Start Filming Your Hunts With The Best Hunting Video Camera

Start Filming Your Hunts With The Best Hunting Video Camera

I began shooting hunts in 2000 and have been enjoying myself ever since making amateur videos for pleasure. I understand that I am not and will never be George Lucas… However, as I become older, I like having good video cameras to record memories.





These days, anytime I’m out hunting or fishing, I want to have the camera ready. When it comes to fishing, you never know when something spectacular will occur…like my personal best walleye, which I caught on tape some years ago.



 If you don’t get any good video, the worst-case situation is that you reformat your SD card and erase everything. This takes approximately 10 seconds.


This essay is mostly intended for people who are interested in self-filming their hunts for entertainment purposes. Because there are so many different kinds of cameras that may be used to capture your hunting and fishing excursions, it might be difficult to determine which is the best video camera for hunting.



 As a result, I’ll break it down into the four different varieties, as well as what I believe to be the greatest hunting video cameras available today. (and yes, these can work great for filming fishing too).




DSLR Video Cameras — This is the standard digital camera design that you know and love.

Traditional video cameras, such as camcorders.

In this category, we have tiny cameras that may be installed on your head or anyplace else you like.

Live Streaming Cameras – These are video cameras that are used to broadcast live footage to the internet..

Having said that, which of these four kinds of video cameras do I believe is the greatest for hunting purposes? Probably an SLR, as I shall explain further down in this article.


For filming hunts, the best DSLR video camera to use is a Canon EOS 5D Mark III.



EOS 5DS R Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera

With a 50.6-megapixel sensor, the Canon EOS 5 DS R is a wonderful camera. Sweet. With its Dual DIGIC 6 Image Processors, this SLR camera responds in a flash.


The price seems costly, especially given the fact that it is brand new, but in the realm of technology, it is frequently the case that you get what you pay for. Despite the fact that I am a Nikon fanatic, the EOS 5DS is extensively utilized by both amateurs and pros throughout the globe.





The Canon EOS 5DS R has the following framerates:


The following frame rates are available at 1920 x 1080: 30 frames per second, 25 frames per second, and 24 frames per second (FULL HD)

60 frames per second for [1280 x 720]; 50 frames per second for [1280 x 720].

30- and 25-frame-per-second framerates for [640 x 480].


As with any SLR, I strongly advise investing in a set of robust, dependable lenses for this model. It is, nevertheless, difficult to produce a subpar video output while using the video mode. You’ll need a lot of SD cards if you’re going to be shooting a lot of hunts since the quality is excellent and the capacity is plenty.






Nikon D850 (Digital Single Lens Reflex)

People often overlook the fact that digital SLR cameras are capable of producing stunning video. 


To put it another way, you may be startled to learn that many, many of today’s hunting and fishing programs are shot using a digital single lens reflex (SLR). Because, let’s face it, most of us grew up with point-and-shoot cameras, and that’s what most people imagine when they think of a normal camera. Although it is a camera, the Nikon D850 differs from the norm.





Having always been “techy,” when this bad boy came out, I was on the verge of spilling my coffee all over the screen because I was so excited. As a Canon fanatic, I’ve owned four Canon SLR cameras and have never had a negative experience with any of them.



 However, when it comes to utilizing video cameras for hunting or fishing, the Nikon D850 is the best of the best for both photography and generating spectacular films. There is no need for me to go into the technical specifications of this excellent camera; you can find them on many review sites online. I’m going to concentrate on what it can accomplish for capturing outdoor adventures in the future….





In order to shoot hunts and fishing expeditions, I prefer using the Nikon D850.


With Interval Time-Lapse, you may create an 8K video. Even if it is mind-boggling, you were prepared for it to take place. The situation, for want of a better phrase, is magnified due to the environment. Consider how much clarity and depth will be required for editing…





If you are a hunter or fisherman who enjoys self-filming, this camera will shine the brightest at night or in low light conditions. Filming in low light has always been challenging, but this is no longer the case. 



A feature dubbed Silent Live View Mode allows you to record 4K UHD footage while simultaneously “slowing” the camera. It can produce clean, attractive photos in low light conditions while still conserving a significant amount of battery life (up to 50%). Moreover, the autofocus in low light is excellent, making it simpler than ever to capture stunning images in low light conditions.






