Selecting the Gender of Your Child

Selecting the Gender of Your Child

For anybody who has their heart set on having a child, there is no question that they have searched the internet for information on how to go about it successfully. Gender “kits,” supplement and vitamin concoctions, information items, and vaginal douches are all available for purchase, all of which claim to improve your chances of conceiving a boy or a girl if you follow the instructions. 




However, although it may be “fun” to experiment with these techniques, keep in mind that they are not supported by scientific data. 1

Gender swaying, also known as gender selection or gender swaying, is a controversial topic that is surrounded by a lot of disinformation and (very little) research. The majority of advise is innocuous, such as scheduling sexual encounters to coincide with certain times during ovulation. 




Some techniques, on the other hand, may be hazardous. So, for example, certain “gender bending” foods may be harmful, and other “gender swaying” techniques, such as douching, can induce vaginal infection and actually reduce your chances of becoming pregnant altogether. 



For those who want to conceive a girl or a boy, assisted reproductive technologies may help you achieve your goal more easily. The downside is that they are costly, come with medical concerns, and are not completely risk-free in all cases. 4 Furthermore, not all fertility clinics provide sex selection technologies to patients who do not need medical treatment.




There are a variety of reasons why a parent may want to determine the gender of their future kid. Medical problems, cultural prejudices, and personal preferences are examples of such factors. Understandably, there are a slew of ethical quandaries associated with preconception sex selection to take into consideration. Learn more about common “natural” techniques of gender swaying as well as scientifically confirmed methods of conceiving a girl or a boy in this article. Check in with your doctor about whether or not you should seek techniques to affect the sex of your child.




Reasons why parents may want for a boy or a girl as a child

There are a variety of medical and non-medical reasons why a parent may choose to have a kid of a certain gender. On the medical front, there is the possibility of sex-linked genetic disorders. Males are nearly usually affected by hemophilia and Duchenne muscular dystrophy, to name a few of examples. 


 If a family has a history of certain illnesses, it may be preferable for them to conceive a girl in order to minimize the likelihood of passing the sickness on to their kid.

The majority of individuals, on the other hand, are wishing for a boy or a girl for reasons other than medical necessity. 


The most frequent reasons are a preference for one gender over another (in the past, boys) or a desire to keep the family’s dynamic balanced.  This occurs when a family already has a kid (or many children) of one sex and wishes to have a child of the opposite sex as the next child.




A couple that chooses to have two children and already has one kid may be more eager than ever to have their second child of the opposite gender. It’s possible that some couples who have previously had all boys or all girls may be hopeful that their next child will “finally” be a kid of the opposite sex.



Family balance is often a concern for the immediate family, but it may also be a concern for the whole extended family. A grandmother with exclusively granddaughters, for example, may want to have one of their children give the grandparent a grandson in exchange for a grandchild (or vice versa). Other factors that may influence a person’s decision to have a boy or a girl include:




The death of a kid: 

If a parent experiences the loss of a child, they may wish to have another child of the same gender as their first. Alternatively, they may want to have a kid of the opposite sex in order to attempt to alleviate the painful memories connected with their miscarriage.
Due to cultural or religious considerations: Some societies and religious beliefs place a preference on one sex over the other. 


For example, in many societies, there has historically been (and in some instances still is) a significant preference for males over girls. Some faiths, on the other side, prohibit any kind of preconception sex selection before conception. 


It is preferable to raise a kid of a certain sex: For example, if a couple intends to have just one kid, they may greatly want that child to be a male (or a girl). A prospective single parent may feel more comfortable having children of the same gender—or may wish for the polar opposite—than they do raising children of a different gender.



What Factors Influence the Gender of Your Child

The X and Y chromosomes (also known as sex chromosomes) are the genetic markers that define a person’s biological sex. The egg always has one X chromosome, while the sperm may contribute either one X or one Y chromosome to the embryo. The result of fertilizing an egg with a Y-sperm is XY, which is a boy. If an X-sperm fertilizes an egg, the result is XX, which is a female. (There are a few uncommon genetic disorders in which an extra sex chromosome is present, such as Klinefelter syndrome, which is represented by the letters XXY.)




