Pressure Canning Fish tips

Pressure Canning Fish tips.

Take off the bones, scales, head, tail, fins, and any internal organs. Rinse off any blood.
Slice into 3 to 312-inch-long sections.

No Raw Pack
The skin side of each piece of fish should be towards the outside of the jar when you place it in clean pint canning jars. Give yourself 1 inch of headroom. Clean the jar rims, then screw on the canning lids.

Canner with dial gauge
100 minutes; 11 pounds; quarts only. For changes for high altitude, see the sidebar chart.

Canner with weighted gauge
100 minutes; 10 pounds; only pints. For changes for high altitude, see the sidebar chart.
Home canned fish sometimes develops crystals of magnesium ammonium phosphate, and as far as I’m aware, there is no method to stop this from happening. These crystals, however, disintegrate when heated during cooking and are safe.

Pressure Clams and other shellfish are canned

Until you are ready to can the shellfish, keep it refrigerated. Clean the shells well.
The shells will open after around 5 minutes of steaming (discard any that do not open).
By conserving the liquid in the shells, remove the meat. Instead of steaming oysters, roast them in a 400°F oven for 5 minutes.

Shellfish meat should be rinsed in a brine of 1 teaspoon salt to 1 quart of water. A second brine may be made in a gallon of water with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid. To boil, bring this second brine. Cook the shellfish flesh for 2 minutes after adding it. In a colander, drain.

Only Hot Pack
Leave 114 inches of head space between the prepared shellfish flesh and the rim of clean, hot canning jars. With a headspace of 1 inch, cover the shellfish with the conserved juices and boiling water. Clean the jar rims, then screw on the canning lids.

Canner with dial gauge
11 pounds; half-pints take 60 minutes, and pints take 70 minutes. For changes for high altitude, see the sidebar chart.

Canner with weighted gauge
10 pounds; half-pints and pints take 60 and 70 minutes, respectively. For changes for high altitude, see the sidebar chart.

Multi-Ingredient Recipes for Canning

When you wish to pressure can a multi-component dish, such as spaghetti sauce, soup (other than basic, clear stocks), or the ratatouille recipe below, the pressure canning time is decided by the ingredient that requires the longest processing time.

For instance, if I want to pressure can a soup with both carrots and chicken, the vegetables only need 25 minutes (for quarts), while the meat needs a whole 75 minutes.

Both of those items must be added to a soup that must be pressure canned for 75 minutes.
Additionally, even though tomato sauce with extra acid may be canned in a boiling water bath, you must pressure can it if you add a lot of mushrooms, onions, and other low-acid components to make pasta sauce. Again, the component that requires the most processing time will determine the canning time.

How to use a pressure canner to make a bath of boiling water

You may use your pressure canner to prepare acidic foods in a bath of boiling water. For foods containing acids, your pressure canner can also serve as a boiling water bath. The directions change a little from those for boiling water bath canning or pressure canning.

Keep in mind that using this approach turns your pressure canner into a boiling water bath; you cannot pressure can low-acid items with this method. Use this technique only for acidic substances that may be safely canned in a bain-marie of hot water.
When usual, leave head space as you fill your jars with the acidic food you are canning. Glue the canning lids on.

After inserting the rack into your pressure canner, arrange the jars on top of the rack with some room in between. Just enough hot water to cover the lids should be added.

This last stage differs from both pressure canning, in which the tops of the jars are completely covered by water, and conventional boiling water bath canning, in which the jars must be covered by an inch or two of water.

By screwing or clamping it on, the pressure canner’s lid is kept in place. Turn on the high heat and leave the vent open. As soon as the steam begins to aggressively emerge from the vent, begin timing your boiling water bath processing in accordance with the recipe’s directions.

Keep the vent open at all times. Keep in mind that the processing time doesn’t begin when the heat is turned on; rather, it does so when steam begins to emerge from the vent.

When the time for the boiling water bath is up, turn off the heat and let the canner cool completely before opening it and removing the jars.

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