It’s almost comical how much resolution a 45.7 Megapixel camera can capture! For real however, I remember thinking 20mp was incredible back then. Simply said, the resolution of this SLR camera is outstanding. This is the perfect camera to use if you want to shoot pictures for the wall that are large in size.






If you want to perform some fancy editing, you can shoot in slow motion. Consider the possibility that this device is capable of slow motion at around 120 frames per second at 1080p resolution. Smooth.





Despite the fact that I could write a full post on the Nikon D850, it would still fall short of doing justice to this camera. Many novices will be priced out of the market as a result of the current price tag.






Digital SLR camera NIKON D7500

For those wanting for high-quality photography without breaking the budget, the Nikon D7500 is my top recommendation. Yes, I am descended from a long line of Canons… In terms of filmmaking, though, I didn’t rely on them too much (just photography). Nikon must have 4K recording capabilities within the same price range if I were to do so.





I really like recording hunting and fishing films with my DSLR camera for a variety of reasons…


This is around the same amount of money you’d spend on 4K Ultra-HD quality from a DSLR, as I previously said. Is 4K a must-have? In today’s world, that is not the case… Although the time has not yet arrived, having high-quality originals is advantageous. In any case, 1080p is what you should be striving for for a final product on the Web (if that is your main purpose).





Despite the fact that it is no longer innovative, the 20.9 Megapixel camera is nonetheless of outstanding quality. However, it is ideal for novice point-and-shoot photographers who want to become creative.





Connnect to your smartphone — This was one of the first DSLRs to provide this feature, and it is now standard on almost all DSLRs. Without the need for cables or SD cards, you can finally relax… On the move, you may easily connect and exchange information.





Although still rather quick, this camera can take 8 frames per second, which is sufficient for capturing wildlife photography and moving things.


One of the most important considerations is to remember what you want to achieve. Is it possible to use the internet to communicate? Galleries? 




In the case of internet photography, the D7500 is a better choice than spending three times as much on the D850 (unless money isn’t a problem, in which case the D850 is a no-brainer.) In order for amateurs to get professional results with newer cameras, they seem to be making it simpler for them to do so. Regardless of whatever route you choose, there will be a learning curve in both cases.






For filming hunting and fishing, the best video camcorders are listed below.

At this point, things may become REALLY costly. In terms of technology, camcorders are a distinct breed. Never mind that I spent many years shooting waterfowl hunts with my Canon GL2 camera back in the day. Funny thing is, I still have it. I’d invested a lot of hours on that machine, so getting go of it was a challenge.





Cameras are often larger and heavier than smartphones, making them less suitable for self-documenting hunts. If you want to do this properly, you’ll need a cinematographer, so keep that in mind before you spend thousands of dollars on one of the larger-scale models.




 The fact that I don’t use a camera to record my hunting and fishing adventures is enough to justify my decision. Self-filming is something I like doing a lot.





The little units that can fit in the palm of your hand are not going to be included. Unless I’m using a tripod, I don’t like them. Consistency is challenging. I’m going to look at the shoulder-mounted camcorders, so stay tuned for that! These are the models that I would recommend if you DO want to record with an additional person or if you just want to have a camcorder.





H.264 Hunting Video Camcorder (HC-X2000) from Panasonic

Let’s have a look at another choice before I dive into the Panasonic HC-X2000 in detail. In terms of shooting for the web, this is the camera to get if you are willing to invest the money on a new camera. 




I would recommend the Sony FX6 if you are planning on filming for a big screen (television, etc.). For what it is capable of, the machine is incredible. Nonetheless, if you’re just shooting for the web, this is certainly overkill… In this case, we’ll be discussing the HC-X2000.





Its ability to shoot at 120 frames per second in 1080p was one of the first things I noticed about it. Slow-motion sequences benefit greatly from this characteristic. It also includes built-in Wifi Live Streaming capabilities, demonstrating that it is up to date with the times.. Awesome. Consider the possibilities offered by live streaming video and audio content.





Having a 24x optical zoom is something more that I truly enjoy. You don’t have to worry about sacrificing quality on close-ups since it isn’t digital zoom.


With two ports and complete audio control, there is a lot of possibility for microphones. It is now simpler than ever to use mics because of this.





This hunting video camera is not intended for individuals who are considering documenting their hunts; rather, it is intended for those who are serious about recording their hunts. According to the price, this is most likely the greatest video camera for hunting footage available right now.






