raises the temperature of the fire.



Kindling consists of dried twigs and wood that has been soaked in flammable liquids. Fuel is then fed to the fire in order to keep it going. Wood is the most efficient kind of fuel since it burns more slowly than grass or moss.



 To prevent the fire from going out, make sure you have sufficient of (preferably dry) fuel on hand and that you keep adding to it. Consider the location of your fire carefully; you must maintain a safe distance from any overhanging foliage or ignitable materials, as well as from your shelter, while you are building a fire.


Hobo Stove (also known as a hobo stove) is a kind of stove that is used for cooking on the go.
The hobo stove is a famous form of improvised cooking used by special operations units. In addition to cutting an aperture in the side of the container for the fire, cut numerous vents around the bottom of the can to ensure that there is enough air movement.





Methods of preparing food

Almost every sort of cuisine, including boiling, frying, roasting, grilling, and baking, may be done in the wilderness with little equipment. Generally speaking, fish is done when the flesh begins to flake apart, and meat is cooked when the fluids from it flow clear when a skewer is stabbed into the fattest area of the meat. Continue to cook anything until you are certain that it is safe to consume on the side of caution if you are unsure if something is thoroughly done.




Fire in the Trench

When creating this basic trench fire, the grass is trimmed back to create a recessed platform for the fire, which is used to roast a chicken on a spit over an open flame.




Different Types of Fire

There are different campfire layouts to choose from, but keep in mind that the more air you let to reach the flames, the faster the fire will burn.





Tips from the United States Army: Different Types of Fire

In order to construct this fire, put the tinder, some kindling, and a few pieces of wood in the form of a tepee or a cone. Light the center of the room. As the tepee burns, the logs on the outside will fall inside, providing fuel for the fire. This style of fire performs effectively even when the wood is moist.



To build a lean-to fire, drive a green stick into the ground at a 30 degree angle from the ground. The end of the stick should be pointing in the direction of the wind. Place a large amount of tinder down underneath this lean-to stick. Lean chunks of kindling against the lean-to stick to keep the fire going. Light the tinder with a match.



 Whenever the kindling begins to catch fire from the tinder, add additional kindling.
Cross-ditching — to employ this approach, scrape a cross in the ground about 30cm (12in) in diameter. 


Dig the cross 7.5cm (3in) into the ground. Make a huge wad of tinder and place it in the center of the cross. Build a kindling pyramid on top of the tinder to keep it from catching fire. It is possible to draft via the shallow ditch since it enables air to flow under the tinder.



— United States Army Field Manual 21-76, Survival, p.67





Using a boiling technique to prepare meat or fish is one of the safest ways available since it decreases the danger of illness being transmitted during the digesting process. It also cooks uniformly, as opposed to frying or roasting, which might result in raw sections if the meat is not properly observed and flipped during the cooking process. 




Using a metal container, if you have one, boil meat or fish while it is hung over a fire. You may also boil water by dropping red-hot embers from the fire into it and replacing them with hot pebbles as soon as they begin to cool, in order to maintain the temperature from falling too low.



 It is possible to construct a boiling pot in the ground by scooping out a hole, coating it with a waterproof material such as leaves, filling it with water, and then adding hot coals to the hole.



 If at all feasible, keep any vessel covered throughout the boiling process in order to retain the heat and shorten the time it takes to bring the water to a boil.

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