Although it is often believed that half of all newborn infants are males and half are girls, this is not really the case. The current worldwide male-to-female ratio is 105-107 boys for every 100 girls born, according to the United Nations Population Division. 9 While this implies that somewhat more males are born than girls, it does not necessarily imply that the chances of having a newborn boy are increased in this situation.

A family’s natural sex selection dynamics is complex, and may be influenced by a variety of variables such as the amount of time between pregnancies, the sequence of births, exposure to environmental contaminants, maternal nutrition and health, and other considerations (many of which are unknown).





IVF with PGD is a kind of fertility treatment.

This assisted reproductive technology (ART) was developed to aid in the prevention of certain genetic disorders, and this is still its main use today. IVF-PGD, on the other hand, may be used to create a kid of a particular sex for reasons other than medical need. 



In vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) are the only scientific methods for having a kid of a particular sex with almost 99 percent accuracy.

IVF with PGD is a medically invasive and very costly procedure, putting it out of reach for the overwhelming majority of couples who want to have children.



 Even individuals who need IVF as a result of infertility often cannot afford the procedure.

Fertility medications are used to stimulate the ovaries during IVF procedures. The goal is to stimulate the ovaries to produce a large number of eggs rather than the typical one or two that occur during a natural cycle. 



An ultrasound-guided needle is inserted through the vaginal wall to collect the eggs around the middle of the cycle while the patient is under anaesthetic. A sperm sample is provided by a partner or a sperm donor. The eggs and sperm are then mixed together in a laboratory setting. Hopefully, some of the eggs will hatch and become viable. Embryos are the offspring of fertilized eggs.



During the PGD portion of the process, a small number of cells from the growing embryos are harvested.

 These are submitted to a genetics lab for testing.

 This is how it is identified which embryos are XX (girls) and XY (boys) in the first instance (boys).

The parents will then be able to choose which embryos will be put back into the uterus of the delivering parent. For example, if the parents are solely interested in a girl, only XX embryos would be considered for the pregnancy.

Before considering IVF, it is critical that you be aware of all of the dangers to the pregnant woman and her unborn child. PGD is associated with a unique set of risks and expenses.




It should be noted that even IVF with PGD is not 100 percent successful. Errors and errors are bound to happen. 12 Furthermore, not every reproductive clinic is ready to provide IVF with PGD for reasons other than medical need. Some clinics will consider it for the purpose of balancing the family’s needs.



There is no assurance that you will get any embryos of the sex of your choice throughout the procedure. You might obtain all XX embryos or all XY embryos, for example. (See below for additional information on how to increase your chances of winning.) There is no assurance that you will get a baby of the gender you want. Just as IVF does not ensure a pregnancy, transferring an embryo does not imply that you will bring home a child.

The additional embryos of the sex you didn’t want will need to be dealt with in some way, so think about it. Alternatively, you may give them to an infertile couple, dispose of them, or offer them to researchers for use in study. Emotionally and morally taxing as it may be, making this choice may be difficult.




Sorting of Sperm

Even if it is not as effective as IVF with PGD, there is another medical procedure that has greater scientific validity than any of the so-called “natural” techniques. This technique is termed embryo transfer. That’s sperm sorting, particularly using a technique known as flow cytometry to separate the sperm. MicroSort is the name of the technology that has been patented.




MicroSort has been under review by the FDA for many years, but the firm that was performing clinical trials in the United States withdrew its application after receiving negative feedback.

13 MicroSort is no longer accessible in the United States, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) never formally authorized or rejected the technology.

Mexico, North Cyprus, Malaysia, and Switzerland are the countries where MicroSort is presently accessible. People may sometimes go to one of these locations in order to take use of the technology, typically to clinics that cater to the medical tourism business, according to the CDC.




MicroSort’s sperm sorting system operates in the following manner. It is necessary to give a semen sample, which is subjected to a specific washing procedure to eliminate seminal fluids and non-moving sperm.

