Simple Ways to Show Your Employees That You Appreciate Them

Simple Ways to Show Your Employees That You Appreciate Them

Simple Ways to Show Your Employees That You Appreciate Them.

Employees that are respected are more productive. People who feel appreciated are more inclined to go above and beyond for the business. They keep themselves more responsible for their contributions to a mission. Above all, they’re happy with their employment, which means they’re less likely to quit.

Leaders who ignore chances to engage with their staff and express respect to their workers are robbing themselves of a valuable tool for cultivating a loyal, long-term workforce.

Employee Appreciation Day is the first Friday in March each year, so don’t wait until then to show your appreciation for the most valuable commodity. Make employee gratitude a frequent habit rather than an annual affair. Here are nine excellent ways to express your gratitude to your employees:

1. Take little steps that add up to a major change.

Appreciation does not necessitate grand gestures. Send a handwritten note of thanks, an email, or a phone call of encouragement. Even the smallest movements will leave a lasting impression.

2. Open up new possibilities.

Giving your workers as many chances as possible is one of the easiest ways to capture their hearts and minds. Allow them to take on major tasks, such as a high-profile initiative or a new leadership job, or pay for a workshop or meeting.


Make it exclusive and intimate.

Make your gestures of gratitude and praise as precise as possible. Don’t only say “nice work,” but elaborate about what impressed you. “Thank you for having the confidence to speak up in the meeting,” for example. When everybody else was afraid to talk about the issue, it made a huge difference in cracking the ice.”

Demonstrate your confidence in them.

It sends a powerful message to your workers when you can demonstrate your faith in them. In other words, you’re asking them that their job is strong enough that they don’t need you to keep an eye on them.

 Make changes on the inside.
Ensure that the staff has the resources they need to do their jobs, including up-to-date technology, adequate lighting and HVAC, and convenient, ergonomic furniture. Consider incorporating extras like a lunch room or a bar based on recommendations.

Make time to engage with others.

Leaders have a lot of obligations, and it’s possible to get engrossed in your own job and neglect your colleagues. Having the opportunity to engage with your colleagues is one of the easiest ways to show them you care. Find out how they’re coping, and their personal lives.


7. Make mentoring a part of the organization’s ethos.

There are younger workers of virtually every company who can profit from being partnered with an experienced colleague. There’s no better way to transmit useful information and provide newbies a support system right from the outset than to create a structured mentorship program or a more informal buddy system.

Give them a sense of possession.

Giving people the keys to a project that is relevant to their skills and interests is a surefire way to inspire them to do their best. Allow the proposal to be based on the employee’s own thoughts if at all necessary. More workers will be motivated by seeing their colleague’s talent celebrated, not just that the employee will be encouraged to develop and flourish.

9. Be open and frank about yourself.

Honesty should be anticipated, but it is more difficult at times than others. Many people think you shouldn’t discuss negative things, but those conversations–as challenging as they can be–show you care enough to deliver even the most difficult truths. Honest and straightforward reviews will earn you respect and give you the confidence of others.

The bottom line is that if your workers understand how much you trust them, there is nothing they won’t do to support you and your team.

As a leader, perception is a very real problem. They must determine how they expect their workers to see them and behave in accordance with that perception. Leaders usually prefer a mix of stoic, strong, closed-off, and loud-mouthed personalities. Some people also like to be labeled as jerks. Although this is normally a calculated choice made to preserve loyalty and prevent inappropriate circumstances, you’re making a major mistake if you absolutely avoid a personal relationship with your staff.

Employees who are respected and supported by their bosses are much more inclined to go above and beyond for the company and keep themselves responsible for their contribution to a mission. Most significantly, they would be more satisfied with their employment. Leaders who fail to engage with their colleagues risk the value of a loyal, long-term team.

Some people find it tough to communicate with workers while still holding a position of authority; I believe the key is to clearly show them you care. Here are 11 forms for leaders to show their respect for their workers.

