Quotes to help you heal and move on after a breakup.

Quotes to help you heal and move on after a breakup.

A breakup may be quite painful. Your spirit and body ache. Even though you know the pain of the split will pass and you will heal, it is difficult to be positive when you can’t see the end of the tunnel. It’s normal to seek solace in simple things like reading inspirational words from others who have been through similar situations.

Even though it seems like no one understands what you’re going through right now, you’re not alone. The words of someone who has experienced tragedy serve as a reminder that this too will pass. You will emerge stronger and better. It helps to know that your pain is normal and that you, like everyone else, will get over it. So, here are some inspiring quotations to help you get over your breakup blues.

101 Breakup Quotes To Calm Your Pain

Quotes To Soothe Your Hurting Heart 

“Sometimes excellent things break apart to make great things.” – M. Monroe




“You may love, forgive, and wish them well… yet still go on without them.” — M. Hale




“The toughest part of someone leaving you is the realization that they tested you out and, in the end, you were rejected by the one you love. How can you not feel like a stale British Rail sandwich?” ‘Henry’s’




“A broken relationship doesn’t imply it wasn’t worth having.” – Mlynowski



“It will make sense.” – Anon


“I need to forget what’s gone, appreciate what’s left, and anticipate what’s next.” – Anon


“Life always waits for a crisis to exhibit its most brilliant.” – Coelho


“It’s simply mending and it hurts.” – Anon




“When you break up with someone, and I don’t mean casually, it’s difficult to accept their unexpected disappearance. It reminded me of leaving school and the strange unsettled sensation I experienced afterwards, like if I’d forgotten something. 




My life had revolved on schooling up until that moment, and then it vanished. Homework, courses, errands, and eventually a life of labor. No one prepares you or even describes that emotion. You have a gap and must pick how to fill it. A breakup is like that gap, except worse. One day, the person you chatted to or did things with disappears. Gone. Poof. Although I am not one of those persons who has to be in a relationship constantly, I felt lost.” – McBride




We are stronger, bolder and wiser because of our pain. – Anon


The hope that you will change your mind and return to me has to vanish. – Anon



“I stop being unhappy and start being awesome.” – Stinson



“This is what happens when you attempt to make your own choices. Brain.” – Anon



“Take a moment today to appreciate everything that you have.” – Anon



“It’ll be alright, even though it seems like the greatest agony ever.” – Anon



Let go hurts

“To let go hurts. The more you attempt to hang on to something, the more it wants to flee. You feel guilty for wanting, for feeling. For wanting to be desired. Having emotions that aren’t returned confuses you, and it makes you feel tiny because it’s hard to hold it within when you let it out. You’re left alone for no reason. Isn’t there something like that? I, and you, have been there. You nod.” – Rollins



“Nothing in the cosmos can stop you from moving on.” G. Finley



“True love never went smoothly.” – Shakespeare


“Unbreakable hearts will never be practical.” – L.F. Baum


“Love never understands its full depth until the hour of separation.” — Gibran


“Leaving a long-term relationship may be tough, especially when our inner knowledge urges us to. To let go and face the severe anguish of leaving behind the familiar is a choice we have at this time. Or we may remain and let emotional cancer slowly eat away at our hearts and souls. In the midst of the relationship’s dysfunction, we lose sight of who we are, our desires, and our needs.” – J. DeWalt




“Never let someone be your priority while you remain their option.” Twain



“If you have ever suffered a painful breakup of a romantic relationship, sir, you may comprehend what I went through. It usually starts with a rush of passion, followed by elation at finally being free; the world seems new as if seen for the first time; then comes the inevitable doubt, the desperate and doomed backtracking of regret; only later, after emotions have subsided, is one able to view the journey with equanimity.” – M. Hamid




No idea where I’m heading, but I’m going. – Sagan


“Hot love has a chilly end.” – Plato


“Is that T.S. Eliot? Arrive to your starting point, but for the first time. A breakup is written from a different perspective. Same blemish. Same crater. But wiser now that I’m older. God bless maturing.” – Alanis


It was designed to be broken. – Wilde



“Failed relationships are like squandered makeup.” “Don’t weep when the sun goes, since tears block your view of the stars.” – Violeta




The relationship has no future if your record collections fight or your favorite flicks wouldn’t even talk if they met at a party. – Hornby




Anyhow, your heart is crushed.