In the next step, the sperm cells are dyed with a specific dye that is reactive to the DNA present in sperm cells. It is necessary to put the sperm cells in the flow cytometer, which is a technological advancement that allows for the identification of particles in a fluid as they pass by a laser. Because X-sperm cells have a higher DNA concentration than Y-sperm cells, the colored X-sperm cells glow brighter when they pass through UV light than the dyed Y-sperm cells. 



This is how the sperm cells are sorted and identified one by one, when they are extracted from the egg. The technology is not without flaws. It is presently impossible to get “pure” x-sperm or y-sperm from a donor in the United States.

It is then possible to transfer the X- or Y-concentrated sample directly into the uterus via IUI, or to utilize them in conjunction with IVF alone or IVF-PGD. The following are the results of MicroSort clinical studies in which they were successful: 




For individuals who desired a female child, the female sperm samples had 87 percent X-carrying sperm cells, making them an excellent choice. When used for insemination or in conjunction with IVF, 93 percent of the conceptions resulted in the delivery of a girl when pregnancy and birth were accomplished.
The male sperm sorted samples included 74 percent Y-carrying sperm cells, indicating that the samples were healthy. When a healthy pregnancy and delivery were accomplished, 85 percent of the time the resulted in a newborn boy, according to the study.


According to the statistics shown above, the intended parent or parents will have a high chance of having the sex they want. It should be noted that these are not the overall success rates for reproductive therapies.



In this research, 15 percent of the IUI cycles resulted in a clinical pregnancy, according to the findings. The clinical pregnancy rate for IVF cycles was 32 percent, while the clinical pregnancy rate for frozen embryo transfer cycles was 33 percent. These were similar to the success rates that would have been anticipated in the absence of sperm sorting technology. 



It is not known what dangers may be associated with exposing sperm cells to dye, ultraviolet light, or the high pressure produced by the flow cytometer, all of which are unknown. There may be an increased chance of developing chromophobia.

As the sperm cells are separated and recognized one by one, this is how they are sorted and identified. Unfortunately, the technology is not flawless. A “pure” x-sperm or y-sperm kind is presently impossible to get.


It is then possible to transfer the X- or Y-concentrated sample directly to the uterus via IUI, or to utilize them in conjunction with IVF alone or IVF-PGD. In MicroSort clinical studies, the following success rates have been observed: 





The female sperm samples included 87 percent of the X-carrying sperm cells, making them an excellent choice for individuals seeking a female partner. When used for insemination or in conjunction with IVF, 93 percent of the conceptions resulted in the delivery of a girl when pregnancy and birth were successfully accomplished.
The Y-carrying sperm cells were found in 74% of the male sperm sorting samples. Eighty-five percent of the time, a successful pregnancy and delivery resulted in the birth of a male.


According to the statistics shown above, the intended parent or parents will have a high chance of obtaining the sex they want. In general, these are not the success rates for reproductive treatments.

During the course of the research, 15 percent of the IUI cycles resulted in a confirmed pregnancy. A 32 percent clinical pregnancy rate was seen in IVF cycles, while a 33 percent clinical pregnancy rate was observed in frozen embryo transfer cycles. With or without sperm sorting technology, these success rates were similar to those anticipated in the absence of such technology. 







When sperm cells are exposed to dye, ultraviolet light, or the high pressure produced by the flow cytometer, it is not known if there are any dangers involved with doing so. Although there may be a higher danger of chromosomal damage to the sperm cells, we don’t know for certain at this time.’

MicroSort is no longer accessible in the United States, as previously stated. In order to make advantage of it, you’d have to go outside of your country. When considering medical tourism for reproductive treatments, it is important to evaluate the risks, expenses, and advantages associated with doing so.


Method of Ericsson Albumin

Sex selection before conception using the albumin filtration method of sperm sorting, also known as the Ericsson Albumin Method, is a contentious approach. Dr. Ronald Ericsson developed and patented this technique, which is presently the only kind of sperm sorting technology accessible in the United States.





Whether or not this technique is successful is hotly contested. The albumin filtration technique has been reported to be effective in certain research (many of which included Dr. Ericsson himself), but it has also been reported to be ineffective in other studies (some of which involved Dr. Ericsson himself). 


A technique developed by Ericsson.