1. Go beyond and beyond to assist them directly. It is not enough to merely assist the staff with job problems; a better leader can also look at opportunities to assist them with personal issues. My co-founder was having trouble finding a place to live, and I saw her anger every day.

Rather than tossing money at the issue, I went to the apartment complex where she planned to live and spoke with the manager. She was hired within a week. To this day, I believe she believes I can do everything in my power to help her, which has resulted in a hard-to-break trust that is invaluable in a professional relationship.

2. Relate to them rather than acting as though you are above them. If you’ve ever worked in a world where executives get their own parking spots and make you carry their baggage while they drive, you know what it’s like to believe your boss doesn’t care about you.

When I see an employee is having a challenge, I reflect on my own experiences and share with him how I overcame or did not solve the situation. Employees often position you on a pedestal as a boss, but keeping yourself on their floor by revealing your own vulnerability and flaws helps them resolve their obstacles.

3. Demonstrate that you are interested in their personal life. Although you should avoid commenting about your employee’s new boyfriend/girlfriend or organizing an all-night drinking spree,

It is entirely possible to demonstrate concern about the employee’s personal life without being weird. When one of our workers had to cancel her honeymoon, we set up a mini-beach retreat at the office as a replacement. The trick is to demonstrate to your team that they are more than mere worker bees.

4. Show affection for their significant ones. Companies who do not authorize significant others at work activities, such as Christmas celebrations, have always perplexed me. Why wouldn’t you want to have your employee’s most ardent supporter?

Work is much easier to do when you have help at home, so I want my employee’s partner to know how much I love him or her.

5. Provide them with clients to back them up. In our workplace, we have a “no-a**hole” client agreement. When an employee complains of a customer mistreating her, we investigate the case and, if possible, terminate the client. It makes no difference how much a customer pays you if you have skilled people who believe you have their back. You would be compensated with a better return than the biggest client will ever give you.

Do things that would set you apart from the crowd. Being inventive about employee benefits can help you go a long way. It doesn’t have to be expensive; it just needs to demonstrate that you’ve considered making your workers’ personal or professional lives a little easier. To keep the imaginative juices going, here is a list of exclusive benefits that other businesses have given to their staff.

Be honest and open with them. If an employee requests input, be truthful — don’t lie to him. That doesn’t mean you can be cruel, but keeping workers from knowing the facts can only harm them — and the business. Transparency is normally followed by a few awkward conversations, but such difficult conversations demonstrate that you care enough to deliver the hard facts, which means a lot to staff. As an added bonus, honest and transparent reviews can provide improved outcomes.

Set aside time for them. Employees find it difficult to feel respected because their boss is too distracted for a quick conversation. It’s possible to get engrossed in day-to-day tasks and become too distracted with those around you, so by keeping yourself responsible for daily meetings with your team mates, staff can feel noticed and appreciated.

The smallest details do matter. A short email to your team after a win or a note of motivation after a major sale can go a long way, particularly if you’re working on a tight deadline. During Thanksgiving or Christmas, I try to send an email expressing my gratitude to each member of my team. It doesn’t have to be a “Jerry Maguire”-style email; simply type a few sentences explaining why you like them. Consider it a red flag if you can’t think about something you like about each employee.

Be mindful of the goals you have for yourself. You can do all of the above and yet waste your time if you don’t have realistic goals. Entrepreneurs have a tendency to be too nervous and overpromise outcomes to workers, which may lead to problems. When a leader sets goals that are too high to realistically achieve, team cohesion suffers, even though she has nailed the actions mentioned above.

Before your workers can trust in, or care for, the company’s long-term mission, culture, or performance, they must accept that you see each of them as an individual, not merely a “employee” to carry out your to-do list. They need to believe that their representative — and the business — cares for them. When you show the team how much you appreciate them, there is nothing they can not aspire to do.