A video camera under the name of Canon XF405

In the event that money isn’t an object and you have a cameraman, this is the greatest video camera for hunting available. It basically contains everything you could possibly need to shoot in the great outside. 


Everything from external sound to twin SD card slots to recording for extended periods of time is accommodated by the camera’s many outputs. In full HD, slow-motion may be captured at up to 120 frames per second in 4K resolution.






You can get up close and personal right out of the box thanks to its 15x optical zoom. Digital zoom is something I never use at all, so optical zoom is just what you need.


It is a significant investment, and I could go on and on about the benefits of owning it…






Therefore, this is mostly intended for professional videographers.






Digital Video Camcorder (Canon XC15).

This is much more in line with my own preferences. This may be due to the fact that it seems more like a DSLR than a camcorder, but don’t be fooled by its little size. Aside from everything else I evaluate, there is another 4K UHD choice. 




An outstanding picture sensor and a 10x optical wide-angle zoom lens are also included in this video camera’s arsenal. In the field and on the water, this provides a broad range of alternatives, which is particularly useful if you need to cover a large area of water.





This video camera’s pricing is a little steep, but considering all of its functions, it is rather outstanding. Ample inputs and an adjustable viewing window provide you with everything you need to create professional-quality hunting footage on your smartphone.






Choosing the Best Hunting Action Camera

Action cameras conjure up images of GoPro, which has become synonymous with the brand. They have dominated the industry from its inception, and they have done an excellent job of branding their products and services.





Their models have evolved throughout time, and the most recent can perform an incredible number of functions. Meet the Hero 9, the ninth member of the group.






Goliath GoPro Hero 10 action camera

Prior to discussing the possibility of capturing hunts with a GoPro Hero 9, I’d want to go over the specifications of the device.


With up to 5K HD video, the Hero Series has taken a significant stride forward.

Ten-times-per-second (1080p) live streaming — High-definition live video that represents a significant advancement.




Sensor of 23.6 Megapixels is included in the package (which can take 20MP photos, which is about standard these days).

Lens that may be taken off and used separately

It is not susceptible to water (33 feet)

Battery life is extended due to improved stability.

recordings on a schedule, and much more….




As a result of its versatility and ease of concealment, GoPros are ideal for documenting your hunts. Whatever your situation, whether you’re in a tree stand or a blind, GoPros usually perform well.




A lot of my waterfowling is done with a video camera, and I prefer to have one recording right behind the blind. Aside from that, I also utilize my Mevo in a fixed position, around 10 yards behind the blind (more on that later).





With numerous GoPros, you may record sideways (revealing all of the blinds) and from other angles if you want to be more creative. In addition to waterfowl hunting, Big animals, predators, and other large species may all be filmed with a GoPro, and this is especially true for big game. They’re also getting better deals on prices these days, compared to past releases, in my view.





Alternate Devices for the GoPro

The market is flooded with action cameras for hunting, which you’ll discover after doing your research.


The goal was to have a small collection of inexpensive video cameras for use while fishing on my boat and also for usage in the outdoors.






If I told you that you could get a great hunting action camera for about $100, you’d be all over it. Believe me when I say that I was dubious as well until I purchased one and fell in love with the product. Congratulations on choosing an action camera from the Akaso family of products.





There are a number of different action camera types available from the business Akaso. The Akaso Brave 6 is the model that I now use and recommend. Apart from the ability to record in 4K, the camera can also snap images at a resolution of 20 megapixels!






In addition to the main unit, it includes a number of additional attachments (for those sweet catch and release clips). With a few replacement batteries in hand, I set off on my journey (and haven’t looked back). Additionally, it offers several options for quickly changing the camera angle, which I find to be really convenient.






The convenience of having action cameras for hunting and fishing is enhanced by the fact that they are compact and can be tucked away in your clothing. Use a small tripod or a clamp to attach to the rail of your boat; either way, it will capture the action without getting in your way.





The camera also has built-in wifi functionality, which allows you to connect to your camera from your smartphone, which is a good feature. On the go, you can transfer files, make fast edits on your phone, and then post your finished product anywhere you want it.





The versions offered by Akaso are all quite similar, but with a few minor differences in terms of bells and whistles, as you can see in the photos. Personally, I plan to purchase a few more of the new Akaso V50 versions in the coming months..



 Exceptional 4K/60fps resolution distinguishes this action camera from the competition. You can also change angles more quickly than with prior versions since it features voice control. The tripods will be used on my boat, and I’m already planning where they will go when hunting.