Women who want a boy are believed to have a somewhat better chance of success with the Ericsson method, with about 80% of those who use it obtaining their desired child.. A little over 70% of those who desired a female partner were successful, according to reports. Approximately 15 percent to 30 percent of kids delivered through this technique will not be of the sex that the intending parents had thought they would have. 

On the surface, the Ericsson technique entails layering carefully cleansed sperm cells on top of an albumin-layered fluid to achieve conception. In menstrual fluid, albumin is a kind of protein that is normally present. Each layer of albumin is thicker than the previous layer, with the thickest layer being at the bottom of the layer pyramid.





Y-sperm cells are expected to swim down and reach the thickest layer of the egg quicker if this is the case. Exactly why this happens (whether because of the faster movement of Y-sperm cells or because of their lower density as compared to X-sperm cells) is still up in question. 16 Filtration is followed by insemination in order to produce a male for people who want to have one (IUI).



After the sperm cells have been screened, IUI may also be used to conceive a female child; however, the fertility medication Clomid must be included in the treatment regimen in this case. X-sperm cells are believed to benefit from Clomid because it alters the cervical mucus, making it more conducive for them to procreate. The evidence to support this, on the other hand, is sparse.





When it comes to having sex, what are your chances? When employing the Ericsson technique, various success rates have been reported. Success rates were between 69 and 75 percent, according to a research conducted in 2014 16 Of course, you should keep in mind that you already have a roughly 50 percent chance of meeting your ideal guy or lady without doing anything.


In terms of treating infertility, how effective is Clomid?

Method of Shettles
Among those who know how to conceive a boy or a girl are familiar with the Shettles technique of sex selection. Doctor Landrum Shettles developed the technique in the 1950s based on his studies of sperm behavior in a laboratory setting. Dr. Shettles was an early IVF pioneer.





In the present state of science, the Shettles technique is ineffective. Unfortunately, it is ineffective. At the time of publication, Dr. Shettles’ ideas were published in peer-reviewed publications; nevertheless, advances in technology and follow-up study have shown that the technique was ineffective. 





Y-sperm, for example, swims faster than X-sperm, which is a fundamental assumption of the technique. By examining the size and activity of sperm cells, Dr. Shettles arrived at this conclusion. It was his observation of the difference in swimming speed between smaller and bigger sperm cells that led him to conclude the smaller sperm cells must be Y-chromosome carrying and the larger sperm cells were X-chromosome bearing. 





Dr. Shettles’ study inspired a large number of other scientists to make the same assumptions. However, computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA), which wasn’t developed until the mid-1980s, has shown that this is not true in most cases. On average, Y-sperm cells do not swim any faster than X-sperm cells, despite the fact that they are larger. Here’s what the Shettles Method states, as well as some of the issues with the theory: 


According to Shettles’ hypothesis, if you want to have a boy, you should have sexual relations as near to ovulation as possible—ideally, within 12 hours of your anticipated ovulation. Until you reach this point, you must also refrain from having sexual relations (or use contraception). There is a hypothesis that the Y-sperm cells will get to the egg first, before the X-carrying sperm cells can get there. 





To have a female child on the other hand, after your menstruation has ended, you should have intercourse every day until two to four days before you anticipate to ovulate according to the theory of reproduction. After that, stay away from sex relationships. When you have the most fertile cervical mucus present, the technique also recommends that you avoid having sexual relations (or utilizing contraception) during that time. The idea goes that since X-carrying sperm cells are slower swimmers than Y-carrying sperm cells, they will live longer than Y-carrying sperm cells, and only X-carrying sperm cells will be present when the egg is ovulated.



It is difficult to schedule intercourse such that it occurs precisely 12 hours before ovulation, which is the flaw in this recommendation. A recent study discovered that no at-home ovulation monitoring technique can be relied on to be as precise as this.




A woman who does not have sex in the two days before to her expected period will lose out on the most fertile days of her cycle. Additionally, avoiding sex while you have egg-white grade cervical mucus implies you’re avoiding your most fertile period. In general, your chances of becoming pregnant at all—with a boy or a girl—decrease as time passes.

