Shasta Daisy Care and Growing Instructions

Shasta Daisy Care and Growing Instructions.

The Shasta daisy, also known as the Leucanthemum x superbum, is a hardy hybrid that was formed in the 1800s by crossing the oxeye daisy with many other wild daisy kinds. It was given its name after the snowy peaks of Mount Shasta in California. According to the Royal Horticulture Society1, the Shasta Daisy has evolved into 69 distinct cultivars during the course of human history.

There are cultivars that have single petals as well as double petals, and the size of the plant varies according to the cultivar, but they all have flowers that are cheerfully white with yellow centers. The foliage of these plants is dense, leathery, and a dark shade of green. The foliage is considered evergreen and will continue throughout the year in environments that are warm.

Butterflies and other pollinating insects are drawn to the flowers of Shasta daisies. When it comes to planting these flowers, early spring or summer is the optimum time to do so, especially in locations that are chilly. Shasta daisies that are planted in the autumn may not get established before the onset of the harsh winter, which puts the plant’s continued existence in jeopardy.

They have a rapid rate of growth once they are established, and they may rapidly spread through rhizomes. They bloom into gorgeous cut blooms that endure for a long time. Daisy plants, so say the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), maybe deadly to both cats and dogs.

Shasta Daisy Care

Once they are established, Shasta daisies are quite resilient and do not need much maintenance from the gardener. They are adaptable plants that can thrive in either full sun or partial shade and can survive in a wide range of soil conditions as long as there is enough drainage. They can withstand periods of drought and do not have a lot of problems with a variety of insects or illnesses. Deer do not eat them.

Shasta daisies are biennials or perennials that only thrive for a few years. This indicates that their lifespan is short a few years at most. To ensure that the Shasta daisy plants continue to look their best year after year, it is necessary to add new plants to the garden bed on an annual basis.


These hardy perennials need a location that receives direct sunlight in order to flourish. Shasta daisy cultivars, on the other hand, are able to thrive in locations with varying degrees of sunlight and can even withstand some shade. Remember that flowers will develop more abundantly on plants that are exposed to direct sunlight.

A robust and robustly healthy blooming season may be ensured by the soil’s richness and fertility. Shasta daisies, on the other hand, are hardy enough to survive even in poor soil conditions.

They thrive most when grown on soil that is loaded with organic stuff like compost. This not only supplies the essential nutrients, but it also guarantees that there is sufficient soil drainage, which is another critical component for the plants’ well-being. Shasta daisies cannot survive in soil that is always wet and must be planted in an area that has soil that drains properly.


Shasta daisies thrive in wet environments, but only if the soil is well-drained. Because they are fragile and cannot tolerate wet soil or excessive watering, it is recommended to err on the side of underwatering rather than on the side of overwatering when it comes to watering them.

Once they have established themselves, Shasta daisies have a reputation for being able to withstand brief periods of drought. To maintain the health of these daisies and ensure that they are well hydrated, give them approximately an inch of water once every week.

Temperature as well as Relative Humidity

Shasta daisies are very resilient plants that are able to thrive in a broad variety of environmental conditions, including varying degrees of temperature and humidity. USDA hardiness zones 5 to 9 are suitable for their cultivation. They do not, however, work in locations that are particularly humid since this might lead to circumstances of excessively damp soil, which may cause rot to develop.


The addition of fertilizer to these plants each year may be useful since Shasta daisies thrive on soil that is high in nutrients and rich in organic matter. Shasta daisies benefit tremendously from being fertilized with compost or any other kind of organic material.

Put it on the soil in the spring to give these plants a nutritional boost before the flowering season begins. You also have the option of making a monthly application of a fertilizer that is complete and balanced throughout the summer.

Different varieties of Shasta daisies

This cultivator, known as “Becky,” is one of the biggest and stands between three and four feet tall. Even though it grows to be rather tall, this cultivar has stems that are quite robust and does not need staking.

The ‘Snow Lady’ variety is a dwarf kind that only reaches a height of 9 to 12 inches when fully grown. In spite of the fact that they are rather little, these daisies produce a substantial number of blossoms throughout the spring and summer.
‘Crazy Daisy’ is a kind of daisy that, according to its name, produces double flowers with twisted petals. This cultivar may grow to be up to a meter and a half tall.
Propagating Shasta Daisies

The division of these plants is the most effective method of proliferation for them. This will not only result in the production of new plants, but it will also assist extend the Shasta daisies’ longevity.

After the daisies have stopped flowering, the optimum time to split the plant is in the early spring or late summer. This should be done about once every two years. You will need gloves, a big shovel, a hand shovel, and a set of garden snips that are very sharp in order to separate Shasta daisies.

With the help of the heavy shovel, carefully break up the dirt all around the plant, working in a circular motion until the root system is untangled.
When the plant’s roots can be pulled out of the ground, the whole plant should be removed.
By making cuts in the plant’s root system with the shovels and the snips, you may split the plant. Make sure that each division has roots and leaves that are in good condition.
Put the daisy back into the earth where it came from.
Transfer each section to its own site, being sure to properly amend the soil with compost before you do so.