Simple Ways to Show Your Employees That You Appreciate Them
Your Employees Would Love These Employee Appreciation Ideas

Have a plan to thank the employees.
This blog post should give you some suggestions, but nothing can change until you make preparations and work out how to put them into action. So, the first step in demonstrating your appreciation for your employees is to make a viable roadmap for what you’ll do and what you’ll do it.

Take a look at this list. You don’t have to incorporate any of the ideas, but choose a few that you think you’ll be able to execute effectively and that would have genuine value for your employees. Others are simpler to execute than others, but each has its own set of outcomes.

Inquire into the workers’ preferences.
Take a poll of your employees. In terms of how you prove you value them, ask them what they’d want from you. You may be shocked by the outcome, but you can rest assured that you’re treating your employees with something they’ll appreciate.

 Get a trophy on hand.

Grand champion awards are passed down in professional sports from one year’s winner to the next. Create a plaque (either a real trophy or something more amusing) that is remembered as a sign of employee gratitude, and distribute it to employees who have done something noteworthy.

Don’t be shy about expressing your gratitude.
Extend your appreciation for your employees into internal acknowledgment. Make sure your clients know about it by posting it to your website or on social media. Take a picture and talk about how proud you are of your team and how they won this honor.

The winning team is the track team.

Consider if a thermometer or other graphic instrument is used by charities to demonstrate the incremental rise of contributions when they move closer to a target. You will do the same thing if you use a visual strategy or have daily meetings to keep people informed.

Reward the employees depending on their own needs.
What do you think says “I love you” the best? expressing gratitude in a way that is personal to and person. Sure, a traditional blanket award fits (and is necessary) in certain cases, but the best way to express how much you value someone is to figure out what they actually want, what they’d be involved in, what their hobbies are, or what they really want.

 Thank you cards are still alive and well.

In today’s digital world, a physical piece of paper expressing appreciation for a coworker and praising them for their efforts will go a long way. If it’s as plain as a post-it note or a full-fledged card.

Allow workers to have a real say and a real voice.
Appreciation is more than a simulation or a scheme of rewards. It should be ingrained in the company’s philosophy. Giving your staff real options and voices is one way to do this.

Do the employees ever get to pick which assignments they work on, or are they still given tasks? Will you pay attention to their thoughts or suggestions and act on them, or do you pay attention but then ignore or disregard what you’ve learned and go about your business as usual?


Genuine gratitude is the bedrock of success. For a team member’s birthday, you can send them a gift certificate, so if they’ve come to you with complaints before and you’ve never tried to address them, it’s time to fire them.

Don’t slam the fame barrier.
A staff picture wall can seem a little dated, but hey. There was an explanation for its popularity. Even if it’s only visible to the employees (i.e. the break room), it’s a good way for them to get to know each other.

 Treats for no reason.

Who doesn’t like a pleasant surprise when they least expect it? Lunch should be pizza. Take some bagels or muffins to the break room and leave them there. Simply because you value your employees, treat them well.

Choose incentives that are special.
Food, days off, a bonus, or a deal are both fine but standard incentives. Consider if you can make your award unique enough to stand out as a part of your culture. Any startups and firms have photographs drawn of employees who have worked for a certain amount of years, allowing the employees to express themselves creatively. Caricaturists are brought in from some.

Returning to the very old school approach of honoring CEOs of companies can be tailored down to the new workforce in certain respects so that they have a taste of what they would not otherwise have.

Provide career-based incentives.
Employees would appreciate a career-based incentive, and the company will prosper as well. You should send staff to leadership training or give them the option of taking an online class. And if it has nothing to do with their present work, you should show your staff that you care for them and their future.

Pay attention to anniversaries.

Employees were more likely to resign after a year of work, according to a large survey. Future millennials will be more mobile with their professions. As a result, don’t overlook an employee’s first anniversary of employment. Reward them for sticking on. Make a point of attracting their interest so that other members of the team are aware of your presence.