The most significant point is that follow-up research on sexual intercourse time (as well as other “natural” techniques) have yielded a mixed bag of findings that are inconsistent. The chances of conceiving a girl were found to be higher in some studies, while the odds of conceiving a boy were found to be higher in others, and the odds of conceiving a boy were found to be higher in other studies. 






It is recommended that if you desire a boy, you engage in sexual activity in the rear-entry position, which is also known as “doggy style.” Y-sperm cells are said to be “faster” than other sperm cells, therefore it is recommended that you adopt sexual positions that get the sperm as near to the cervix as feasible.




For a female, the technique recommends having intercourse in the missionary position while also making a “shallow” entrance, which allows the semen to be deposited somewhat farther away from the cervix, where the vaginal environment is slightly more acidic, so the girl will be born.

It has a flaw, however, since sexual position has no effect on how fast certain sperm cells reach the egg. Y sperm cells do not swim any quicker than X sperm cells, as we have discovered. 





To enhance the acidity of the vagina, Shettles recommends douching with vinegar before trying to conceive a girl in order to give X-sperm cells an edge.
19 He thought that X-sperm cells were more resilient than Y-sperm cells.

What’s wrong with this advice? Douching has the potential to interfere with your body’s natural pH balance. As a result, it may cause inflammation and infection, as well as the removal of the fertility-boosting cervical mucus that is necessary for all sperm cells (both male and female). Ending up with a negative pregnancy test may lower your chances of becoming pregnant in the first place. 



If you wish to produce a boy, Shettles’ technique also recommends that the lady have an orgasm, which, according to the idea, aids the Y-sperm cells in swimming even quicker. It is not recommended to have an orgasm with a female partner if you wish to become pregnant with a girl. According to Dr. Shettles, the absence of an orgasm will also result in a less favorable pH balance in the vaginal environment for Y-carrying sperm cells.



According to the evidence shown above, Y-chromosome-carrying sperm cells do not travel any faster on average than X-chromosome-carrying sperm cells. As a result of these findings, we no longer recommend following this advise. Furthermore, there is no proof that having or not having an orgasm would have any effect on the sex of the child you conceive with your partner. While some research suggests that having an orgasm will increase your chances of becoming pregnant, other evidence suggests that it will decrease your chances. 21 So, if you’re craving an orgasm, don’t hold it back!




Method of Whelan
In accordance with the recommendations of Dr. Elizabeth Whelan, an epidemiologist, the Whelan Method was created (an epidemiologist is a scientist who studies disease). Doctor Rodrigo Guerrero conducted research in the 1970s that is the basis for her approach.

Dr. Guerrero discovered that the chances of conceiving a boy were somewhat greater if sexual contact happened several days before ovulation, and that the odds of conceiving a girl were slightly higher if sexual contact occurred shortly before or after ovulation, respectively.


Timing Sex

Several contradictory ideas and research have been conducted on the effectiveness of scheduling sexual encounters in order to increase your chances of having a boy or a girl, as previously mentioned.


 The fact that you can’t truly control the experiment makes this an extremely tough topic to research…. 


The inability to conceive cannot be explained by locking couples in a lab for months on end. In addition, sex happens on more than one day in a cycle the majority of the time, according to research.



With various degrees of success, many people have tried to figure out when the “magical” days are for having a boy or girl.

When intercourse happens in the days leading up to conception, according to another study, you’re more likely to have a boy.



The reverse was stated by another expert, who said that intercourse that takes place near to ovulation increases the likelihood of having a boy, while sex that happens days before ovulation increases the likelihood of having a girl.


For example, as you’ve just read above, several suggested techniques are in direct conflict with one another (only examine Shettles, Whelan, and O + 12).
According to one study, if conception happens on the day of ovulation, you are more likely to have a male as a result of your pregnancy. Having a girl is more probable if it happens two days sooner than expected.
The results of a statistical study conducted in 2016 revealed that having intercourse on a certain day did not increase the likelihood of having a boy or a girl.



Even while it would be great (and simple!) if timing sex could influence the chances, current research indicates that this is unlikely to be the case.

Dietary Supplements, Foods, and Other Resources
In regards to whether or not the mother’s food has an impact on what kind of child she will have, there are a number of competing ideas.


