The pronghorn can run at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour (96.5 kilometers per hour), which is unrivaled among North American large game species. As far as we can tell from fossil records, they are the only truly native large game species on the continental North American continent.


 It is believed that all other large game animals are descended from creatures that crossed the Bering Strait from Asia to reach North America.


Pronghorns are referred to as antelope by hunters, however they are not related to the antelope found in Africa. Pronghorns are so named because of the sharp prongs that protrude forward from the horns of mature buck bulls. 


The bottom and rump of the animal are white, while the upper body is brown. The record pronghorn rack has a right horn that is 170/4 inches (45.1 cm) in length, which is the longest in the world. The length of its left horn is 17;;’ inches (43.8 cm).


The animal was shot in the state of Arizona back in 1985.
For their endurance, pronghorns have developed special adaptations such as a larger windpipe and a big lung capacity relative to their body size, which allow them to sustain fast speeds for many kilometers (km).


 Their huge eyes are nearly 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter, and their vision is unmatched by any other creature on Earth.
Pronghorn antelope prefer wide grasslands, prairies, and treeless hillsides over densely wooded areas. The optimal habitat consists of undulating hills dotted with water holes, as well as an abundance of sagebrush to provide food.



 According to one research, the usual diet comprised of 55 percent sagebrush, 30 percent rabbitbrush, 7 percent grass, and 5 percent forbs, with the remainder being grass (broadleaf plants). It is best for them to eat in the early morning and late afternoon, although they may graze at any time of the day or night.



 Pronghorns get the majority of their water requirements from the succulent plants in their diet throughout the spring and early summer, but during the dry seasons of July and autumn, they must visit a water hole at least once a day to replenish their supplies.




When it comes to danger, this animal is apprehensive and frightened, and it is always on the watch for any signals of it. The pronghorn’s sense of smell is excellent; but, sight and speed are its greatest defenses against predators. 



Antelopes display their white rump hairs or bark when they are scared, signaling the rest of the herd that something is wrong. However, in contrast to their fearful demeanor, pronghorns are highly inquisitive creatures that may travel large distances to inspect an uncommon sight.


The mating season starts in August in the northern pronghorn area and may last as late as November in the southern pronghorn range, depending on the location. Maturity and dominance are shown in the spring by adult dominant bucks claiming territory that contain the finest food and water. 



They are very protective of their area against other entering buck herds. During the rutting season, the dominant or herd buck makes an effort to amass and maintain a large harem of does in his area, breeding each of them when they reach the age of sexual maturity. 


Pronghorn buck fights, which occur when the herd buck drives away invading bucks, are rare and seldom result in significant harm.


These diversions may continue long enough for a hunter to stalk within range.
When hunting pronghorns, the most effective method is to spot and stalk them. From a high position on the ground, look through the hunter glasses with binoculars or a spotting scope. After a nice buck has been located, a stalk is planned to get him within shot range, taking use of any available cover.




Stand-hunting strategies may be utilized if a herd demonstrates repeated daily movement patterns. Some hunters put up a blind and wait near a well-used waterhole or fence crossing, which they believe will be productive. Pronghorns prefer to go under or through fences rather than around them. They cross the road in the same locations on a regular basis, leaving hair on the barbed wire or on the ground.
Stand-hunting in the vicinity of these areas is often fruitful.



Most hunters choose for a flat-shooting rifle, although exploiting the contour of the terrain a gun hunter may be able to approach within 100 yards (91 m) (91 m). Bowhunters must go considerably closer to their prey and have devised strategies to circumvent the limitations of their weapons’ range. When the bucks are rutting, decoying may be an effective means of attracting their attention. 



The hunter positions the decoy in close proximity to a dominant buck, concealing himself behind it in the hopes that the antelope would fight the intruder. An antelope call may also be used to confront aggressive bucks while decoying, which can be effective. A gun hunter may use the usage of calls.

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