1. It all begins with the right cut of beef…ask for meat that has a marbled fat distribution and is around 1″ thick. It will keep your meat wet and juicy since the fat serves as a natural tenderizer while you’re cooking it.
  2. Reduce the heat of your grill to a low setting, around 300°F.
  3. Spices and salt to taste should be applied to the steak after it has been brushed with butter.
  4. Placing the steak over indirect heat using a digital meat thermometer, such as Napoleon’s Wireless Meat Thermometer, will ensure that the steak is properly cooked.
  5. Turning once or twice throughout cooking will help to ensure that the meat achieves an internal temperature of 125°F.
  6. The steak should be removed from the pan and rested for 5 to 15 minutes. Prepare your Infrared SIZZLE ZONETM or your grill to high heat (about 500°F) while it’s resting.
  7. Following resting, sear the steak for 1 minute over high heat, then remove from fire.
  8. Turn the steak 45 degrees and sear it for another minute before turning it on the grill.
  9. On the opposite side of the steak, repeat the searing and turning process.
  10. Because you rested the steak before to searing it, you may serve it immediately at this time.


Barbecue fans like the wonderful smokey taste that comes from the grill. A gas grill, on the other hand, makes it difficult to duplicate. Gas grills, although convenient, do not provide the same level of flavor and flavor intensity as charcoal grills offer. 



We’ll show you how to recreate the flavor of food that’s been smoked over charcoal or wood on a gas grill.






Wood chips may be used to provide a smokey taste on a gas grill, which is ideal for barbecue. Hickory and fruit woods such as apple or cherry are quite popular and perform well on gas grills because of their flavor and fragrance.



 Using mesquite chips, you may get a taste of the American Southwest. Specialty chips, each with a distinct taste of their own, are also available. The rich smoke taste of our Mesquite Wood Chips is excellent for adding to meats, cheeses, and even vegetables.




To successfully cook with wood chips, you’ll need to put in some effort ahead of time. Set the chips aside to soak while you select which wood would go best with the cuisine you’re smoking. Ideally, they should be soaked for at least 30 minutes in liquid (water, beer, or juice). When the chips are soaked, they are more likely to smolder rather than burn. 



Food gets its smokey taste from the gradual smoldering of the meat. As soon as the chips have been soaked and the grill has been prepared, put them in a Napoleon Smoker Pipe, a foil package, or the integrated smoker tray (for Prestige PROTM Model Grills) and set them over the hot fire.



It requires patience and time to fully cook meat with smoke.. It might take up to 12 hours or more to properly smoke a brisket or pulled pork. Because of the low temperature, this is the result. When it comes to smoking, slow and steady wins the race. In order to get the best results, it is recommended to use a charcoal smoker such as our Apollo® Series Smokers for a lengthy cook such as when preparing brisket, rather than the procedure described above. 



Using a gas grill to smoke food doesn’t have to require a lot of time or effort. For quicker cooking, such as when you reverse sear a steak and want to add a bit more smokey flavor, this method is great.



A Napoleon Smoker Pipe is used on a gas grill to provide smoke flavor.


Naturally, you can’t simply throw wet wood chips into the bottom of a gas grill and expect them to do the job. Something like Napoleon’s Smoker Pipe will enough to keep them contained. 



A container will keep the wet chips in place, catch the ash that will surely fall from them, and provide you with the ability to transfer the chips about and off of the grill with relative ease, all of which are beneficial. They also help to keep your chips from burning out too quickly by restricting airflow through them, as they are commonly referred to as.



Simply said, that’s the whole process! Once you learn the fundamentals of gas grilling, it is not difficult to mimic the smokey taste of charcoal or wood cooking. You’re now ready for the exciting part: experimenting with various wood and food combos.




Grilling Success!

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