 Most gender-swaying eating regimens fit into one of three broad categories:

Nutritional intake in terms of calories and fat
Dietary factors that may influence your body’s pH include: decreasing or increasing consumption of certain minerals.
The majority of these ideas are anecdotal in origin, and there is little to no evidence to support them. Furthermore, the studies that are available are often tiny, old, or otherwise restricted in some manner, making them difficult to test.



Weight-Loss Programs Based on the Calorie-Fat Theory
According to the calorie-fat hypothesis diets, birthing parents who eat diets that are higher in calories are somewhat more likely to have a boy as a result of the pregnancy. The likelihood of a girl eating a low-calorie diet increases.

Several research on the shifting sex ratio during war and hunger led to the development of this hypothesis. A change in the gender ratio was seen during certain particular time periods, although this was not observed in other research. You are not likely to increase your chances of having a boy or a girl by increasing your fat or calorie intake. 25

Dietary Hypotheses Regarding pH
In accordance with pH diet ideas, the pH of your body may be shifted toward being more acidic or more alkaline depending on the foods you consume. In general, having a girl is seen to be more likely than having a boy, while having a boy is thought to be more difficult. 10

Observational studies of sperm cells in vitro have shown that they respond differently to different environmental stimuli It is true that X-sperm can tolerate more acidic conditions than Y-sperm when grown in a laboratory setting.


  The following issues, however, arise:

The ability to anticipate how sperm cells would behave in a natural environment based on their behavior in a petri dish is virtually impossible to achieve.
Second, it works very hard to preserve homeostasis, which refers to the circumstances that are most favorable for your overall well-being and health. Keeping certain pH levels in mind is essential.



 In addition to your hormone levels (which fluctuate during your menstrual cycle), the time of day, stress levels, and many other variables, your pH levels may alter as a result of environmental influences. In reality, you have little influence over this, particularly to the degree of precision that would be required if it were possible to conceive a certain sex based on pH levels in your urine.


Diets High in Minerals to Change Gender
Gender shifting diets based on minerals are believed to enhance the likelihood of having a girl since they are low in sodium and potassium but rich in calcium and magnesium.

This diet, in conjunction with scheduled sexual encounters, was the subject of one short research. In order to prove that the diet was successful in shifting mineral levels, they conducted blood tests as well. Attempts were made by all of the couples to get pregnant with a female.



The participants’ dietary requirements included no prepared meals with salt, large amounts of dairy products (at least 500 grams per day), avoidance of potatoes (which are rich in potassium), and supplementation with calcium (500 to 700 mg), magnesium (400 to 600 mg), and vitamin D. It was decided how much to supplement with depending on the results of the blood tests

To prevent sexual contact in the two days before their anticipated ovulation date, as well as for many days after ovulation was discovered, couples were instructed to follow the guidelines. Following Shettles’ time hypothesis for having a daughter, here is how you become pregnant.




A extremely high drop-out rate was seen in the research, which began with 150 couples and ended with just 32 women meeting both the dietary and time of sex requirements. Eighty-one percent of those who gave birth to children were women. Those who didn’t get the time perfect but nevertheless followed the diet regimen had a greater chance of getting a female, according to the findings of the research (but not as high). 



Diets that are sexist or discriminatory should be avoided.
Dietary recommendations may be severe in certain cases. Your calorie intake or the variety of things you eat may be tightly regulated by them. Some of these diets may be harmful to your health if followed for a prolonged period of time. Some of these diets may cause a relapse in those who have a history of disordered eating.



In addition, when it comes to taking supplements or limiting certain mineral intakes (such as sodium and potassium), bear in mind that this may be detrimental to your general health. First, consult with your doctor before beginning any diet or using any supplements.



Comparing boxers with briefs is a great way to start the conversation.
According to laboratory research, sperm cells containing the X gene can tolerate somewhat higher temperatures than sperm cells carrying the Y gene. Consequently, briefs are strongly recommended for males who want female procreation if they wish to conceive. Scrotum temperatures rise as a result of the testicles being held closer to the body by briefs.