“The world doesn’t stop for your shattered heart.” – F. Kazi




A beloved pleasure does not always equate to actual happiness and well-being. Henri Leloup


A door shuts, yet we gaze so long and so sadly at the one that closes that we miss the one that opens for us. — A. G. Bell




“Your fate is molded in your decisions.” – A. Robbins


“Love is unwavering. That isn’t true. — Gudmunson




“When we feel incomplete, we look for someone to complete us. When we are still dissatisfied after a few years or months of a relationship, we blame our partners and move on to someone more promising. This may continue on and on until we realize that although a partner might enrich our lives, we are individually accountable for our own happiness. Nobody other can give it for us, and believing otherwise puts us at risk of failure in every relationship we enter.” – Robbins



“I never repaid a man’s diamonds.” — Gabor Zsa


Then there’s cheating and lying. Reasons to split up.” — Patti Henry




It’s like losing a diamond while playing with useless stones. Nguyen Nguyen


“I enjoy my relationships over soft, like my eggs.” — J. Kintz




“Pain is unavoidable.” “Pain is optional.” Mary Kate Casey


“Love your life. Every second.” – Kerouac




“Never love anybody who treats you like a nobody.” – Wilde




“I will gently let you go when you leave me, tired of me.” Sowol Kim 


“He’ll be unhappy he lost you, so relax. Put the past behind you and focus on the amazing lady you are.” – Anon




We must be ready to let go of our plans.


“We must be ready to let go of our planned lives to receive the life that awaits us.” – Campbell
“I kept you. I’m out. You’ll look for me, but I won’t be found.” – R.H.


“Much can be mended. It’s fixable. But connections between individuals are not always fixable.

 You’re on a ship leaving port, and the other individual has joined the inland circus or is boarding a separate ship. You shouldn’t be.” C. JoyBell


“I hope one day you look back and regret all you did to let it end.” – Anon

“I’m grateful for my hardship since it brought me to my strength.” A.E.



“Not talking to someone you used to chat to every day is hard.” – Anon
“I’m sick of battling. I want to be battled for once.” – Anonymous “Smile, dear, lovely girl. You will fall in love again and it will be wonderful.” – Anon


“You made me feel unlovable and I will never forgive you.” – Anon
“Letting go doesn’t imply you don’t care. Realizing that the only person you can really influence is yourself.” – Reber, D.


“Even on my worst days, I become stronger” — Sarah E.


“Every woman who has fully realized her value has taken a trip to freedom, which landed in the valley of change.” S. L. Adler


“Sometimes you simply have to accept that certain individuals are just in your life to make you happy.” – Anon


“I still love you. But you wouldn’t understand it no matter how hard I tried.” – Anon


“Do something that makes your heart sing every day.” – Mary Wieder


The hardest thing I’ll ever do is leave you.

“Leaving you is the hardest thing I’ll ever do.” – Anon


“Two. 3 vowels 4 consonants 7 letters It may either rip you apart and cause unbearable suffering, or it can release your spirit and remove a huge burden off your shoulders. “It’s over.” Richard Maggi
“My life has become one huge ‘I dunno.'” – Anon


“Get up, dress up, and show up.” Genovese Rhodo
Yours is my favorite ‘what if.’ – Anon


“Believe that an end leads to a beginning.” – Anon
So don’t live in yesterdays or for tomorrows, but in the here and now. Keep forward and disregard the remembrances; no one can predict the future.” – Sandburg