Take the employees out to lunch.
Taking your employees out to lunch in groups (large or small) or individually to talk about how the job is going gets them out of the office and shows them that you are listening to them. When you’re not in the boss’s office, but around the table over a sandwich and chips, it’s sometimes better to dream about job ideas.

19. Encourage lifelong intelligence.

Show that you value your employees so much that you want them to continue to flourish in their careers by helping them pay for education activities or being flexible for days off so they can attend education events. Also, when a team member’s skills improve, encourage them. 

Leader of the breakroom.
What if the employees had the option to pick the playlist, a new snack, or make a suggestion for a breakroom improvement? Of course, you might not be able to accept any proposal, but doing so as a token of gratitude once in a while will help to liven things up.

Make little moments special.

What are the first words that come to mind when you think about me? What message are you sending with your actions?


Again, a few hours of gratification don’t make up for months of inaction and unappreciative phrases. Do you have a coworker who goes above and beyond to ensure the office runs smoothly? Is that that they had to tidy up for other employees? Is it possible that they serve as a de facto mana?

It can be as easy as calling a coworker into your office and saying, “I’ve seen what you’re doing around here, and I really appreciate it.” For certain people, just knowing that everyone has listened is enough.

 Assist in commuting.

Depending in the industry, you can have employees that incur extra costs due to a long ride or parking. Although you might not be able to afford all commuting expenses, you can benefit by paying for parking garage passes or bus fares, for example. Reimburse any or more of the costs incurred to assist employees.

Mentoring should be encouraged.
Mentoring is a fantastic two-way relationship. Mentoring services, when performed well, provide experienced employees with a sense of value and authority, while still providing new employees with a sense of care and security.

It’s a way of telling the workers you support and respect them when handled correctly and is a cyclical program where the mentored eventually become the mentors.


Plan a holiday to show your love for your employees.

Who said you have to stick to the calendar holidays? Why not start your own, devoted solely to employee appreciation? If you’re feeling really brave, you might also shut the store and announce to the world that you and your staff are taking a day off.

Although giving people the day off is an option, doing things together is a better option. Organize a slapstick awards ceremony. Spend the day at the pool, grilling. Take the whole group on a river cruise. Whatever it is, make it a highlight of the year that the employees eagerly anticipate.

25. Acknowledge contributions that aren’t related to jobs.

You have people on the team who are doing amazing work. They spend their free time making, volunteering, and participating in a variety of events. Why don’t you call them out in front of the group? We all want people to know more about us, but the majority of us don’t want to brag. Show the whole squad how amazing you are by boasting about them.

Make it easy for people to volunteer and contribute.
In the team, you want people who are civic-minded and concerned about others. So, if you have employees that are naturally willing to support people, make it simple for them to do so. Encourage them, if you help them launch a food drive at work, bring kids to work to learn about the business, or take a week off to build homes. Demonstrate that you value their consideration for the world around you.

Is there a bonus? You will tell your clients that doing business with you has a great effect on the world by talking about what the company and employees are doing.

Last but not least, express gratitude!
When was the last time you simply expressed gratitude?

Some business owners assume that workers are there to perform the job that has been assigned to them, and that there is no need for a thank you because it is anticipated.


A quick thank you, whether the work is required or not, is a great way to express gratitude. You may not think it counts, but there is a definite change in mood between a worker whose manager expresses sincere gratitude to them on a regular basis and one where the staff never hears it. While not everyone needs a “thank you” in order to do well, many do. Those who don’t need to hear it won’t be affected, but those who do will appreciate it greatly.

It’s tempting to get swept up in the fun and obvious ways to show your love for your employees, but there’s one thing you should do right now to make a difference in someone’s day: say thank you. In a society where we are frequently thanked for our efforts, seeing another human say that they are aware of our efforts and that they are grateful for it is all the gratitude we need to get through the day.

Employee gratitude can not be limited to a single day, rather should be ingrained in the company’s ethos and shown in management’s overall attitude.

Your workers are your most valuable commodity, but some companies pay more attention to equipment maintenance than others.