What evidence is there that this makes a difference, and how do we know? No. Furthermore, according to a recent research, underwear selection had no significant effect on sperm quality or the period between conception and pregnancy.1 28 Always remember that when you deliberately try to raise the temperature of your sperm sac you run the danger of decreasing total sperm count as well as the number of Y-carrying sperm cells.



The pH of the vaginal fluid may be adjusted.
According to the hypothesis underlying douching for preconception sex selection, X-carrying sperm cells are more durable than Y-carrying sperm cells, which has been shown in the laboratory. According to research conducted in Petri dishes, X-sperm can withstand more acidic settings, while Y-sperm performs better in more alkaline conditions.

For a girl, gender swaying advice websites recommend dousing with vinegar solution, whereas for boys, they recommend dousing with a baking soda-based solution (source: Alternatively, as is often said, try coating your finger with baking soda and inserting it into your vaginal opening. “Baking soda finger” is another term for this condition.



The practice of douching does not seem to be beneficial for either male or female fertility. It also has detrimental impacts on your vaginal environment, hinders fertility, and increases your chance of contracting an infection, to name a few consequences. 3

You shouldn’t do that for a variety of reasons.


Infection or inflammation of the vaginal mucosa are possible consequences. You may also reduce your chances of becoming pregnant by doing one of these things:
You’ll wash away the cervical mucus that you need in order to get pregnant in the first place.



When you are more fertile, your vaginal environment, by itself, provides the optimum circumstances for sperm survival. It’s possible that douching may distort the optimum pH values and will result in the death of all sperm cells, rather than only those of the desired Y or X sperm cell type.
Kits for Choosing a Partner at Home
Purchases may be made in the form of goods and “sex selection kits”. A variety of “tools” or supplements are typically included with the information or instructions to follow.

It is possible that they will contain a douching device (which is typically accompanied by a recipe to create at home), nutrition recommendations and menus, ovulation-tracking devices like as thermometers or ovulation test strips, and so on. In certain cases, you may be given pH strips to use to determine the acidity or alkalinity of your vaginal or cervical fluids, or the acidity or alkalinity of your partner’s urine. Additionally, a pregnancy test or two may be included.




One option is to join an online “support” group or forum, which is sometimes as simple as joining a private Facebook group with other parents who are also trying to get pregnant with a girl or boy. Take advantage of this opportunity and do not spend your money.

Firstly, they will not tell you anything about the subject that you haven’t already read here, can’t get for free somewhere online, or can’t discover in a book from the library.

To begin with, everything is predicated on shaky scientific principles. No proof exists that measuring the pH of your cervical mucus can assist you in conceiving a male or female child. The notion that a girl (or a boy) should have sexual relations at a certain time is extremely controversial. And there are no “magic” meals or menus that will guarantee that you will have a boy or a girl as a result of your conception.





It is preferable, third, to purchase supplements on your own rather than via a distributor. Remember that the FDA does not regulate supplements, so you have no way of knowing whether your “baby boy” mix includes what it claims to contain, presuming that the company will even tell you what it contains prior to purchasing the product. You may also save money by purchasing your own ovulation tests, pregnancy tests, and pH testing strips.




Last but not least, some of these websites are frauds. A handful of them are legitimate websites, but the vast majority of them are phishing sites designed only to steal your credit card data.

These websites have the ability to persuade the viewer. Possibly, they have a long list of raving customers Who knows whether those folks are genuine, however. Was there anybody who was dissatisfied with the outcome? Particularly when the evaluations are released by the business itself, you have no way of knowing what tales you aren’t getting to hear about.




In addition, they may provide a money-back guarantee; but, does this promise cover getting your money back if you don’t end up with the guy or girl you were expecting to find? As they cannot guarantee this, do not set your expectations higher than what can be reasonably met.

Yet another friend did XYZ and had a boy or girl as a result of his or her actions.
There are a plethora of publicly available success tales. In forums and Facebook groups dedicated to gender swaying, or from friends who swear by a specific technique they tried, you may come across these claims. Alternatively, you may study testimonies or reviews on sex selection products websites.

Keep in mind that even if someone employs a technique that has no scientific validity, the results will still be positive.

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