“The manner they depart says it all.” – Anon
“The hardest part of letting go is discovering someone else did.” – Anon
“Life lessons: ‘No’ is a whole phrase. It is self-explanatory.” – Anon
In your thoughts, I’m slowly slipping away.” – Anon



“Mistakes are part of life. But loving is never a mistake.” Rolland, Romain
“And then your name stopped making me smile.” – Anon
So stop crying, I didn’t lose you. I’m gone.” – Anon
Then I’ll keep your name on my heart till I die. You were my only son forever.” — Coco J.
Be harmed. Bleed it


“Let it sting.” Bleed it. Heal it. “Let it go. — Nikita
“It occurs. Then they annihilate you.” – Anon
It was a simple welcome followed by a complex farewell. – Anon
“I felt so much I felt nothing.” – Anon


“Don’t regret. Thank you. Not your fault.” – Anon
Then I called it love. – Anon
“Right now, my sole commitment is to improve myself.” – Anon
“Bad things happen; how I react determines my character and my life. I may either stay in constant grief, frozen by my loss, or I can rise from the anguish and cherish my most valuable gift — life.” W. Anderson


“Passion is death, action is life.” Passiveness invites unpleasant things into your life.” – Anon
“Moving on is easy, leaving behind is hard.” — Mustaine


“It’s far more fun to discover what bonds two individuals together. Why we remain together is more mysterious than why we don’t.” — Jane Stanton
“Ask yourself who Columbus would be today if he hadn’t dared to leave the beach back then?” – Anon
I’m not bitter or cynical about love since I saw you go. Life helps me understand how wonderful it will be when the right person comes along.” “Life is a bicycle.” Preserve moving to keep your balance.” – Einstein


“To develop and learn, one must leave one’s comfort zone. Often, this requires facing your fears in order to discover what you were seeking for. It needs bravery.” – Anon
Love never dies


“Love never dies. If not returned, it softens and purifies the heart.” – W. Irving
“I was never one to carefully pick up shattered pieces, glue them back together, and declare the repaired whole as good as new. “I’d rather remember it as it was at its finest than fix it and see the shattered parts for the rest of my life.” – M. Mitchell


In order to go on in life, you must let go of your previous mistakes and heartaches. – Anon
“Letting go is tough, but hanging on is much harder. But strength is letting go, not hanging on.” LEN SANO


“Every time you confront fear head-on, you acquire strength, bravery, and confidence. You may say to yourself, ‘I survived this tragedy, I can handle the next thing.’ You must do the thing you fear.” – E.R.


“Was I sour? Absolutely. Hurt? Sure, I was wounded. Who doesn’t experience heartbreak with rejection? You wonder what, why, and how, and your despair evolves to rage. Favorite portion. It fuels me and produces a great story.” Jenna Salaiz



“Dreams shatter into million bits. Dreams die. So you may either accept reality or, like a fool, imagine another fantasy.” — Ephron


“I’m not good at relationships and haven’t been in many. I know that leaving and moving on – returning to a familiar sense of self-reliance and autonomy – is as comfortable and reassuring as staying.” — Carrie B.


“I believe a spiritual journey is not a discovery adventure. It’s a healing process. It’s a quest to discover your true essence. It exists.” – Corgan
It’s a safe bet that they don’t love and want to be with you. It’s not that hard. Love usually betrays the one who feels it. Don’t spend time pondering. Don’t waste time wishing for someone who doesn’t want you. Anyone who would pass you up isn’t that amazing.” — Donna Lynn



“To genuinely cherish loyalty, one must first suffer betrayal.” — T. Merritt
Even in difficult times, remember that this is your life and you should be thankful for it. No, not just the nice portions. This will help you recognize that a split does not terminate life. It may be one of the nicest things that has ever happened to you — you simply don’t know it yet. So, even in the midst of sadness, strive to enjoy it. Sadness is a natural aspect of existence. Not a major role, but nonetheless a part. And knowing there will be light after the darkness helps

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