As far as action cameras for hunting go, this is one of the best models available, and at a terrific price when compared to name brand alternatives.





Self-filming hunts with the best live camera

It was by chance that I came upon a piece of technology that I believe would revolutionize the way hunters and fishermen video their adventures. It is known as a MEVO, and the most recent variant is known as the Mevo Plus.




 The live streaming camera that I’ve been using for over a year has shown me that it has a lot of promise. Initially, it was a little problematic, but the most of the difficulties were remedied by periodic app and firmware upgrades (I set mine to auto-update).






That this camera transmits LIVE to the web and nearly any social media platform is one of the things I enjoy most about it. It includes built-in wifi that allows you to connect to the internet through your phone and stream content in real time, without buffering. Interested in publishing a live video stream to social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube?




 It’s not a big deal. Streaming video (when Facebook isn’t restricting you…another that’s complaint) has taken the place of the typical, awful cell-phone footage. Even better, it’s simple to put into action (I think anyway).





Mevo Plus with Boost is a supplement to the Mevo Plus supplement.

So, what is it about this live stream camera for hunting and fishing that I find the most appealing, exactly?




For those who just want to record their hunting or fishing adventures, this video camera can record in 4K and live stream in up to 1080p.



 If you want to record your hunting or fishing trips in high definition, this video camera can do it. Furthermore, the current resolution for live broadcasting is 1080p. Unbeatable value for money when it comes to streaming.





All of the live editing for this video camera is done on your phone, including the video capture and playback. When you connect to the Mevo Plus through WiFi, you will have complete control over everything that happens during your broadcast.




 You may downsize, crop, zoom in, zoom out, and change the camera angle, among other things, all while viewing the video on your phone’s video player (apps for both IOS and Android). When this arrived in the mail, I spent HOURS tinkering with it since I am a self-proclaimed techie geek! Using it is a breeze, and it’s entertaining.





It is necessary to purchase the Mevo Boost (available separately) in order to use this camera for a variety of purposes. The battery life is ten hours, which is a first for this device (the Mevo alone is only around an hour). 



First and foremost, it features a USB Audio port. Instead of using the built-in microphone, you may connect an external microphone to your device. Lastly, it is equipped with an ethernet connector, which allows it to stream content over a wired Internet connection.





In my boat, on Lake Sakakawea, I put the Mevo through its paces last summer. It’s a little out in the middle of nowhere, for those who are unfamiliar with the surroundings.



 With a 4G connection, I was able to broadcast in 720p quality to Facebook, but at a slower rate (Facebook maximum). You can bet your bottom dollar that I’ll be doing more of this in the next year now that I’ve ironed out the wrinkles in my method of operation.





Filming excursions for fishing and hunting are made much easier with this “set it and forget it” kind of camera. Mount the device to the front or rear of your boat, depending on what you’re attempting to achieve with it. 



During your boat trip, you’ll be able to record everything that happens. In the woods or the field, you may mount your camera or use a tripod to record everything in wide-angle high-definition video.





Wasn’t I already saying how simple it is to use the Mevo? With only a few button presses on your smartphone, you’ll be up and running LIVE, online, and on demand.







The following are the four most common kinds of video cameras that are used to document hunting and fishing activities. The usage of each of them has a certain time and place, and each of them shines brightly at the appropriate time.





This was a comprehensive introduction to what I believe to be the most effective equipment for creating hunting films, fishing videos, and other outdoor media. Modern technology makes it simple to seem “natural,” and the days of point-and-shoot photography are numbered. 




Consider how many photographers there are in your area; it seems like everyone is claiming to be one these days. However, as previously said, almost anybody can shoot professional photography if they have the proper equipment.. The bottom line is that it all boils down to your intentions and the purpose for which the movies will be used.





This year, I’m basically recording EVERY outdoor activity on Review Your Gear, so I’m using a mix of all of these different sorts personally. 



Since I moved to the Upper Midwest, I’ve want to conduct as much live streaming as possible, but this has been difficult due to poor Internet service in the area. I’ll be streaming more often once I’m certain that we’ll have constant 4G coverage.





With all recent expeditions being broadcast live on YouTube, the RYG YouTube Channel is expected to develop rapidly this year..



As much as the season permits, I would want to release at least one video every week. Look for a plethora of hunting and fishing-related tips and lessons as well as criticism and reviews on a variety of topics.

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