How to Germinate and Grow Shasta Daisies from Their Seeds

Attempting to germinate the seeds from a Shasta daisy may be an enjoyable activity. It is essential to keep in mind, however, that the seeds can revert to one of the original daisy forms, such the oxeye daisy, if they are not cultivated properly. Because the oxeye daisy has the potential to spread quickly, it is essential to monitor its development3.

If you want to cultivate these plants from seed, you may do it either indoors or outside, depending on which method you choose.

Please follow these instructions for spreading seeds outdoors:

Plant the seeds in rich soil that has good drainage either in the spring or in the early autumn. For information on the appropriate spacing, see the cultivator’s individual growing instructions. It is recommended that just a few seeds be planted in each location. Because the seeds must have light in order to germinate, you must take care not to fully bury them.
After the seeds have germinated, you should filter out the seedlings so that you only retain the ones that appear the healthiest and are the strongest.

Maintain a consistent watering schedule until the seedlings get established.

In order to start Shasta daisies indoors, the following procedures should be followed:

In the weeks leading up to the end of frost danger, fill a few tiny pots with nutrient-dense soil.
Put the daisy seeds into the damp soil and push them down gently. Because the seeds need light in order to germinate, do not entirely cover them.

Put them in a spot that gets plenty of sunlight, and make sure the soil is consistently wet.
After the seeds have germinated, the seedlings need to be thinned so that only the most robust and robustly healthy ones are kept.
To get the seedlings ready for the garden once the danger of frost has passed, you should gradually expose them to colder temperatures.
Plant them in their permanent positions after they have reached the point when they are hardy enough to remain outside.

The Shasta Daisy was potted and repotted many times.

Because there is such a wide selection of cultivators accessible, it is essential to be aware that the mature size of each cultivator may be very distinct from one another. Some dwarf types never grow to be more than one foot tall, which makes them ideal for growing in tiny containers that may be placed on outdoor tables. Some of them may go up to a height of four feet and need very spacious containers.

Be careful to choose a container that is proportionate to the eventual size of your daisy. Because rotting may be caused by wet soil, daisies must be planted in containers that include drainage holes. When you have chosen an appropriate container, the next step is to fill it with nutrient-dense soil.

As these plants do not have access to subsurface water or nutrient sources, daisies that are grown in pots benefit greatly from the addition of compost or fertilizer and consistent watering. Put the container somewhere that gets plenty of sunlight or partial shade, and make sure the soil is somewhat damp at all times. In the event that the daisy outgrows the container, split the plant after carefully separating the roots from the container.


The leaves of the Shasta daisy may be preserved as year-round greenery in regions where winters are mild. In regions with harsh winters, the Shasta daisy needs a little amount of protection in order to survive the winter.

After the plant shows signs of aging in the autumn, cut down the leaves to within a few inches of the ground. After that, protect the plant from the low temperatures by covering it with an additional layer of mulch.

How to Achieve Flowering with Shasta Daisy Plants

Flowers of the Shasta daisy may grow to a height of anywhere between nine inches and four feet, with individual blooms measuring several inches across. They feature a classic floral form, similar to that of other daisy kinds, and their petals are long and white. The center of the flower is brilliant yellow. These perennials produce flowers throughout the summertime for a number of years in a row.

Ensure that you remove spent flowers from your plants regularly during the growing season in order to promote plentiful blooming. This will stimulate the plant to produce more blossoms than it would have otherwise.

It is recommended that extra Shasta daisies be planted each year in order to maintain a full and blooming daisy patch. This is due to the fact that Shasta daisies are only short-lived perennials. This ensures that there are no gaps in the flowering when the more mature plants die off.

Problems That Are Typically Experienced With the Shasta Daisy

Shasta daisies are hardy perennials that often do not have a great deal of difficulty. Nevertheless, rot and wilt are the two issues that plague these daisies the most often.


Daisy plants are susceptible to wilt diseases caused by acremonium and verticillium. Both wilts induce symptoms that are quite similar, including yellowing, drooping, and falling of the leaves. Verticillium wilt is a disease that often manifests itself when temperatures are chilly and move upward from the lower leaves to the upper leaves.

Acremonium wilt is a fungal disease that thrives in moist soil and often affects just one side of a plant. If you want to get rid of wilt, you need to remove and dispose of any unhealthy leaves and roots. Place daisies in an area that gets plenty of sunlight and just water them when they need it.


Conditions that are humid and moist are ideal for the growth of rot, such as root rot. This may lead to the stems becoming wilted and eventually dying. If you believe that your plant has root rot, dig the plant up carefully and remove any diseased roots and leaves from the soil.

First, ensure that the soil has good drainage, and then plant just the healthy parts of the section. Throw away plants that have been infected.

Do you see the same Shasta daisies year after year?

Shasta daisies are, in fact, classified as biennials or short-lived perennials. Because of this, these brilliantly white blossoms return year after year for many years until the plant finally dies off.

Does the Shasta daisy need to be in direct sunlight?

Shasta daisies thrive in full sun but may also be planted in regions with partial shade. Full sun exposure is best for these flowers. Just make sure that they are not kept in complete shade.

In what months do plants of the Shasta daisy flower?

Blooming periods will vary just a little bit from cultivar to cultivar. There are varieties of Shasta daisies that bloom as early as the late spring, while others continue to do so well into the autumn.

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